To The Children Marching Today Across the USA...

By the way Dystopo-freak ----- you can't edit other people's posts just because you couldn't handle what it said.
Fucking Dumbass.
-------------------------------------------- cut him some slack eh , i have found my self ALMOST editing some boneheads post because i was in a hurry to teach him something or just make a comment POGO .

I don't give a fuck what hole you 'almost found yourself in' --- YOU CAN'T EDIT OTHER PEOPLE'S WORDS just because you can't handle what the words were. And it's MORE WORK to edit them than to just quote them, so get your dishonest wangly ass the hell out of here.
----------------------------------------------- as i said , i think that the guy made a mistake is all it was POGO !!

"Mistake" MY ASS.
DO NOT sit here and insult the whole world's intelligence, K? It takes initiative action to change the words in a quoted post, where the quote itself is AUTOMATIC. He committed a violation, and that's why the post no longer exists. And you want to excuse it away with BULLSHIT. Mindless moron.

These pissant kids are the ones who are clueless and immoral.

By all means essplain to the class how a peaceful and legal pro-life demonstration is "immoral", o death merchant.
blah... blah ..... blah.

#4. Who's gonna be 5?

del ends up being #5 for liking Pogo's post.

May I please be #6?

Get help dude

Oh no, that won't be enough. Everyone who even READ my post calling out the Dystopian Butthurt has to go on Ignore too. Even as we speak the OP is demanding that info from USMB.

Then the server that hosted it must be taken out to a field and sprayed with automatic rifle fire, then burned at the stake, its ashes buried, and those ashes loaded on a rocket which will then be fired into the sun --- yea, that any alternative view may be obliterated and the Dystopic Diarrhea may prevail, world without end, Amen.

More blankie! More blankie! :lalala:

You really have to wonder about an idiot who joins a DISCUSSION board only to then spend all his time ignore-listing everybody who challenges his view just so that he can live in Pointland.

Truth hurts!

By the way Dystopo-freak ----- you can't edit other people's posts just because you couldn't handle what it said.
Fucking Dumbass.
-------------------------------------------- cut him some slack eh , i have found my self ALMOST editing some boneheads post because i was in a hurry to teach him something or just make a comment POGO .

I don't give a fuck what hole you 'almost found yourself in' --- YOU CAN'T EDIT OTHER PEOPLE'S WORDS just because you can't handle what the words were. And it's MORE WORK to edit them than to just quote them, so get your dishonest wangly ass the hell out of here.
I think you can edit other peoples words. It's really pretty simple.
------------------------------------- YEAH , its easy to make a mistake so AGREED , and i don't know who or what post was altered but if its a mistake then its a mistake imo . If its done purposely then thats a different story in my opinion Mike and POGO .
Here is the crowd today in DC and the bad news for the NRA and NRA bought stooge politicians?

They'll all be voting in November

Here is the crowd today in DC and the bad news for the NRA and NRA bought stooge politicians?

They'll all be voting in November

I think it's great. I've said for a long time we need to go ahead bring the next civil war to a head. Because that's what you people are starting with your disingenuous half truths and lies.
Here is the crowd today in DC and the bad news for the NRA and NRA bought stooge politicians?

They'll all be voting in November


And the NRA will grow like it has since Parkland. We have added over 500,000 new members. These little Antifa boys and girls need to run along now. LMAO

Almost eighteen you say? Gee, they are almost two thirds the way to moving out on their own....
I wonder if all the black thugs from the liberal cities feel the same way and attended the rallies?

Here is the crowd today in DC and the bad news for the NRA and NRA bought stooge politicians?

They'll all be voting in November


And the NRA will grow like it has since Parkland. We have added over 500,000 new members. These little Antifa boys and girls need to run along now. LMAO

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hope so Geaux !!
Another way of looking at this is a bunch of people who have armed bodyguards paid for them to go and protest guns.
Since 2013, there have been 35 kids killed in school shootings.
In that same span of time, there have been many hundreds of kids killed by heroin. But there won't be any marches on Washington, no Women's March involvement, no organized Democrat party protests.
Mass murder is okay because a lot more kids die from heroin. Idiot!
Mass murder is already against the law. Idiot.
Since 2013, there have been 35 kids killed in school shootings.
In that same span of time, there have been many hundreds of kids killed by heroin. But there won't be any marches on Washington, no Women's March involvement, no organized Democrat party protests.
Mass murder is okay because a lot more kids die from heroin. Idiot!
Mass murder is already against the law. Idiot.

Please don't tell the OP that. He'll lose his erection.
Another way of looking at this is a bunch of people who have armed bodyguards paid for them to go and protest guns.

Where are the armed Guards? I do not see any.

They are busy protecting Trump.

One School in Pa. is providing rocks to their students. Wonder how long that will last?

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