To The Children Marching Today Across the USA...

Such a beautiful, wondrous sight today. DC streets filled, marches across the U.S., protesters in Toyko, Madrid, Paris, London, Sydney. You violence-supporting hoodlums will not prevail against the tide of humanity.
------------------------------------------------ and ALL are disarmed subjects with NO RIGHTS at all Lysis !!
--------------- The marchers want a decent society, not one overrun by hoodlums and scumbags. We all have a right to live in a civilized and peaceful society. The cheap, threatening scum from the NRA will not prevail.
-------------------------------------- The societies you highlight are all inhabited by disarmed subjects / peasants with no RIGHTS and they are Herded about by heavily armed 'kings' queens , militaries [kings men] , politicians and other taxpayer funded Rulers Lysis !!

But here, while we know that trump and his minions do wish to install fascism in the U.S., the gun crazies act only to threaten their fellow Americans. They seem more to be the wannabe fascist fighting force that trump wishes for. Decent Americans like those who marched today and decent people all over the world will not be overrun by this arrogant scum.
... **** You!!!!!

You are a bunch of snot-nosed, whiny, diaper wearing babies who have no clue about pretty much anything in this world. You've been sheltered your entire lives by helicopter parents, schools that refuse to teach you the realities of the world and a society that has refused to force you to accept that things don't always go your way. This started with the generation before you, and even in their mid to late twenties they're just as oblivious and worthless as you folks are.

NO, your right to "feel" safe does NOT override my Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It never has and hopefully never will. In fact you don' actually have s Right to ACTUAL Safety, never mind "feeling" safe.

Maybe some day you'll learn what real Safety and Security are. I doubt it, but it's possible. Probsbly after you get mugged or your basement apartment at grandma's house gets broken into and looted.

I truly believe thst your generation WILL see armed insurection on a National level in your lifetime. Just remember there's a difference between Concealment and Cover, and it's generally best to throw out the soiled underwear rather thsn trying to wash it.
Scare you that much, do they?
Kids kicked ass today. Be interesting to see if the NRA goes as crude, vile, and negative against America's kids as the posters on these threads on USMB

God forbid that we criticize a teenager. Might hurt his lil feelings. Do you imagine they will all get participation trophies for attending?
Such a beautiful, wondrous sight today. DC streets filled, marches across the U.S., protesters in Toyko, Madrid, Paris, London, Sydney. You violence-supporting hoodlums will not prevail against the tide of humanity.
------------------------------------------------ and ALL are disarmed subjects with NO RIGHTS at all Lysis !!
--------------- The marchers want a decent society, not one overrun by hoodlums and scumbags. We all have a right to live in a civilized and peaceful society. The cheap, threatening scum from the NRA will not prevail.
-------------------------------------- The societies you highlight are all inhabited by disarmed subjects / peasants with no RIGHTS and they are Herded about by heavily armed 'kings' queens , militaries [kings men] , politicians and other taxpayer funded Rulers Lysis !!

But here, while we know that trump and his minions do wish to install fascism in the U.S., the gun crazies act only to threaten their fellow Americans. They seem more to be the wannabe fascist fighting force that trump wishes for. Decent Americans like those who marched today and decent people all over the world will not be overrun by this arrogant scum.
------------------------------------------------- YOU are foolish Lysis !!
Such a beautiful, wondrous sight today. DC streets filled, marches across the U.S., protesters in Toyko, Madrid, Paris, London, Sydney. You violence-supporting hoodlums will not prevail against the tide of humanity.

Dream on.
14-year-old kids were giving articulate educated speeches and inspirational comments to in a worldwide venue to a worldwide audience. Their voices were heard by more people than all the negative posters here will reach in their entire lifetimes combined.
Kids kicked ass today. Be interesting to see if the NRA goes as crude, vile, and negative against America's kids as the posters on these threads on USMB
-------------------------------------------- what , you think pro gun and progun group should just accept these little loons crying and whining Camp . These punks actions today ought to tell the NRA to dig in and get more vociferous Camp . [heck , the doper parents kids are the enemies of the doper parents .] Didn't this happen years ago in some foreign country years ago , pretty funny if you ask me Camp !!
When you are pushing up daisies, these young people will run this nation. And you will simply be a smelly memory for a few, unknown to the rest. Old man, your day is done.

When I'm pushing up daisies I won' give a fuck what they're doing. I do hope they pack lots of sunblock for their trip to Hell in the afterlife.
They all spoke far more articulately than our present President.
------------------------------------- big deal as their speech was heard by receptive 'lefty' ears attached to lefty heads with lefty lack of brains OldRocks .

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