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Zone1 To The White People Who Believe Black People Have More Rights Than They Do

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Ya mean the cold hard truth of "gibs me free money"?

There you have it in your own words...GIBS ME FREE MONEY!
Whites have been saying that since 1776. But reparations are not free money. Paint yourself black and tr to live then come talk.
The fact is large numbers of free Negroes owned black slaves; in fact, in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society at large. In 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves.

The census also determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned slaves (1). Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country

Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city

In Charleston, South Carolina in 1860 125 free Negroes owned slaves; six of them owning 10 or more.

LOTS more at link!

No, that's not the truth. But that's what whites like telling themselves. Now try telling me that blacks made slavery legal in America and how blacks implemented Jim Crow. You'll be trying to tell me about Anthony Johnson next.

“One major author on the slave trade (appropriately titled Sins of Our Fathers) explained how many white people urged him to state that the trade was the responsibility of African chiefs, and that Europeans merely turned up to buy captives- as though without European demand there would have been captives sitting on the beach by the millions!
- Walter Rodney
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This speaks for itself.

To The White People Who Believe Black People Have More Rights Than They Do

Listen to the conversations surrounding affirmative action. The underlying sentiment from those opposed is that someone is taking something away from white people that they are entitled to. A similar complaint, mainly promoted and funded by white people, is that Asians suffer because Black people are getting their spots for college admissions to top schools. The truth is that segments of the white population are pitting minority populations against each other while they keep the lion's share. Affirmative action exists because jobs, business opportunities, and college admissions were almost exclusively reserved for whites, whether by law or tradition. What they see as their rights being taken away is simply opening up opportunities to those previously denied.

White people initially granted themselves to and later saw reduced; the right to vote, the right to hold political office, the right to an education, the right to many jobs, preferred seating on public transportation, separate drinking fountains, special seating at movies, better access to grocery stores, banks, and medical care. There was no aspect of American society where white people didn't have an advantage, and many see gains by minorities as an affront to themselves.

Many white people, certainly not all, think Black people are taking their rights away. Read the comments section after any race-related Internet posts, and it's clear.

Like I said, paint yourself black, white......, then try living. After you do so for 4-5 years, (if you can handle it) come back and tell me that reparations is free money.
“While people of color, individually and as groups, have been helped by affirmative action in the subsequent years, data and studies suggest women — white women in particular — have benefited disproportionately. According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.”
-Sally Kohn

Well, Sally Kohn has certainly benefited from Affirmative Action. Her writing sucks and she still gets paid for it.

But here's the thing. Most white women (and Asian women) would be perfectly fine in Affirmative Action went away tomorrow. They really would. Why? Because women are accepted in the workplace now. Sure, they'll still run into misogynistic bosses and coworkers, they'll still encounter their share of sexual harassment, but they are confident enough in their abilities that they don't really need a hand up.

Most Asians would be fine if Affirmative Action went away tomorrow. They'll still encounter their share of racist coworkers, but they are confident enough in their abilities to not need a hand up.

So the question becomes, why do black people still need a hand up?
Why do you all hold yourself in such high esteem? You all are NOT the government who put these racist policies in place that then allowed Black people to be lawfully discriminated and abused by just about any racist white they we had the misfortune to encounter.

And before anyone brings up their taxes, in what other instances do the American people get to prevent our government from spending the money that they collect from us as taxes, on things we don't want or agree with?

Well, you see, we have these things called "elections", that's how we keep the government from spending money on really stupid shit.

Or that's how it should work.

Now, if Biden came out tomorrow and said, 'Hey, everyone, we are going to pay reparations to black people and your taxes are going up" that's the day I put on a MAGA hat.

You aren't getting reparations. Deal with it! What happened to your ancestors was sad and stuff, but life is hard and then you die.
Exactly! All that grad student does is quote what the EO said - which was to pick the best person REGARDLESS of race. The liberals at Harvard and elsewhere are doing the precise opposite - developing admissions practices with the express purpose of advantaging a specific race and disadvantaging the other races.

Again, Lisa,

where is your outrage about

Dean's Interest
Family of Staff

These aren't necessarily always the best people, either. But they make up 42% of admissions at Harvard.

Not that GPA and SAT scores are the be all and end all of College success.
Anyone with direct experience in hiring like myself and my wife KNOWS that preferential hiring and college admissions based on race is ABSOLUTELY real and has been in practice for decades. You are smart enough to know how laws get twisted, misapplied or otherwise ignored.
You and your wife too if you want to drag her into it, are perpetuating the myth that Black people who are hired into plum jobs are not qualified to hold them or are lesser qualified than let's say a white candidate who also wanted the job.

Of course I know how laws get twisted, misapplied or ignored by individuals. It happens every time a racist white hiring manager or recruiter ignores the Civil Rights Act because they don't agree with it and instead in direct violation of said laws hires whoever the hell they want to hire thereby depriving some minority candidate of an opportunity. Ask Flash, he brags about how he would immediately throw any resumes with "Black sounding names" into the trash. That is definitely a violation but he doesn't care and proof that changing the laws did nothing to change the hearts and minds of the white racists among us.

But when this happens, why are you all blaming affirmative action? And what about when it was happening to the benefit of whites prior to the enactment of affirmative action, why wasn't the disparity in hiring then a problem?

And something that none of you seem to understand is that there are a myriad of traits and characteristics that make a person a good candidate or a more desirable candidate than another and this applies to students as well as employees.
  • Fact
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Like I said, paint yourself black, white......, then try living. After you do so for 4-5 years, (if you can handle it) come back and tell me that reparations is free money.

Oh, no, I wouldn't want to live as a black person in this country, but more because of the things they do to themselves rather than what white people do to them.

So instead of whining about the things that white people aren't doing for you (because that's a long wait for a train that never comes), maybe, oh, I don't know, try to be more like Asian people. Accept you are going to run into bigots and prejudice, but do the best you can anyway.
Well, you see, we have these things called "elections", that's how we keep the government from spending money on really stupid shit.

Or that's how it should work.

Now, if Biden came out tomorrow and said, 'Hey, everyone, we are going to pay reparations to black people and your taxes are going up" that's the day I put on a MAGA hat.

You aren't getting reparations. Deal with it! What happened to your ancestors was sad and stuff, but life is hard and then you die.
Actually you don't know what I will receive but my own assessment is that our government will begin paying reparations, probably not within my lifetime but they will pay them eventually.

The mistake you all make is in believing that receiving the money is the reward. It's not, at least not for me personally. The reward is the proper entity finally having to pay out the money that will be the source of satisfaction because it will mean that our government has finally acknowledged the great harm they have done to generations upon generations of people of African descent.

It's funny that to hear you tell it, the only thing that you care about is reparations to Black people who were actually mistreated by our government and in some cases still are, but I don't recall you complaining about your tax money going to help the people of Ukraine, or to any of the wars in the middle east the U.S. have fought.

Hell, the city of Seattle or King County I can't remember which off the top of my head either has paid or is about to pay more than a billion dollars to fight the homeless problem. They have no qualms about opening up their wallets to help these people who didn't end up where they are because of any government laws or policies discriminating against them, but through personal misfortune or life choices that many still refuse to change. Nor the war on drugs that they're waging by making sure everyone has and carries Narcan, vending machines that dispense it, and safe injection sites, free housing in vacant hotels which they end up trashing (thus far). There is tax money coming from who knows where to help these people but even the suggestion of atonement and a monetary price tag and everyone loses their minds.
  • Winner
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You and your wife too if you want to drag her into it, are perpetuating the myth that Black people who are hired into plum jobs are not qualified to hold them or are lesser qualified than let's say a white candidate who also wanted the job.

It's not a myth. I've seen it happen. It happened to me a job back. I was working as a contractor for a company, did a lot of really good stuff to straighten out their processes and procedures, implemented a major company inventory control initiative, and gained a lot of respect from the quality and manufacturing teams.

And when they had an open position, they gave it to a black woman who was less qualified (about five years less experience). Which again, I'd have no problem with if she was actually good at the job. She really wasn't. She didn't get the ERP systems that we used. She didn't develop good relationships with the vendors. Vendors actually went to the Purchasing Manager and asked to deal with a different buyer. Eventually, they reassigned most of her work to other people, and she spent about half her day shopping on Amazon. When another contractor (who also didn't get the job) complained about it, he was reprimanded.

And before you all accuse me of being non-supportive, I would take time out of my day to explain to her how do do a process, only to have her come back a couple weeks later and ask to have the same process explained to her again.

Oh, when Trump Plague rolled around and caused them to do cutbacks, they got rid of the Contractors (path of least resistance) and kept this mutant, until she quit to take a job closer to her house. She actually applied for a job at the company I work for now, and gave me a call to ask me what I thought of the company. I heavily implied we had a high workload and long hours (I embellished a bit!) and she immediately lost interest. Imagine that.
This speaks for itself.

To The White People Who Believe Black People Have More Rights Than They Do

Hey, IM. My people came off the boat a hundred years ago and your people them to go back. They were called "jive ass h******" and "cracker mf'ers" and blamed for slavery by teeming masses demanding reparations.

But they stayed anyone, and made their own way.

Why can't we all just get along? Poland isn't your problem.
Actually you don't know what I will receive but my own assessment is that our government will begin paying reparations, probably not within my lifetime but they will pay them eventually.

Nope, never going to happen. White people, who are going to be the majority for a long time, simply won't put up with it. Neither will Asian people, for that matter, I doubt Hispanics will. So while you are on your way to being the country's fourth largest ethnic group, wonder why the others are passing you up, and what they are doing right vs. what you are doing wrong. You don't see Asians waiting for "reparations", they get out there and they work.

The mistake you all make is in believing that receiving the money is the reward. It's not, at least not for me personally. The reward is the proper entity finally having to pay out the money that will be the source of satisfaction because it will mean that our government has finally acknowledged the great harm they have done to generations upon generations of people of African descent.

The government has paid out 22 Trillion dollars in the failed "War on Poverty". Enough is enough. Let's start spending smarter, not more.

It's funny that to hear you tell it, the only thing that you care about is reparations to Black people who were actually mistreated by our government and in some cases still are, but I don't recall you complaining about your tax money going to help the people of Ukraine, or to any of the wars in the middle east the U.S. have fought.

Then you aren't paying attention. I've posted numerous posts criticizing all aspects of our Middle East policies and wars. One of which I served during (but wasn't deployed, thankfully, given what some of those guys came back with.) As for the Ukraine, they are being invaded by a foreign country, right now. They aren't bitching about what the Russians did to them in the 1930's or 19th Century.

Hell, the city of Seattle or King County I can't remember which off the top of my head either has paid or is about to pay more than a billion dollars to fight the homeless problem. They have no qualms about opening up their wallets to help these people who didn't end up where they are because of any government laws or policies discriminating against them, but through personal misfortune or life choices that many still refuse to change. Nor the war on drugs that they're waging by making sure everyone has and carries Narcan, vending machines that dispense it, and safe injection sites, free housing in vacant hotels which they end up trashing (thus far). There is tax money coming from who knows where to help these people but even the suggestion of atonement and a monetary price tag and everyone loses their minds.

Uh, frankly, one really stupid policy doesn't rationalize another. Instead of instituting real solutions to the Homeless problem, which would be going back to institutionalizing these people because they can't function, they are subsidizing their addictions, which is just... stupid.

The problem with the war on poverty is that it also perpetuates the worst behavior. Having kids out of wedlock? Here's a bag of money! Don't want to work? Here's a bag of money! Doing drugs? Here's a bag of money! We'll call it a disability! Then you wonder why you can't make any progress. Why, it must have been slavery that happened 150 years ago!
Yup...and all the blacks that owned black slaves only bought family members in order to "save them" :laughing0301:

Then there's the one about the "innocent" black man :auiqs.jpg:
It's not a myth. I've seen it happen. It happened to me a job back. I was working as a contractor for a company, did a lot of really good stuff to straighten out their processes and procedures, implemented a major company inventory control initiative, and gained a lot of respect from the quality and manufacturing teams.

And when they had an open position, they gave it to a black woman who was less qualified (about five years less experience). Which again, I'd have no problem with if she was actually good at the job. She really wasn't. She didn't get the ERP systems that we used. She didn't develop good relationships with the vendors. Vendors actually went to the Purchasing Manager and asked to deal with a different buyer. Eventually, they reassigned most of her work to other people, and she spent about half her day shopping on Amazon. When another contractor (who also didn't get the job) complained about it, he was reprimanded.

And before you all accuse me of being non-supportive, I would take time out of my day to explain to her how do do a process, only to have her come back a couple weeks later and ask to have the same process explained to her again.

Oh, when Trump Plague rolled around and caused them to do cutbacks, they got rid of the Contractors (path of least resistance) and kept this mutant, until she quit to take a job closer to her house. She actually applied for a job at the company I work for now, and gave me a call to ask me what I thought of the company. I heavily implied we had a high workload and long hours (I embellished a bit!) and she immediately lost interest. Imagine that.
And this scenario has only ever played out with a Black person? You've never worked with a white person who did the same thing?
It was intended to be colorblind. It’s been perverted to be racial preferences. The intent was for the person best able to perform the job or meet academic requirements to get the position.
It's still colorblind however when a company is ordered to increase the number of women or minorities it's usually because they've been adjudicated to have discriminated against said groups in the past (or have signed a consent decree).

In other words, that's a requirement that becomes part of how they make their workforce for inclusive and equitable and more representative of those groups in the general population.
Well, Sally Kohn has certainly benefited from Affirmative Action. Her writing sucks and she still gets paid for it.

But here's the thing. Most white women (and Asian women) would be perfectly fine in Affirmative Action went away tomorrow. They really would. Why? Because women are accepted in the workplace now. Sure, they'll still run into misogynistic bosses and coworkers, they'll still encounter their share of sexual harassment, but they are confident enough in their abilities that they don't really need a hand up.

Most Asians would be fine if Affirmative Action went away tomorrow. They'll still encounter their share of racist coworkers, but they are confident enough in their abilities to not need a hand up.

So the question becomes, why do black people still need a hand up?
The answer is still the same and it's not going to change because it's the same answer to the question of why have the "Irish, Italians, Jewish people, Asians, etc." been able to "progress, assimilate, etc." but Black people haven't.

BECAUSE NONE OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE BLACK therefore they are not and never were subjected to the anti-Black racism that was a part of the fabric of the United States for close to 200 years of its existence.

And because there are still white and other racists who lie and claim things like "Black people need a hand up" when affirmative action only provides opportunities in an attempt to counter the impediments put in place such as the institutional racism installed by the white supremacists who created our system as well as the laws that enforce[d] the racial segregation and discrimination against Black people here in the U.S.

What affirmative action doesn't provide are shoe in jobs to unqualified Black people as you all seem intent on keeping this particular falsehood alive.
Actually you don't know what I will receive but my own assessment is that our government will begin paying reparations, probably not within my lifetime but they will pay them eventually.

The mistake you all make is in believing that receiving the money is the reward. It's not, at least not for me personally. The reward is the proper entity finally having to pay out the money that will be the source of satisfaction because it will mean that our government has finally acknowledged the great harm they have done to generations upon generations of people of African descent.

It's funny that to hear you tell it, the only thing that you care about is reparations to Black people who were actually mistreated by our government and in some cases still are, but I don't recall you complaining about your tax money going to help the people of Ukraine, or to any of the wars in the middle east the U.S. have fought.

Hell, the city of Seattle or King County I can't remember which off the top of my head either has paid or is about to pay more than a billion dollars to fight the homeless problem. They have no qualms about opening up their wallets to help these people who didn't end up where they are because of any government laws or policies discriminating against them, but through personal misfortune or life choices that many still refuse to change. Nor the war on drugs that they're waging by making sure everyone has and carries Narcan, vending machines that dispense it, and safe injection sites, free housing in vacant hotels which they end up trashing (thus far). There is tax money coming from who knows where to help these people but even the suggestion of atonement and a monetary price tag and everyone loses their minds.

Reparations are tricky in the US because slavery wasn't a universal horror show; not all states enacted it. Yet all Americans will pay reparations. Similarly with Jim Crowe laws. I guess you could make the case that the US endured it for however long--but then, some northerners lost entire families of sons fighting for the North, and that war ended slavery. Is that family to pay reparations after paying so dear a price?

That's what's so sticky. But the fact that there WAS slavery and Jim Crowe in this nation is why I am a reluctant advocate of affirmation action in hiring and college admissions. Reluctant because it's not really Constitutional--but then, neither was slavery. So there's that.
You and your wife too if you want to drag her into it, are perpetuating the myth that Black people who are hired into plum jobs are not qualified to hold them or are lesser qualified than let's say a white candidate who also wanted the job.

Of course I know how laws get twisted, misapplied or ignored by individuals. It happens every time a racist white hiring manager or recruiter ignores the Civil Rights Act because they don't agree with it and instead in direct violation of said laws hires whoever the hell they want to hire thereby depriving some minority candidate of an opportunity. Ask Flash, he brags about how he would immediately throw any resumes with "Black sounding names" into the trash. That is definitely a violation but he doesn't care and proof that changing the laws did nothing to change the hearts and minds of the white racists among us.

But when this happens, why are you all blaming affirmative action? And what about when it was happening to the benefit of whites prior to the enactment of affirmative action, why wasn't the disparity in hiring then a problem?

And something that none of you seem to understand is that there are a myriad of traits and characteristics that make a person a good candidate or a more desirable candidate than another and this applies to students as well as employees.
The disparity 60 years ago in hiring or admitting whites over blacks WAS a problem, which is why AA was instituted, saying that race should not be a factor.

But what has happened since then is that leftists have ignored the law and made it a very big factor - in favor of blacks. And that is what the ruling from the SCOTUS will correct.

That not only means that leftist schools will not be able to admit blacks they would have rejected if white, but they cannot come up with cockamamie tests and policies designed to bring more blacks in
In addition, it will mean that the President of the United States, and all these other woke companies, can exclude whites from consideration for jobs and promotions because they decided they want a black to fill it.
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