To The Children Marching Today Across the USA...

When you are pushing up daisies, these young people will run this nation. And you will simply be a smelly memory for a few, unknown to the rest. Old man, your day is done.

When I'm pushing up daisies I won' give a fuck what they're doing. I do hope they pack lots of sunblock for their trip to Hell in the afterlife.
Well, you go ahead an base your actions on fears of old primitive mythologies, I will base mine on what I consider to be moral principles that will best give us all a good future.
Kids kicked ass today. Be interesting to see if the NRA goes as crude, vile, and negative against America's kids as the posters on these threads on USMB
-------------------------------------------- what , you think pro gun and progun group should just accept these little loons crying and whining Camp . These punks actions today ought to tell the NRA to dig in and get more vociferous Camp . [heck , the doper parents kids are the enemies of the doper parents .] Didn't this happen years ago in some foreign country years ago , pretty funny if you ask me Camp !!
Your shallow thinking is the kind of thinking that will cost the less radical elements of the pro-gun elements to lose ground and a level of gun rights. Stupid radicals and the gun manufacturers lobby dupes are the enemies, not the kids.
When you are pushing up daisies, these young people will run this nation. And you will simply be a smelly memory for a few, unknown to the rest. Old man, your day is done.

When I'm pushing up daisies I won' give a fuck what they're doing. I do hope they pack lots of sunblock for their trip to Hell in the afterlife.
-------------------------------------- gotta agree , seems to me that its the next generation that has got the lefty problem if these lefty punks ever hold political office . [and i've been saying that for a few years] .
When you are pushing up daisies, these young people will run this nation. And you will simply be a smelly memory for a few, unknown to the rest. Old man, your day is done.

When I'm pushing up daisies I won' give a fuck what they're doing. I do hope they pack lots of sunblock for their trip to Hell in the afterlife.
-------------------------------------- gotta agree , seems to me that its the next generation that has got the lefty problem if these lefty punks ever hold political office . [and i've been saying that for a few years] .
Get out of the doorway, don't stand in the hall.
Kids kicked ass today. Be interesting to see if the NRA goes as crude, vile, and negative against America's kids as the posters on these threads on USMB
-------------------------------------------- what , you think pro gun and progun group should just accept these little loons crying and whining Camp . These punks actions today ought to tell the NRA to dig in and get more vociferous Camp . [heck , the doper parents kids are the enemies of the doper parents .] Didn't this happen years ago in some foreign country years ago , pretty funny if you ask me Camp !!
Your shallow thinking is the kind of thinking that will cost the less radical elements of the pro-gun elements to lose ground and a level of gun rights. Stupid radicals and the gun manufacturers lobby dupes are the enemies, not the kids.
------------------------------------ i can't stand moderates Camp .
When you are pushing up daisies, these young people will run this nation. And you will simply be a smelly memory for a few, unknown to the rest. Old man, your day is done.

When I'm pushing up daisies I won' give a fuck what they're doing. I do hope they pack lots of sunblock for their trip to Hell in the afterlife.

How do you bring religion into this, especially religions that believe in hell? These are good kids doing good things for our country.
Another way of looking at this is a bunch of people who have armed bodyguards paid for them to go and protest guns.

Umm.... I believe they're protesting getting shot. Nice try though.

No, they are protesting against certain types of guns. They, like many left wing loons, are too damn ignorant to know they are on the wrong track. Most likely, because they are being led and cheered on by less ignorant left wing loons with a much broader agenda. They are being used as pawns, and that says a whole lot about the character of those who are using them.
Another way of looking at this is a bunch of people who have armed bodyguards paid for them to go and protest guns.

Umm.... I believe they're protesting getting shot. Nice try though.

No, they are protesting against certain types of guns. They, like many left wing loons, are too damn ignorant to know they are on the wrong track. Most likely, because they are being led and cheered on by less ignorant left wing loons with a much broader agenda. They are being used as pawns, and that says a whole lot about the character of those who are using them.

No, they are protesting getting shot. Which is, again, what I posted in the first place.

But don't take my word for it --- what's the name of the event?
When you are pushing up daisies, these young people will run this nation. And you will simply be a smelly memory for a few, unknown to the rest. Old man, your day is done.

When I'm pushing up daisies I won' give a fuck what they're doing. I do hope they pack lots of sunblock for their trip to Hell in the afterlife.
What makes you think daisies would want to grow on your grave? All those people pissing on your grave will probably destroy any daisies even attempting to grow on your grave.
When you are pushing up daisies, these young people will run this nation. And you will simply be a smelly memory for a few, unknown to the rest. Old man, your day is done.

When I'm pushing up daisies I won' give a fuck what they're doing. I do hope they pack lots of sunblock for their trip to Hell in the afterlife.
Well, you go ahead an base your actions on fears of old primitive mythologies, I will base mine on what I consider to be moral principles that will best give us all a good future.

I don't really understand the connection between the availability of guns and whatever religion that he practices. It's not any religion that I know of.
... **** You!!!!!

You are a bunch of snot-nosed, whiny, diaper wearing babies who have no clue about pretty much anything in this world. You've been sheltered your entire lives by helicopter parents, schools that refuse to teach you the realities of the world and a society that has refused to force you to accept that things don't always go your way. This started with the generation before you, and even in their mid to late twenties they're just as oblivious and worthless as you folks are.

NO, your right to "feel" safe does NOT override my Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It never has and hopefully never will. In fact you don' actually have s Right to ACTUAL Safety, never mind "feeling" safe.

Maybe some day you'll learn what real Safety and Security are. I doubt it, but it's possible. Probsbly after you get mugged or your basement apartment at grandma's house gets broken into and looted.

I truly believe thst your generation WILL see armed insurection on a National level in your lifetime. Just remember there's a difference between Concealment and Cover, and it's generally best to throw out the soiled underwear rather thsn trying to wash it.

Yes the do have the right to feel safe, and their right to feel safe ABSOLUTELY over rides your right to keep and bear arms.

The second amendment is just exactly that. An amendment.

Which means it can be amended or removed altogether, which the Constitution clearly spells out how that is done.

Those kids have already exacted change in gun laws all over the country.

If all of them show up to vote this year and in 2020. You're done asshole.

This country will be great again the day assholes like you are 6 feet in the ground.

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