To The Children Marching Today Across the USA...

Another way of looking at this is a bunch of people who have armed bodyguards paid for them to go and protest guns.

Umm.... I believe they're protesting getting shot. Nice try though.

Really? They got shot huh? Moron

Their classmates did, and yes some of them did too.

That doesn't make them "morons" though.

But do essplain to the class why wanting to stay alive makes them "morons". This oughta be good.
The National Rifle Association and its allies have found their political influence under fresh scrutiny as gun control advocates push for new restrictions and corporations sever their ties in the wake of the deadly high school shooting last month in Parkland, Florida. But outside the gun control debate in Washington, membership in the NRA and gun rights groups across the country, which includes more than five million Americans, is spiking, according to people familiar with the numbers.

Gun Group Membership Is Spiking After the Florida Shooting

according to people familiar with the numbers

You gonna go with that as proof - REALLY? :D

Thank you. I was just getting ready to post that is an opinion piece that means nothing. No proof of figures, just

Hunches are facts in RW Nut World. ;)
... **** You!!!!!

You are a bunch of snot-nosed, whiny, diaper wearing babies who have no clue about pretty much anything in this world. You've been sheltered your entire lives by helicopter parents, schools that refuse to teach you the realities of the world and a society that has refused to force you to accept that things don't always go your way. This started with the generation before you, and even in their mid to late twenties they're just as oblivious and worthless as you folks are.

NO, your right to "feel" safe does NOT override my Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It never has and hopefully never will. In fact you don' actually have s Right to ACTUAL Safety, never mind "feeling" safe.

Maybe some day you'll learn what real Safety and Security are. I doubt it, but it's possible. Probsbly after you get mugged or your basement apartment at grandma's house gets broken into and looted.

I truly believe thst your generation WILL see armed insurection on a National level in your lifetime. Just remember there's a difference between Concealment and Cover, and it's generally best to throw out the soiled underwear rather thsn trying to wash it.
Another dumb Trumptard who has not read the 2nd Amendment. For your info, it contains the words WELL REGULATED!!!!
... **** You!!!!!

You are a bunch of snot-nosed, whiny, diaper wearing babies who have no clue about pretty much anything in this world. You've been sheltered your entire lives by helicopter parents, schools that refuse to teach you the realities of the world and a society that has refused to force you to accept that things don't always go your way. This started with the generation before you, and even in their mid to late twenties they're just as oblivious and worthless as you folks are.

NO, your right to "feel" safe does NOT override my Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It never has and hopefully never will. In fact you don' actually have s Right to ACTUAL Safety, never mind "feeling" safe.

Maybe some day you'll learn what real Safety and Security are. I doubt it, but it's possible. Probsbly after you get mugged or your basement apartment at grandma's house gets broken into and looted.

I truly believe thst your generation WILL see armed insurection on a National level in your lifetime. Just remember there's a difference between Concealment and Cover, and it's generally best to throw out the soiled underwear rather thsn trying to wash it.
Another dumb Trumptard who has not read the 2nd Amendment. For your info, it contains the words WELL REGULATED!!!!

Well they obviously did not mean regulated by the government

"I don't remember ever feeling more moved in my life than watching these kids, one after another, take the stage in Washington DC and across the country and speak from their hearts.

Reminds me of marching against the War in Vietnam in 1968 — except these kids are more mature than we were, by far." - HR McMaster
Since 2013, there have been 35 kids killed in school shootings.
In that same span of time, there have been many hundreds of kids killed by heroin. But there won't be any marches on Washington, no Women's March involvement, no organized Democrat party protests.
Mass murder is okay because a lot more kids die from heroin. Idiot!
That’s not what I took from that. It seemed more about priorities being skewed by dishonest, nefarious political agendas. It also sounds like you’re trying to justify heroin deaths with mass shootings.
... **** You!!!!!

You are a bunch of snot-nosed, whiny, diaper wearing babies who have no clue about pretty much anything in this world. You've been sheltered your entire lives by helicopter parents, schools that refuse to teach you the realities of the world and a society that has refused to force you to accept that things don't always go your way. This started with the generation before you, and even in their mid to late twenties they're just as oblivious and worthless as you folks are.

NO, your right to "feel" safe does NOT override my Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It never has and hopefully never will. In fact you don' actually have s Right to ACTUAL Safety, never mind "feeling" safe.

Maybe some day you'll learn what real Safety and Security are. I doubt it, but it's possible. Probsbly after you get mugged or your basement apartment at grandma's house gets broken into and looted.

I truly believe thst your generation WILL see armed insurection on a National level in your lifetime. Just remember there's a difference between Concealment and Cover, and it's generally best to throw out the soiled underwear rather thsn trying to wash it.
When you are pushing up daisies, these young people will run this nation. And you will simply be a smelly memory for a few, unknown to the rest. Old man, your day is done.
These are children whose blather should never have gotten out of the basement. They are two year olds in a Toys R Us wanting a new toy. I do not take orders from children. No adult should. Their best decisions tell them to eat laundry soap and post it on you tube while getting high on pot.
When our children are free from violence they are free to live. When they are free from fear, they are free to learn. And when they can live and learn, they’re free to dream - Martin Luther King
90 Million babies have been murdered in the country. Why are the school kids not organized to March for them? Hope the leaders and that Hobbs faggot catch pneumonia.
"Look, God bless these young Americans today for passionately exercising their 1st Amendment rights. But they're wrong about guns. And I will debate them with everything I have to passionately defend my 2nd Amendment rights." - Wacky Joe Walsh
... **** You!!!!!

You are a bunch of snot-nosed, whiny, diaper wearing babies who have no clue about pretty much anything in this world. You've been sheltered your entire lives by helicopter parents, schools that refuse to teach you the realities of the world and a society that has refused to force you to accept that things don't always go your way. This started with the generation before you, and even in their mid to late twenties they're just as oblivious and worthless as you folks are.

NO, your right to "feel" safe does NOT override my Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It never has and hopefully never will. In fact you don' actually have s Right to ACTUAL Safety, never mind "feeling" safe.

Maybe some day you'll learn what real Safety and Security are. I doubt it, but it's possible. Probsbly after you get mugged or your basement apartment at grandma's house gets broken into and looted.

I truly believe thst your generation WILL see armed insurection on a National level in your lifetime. Just remember there's a difference between Concealment and Cover, and it's generally best to throw out the soiled underwear rather thsn trying to wash it.

Petulant children really are the perfect example of what the left wing democrats are.
Since 2013, there have been 35 kids killed in school shootings.
In that same span of time, there have been many hundreds of kids killed by heroin. But there won't be any marches on Washington, no Women's March involvement, no organized Democrat party protests.
Mass murder is okay because a lot more kids die from heroin. Idiot!

No one said mass murder is ok, dufus!
These are children whose blather should never have gotten out of the basement. They are two year olds in a Toys R Us wanting a new toy. I do not take orders from children. No adult should. Their best decisions tell them to eat laundry soap and post it on you tube while getting high on pot.

You go shoot 'em in the face then, Sleazeball.
So you justify the deaths of our children by the number of abortions. These kids will be voting soon, and you will be a irrelevant as you are stupid.

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