To The Obama Supporters


Aug 13, 2012
Tell us what he will do "different" if he's reelected. If you want to claim that what he's done is working, it's working at a snail's pace. The country will be like Greece before we get tangible results.

Obama himself has admitted that it's going to take more time.

So tell us what he will do that's better and different.
Tell us what he will do "different" if he's reelected. If you want to claim that what he's done is working, it's working at a snail's pace."

We (ALL) have Mitch "Turtle" McConnell to "Thank", for that one.

[ame=]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]

Tell us what he will do "different" if he's reelected. If you want to claim that what he's done is working, it's working at a snail's pace. The country will be like Greece before we get tangible results.

Obama himself has admitted that it's going to take more time.

So tell us what he will do that's better and different.

Hey numb nuts!!! I'm 78 years old. After Hoover and the banks screwed our economy up almost as bad as George W. Bush did it took Roosevelt eight years and a world war to straighten things out. Be patient....suck up their KoolAid. The only thing they are proposing is more tax cuts for wealthy folks and new wars. The same goddam thing that started ths shit.

Bomb Bomb Bomb...Bomb Bomb Iran
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Tell us what he will do "different" if he's reelected. If you want to claim that what he's done is working, it's working at a snail's pace. The country will be like Greece before we get tangible results.

Obama himself has admitted that it's going to take more time.

So tell us what he will do that's better and different.

Hey idiot!!! I'm 78 years old. After Hoover and the banks fucked our economy up almost as bad as George W. Bush did it took Roosevelt eight years and a world war to straighten things out. Be patient....suck up their KoolAid. The only thing they are proposing is more tax cuts for wealthy folks and new wars. The same goddam thing that started ths shit.

Bomb Bomb Bomb...Bomb Bomb Iran

A little touchy there, Pops? The only idiot is you Grandpa if you think we have that long to wait. So you advocate war to fix things?

" took Roosevelt eight years and a world war to straighten things out."

Your words, not mine.

Nice edit from... idiot to numbnuts.

Where did anyone advocate bombing Iran?

Now when you're ready, take your Geritol and answer the question.
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The only difference between Romney and Obama is economical.

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Tell us what he will do "different" if he's reelected. If you want to claim that what he's done is working, it's working at a snail's pace. The country will be like Greece before we get tangible results.

Obama himself has admitted that it's going to take more time.

So tell us what he will do that's better and different.

Hey numb nuts!!! I'm 78 years old. After Hoover and the banks screwed our economy up almost as bad as George W. Bush did it took Roosevelt eight years and a world war to straighten things out. Be patient....suck up their KoolAid. The only thing they are proposing is more tax cuts for wealthy folks and new wars. The same goddam thing that started ths shit.

Bomb Bomb Bomb...Bomb Bomb Iran

Yes, you are 78 and still naive and dumb.
Tell us what he will do "different" if he's reelected. If you want to claim that what he's done is working, it's working at a snail's pace. The country will be like Greece before we get tangible results.

Obama himself has admitted that it's going to take more time.

So tell us what he will do that's better and different.

Hey numb nuts!!! I'm 78 years old. After Hoover and the banks screwed our economy up almost as bad as George W. Bush did it took Roosevelt eight years and a world war to straighten things out. Be patient....suck up their KoolAid. The only thing they are proposing is more tax cuts for wealthy folks and new wars. The same goddam thing that started ths shit.

Bomb Bomb Bomb...Bomb Bomb Iran

How did Hoover screw up the economy? and how did Roosevelt fix it. Unemployment was higher under Roosevelt than it was under Hoover, and the only thing that got us out of the great depression was WW2...
There is no quick path to a healthier economy.

Romney doesn't have one, neither does Obama.

The debate is whose path is the better path for America?

I think Romney's vision of austerity is a terrible idea.

I also think that the automatic cuts (if there is no compromise on the budget) is also going to be a shitstorm for the economy.

And I'm not exactly thrilled with Obama's plan, either, I just think its marginally less terrible than Romney's stupid ideas
As a psychologist,i find obama is quite a study. This man knows the art in the power of words. He is good at manipulating people and conviencing them of what he wants them to believe. And the people in society that can't see through him and what he is doing, are hopeless. Obama preys on the weak of mind people with no knowledge of what he is doing.
No things are not better then they were 4 yrs ago, and anyone with half a brain can see that. They are making more promises that will fail also, because obama has no intentions of doing what he promise's. He has had intentions to transform this country and he wants more time to complete it. For gosh sakes he is a muslim, and thinks like one. He was raised to think that way and his mind was formed during his childhood years in the muslim country he grew up in.
If people don't vote him out in this election, our livelyhoods are finished. This is our only chance.!!!!!!!!!!!
As a psychologist,i find obama is quite a study. This man knows the art in the power of words. He is good at manipulating people and conviencing them of what he wants them to believe. And the people in society that can't see through him and what he is doing, are hopeless. Obama preys on the weak of mind people with no knowledge of what he is doing.
No things are not better then they were 4 yrs ago, and anyone with half a brain can see that. They are making more promises that will fail also, because obama has no intentions of doing what he promise's. He has had intentions to transform this country and he wants more time to complete it. For gosh sakes he is a muslim, and thinks like one. He was raised to think that way and his mind was formed during his childhood years in the muslim country he grew up in.
If people don't vote him out in this election, our livelyhoods are finished. This is our only chance.!!!!!!!!!!!

Which wa sthe mesage of the movie 2016. It was apologetic more than a hit piece. He knows nothing else. You call it a way with words. I call it a bullshit artist.
Tell us what he will do "different" if he's reelected. If you want to claim that what he's done is working, it's working at a snail's pace. The country will be like Greece before we get tangible results.

Obama himself has admitted that it's going to take more time.

So tell us what he will do that's better and different.

Hey numb nuts!!! I'm 78 years old. After Hoover and the banks screwed our economy up almost as bad as George W. Bush did it took Roosevelt eight years and a world war to straighten things out. Be patient....suck up their KoolAid. The only thing they are proposing is more tax cuts for wealthy folks and new wars. The same goddam thing that started ths shit.

Bomb Bomb Bomb...Bomb Bomb Iran

Yes, you are 78 and still naive and dumb.

He never came back. Probably fell off the toilet.
There is no quick path to a healthier economy.

Romney doesn't have one, neither does Obama.

The debate is whose path is the better path for America?

I think Romney's vision of austerity is a terrible idea.

I also think that the automatic cuts (if there is no compromise on the budget) is also going to be a shitstorm for the economy.

And I'm not exactly thrilled with Obama's plan, either, I just think its marginally less terrible than Romney's stupid ideas

Marginally less terrible is better than tried and failed.

Running up enormous debt will never solve the crisis. Sooner or later the bill comes due.
Tell us what he will do "different" if he's reelected. If you want to claim that what he's done is working, it's working at a snail's pace. The country will be like Greece before we get tangible results.

Obama himself has admitted that it's going to take more time.

So tell us what he will do that's better and different.

Hey numb nuts!!! I'm 78 years old. After Hoover and the banks screwed our economy up almost as bad as George W. Bush did it took Roosevelt eight years and a world war to straighten things out. Be patient....suck up their KoolAid. The only thing they are proposing is more tax cuts for wealthy folks and new wars. The same goddam thing that started ths shit.

Bomb Bomb Bomb...Bomb Bomb Iran

Yes, you are 78 and still naive and dumb.

I believe the definition of idiot is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. The Republicans haven't had a new idea since Reagan's "Trickle Down" "Voodoo Economics." I've got news for you...he qaudrupled the national debt and the only trickle down for what used to be the middle class of this country was warm piss running down the middle of their backs.
Hey numb nuts!!! I'm 78 years old. After Hoover and the banks screwed our economy up almost as bad as George W. Bush did it took Roosevelt eight years and a world war to straighten things out. Be patient....suck up their KoolAid. The only thing they are proposing is more tax cuts for wealthy folks and new wars. The same goddam thing that started ths shit.

Bomb Bomb Bomb...Bomb Bomb Iran

Yes, you are 78 and still naive and dumb.

I believe the definition of idiot is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. The Republicans haven't had a new idea since Reagan's "Trickle Down" "Voodoo Economics." I've got news for you...he qaudrupled the national debt and the only trickle down for what used to be the middle class of this country was warm piss running down the middle of their backs.

Yeah and Obama has a great idea...spend what we can't afford and let future generations pay for it.

He's already admited that he wants more stimulus.

Oh and let's not forget to turn the printing presses on again. Great strategy.
Running up enormous debt will never solve the crisis. Sooner or later the bill comes due.
.....And, a DEM has to.....


As a psychologist,i find obama is quite a study. This man knows the art in the power of words. He is good at manipulating people and conviencing them of what he wants them to believe. And the people in society that can't see through him and what he is doing, are hopeless. Obama preys on the weak of mind people with no knowledge of what he is doing.
No things are not better then they were 4 yrs ago, and anyone with half a brain can see that. They are making more promises that will fail also, because obama has no intentions of doing what he promise's. He has had intentions to transform this country and he wants more time to complete it. For gosh sakes he is a muslim, and thinks like one. He was raised to think that way and his mind was formed during his childhood years in the muslim country he grew up in.
If people don't vote him out in this election, our livelyhoods are finished. This is our only chance.!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't know about the muslim part but the rest? Yup.

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