To the Moon, Israel!

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
in the forrest
Israel is planning to send a spacecraft to the moon. Attitude, this is not sending two guys to the luar surface, but for a tiny country, it is impressive. Where is Iran's lunar probe?
Israel is planning to send a spacecraft to the moon. Attitude, this is not sending two guys to the luar surface, but for a tiny country, it is impressive. Where is Iran's lunar probe?

Iran has been under sanctions since 1990 and then before that in a 8 year war, while Israel has been getting over 3 Billion from US hard working tax payers, not to mention money from the WWII museums all over world , and the people who loose money at Adelson's casinos, and all the other rich Jews who send money Israel , not spend it in the US, (not all , but many), they make it off the gentiles. I won't even start on the evangelicals who love to send their money to Israel either.

so not impressed. I am impressed enough that it means we can quit sending billions to them yearly.
Israel is planning to send a spacecraft to the moon. Attitude, this is not sending two guys to the luar surface, but for a tiny country, it is impressive. Where is Iran's lunar probe?

Iran has been under sanctions since 1990 and then before that in a 8 year war, while Israel has been getting over 3 Billion from US hard working tax payers, not to mention money from the WWII museums all over world , and the people who loose money at Adelson's casinos, and all the other rich Jews who send money Israel , not spend it in the US, (not all , but many), they make it off the gentiles. I won't even start on the evangelicals who love to send their money to Israel either.

so not impressed. I am impressed enough that it means we can quit sending billions to them yearly.

Could you survive when millions of American workers are laid of because of the billions no longer flowing into the US. Will you blame Israel for the collapse of the American economy after you have stopped those billions yourself. Imagine Greece but on a much bigger scale as the US goes broke and cant keep up with payments, it nearly went broke two days ago until it was bailed out again by the Jews lending them the money to pay federal and state workers wages.

So you should be impressed with all that the Jews do for your country
Israel is planning to send a spacecraft to the moon. Attitude, this is not sending two guys to the luar surface, but for a tiny country, it is impressive. Where is Iran's lunar probe?

Iran has been under sanctions since 1990 and then before that in a 8 year war, while Israel has been getting over 3 Billion from US hard working tax payers, not to mention money from the WWII museums all over world , and the people who loose money at Adelson's casinos, and all the other rich Jews who send money Israel , not spend it in the US, (not all , but many), they make it off the gentiles. I won't even start on the evangelicals who love to send their money to Israel either.

so not impressed. I am impressed enough that it means we can quit sending billions to them yearly.

Could you survive when millions of American workers are laid of because of the billions no longer flowing into the US. Will you blame Israel for the collapse of the American economy after you have stopped those billions yourself. Imagine Greece but on a much bigger scale as the US goes broke and cant keep up with payments, it nearly went broke two days ago until it was bailed out again by the Jews lending them the money to pay federal and state workers wages.

So you should be impressed with all that the Jews do for your country
The military industrial complex, that Eisenhower warned us about, is a net loss for our country.
Israel is planning to send a spacecraft to the moon. Attitude, this is not sending two guys to the luar surface, but for a tiny country, it is impressive. Where is Iran's lunar probe?
Iran's probe is up the supreme leader's anus looking for Klingon's, where many men have gone before.

Can we hear an Allah Akbar on that please?
I hope you go to the moon and your PM is on the flight. Maybe he can look down upon the earth and realize war and killing are not the answer.
...said the moon god worshiper.

Another Jew hater that can't handle it when Israel succeeds.
Israel is planning to send a spacecraft to the moon. Attitude, this is not sending two guys to the luar surface, but for a tiny country, it is impressive. Where is Iran's lunar probe?

Iran has been under sanctions since 1990 and then before that in a 8 year war, while Israel has been getting over 3 Billion from US hard working tax payers, not to mention money from the WWII museums all over world , and the people who loose money at Adelson's casinos, and all the other rich Jews who send money Israel , not spend it in the US, (not all , but many), they make it off the gentiles. I won't even start on the evangelicals who love to send their money to Israel either.

so not impressed. I am impressed enough that it means we can quit sending billions to them yearly.

Could you survive when millions of American workers are laid of because of the billions no longer flowing into the US. Will you blame Israel for the collapse of the American economy after you have stopped those billions yourself. Imagine Greece but on a much bigger scale as the US goes broke and cant keep up with payments, it nearly went broke two days ago until it was bailed out again by the Jews lending them the money to pay federal and state workers wages.

So you should be impressed with all that the Jews do for your country
The military industrial complex, that Eisenhower warned us about, is a net loss for our country.

Without it you would have been overran many years ago, and Obama is trying to destroy the US so that the muslims can take over and gain access to all those nuclear warheads.

It has been the Jews that have bailed you out every time the coffers where emptied and no money was left to pay wages.
I hope you go to the moon and your PM is on the flight. Maybe he can look down upon the earth and realize war and killing are not the answer.
I wonder how soon the muslims will claim that they were their first and the moon belongs to them cos allah said so. And parade around with rusty keys to the property destroyed by green Martians who occupied their lands.
The izzies once boasted they were sending a spaceship to the Sun, "thats crazy" they were told, "It will burn up" to which Shlomo replied, Oy vey, ve haft thout off dat end vill send it up at night
Israel is planning to send a spacecraft to the moon. Attitude, this is not sending two guys to the luar surface, but for a tiny country, it is impressive. Where is Iran's lunar probe?

One: As countdown looms, Israel’s moon bid already a winner

Two: SpaceIL | מנחיתים חללית ישראלית ראשונה על הירח

Any news about that? That article is over a year and a half old and the mission was never confirmed.

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