To The Children Marching Today Across the USA...

Reactionary policy change based on feelz. School shootings are incredibly unlikely, a second school shooting at the same school is even more unlikely. "But we have to do something" mentality is cancerous.
And the NRA will grow like it has since Parkland. We have added over 500,000 new members. These little Antifa boys and girls need to run along now. LMAO


Fake news ^ ^ ^ 78% of the American public doesn't even own a gun. And the smart ones like me who do, would no more join the NRA than they would lop off their dicks.

Half a million since Parkland? LoL! :D

Fact Check: Have 'Millions' Joined the NRA Since the Parkland Shooting?

Apparently you don't know fake news when you read it. According to the Pew Poll, 30% of the American public own guns, and 36% of those who said they did not own a gun could see themselves owning a gun in the future. Not to mention that many gun owners will not tell pollsters that they own a gun.

The only people who know how many joined the NRA since this last round of left wing nonsense are the NRA leadership. It might help if you actually read the crap you reference.
"Each classroom has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stones, and anyone who enters a classroom with a weapon will face a room full of students ready to stone them, according to the Superintendent."

the state of America today!
... **** You!!!!!

You are a bunch of snot-nosed, whiny, diaper wearing babies who have no clue about pretty much anything in this world. You've been sheltered your entire lives by helicopter parents, schools that refuse to teach you the realities of the world and a society that has refused to force you to accept that things don't always go your way. This started with the generation before you, and even in their mid to late twenties they're just as oblivious and worthless as you folks are.

NO, your right to "feel" safe does NOT override my Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It never has and hopefully never will. In fact you don' actually have s Right to ACTUAL Safety, never mind "feeling" safe.

Maybe some day you'll learn what real Safety and Security are. I doubt it, but it's possible. Probsbly after you get mugged or your basement apartment at grandma's house gets broken into and looted.

I truly believe thst your generation WILL see armed insurection on a National level in your lifetime. Just remember there's a difference between Concealment and Cover, and it's generally best to throw out the soiled underwear rather thsn trying to wash it.

Yes the do have the right to feel safe, and their right to feel safe ABSOLUTELY over rides your right to keep and bear arms.

The second amendment is just exactly that. An amendment.

Which means it can be amended or removed altogether, which the Constitution clearly spells out how that is done.

Those kids have already exacted change in gun laws all over the country.

If all of them show up to vote this year and in 2020. You're done asshole.

This country will be great again the day assholes like you are 6 feet in the ground.
Exactly. And it can be limited. The 1st Amendment does not give you the right to yell "fire" without reason in a crowded theater. The 2nd Amendment does not allow you to have twin .50's in your back yard. It does not even allow you to own a fully automatic .45 Thompson, as was once the case.
And the NRA will grow like it has since Parkland. We have added over 500,000 new members. These little Antifa boys and girls need to run along now. LMAO


Fake news ^ ^ ^ 78% of the American public doesn't even own a gun. And the smart ones like me who do, would no more join the NRA than they would lop off their dicks.

Half a million since Parkland? LoL! :D

Fact Check: Have 'Millions' Joined the NRA Since the Parkland Shooting?

Apparently you don't know fake news when you read it. According to the Pew Poll, 30% of the American public own guns, and 36% of those who said they did not own a gun could see themselves owning a gun in the future. Not to mention that many gun owners will not tell pollsters that they own a gun.

The only people who know how many joined the NRA since this last round of left wing nonsense are the NRA leadership. It might help if you actually read the crap you reference.
Apparently you do not realize that a great many gun owners like myself would like to see a special license required to have one of the assault weapons off of their property.
Yes the do have the right to feel safe, and their right to feel safe ABSOLUTELY over rides your right to keep and bear arms.

The second amendment is just exactly that. An amendment.

Which means it can be amended or removed altogether, which the Constitution clearly spells out how that is done.

Those kids have already exacted change in gun laws all over the country.

If all of them show up to vote this year and in 2020. You're done asshole.

This country will be great again the day assholes like you are 6 feet in the ground.

Until the Second Amendment is voided their "right" to safety does not exist.

The only way I'm giving up my guns is after i get my ticket punched by someone from an alphabet soup organization.
Win for the NRA!

Fox news is reporting the march is considered a major failure because of poor turnout especially compared to the crowds that showed up to support Trump on inauguration day and Trump rallies that average several millions. Trump inauguration was the largest in history, dwarfing Obama's inauguration (did you see the picture, practically empty in comparison), and Trump rallies are getting so large he is have a hard time finding location large enough.

And besides, most of those that showed up at the march were illegal HS students that need to be deported anyway. Take them out, and practically nobody showed up
Let them March it doesn't hurt anybody. Why would anyone he upset over a couple of kids matching?
Another way of looking at this is a bunch of people who have armed bodyguards paid for them to go and protest guns.

Umm.... I believe they're protesting getting shot. Nice try though.

Do you ever feel like saying ,” Duh,” to some of these posts?

I do not think they even know what they are angry about any more. They just know they are ag’in it!

Is that crowd bigger than Trumps Inaugural Crowd? He is going to be mad about that!

This entire Butthurt, in this thread and the other inevitable ones like it ---- just underscore the basic point I've been making since literally the day I joined this site, and before, when recent shootings were again in current news ---

---- which was, and still is, that gun violence emanates from the fact that we live in a culture that worships guns; a culture of Death, where my right to own a bazooka trumps your right to be Alive. Whenever I make this point, out come the Butthurt Gun Fetishists to denounce anybody, like the kids marching today, who wants to stay alive in defiance of that fetish. Hence the butthurt. Not at all unlike the baby who's had its pacifier taken away --- same thing.

I hate to burst your bubble, but America is far down the list as a culture of death. In fact, according to the FBI, we rank 83 in murders per capita. And, when was the last time anyone was murdered in America with a bazooka? You apparently live in fear of inanimate objects, or you are so spooked by the people around you that you fear one of them will shoot you.

The posters you claim to be butthurt, are not hurt at all. They are frustrated by the ignorance that you on the left constantly display concerning firearms and firearm ownership.
Another way of looking at this is a bunch of people who have armed bodyguards paid for them to go and protest guns.

Umm.... I believe they're protesting getting shot. Nice try though.

Do you ever feel like saying ,” Duh,” to some of these posts?

I do not think they even know what they are angry about any more. They just know they are ag’in it!

Is that crowd bigger than Trumps Inaugural Crowd? He is going to be mad about that!

This entire Butthurt, in this thread and the other inevitable ones like it ---- just underscore the basic point I've been making since literally the day I joined this site, and before, when recent shootings were again in current news ---

---- which was, and still is, that gun violence emanates from the fact that we live in a culture that worships guns; a culture of Death, where my right to own a bazooka trumps your right to be Alive. Whenever I make this point, out come the Butthurt Gun Fetishists to denounce anybody, like the kids marching today, who wants to stay alive in defiance of that fetish. Hence the butthurt. Not at all unlike the baby who's had its pacifier taken away --- same thing.

I hate to burst your bubble, but America is far down the list as a culture of death. In fact, according to the FBI, we rank 83 in murders per capita. And, when was the last time anyone was murdered in America with a bazooka? You apparently live in fear of inanimate objects, or you are so spooked by the people around you that you fear one of them will shoot you.

The posters you claim to be butthurt, are not hurt at all. They are frustrated by the ignorance that you on the left constantly display concerning firearms and firearm ownership.
Yesterday I thought I heard it was 31st. We're not counting murders, though, only gun homicides. Compare apples to apples.
Such a beautiful, wondrous sight today. DC streets filled, marches across the U.S., protesters in Toyko, Madrid, Paris, London, Sydney. You violence-supporting hoodlums will not prevail against the tide of humanity.
What is it they say? Hope springs eternal. It's even the right time of year.
Another way of looking at this is a bunch of people who have armed bodyguards paid for them to go and protest guns.

Umm.... I believe they're protesting getting shot. Nice try though.

Do you ever feel like saying ,” Duh,” to some of these posts?

I do not think they even know what they are angry about any more. They just know they are ag’in it!

Is that crowd bigger than Trumps Inaugural Crowd? He is going to be mad about that!

This entire Butthurt, in this thread and the other inevitable ones like it ---- just underscore the basic point I've been making since literally the day I joined this site, and before, when recent shootings were again in current news ---

---- which was, and still is, that gun violence emanates from the fact that we live in a culture that worships guns; a culture of Death, where my right to own a bazooka trumps your right to be Alive. Whenever I make this point, out come the Butthurt Gun Fetishists to denounce anybody, like the kids marching today, who wants to stay alive in defiance of that fetish. Hence the butthurt. Not at all unlike the baby who's had its pacifier taken away --- same thing.

I hate to burst your bubble, but America is far down the list as a culture of death. In fact, according to the FBI, we rank 83 in murders per capita. And, when was the last time anyone was murdered in America with a bazooka? You apparently live in fear of inanimate objects, or you are so spooked by the people around you that you fear one of them will shoot you.

The posters you claim to be butthurt, are not hurt at all. They are frustrated by the ignorance that you on the left constantly display concerning firearms and firearm ownership.

Translation: "How dare you desecrate the Majesty of Almighty Gun!" :mad:

As I said --- a fetish. A childish fixation on an inanimate object, to the point where it's more important than people's lives.
and yet your definition of right and wrong leaves a lot to desired.... basically it is "if you dont like what i like and dont agree with me....FUCK YOU!"....

No. I don't define Right and Wrong. Those were defined millenna ago. Whst I don't do is waste my time on peoole who don't agree with me.

"I don't waste my time on people who don't agree with me"

That's hilarious - You should probably move into the woods and join a militia.

A political chat board is no place for you.
You don't know Anathema, yet, huh?
One of our more set in his ways members.
Another way of looking at this is a bunch of people who have armed bodyguards paid for them to go and protest guns.

Umm.... I believe they're protesting getting shot. Nice try though.

Really? They got shot huh? Moron

Their classmates did, and yes some of them did too.

That doesn't make them "morons" though.

But do essplain to the class why wanting to stay alive makes them "morons". This oughta be good.

Most everyone wants to stay alive. Only morons would believe that banning certain types of guns would help them stay alive. However, these morons are being used to push a much broader agenda, and that should be worrying to all sensible people.
How can something like this upset people? No the 2nd amendment won't go away because of it. I don't need the nra nor anyone else to tell me this. My hunting rifles are safe.

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