to the left wing pointing fingers at Republicans over the Montana election, you wanted this war.....

No matter what Trump does to a Muslims I will vote for him again!
No matter how many lies Trump tells Democrats I will vote for him again!
No matter how many liberal press members get beat I will vote for him again!

I voted for Trump to support my gun rights.
I voted for Trump to support my Christian rights.
I voted for Trump to support my security rights.

I will never vote or support any Democrat in any election for any thing!
And I will work in the next elections to see every vestige of the fat senile old orange clown destroyed. And see assholes like you put in a permanent state of whine.
You all sure helped hillary win, didn't you? Yeah, please "help" them some more.
Well now, Mikie baby, Hillary had 3 million more votes than did the fat senile old orange clown. It was a fluke of our electoral system that has made him President. A fluke more and more people are coming to regret.
Posting lies won't make her defeat any less deserved, will it?
Trump 62, 8
No matter what Trump does to a Muslims I will vote for him again!
No matter how many lies Trump tells Democrats I will vote for him again!
No matter how many liberal press members get beat I will vote for him again!

I voted for Trump to support my gun rights.
I voted for Trump to support my Christian rights.
I voted for Trump to support my security rights.

I will never vote or support any Democrat in any election for any thing!
And I will work in the next elections to see every vestige of the fat senile old orange clown destroyed. And see assholes like you put in a permanent state of whine.
You all sure helped hillary win, didn't you? Yeah, please "help" them some more.
Well now, Mikie baby, Hillary had 3 million more votes than did the fat senile old orange clown. It was a fluke of our electoral system that has made him President. A fluke more and more people are coming to regret.
Posting lies won't make her defeat any less deserved, will it?
Trump, 62,853,825 Clinton 65,853,516

Clinton, +2,868,691
That's PRESIDENT TRUMP to you asshole!!!!!
The fucking LIBs in NYC and S. California don't get to decide who is elected PRESIDENT you moron!
These idiots cannot seem to grasp the fact the the popular vote has NEVER elected a president.
I frankly do not care what Ben Shapiro or any other Trump defender thinks. They have already proven Trump will stoop to any low and they will support him. That isn't a patriot, that is a partisan.

You mean like using the IRS to deny the political opposition tax exempt status and delay their ability to participate in an election.....use the intelligence agencies to spy on reporters and their obama did to James Rosen.....use the intelligence agencies to spy on the opposition party, then illegally unmask their people.....use an illegal, secret server to make deals with foreign countries, laundering the money through their alleged charity foundation and then destroy the mean like a group called black lies matter that supports the killing of mean like that?

Pay men to hire people to incite actual violence at the rallies of beat up his supporters....?

You guys are the are just mad you can't hide it anymore...

Except that your posts is full of lies and not based on facts. It's a pattern with you.
These idiots cannot seem to grasp the fact the the popular vote has NEVER elected a president.
It's not supposed to. The system was designed to prevent direct election of the president. States elect the president, not the people.
Anyone who cashed my PRIVATE party and does what the little LIB fag did would leave in an ambulance!
That's the difference between REAL men and LIB 'man-bun' pussies.
You're going to beat up the person who sponsored your party?
Watching Old Rocks melt down is certainly worth the price of admission. I'm torn between laughing or concern over an impending stroke.
This is a column written by John Nolte after the essentially outlines why conservatives, and republicans voted for the Montanta Republican who bitch slapped the left wing, journalist........

You guys have set the ground rules for decades...we tried to do things the right way....and using the book dedicated to Satan, the Rules For assholes threw it back in our faces....

You wanted the fight to be like you have it....

Response to Ben Shapiro: Five Reasons I Don't Care If Donald Trump Lies

Let me first acknowledge Ben Shapiro's Sunday piece about those who excuse from Donald Trump what they never would from Barack Obama. On this particular subject, I have been very clear since the beginning, since The Donald stepped out onto the political stage. And for the hard of hearing, let me put it this way…


Just in case that wasn't perfectly clear, let me say it again:


Here are my reasons, which are purely mercenary and utterly shameless:


For eight years I watched as Obama, his supporters and his mainstream media, enjoyed victory after victory by telling lie after lie after lie after lie. Big, brash, bold, brassy, brazen, blatant, bodacious, blaring, barefaced lies about YouTube videos killing four Americans in Benghazi, about me being able to keep my health insurance and doctor, about Mitt Romney killing a woman with cancer, about there being no successful domestic terror attacks under Obama's watch, about the Obama administration being scandal free.

And here is what I learned: dirty politics work.

The Democrats are currently using lies to defeat Trump.

The mainstream media is a lying propaganda machine out to destroy Trump. So…

…out of some misguided sense of virtue we're supposed to surrender part of the arsenal?

Yeah, no.

This was my Road to Damascus moment…

During the 2012 election, when Team Obama accused Romney of murdering a woman, and the media let him, the scales fell from my eyes. I grew up a little bit. A piece of my innocence withered, dried up and died. That spot behind my ears got a little drier. My cherry went pop as I realized the following….

In politics, lying is a tactic, and if you don't use that tactic, you're screwed.


Let me just put it like this…

How exactly is it a virtue to lose like a gentleman when your personal freedom and the fate of your country is at stake?


Yes, politics is war. It is not war-war. Should Trump ever cross the line into illegality, violence, or the endorsing/excusing of violence (as Obama and his media frequently have), I'll speak up as loudly as anyone. And if Trump tells a lie of true consequence, an Obama-sized like…

"No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what."

…that might cross my line, as well. We'll see.

Reality, though, is still reality. Unless you want to live in a politically correct concentration camp (that used to be America) where your church is forced to perform same-sex marriages and a centralized government takes 70% of your income to fund abortions, you best be prepared, figuratively, to firebomb civilians in Dresden and nuke women and children at Hiroshima.

We need single payer....


Going back to something worse then we had before Obamacare is pure idiocy.
You progressives need single payer... The rest of us do not

Sho ya right. You can pay that 100,000 for surgery and rehab out of you own pockets.
Insurance is not healthcare, anyway who would trust insurance companies to pay the bills? They always find a way out of it

Nolte clearly does not understand the political system. He is a animal who has been struck down by Trump Derangement Syndrome. Condoning violence against a reporter asking a logical question is not a part of the American political system. The candidate refused to say whether he supported the AHCA and he was asked about it. That was a question that should have been asked.

Who says these tactics have been successful? Democrats have lost the Senate, House and numerous Governor seats and state legislatures. Obama' ability to win a second term was more Obama himself.

The fact is that it is the Republicans who are using lies much as Democrats did. To pass the AHCA, Republicans negotiated among themselves, they didn't even read the bill and have no clue what is in it.. Mick Mulvaney lied about Trump's budget in front of a legislative committee. To sell the budget, they are resorting to the worst type of stereotypes.

I don't believe for 1 minute that Nolte will hold Trump accountable. You had a crime committed against a reporter and Nolte is excusing that. He is a moron.
The reporter had been begging for his treatment for awhile. Quite awhile.

How people feel about the reporter getting his due is evidenced by both Gianforte's win and the $100,000 in donations AFTER the election.
This is a column written by John Nolte after the essentially outlines why conservatives, and republicans voted for the Montanta Republican who bitch slapped the left wing, journalist........

You guys have set the ground rules for decades...we tried to do things the right way....and using the book dedicated to Satan, the Rules For assholes threw it back in our faces....

You wanted the fight to be like you have it....

Response to Ben Shapiro: Five Reasons I Don't Care If Donald Trump Lies

Let me first acknowledge Ben Shapiro's Sunday piece about those who excuse from Donald Trump what they never would from Barack Obama. On this particular subject, I have been very clear since the beginning, since The Donald stepped out onto the political stage. And for the hard of hearing, let me put it this way…


Just in case that wasn't perfectly clear, let me say it again:


Here are my reasons, which are purely mercenary and utterly shameless:


For eight years I watched as Obama, his supporters and his mainstream media, enjoyed victory after victory by telling lie after lie after lie after lie. Big, brash, bold, brassy, brazen, blatant, bodacious, blaring, barefaced lies about YouTube videos killing four Americans in Benghazi, about me being able to keep my health insurance and doctor, about Mitt Romney killing a woman with cancer, about there being no successful domestic terror attacks under Obama's watch, about the Obama administration being scandal free.

And here is what I learned: dirty politics work.

The Democrats are currently using lies to defeat Trump.

The mainstream media is a lying propaganda machine out to destroy Trump. So…

…out of some misguided sense of virtue we're supposed to surrender part of the arsenal?

Yeah, no.

This was my Road to Damascus moment…

During the 2012 election, when Team Obama accused Romney of murdering a woman, and the media let him, the scales fell from my eyes. I grew up a little bit. A piece of my innocence withered, dried up and died. That spot behind my ears got a little drier. My cherry went pop as I realized the following….

In politics, lying is a tactic, and if you don't use that tactic, you're screwed.


Let me just put it like this…

How exactly is it a virtue to lose like a gentleman when your personal freedom and the fate of your country is at stake?


Yes, politics is war. It is not war-war. Should Trump ever cross the line into illegality, violence, or the endorsing/excusing of violence (as Obama and his media frequently have), I'll speak up as loudly as anyone. And if Trump tells a lie of true consequence, an Obama-sized like…

"No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what."

…that might cross my line, as well. We'll see.

Reality, though, is still reality. Unless you want to live in a politically correct concentration camp (that used to be America) where your church is forced to perform same-sex marriages and a centralized government takes 70% of your income to fund abortions, you best be prepared, figuratively, to firebomb civilians in Dresden and nuke women and children at Hiroshima.
When you lose it and attack us because you can't use your words, you give us the right to shoot you.

This isn't a fair fight. If you shoot us because of our words, you go to jail but if you attack us because of our words, we get to justifiably shoot you
This is a column written by John Nolte after the essentially outlines why conservatives, and republicans voted for the Montanta Republican who bitch slapped the left wing, journalist........

You guys have set the ground rules for decades...we tried to do things the right way....and using the book dedicated to Satan, the Rules For assholes threw it back in our faces....

You wanted the fight to be like you have it....

Response to Ben Shapiro: Five Reasons I Don't Care If Donald Trump Lies

Let me first acknowledge Ben Shapiro's Sunday piece about those who excuse from Donald Trump what they never would from Barack Obama. On this particular subject, I have been very clear since the beginning, since The Donald stepped out onto the political stage. And for the hard of hearing, let me put it this way…


Just in case that wasn't perfectly clear, let me say it again:


Here are my reasons, which are purely mercenary and utterly shameless:


For eight years I watched as Obama, his supporters and his mainstream media, enjoyed victory after victory by telling lie after lie after lie after lie. Big, brash, bold, brassy, brazen, blatant, bodacious, blaring, barefaced lies about YouTube videos killing four Americans in Benghazi, about me being able to keep my health insurance and doctor, about Mitt Romney killing a woman with cancer, about there being no successful domestic terror attacks under Obama's watch, about the Obama administration being scandal free.

And here is what I learned: dirty politics work.

The Democrats are currently using lies to defeat Trump.

The mainstream media is a lying propaganda machine out to destroy Trump. So…

…out of some misguided sense of virtue we're supposed to surrender part of the arsenal?

Yeah, no.

This was my Road to Damascus moment…

During the 2012 election, when Team Obama accused Romney of murdering a woman, and the media let him, the scales fell from my eyes. I grew up a little bit. A piece of my innocence withered, dried up and died. That spot behind my ears got a little drier. My cherry went pop as I realized the following….

In politics, lying is a tactic, and if you don't use that tactic, you're screwed.


Let me just put it like this…

How exactly is it a virtue to lose like a gentleman when your personal freedom and the fate of your country is at stake?


Yes, politics is war. It is not war-war. Should Trump ever cross the line into illegality, violence, or the endorsing/excusing of violence (as Obama and his media frequently have), I'll speak up as loudly as anyone. And if Trump tells a lie of true consequence, an Obama-sized like…

"No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what."

…that might cross my line, as well. We'll see.

Reality, though, is still reality. Unless you want to live in a politically correct concentration camp (that used to be America) where your church is forced to perform same-sex marriages and a centralized government takes 70% of your income to fund abortions, you best be prepared, figuratively, to firebomb civilians in Dresden and nuke women and children at Hiroshima.
Oh. I thought you were talking physical war what with the assault and all. Maybe the reporter should have had a gun and executed him.
IMHO, there's BS and then there's flat out lies that cannot be forgiven. The Benghazi lies by Obama, Clinton, and those in that administration who covered up that sorry mess, I'm never going to forget and forgive that. They knowingly and deliberately lied their asses off with that fake bullshit story about the video, trying to mislead and misdirect the public's attention away from the truth, which was that we shouldn't have had anybody in Benghazi in the 1st place and if we had to have people there we should've had a stronger security team there, and after what happened in Cairo the day before we should've sent more people to Benghazi THAT day for additional security AND we should've had security people properly positioned and ready to go in there right away once the shit started. And we left Americans to die alone and unsupported, FUCK that.

No doubt about it, Trump spreads a lot of BS. As did Obama and every other president and politician, it's their stock in trade. To be clear, I didn't like candidate Trump on a personal level and still don't; he's made mistakes like everyone else, and he'll have to pay the price for it. Which BTW Obama never had to, the media really gave him a lot of cover but not reporting a lot of stuff they should've thoroughly investigated. But now it's gone way over to the other side where innuendo and unsupported, unsubstantiated stories are being put out there as fact. FUCK that too. The dishonesty by the media is a sorry thing to see these days.


Right now Trump has remained safely in what The New York Post's Kyle Smith once brilliantly described as "The Bullshit Zone."

Back in 2013, Smith explained:

Obama says a lot of things that are not true, even nonsensical. But it’s easy to shrug off most of these, because they aren’t really lies. They’re just bulls – – t.

Bulls – – t is airy, meaningless drivel, the stuff that campaigns are made of. Or it’s a misleading oversimplification with hidden qualifiers. Not only do we forgive bulls – – t, we like it. …

Even when Obama made seemingly specific promises like, “I want to go line by line through every item in the federal budget and eliminate programs that don’t work,” he left himself wiggle room. He still wants to do that, no doubt. He’s just too busy filling out his March Madness brackets and golfing. Or maybe he just couldn’t find a program that fails by his standards.

While he was saying things like, “I will make sure we renegotiate NAFTA” in an effort to match Hillary Clinton’s equally insincere blather about turning back the clock on the free trade agreement that her husband vigorously promoted and signed, Obama aides were going around telling Canadian officials that this was just “rhetoric” — a nice word for “bulls – – t.”

Sorry, I'm just not going to get shrieky over BS.
And how many Germans and Italians said the same thing as the Fascists and Nazis took over their nations. You people are traitors and cowards.

Yet you have cheered the exact same behavior from the left wing. The shrilary's campaign is the one that used fascist tactics against trump while calling him a nazi.....SHE DID the NAZI thing. Not him. So all I can say to you is pot, meet kettle.
This is a column written by John Nolte after the essentially outlines why conservatives, and republicans voted for the Montanta Republican who bitch slapped the left wing, journalist........

You guys have set the ground rules for decades...we tried to do things the right way....and using the book dedicated to Satan, the Rules For assholes threw it back in our faces....

You wanted the fight to be like you have it....

Response to Ben Shapiro: Five Reasons I Don't Care If Donald Trump Lies

Let me first acknowledge Ben Shapiro's Sunday piece about those who excuse from Donald Trump what they never would from Barack Obama. On this particular subject, I have been very clear since the beginning, since The Donald stepped out onto the political stage. And for the hard of hearing, let me put it this way…


Just in case that wasn't perfectly clear, let me say it again:


Here are my reasons, which are purely mercenary and utterly shameless:


For eight years I watched as Obama, his supporters and his mainstream media, enjoyed victory after victory by telling lie after lie after lie after lie. Big, brash, bold, brassy, brazen, blatant, bodacious, blaring, barefaced lies about YouTube videos killing four Americans in Benghazi, about me being able to keep my health insurance and doctor, about Mitt Romney killing a woman with cancer, about there being no successful domestic terror attacks under Obama's watch, about the Obama administration being scandal free.

And here is what I learned: dirty politics work.

The Democrats are currently using lies to defeat Trump.

The mainstream media is a lying propaganda machine out to destroy Trump. So…

…out of some misguided sense of virtue we're supposed to surrender part of the arsenal?

Yeah, no.

This was my Road to Damascus moment…

During the 2012 election, when Team Obama accused Romney of murdering a woman, and the media let him, the scales fell from my eyes. I grew up a little bit. A piece of my innocence withered, dried up and died. That spot behind my ears got a little drier. My cherry went pop as I realized the following….

In politics, lying is a tactic, and if you don't use that tactic, you're screwed.


Let me just put it like this…

How exactly is it a virtue to lose like a gentleman when your personal freedom and the fate of your country is at stake?


Yes, politics is war. It is not war-war. Should Trump ever cross the line into illegality, violence, or the endorsing/excusing of violence (as Obama and his media frequently have), I'll speak up as loudly as anyone. And if Trump tells a lie of true consequence, an Obama-sized like…

"No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what."

…that might cross my line, as well. We'll see.

Reality, though, is still reality. Unless you want to live in a politically correct concentration camp (that used to be America) where your church is forced to perform same-sex marriages and a centralized government takes 70% of your income to fund abortions, you best be prepared, figuratively, to firebomb civilians in Dresden and nuke women and children at Hiroshima.
Cheering assault...yes, we see you.

This is a column written by John Nolte after the essentially outlines why conservatives, and republicans voted for the Montanta Republican who bitch slapped the left wing, journalist........

You guys have set the ground rules for decades...we tried to do things the right way....and using the book dedicated to Satan, the Rules For assholes threw it back in our faces....

You wanted the fight to be like you have it....

Response to Ben Shapiro: Five Reasons I Don't Care If Donald Trump Lies

Let me first acknowledge Ben Shapiro's Sunday piece about those who excuse from Donald Trump what they never would from Barack Obama. On this particular subject, I have been very clear since the beginning, since The Donald stepped out onto the political stage. And for the hard of hearing, let me put it this way…


Just in case that wasn't perfectly clear, let me say it again:


Here are my reasons, which are purely mercenary and utterly shameless:


For eight years I watched as Obama, his supporters and his mainstream media, enjoyed victory after victory by telling lie after lie after lie after lie. Big, brash, bold, brassy, brazen, blatant, bodacious, blaring, barefaced lies about YouTube videos killing four Americans in Benghazi, about me being able to keep my health insurance and doctor, about Mitt Romney killing a woman with cancer, about there being no successful domestic terror attacks under Obama's watch, about the Obama administration being scandal free.

And here is what I learned: dirty politics work.

The Democrats are currently using lies to defeat Trump.

The mainstream media is a lying propaganda machine out to destroy Trump. So…

…out of some misguided sense of virtue we're supposed to surrender part of the arsenal?

Yeah, no.

This was my Road to Damascus moment…

During the 2012 election, when Team Obama accused Romney of murdering a woman, and the media let him, the scales fell from my eyes. I grew up a little bit. A piece of my innocence withered, dried up and died. That spot behind my ears got a little drier. My cherry went pop as I realized the following….

In politics, lying is a tactic, and if you don't use that tactic, you're screwed.


Let me just put it like this…

How exactly is it a virtue to lose like a gentleman when your personal freedom and the fate of your country is at stake?


Yes, politics is war. It is not war-war. Should Trump ever cross the line into illegality, violence, or the endorsing/excusing of violence (as Obama and his media frequently have), I'll speak up as loudly as anyone. And if Trump tells a lie of true consequence, an Obama-sized like…

"No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what."

…that might cross my line, as well. We'll see.

Reality, though, is still reality. Unless you want to live in a politically correct concentration camp (that used to be America) where your church is forced to perform same-sex marriages and a centralized government takes 70% of your income to fund abortions, you best be prepared, figuratively, to firebomb civilians in Dresden and nuke women and children at Hiroshima.
Silly little cocksuck, you people have been ranting about a coming revolution even since I have been on this board. Flapping yap about how you would like to shoot a few liberals. So now one of your assholes actually assaults a reporter, and you are jumping with joy, and making excuses why that is just fine. You are hypocrites and little whining asses, too scared of everything in the world to do anything but sit behind your keyboard and spew nonsense.l


Butthurt much ?

How's it feel there on the sidelines ?

And I will work in the next elections to see every vestige of the fat senile old orange clown destroyed. And see assholes like you put in a permanent state of whine.
You all sure helped hillary win, didn't you? Yeah, please "help" them some more.
Well now, Mikie baby, Hillary had 3 million more votes than did the fat senile old orange clown. It was a fluke of our electoral system that has made him President. A fluke more and more people are coming to regret.
Posting lies won't make her defeat any less deserved, will it?
Trump 62, 8
And I will work in the next elections to see every vestige of the fat senile old orange clown destroyed. And see assholes like you put in a permanent state of whine.
You all sure helped hillary win, didn't you? Yeah, please "help" them some more.
Well now, Mikie baby, Hillary had 3 million more votes than did the fat senile old orange clown. It was a fluke of our electoral system that has made him President. A fluke more and more people are coming to regret.
Posting lies won't make her defeat any less deserved, will it?
Trump, 62,853,825 Clinton 65,853,516

Clinton, +2,868,691
That's PRESIDENT TRUMP to you asshole!!!!!
The fucking LIBs in NYC and S. California don't get to decide who is elected PRESIDENT you moron! think that NYC and S. California should be disenfranchised of the vote. Interesting.
This is a column written by John Nolte after the essentially outlines why conservatives, and republicans voted for the Montanta Republican who bitch slapped the left wing, journalist........

You guys have set the ground rules for decades...we tried to do things the right way....and using the book dedicated to Satan, the Rules For assholes threw it back in our faces....

You wanted the fight to be like you have it....

Response to Ben Shapiro: Five Reasons I Don't Care If Donald Trump Lies

Let me first acknowledge Ben Shapiro's Sunday piece about those who excuse from Donald Trump what they never would from Barack Obama. On this particular subject, I have been very clear since the beginning, since The Donald stepped out onto the political stage. And for the hard of hearing, let me put it this way…


Just in case that wasn't perfectly clear, let me say it again:


Here are my reasons, which are purely mercenary and utterly shameless:


For eight years I watched as Obama, his supporters and his mainstream media, enjoyed victory after victory by telling lie after lie after lie after lie. Big, brash, bold, brassy, brazen, blatant, bodacious, blaring, barefaced lies about YouTube videos killing four Americans in Benghazi, about me being able to keep my health insurance and doctor, about Mitt Romney killing a woman with cancer, about there being no successful domestic terror attacks under Obama's watch, about the Obama administration being scandal free.

And here is what I learned: dirty politics work.

The Democrats are currently using lies to defeat Trump.

The mainstream media is a lying propaganda machine out to destroy Trump. So…

…out of some misguided sense of virtue we're supposed to surrender part of the arsenal?

Yeah, no.

This was my Road to Damascus moment…

During the 2012 election, when Team Obama accused Romney of murdering a woman, and the media let him, the scales fell from my eyes. I grew up a little bit. A piece of my innocence withered, dried up and died. That spot behind my ears got a little drier. My cherry went pop as I realized the following….

In politics, lying is a tactic, and if you don't use that tactic, you're screwed.


Let me just put it like this…

How exactly is it a virtue to lose like a gentleman when your personal freedom and the fate of your country is at stake?


Yes, politics is war. It is not war-war. Should Trump ever cross the line into illegality, violence, or the endorsing/excusing of violence (as Obama and his media frequently have), I'll speak up as loudly as anyone. And if Trump tells a lie of true consequence, an Obama-sized like…

"No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what."

…that might cross my line, as well. We'll see.

Reality, though, is still reality. Unless you want to live in a politically correct concentration camp (that used to be America) where your church is forced to perform same-sex marriages and a centralized government takes 70% of your income to fund abortions, you best be prepared, figuratively, to firebomb civilians in Dresden and nuke women and children at Hiroshima.
Silly little cocksuck, you people have been ranting about a coming revolution even since I have been on this board. Flapping yap about how you would like to shoot a few liberals. So now one of your assholes actually assaults a reporter, and you are jumping with joy, and making excuses why that is just fine. You are hypocrites and little whining asses, too scared of everything in the world to do anything but sit behind your keyboard and spew nonsense.l


Butthurt much ?

How's it feel there on the sidelines ?

The GOP has the WH, Congress, and the SCOTUS.

Now....tell us, what do you have to show for it?
You all sure helped hillary win, didn't you? Yeah, please "help" them some more.
Well now, Mikie baby, Hillary had 3 million more votes than did the fat senile old orange clown. It was a fluke of our electoral system that has made him President. A fluke more and more people are coming to regret.
Posting lies won't make her defeat any less deserved, will it?
Trump 62, 8
You all sure helped hillary win, didn't you? Yeah, please "help" them some more.
Well now, Mikie baby, Hillary had 3 million more votes than did the fat senile old orange clown. It was a fluke of our electoral system that has made him President. A fluke more and more people are coming to regret.
Posting lies won't make her defeat any less deserved, will it?
Trump, 62,853,825 Clinton 65,853,516

Clinton, +2,868,691
That's PRESIDENT TRUMP to you asshole!!!!!
The fucking LIBs in NYC and S. California don't get to decide who is elected PRESIDENT you moron! think that NYC and S. California should be disenfranchised of the vote. Interesting.
I think they should be cordoned off and set up as enemy prison camps until executions can be carried out.
The reporter had been begging for his treatment for awhile. Quite awhile.

How people feel about the reporter getting his due is evidenced by both Gianforte's win and the $100,000 in donations AFTER the election.

The reporter asked a question that I would have asked. Do you support the AHCA? He wasn't begging for anything.

What it confirms is that there is no difference between left and right. Both use the same tactics including violence. Both are like rabid dogs that need to be put down. Hitler won a election as well.
This is a column written by John Nolte after the essentially outlines why conservatives, and republicans voted for the Montanta Republican who bitch slapped the left wing, journalist........

You guys have set the ground rules for decades...we tried to do things the right way....and using the book dedicated to Satan, the Rules For assholes threw it back in our faces....

You wanted the fight to be like you have it....

Response to Ben Shapiro: Five Reasons I Don't Care If Donald Trump Lies

Let me first acknowledge Ben Shapiro's Sunday piece about those who excuse from Donald Trump what they never would from Barack Obama. On this particular subject, I have been very clear since the beginning, since The Donald stepped out onto the political stage. And for the hard of hearing, let me put it this way…


Just in case that wasn't perfectly clear, let me say it again:


Here are my reasons, which are purely mercenary and utterly shameless:


For eight years I watched as Obama, his supporters and his mainstream media, enjoyed victory after victory by telling lie after lie after lie after lie. Big, brash, bold, brassy, brazen, blatant, bodacious, blaring, barefaced lies about YouTube videos killing four Americans in Benghazi, about me being able to keep my health insurance and doctor, about Mitt Romney killing a woman with cancer, about there being no successful domestic terror attacks under Obama's watch, about the Obama administration being scandal free.

And here is what I learned: dirty politics work.

The Democrats are currently using lies to defeat Trump.

The mainstream media is a lying propaganda machine out to destroy Trump. So…

…out of some misguided sense of virtue we're supposed to surrender part of the arsenal?

Yeah, no.

This was my Road to Damascus moment…

During the 2012 election, when Team Obama accused Romney of murdering a woman, and the media let him, the scales fell from my eyes. I grew up a little bit. A piece of my innocence withered, dried up and died. That spot behind my ears got a little drier. My cherry went pop as I realized the following….

In politics, lying is a tactic, and if you don't use that tactic, you're screwed.


Let me just put it like this…

How exactly is it a virtue to lose like a gentleman when your personal freedom and the fate of your country is at stake?


Yes, politics is war. It is not war-war. Should Trump ever cross the line into illegality, violence, or the endorsing/excusing of violence (as Obama and his media frequently have), I'll speak up as loudly as anyone. And if Trump tells a lie of true consequence, an Obama-sized like…

"No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what."

…that might cross my line, as well. We'll see.

Reality, though, is still reality. Unless you want to live in a politically correct concentration camp (that used to be America) where your church is forced to perform same-sex marriages and a centralized government takes 70% of your income to fund abortions, you best be prepared, figuratively, to firebomb civilians in Dresden and nuke women and children at Hiroshima.
Silly little cocksuck, you people have been ranting about a coming revolution even since I have been on this board. Flapping yap about how you would like to shoot a few liberals. So now one of your assholes actually assaults a reporter, and you are jumping with joy, and making excuses why that is just fine. You are hypocrites and little whining asses, too scared of everything in the world to do anything but sit behind your keyboard and spew nonsense.l


Butthurt much ?

How's it feel there on the sidelines ?

The GOP has the WH, Congress, and the SCOTUS.

Now....tell us, what do you have to show for it?

Increasing liberty.

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