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Zone1 To The White People Who Believe Black People Have More Rights Than They Do

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
This speaks for itself.

To The White People Who Believe Black People Have More Rights Than They Do

Listen to the conversations surrounding affirmative action. The underlying sentiment from those opposed is that someone is taking something away from white people that they are entitled to. A similar complaint, mainly promoted and funded by white people, is that Asians suffer because Black people are getting their spots for college admissions to top schools. The truth is that segments of the white population are pitting minority populations against each other while they keep the lion's share. Affirmative action exists because jobs, business opportunities, and college admissions were almost exclusively reserved for whites, whether by law or tradition. What they see as their rights being taken away is simply opening up opportunities to those previously denied.

White people initially granted themselves to and later saw reduced; the right to vote, the right to hold political office, the right to an education, the right to many jobs, preferred seating on public transportation, separate drinking fountains, special seating at movies, better access to grocery stores, banks, and medical care. There was no aspect of American society where white people didn't have an advantage, and many see gains by minorities as an affront to themselves.

Many white people, certainly not all, think Black people are taking their rights away. Read the comments section after any race-related Internet posts, and it's clear.

Nah, I always have said:

good to be white.jpg

And there's monsters in the closet, the Boogeman lives under your bed, and lets not forget Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, BigFoot, Nessie, and Martians.

Don't forget Keyser Söze. ;)

"Rat on your pop and Keyser Söze will get you."
This speaks for itself.

To The White People Who Believe Black People Have More Rights Than They Do

Listen to the conversations surrounding affirmative action. The underlying sentiment from those opposed is that someone is taking something away from white people that they are entitled to. A similar complaint, mainly promoted and funded by white people, is that Asians suffer because Black people are getting their spots for college admissions to top schools. The truth is that segments of the white population are pitting minority populations against each other while they keep the lion's share. Affirmative action exists because jobs, business opportunities, and college admissions were almost exclusively reserved for whites, whether by law or tradition. What they see as their rights being taken away is simply opening up opportunities to those previously denied.

White people initially granted themselves to and later saw reduced; the right to vote, the right to hold political office, the right to an education, the right to many jobs, preferred seating on public transportation, separate drinking fountains, special seating at movies, better access to grocery stores, banks, and medical care. There was no aspect of American society where white people didn't have an advantage, and many see gains by minorities as an affront to themselves.

Many white people, certainly not all, think Black people are taking their rights away. Read the comments section after any race-related Internet posts, and it's clear.

If Asian applicants to top schools are being short changed compared to black applicants, we should be able to see a disparity between their average SAT scores. Does such a disparity exist?
This speaks for itself.

To The White People Who Believe Black People Have More Rights Than They Do

Listen to the conversations surrounding affirmative action. The underlying sentiment from those opposed is that someone is taking something away from white people that they are entitled to. A similar complaint, mainly promoted and funded by white people, is that Asians suffer because Black people are getting their spots for college admissions to top schools. The truth is that segments of the white population are pitting minority populations against each other while they keep the lion's share. Affirmative action exists because jobs, business opportunities, and college admissions were almost exclusively reserved for whites, whether by law or tradition. What they see as their rights being taken away is simply opening up opportunities to those previously denied.

White people initially granted themselves to and later saw reduced; the right to vote, the right to hold political office, the right to an education, the right to many jobs, preferred seating on public transportation, separate drinking fountains, special seating at movies, better access to grocery stores, banks, and medical care. There was no aspect of American society where white people didn't have an advantage, and many see gains by minorities as an affront to themselves.

Many white people, certainly not all, think Black people are taking their rights away. Read the comments section after any race-related Internet posts, and it's clear.

If you really cared about underprivileged Black people, you wouldn't mock a man dedicating his life to help them.
As a Caucasian male, I don't believe that anyone has or should have, more rights than any other individual, regardless of race. I do believe that in competition for educational or occupational areas, those placed should be placed according to their "competence" level.
In occupations, especially those which are critical in safety matters, I want the best only in those jobs. For instance, there has been an increase in near catastrophic accidents involving commercial aircraft due to a lessening of standards for air-traffic controllers. I don't care who gets to work in that specific occupation, only that the person is "top notch," as they say, not someone brought in that is of lower expertise, simply to meet some misguided idea of getting in people who are "less qualified" to meet some quota. The same thing holds for doctors, nurses, lawyers, et cetera.
The most basic thing we can do is to end the failing schools in large Democrat cities and apply differing methods of teaching towards students, as the current "cookie-cutter" method of teaching isn't effective. Also, on the home front, BOTH parents need to be in the households and better parent. As for blacks, the claim that it is important that there be a male parent in the household to improve a child's chances, but what's also critical is, what are those parents like and that is true of all races. If the father sells illegal drugs, a thief, or worse, the kid is better off without him.
Sorry, got off topic a bit. Education, opportunity and a dash of luck are what's important and no one should have any more "rights" than anyone else and when it comes to crime, the punishment should also be equal, from theft to murder.
If Asian applicants to top schools are being short changed compared to black applicants, we should be able to see a disparity between their average SAT scores. Does such a disparity exist?
Yes of course. That’s what the Harvard lawsuit was about - Asians with significantly higher SAT scores were being rejected over blacks with much lower SAT scores, so Harvard devised a subjective personality test to justify the racial priority given to blacks. They scored Asians low on likability, and blacks high.

And then they said, by way of explaining why academically inferior blacks were being admitted over academically superior Asians, they had their “justification”: They said Asians aren’t likeable.

Now can you imagine if a school rejected smart, high-scoring blacks with the explanation that “blacks aren’t likeable”?! Holy hell would break out.
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The OP’s premise is entirely wrong in that he states the problem is that whites see blacks as taking college spots that they, the whites, feel entitled to.

That’s not it. They aren’t entitled to a spot, but neither are blacks. So why then does a black with a 3.2 and so-so scores get in, but a white with a 3.7 and higher scores gets rejected?

So the question is….why are blacks with lower academic qualifications ENTITLED to take the spot of an academically superior white?
The underlying sentiment from those opposed is that someone is taking something away from white people that they are entitled to.

Completely utterly WRONG!

AA is racist. The problem is you don't believe blacks can be racist (which is racist thinking in and of itself).

To favor one race over another (because of race) is the definition of racism. And that is exactly what affirmative action does. Every word of it.

And ya never told us what you're doing with all those dimes :D
Many white people, certainly not all, think Black people are taking their rights away. Read the comments section after any race-related Internet posts, and it's clear.

The problem is, you come into these discussions with a sense of entitlement.

You want to argue that we have had racial injustice in this country, I'm right on board with you.

You want to argue that some AA is needed, to make up for past injustices, I could probably go along with that. To a degree, but certainly not the way it's being practiced now where you pass up an Asian kid who busted his ass to get a 1600 SAT and a 4.0 GPA.

You want to argue that we need police reform, absolutely. What you've managed to do with your ACAB nonsense is drive people out of Law Enforcement as a vocation, and our cities have turned into war zones, as we saw in Downtown Chicago last weekend. And Mayor elect Brandon Johnson, who is going to make us miss Beetlejuice, was already making excuses for it.

You want to argue that the rest of us who never owned slaves need to pay reparations to people who never were slaves, and frankly, I'm out.
The OP’s premise is entirely wrong in that he states the problem is that whites see blacks as taking college spots that they, the whites, feel entitled to.

That’s not it. They aren’t entitled to a spot, but neither are blacks. So why then does a black with a 3.2 and so-so scores get in, but a white with a 3.7 and higher scores gets rejected?

So the question is….why are blacks with lower academic qualifications ENTITLED to take the spot of an academically superior white?

Ah, every time I try to talk reason with a guy like IM2, Lisa comes in and undermines it with racist babble like this.

Here's the first thing. GPA and SAT scores don't predict success. I take my niece. She got a 1600 SAT score. She's actually a pretty bright girl. Probably brighter than her old sister who just got her bachelor's degree. She lasted one Semester at University, because without her parents on her back all the time, she simply had no discipline. She's now at a community college trying to catch up, taking a major that is going to be absolutely worthless when she graduates.

Now, what we are talking about aren't the state universities. We are talking about the elite schools. The white kid with the 3.7 GPA isn't going to end up on a street corner with a cardboard sign saying "Will Work for Food". He's going to get into a state university. Oh, boo-f**king hoo.

Also a point. 42% of admissions to these elite schools fall under the banner of Athletics, Dean's Interest, Legacies and Children of Staff. A lot of whom I suspect got worse GPA's than the 3.2 black kid, but Lisa doesn't seem upset about that.

We saw with the Varsity Blue scandal what a farce college admissions is, but Lisa only wants to fix the part that benefit's black people.

(This is the part where she whines that I'm "anti-Semitic" because I criticize Israel and religion.)
As a Caucasian male, I don't believe that anyone has or should have, more rights than any other individual, regardless of race. I do believe that in competition for educational or occupational areas, those placed should be placed according to their "competence" level.
In occupations, especially those which are critical in safety matters, I want the best only in those jobs. For instance, there has been an increase in near catastrophic accidents involving commercial aircraft due to a lessening of standards for air-traffic controllers. I don't care who gets to work in that specific occupation, only that the person is "top notch," as they say, not someone brought in that is of lower expertise, simply to meet some misguided idea of getting in people who are "less qualified" to meet some quota. The same thing holds for doctors, nurses, lawyers, et cetera.
The most basic thing we can do is to end the failing schools in large Democrat cities and apply differing methods of teaching towards students, as the current "cookie-cutter" method of teaching isn't effective. Also, on the home front, BOTH parents need to be in the households and better parent. As for blacks, the claim that it is important that there be a male parent in the household to improve a child's chances, but what's also critical is, what are those parents like and that is true of all races. If the father sells illegal drugs, a thief, or worse, the kid is better off without him.
Sorry, got off topic a bit. Education, opportunity and a dash of luck are what's important and no one should have any more "rights" than anyone else and when it comes to crime, the punishment should also be equal, from theft to murder.
I believe in meritocracy.
Schools in the white rural south are failing as well.
I think I am for educational tax vouchers for parents as long as churches affiliated with 'church' schools are taxed.
Maybe all churches need to be taxed.
Yes of course. That’s what the Harvard lawsuit was about - Asians with significantly higher SAT scores were being rejected over blacks with much lower SAT scores, so Harvard devised a subjective personality test to justify the racial priority given to blacks. They scored Asians low on likability, and blacks high.

And then they said, by way of explaining why academically inferior blacks were being admitted over academically superior Asians, they had their “justification”: They said Asians aren’t likeable.

You keep misrepresenting the personality test as "not being likeable", which isn't what is being measured at all.

Harvard counters that the statistical analyses on which the challengers rely are flawed in multiple ways and say that the percentage of Asian American students has gone up over the past decade.

Asian-American students now make up nearly 23% of admitted students. African-Americans constitute 15%, Latinos 12.2%. A category of all others, mainly white students, is 50%.

Harvard did not directly counter the personal-rating statistic but said in a Friday filing that the challengers’ data analysis failed to include applicants such as athletes and children of parents who attended Harvard or of staff at the school. Harvard also submitted an expert report that said the challengers’ personal ratings model did not sufficiently control for such factors as the personal essay, teacher recommendations.

The country’s oldest institution of higher education broadly defended its longstanding effort for racial diversity as part of the education mission. It denies that it unlawfully sets quotas or engages in racial balancing. Admissions officers undertake a “whole-person evaluation” that includes academic performance, extracurriculars, personal qualities, talent, as well as socioeconomic background and race.

Friday’s filings offered the fullest picture to date of the kinds of assertions and evidence to be presented in the case that began in 2014 and that ultimately could affect admissions policies and racial affirmative action nationwide. The challengers’ goal is reversal of a 1978 Supreme Court landmark decision that first allowed racial affirmative action.
“Cognitive dissonance, first described by the psychologist Leon Festinger in the late 1950s, occurs when conflict emerges between what people want to believe and the reality that threatens those beliefs. The human mind does not like such inconsistencies: They set off alarms that spur the mind to alter some beliefs to make the perceived reality fit with one’s preferred views.”
Completely utterly WRONG!

AA is racist. The problem is you don't believe blacks can be racist (which is racist thinking in and of itself).

To favor one race over another (because of race) is the definition of racism. And that is exactly what affirmative action does. Every word of it.

And ya never told us what you're doing with all those dimes :D
Show us where in the text below affirmative action elevates the rights of Black people over whites or anyone else:

Executive Order 10925, signed by President John F. Kennedy on March 6, 1961, required government contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." I​
Show us where in the text below affirmative action elevates the rights of Black people over whites or anyone else:

Blacks have easier admission standards to get into colleges than whites.

If a black & a white are equally qualified for a job that they both applied for...the black gets the job...they can't even flip a coin.

Shall I continue?
Show us where in the text below affirmative action elevates the rights of Black people over whites or anyone else:

Executive Order 10925, signed by President John F. Kennedy on March 6, 1961, required government contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." I​
It doesn't but white race pimps are very good pimpologists.
Blacks have easier admission standards to get into colleges than whites.

If a black & a white are equally qualified for a job that they both applied for...the black gets the job...they can't even flip a coin.

Shall I continue?
Incorrect. But that's what your right wing race hustlers tell you.

“While people of color, individually and as groups, have been helped by affirmative action in the subsequent years, data and studies suggest women — white women in particular — have benefited disproportionately. According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.”
-Sally Kohn

Sally Kohn, Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone, Time, JUNE 17, 2013, Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone affirmative-action-civil-rights-white-women/#:~:text=But%20 study%20after%20study%20shows%20that%20affirmative%20 action,affirmative%20action%20helps%20the%20most%20in% 20America%20today.

Fact Sheet: Affirmative Action and What It Means for Women, July 1, 2000, The National Womens Law Center, Home - National Women's Law Center resources/affirmative-action-and-what-it-means-women/

Tim Wise, Is Sisterhood Conditional?: White Women and the Rollback of Affirmative Action, September 23, 1998, http://www.timwise.org/1998/09/is-s...women-and-the-rollback-of-affirmative-action/

ictoria M. Massie, White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents, White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents
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