To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

The Establishment is trying to get everyone to be able to afford paying their own healthcare. So that if in case Obamacare is removed, that they will still have clientele that can afford to buy their expensive meds. Even though, that everyone else will want a raise because they do not want to make the same wage for someone that is flipping burgers..,Like school teachers and scientists that they makes around that amount. But basically, that the burger makers are going to be making the same amount but with healthcare. The Establishment is not giving out nothing for free.


That was basically my point to Moonbat. Giving these people 15 per hour devalues everyone else's dollar. All the way up the scales. It would cause a major problem in salaries in every business.
My first real job at a five and dime in 1970, I was paid less than minimum wage for being under 16. What if there was a less than minimum for teenagers like there was back then? Would that make you happy?
Around here, it isn't 16 year olds that get up at 4 a.m. and drive through every snow storm in order to open the store and serve grumpy and insane customers their breakfasts. If an employee is reliable and does what they're supposed to do, why shouldn't they make enough to pay their rent? If the minimum wage goes up, yes, it will cause some inflation. It will also put a lot more money in people's pockets, and they will spend it, which is good for the economy.
Isn't that the whole idea behind the proposed Tax Bill?

All I just heard was "I made a shit life for myself, and rather than making it better, I'd rather just continue my shit job and demand more money."

Their rent is not their employer's problem, and in no way a factor in how the wage is set. Their rent is THEIR problem, and should be a factor in whether they just sit in that job forever, or get themselves into a better one.

You could be the most reliable employee in the world, and if you're doing a job I could train my 9-year-old to do, you're STILL not going to be worth $15 an hour.

Don't even get me started on your harebrained economic "ideas" about "just give out more money, and everyone will have more in their pockets and there will be rainbows and puppies." You'd have to pay me $15 an hour AT LEAST to spend the time necessary to explain to you why you're an economic imbecile.
Sorry, but there's nothing about, "Whine, whine, I have to work full-time, so that means I deserve scads of money" that's making a valid argument here. Your job is not valued by how many hours you're willing to drag your lazy, sorry ass to work for, nor by how much money you feel you need. It is valued by how much money it makes for your employer, and how difficult it is to do (ie. how easily you could be replaced).

Fifteen bucks an hour is a far cry from "scads of money".
Sorry, but there's nothing about, "Whine, whine, I have to work full-time, so that means I deserve scads of money" that's making a valid argument here. Your job is not valued by how many hours you're willing to drag your lazy, sorry ass to work for, nor by how much money you feel you need. It is valued by how much money it makes for your employer, and how difficult it is to do (ie. how easily you could be replaced).

Fifteen bucks an hour is a far cry from "scads of money".

It's also a far cry from what those jobs are actually worth.
View attachment 164037

Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

so you pick a meme and think that's a truth?

reality: if you work 40 hours a week, you should be able to afford, food, shelter medicine and education.
View attachment 164037

Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

Kids have been shut out of these jobs by illegal aliens.


it isn't kids working at these jobs anymore. not since rightwignuts crashed the economy last time.
They do

Then someone else comes along to be exploited. Doesn't excuse exploiting them

Nobody is being exploited. It's not like government comes along and tells you what job you must work at. The choice is purely yours.

If you buy a used car for your son, and you paid 12K for it even though you think it's only worth 10, were you exploited? You decided to buy that car and decided to pay that price. You had many other options, but you chose that car.
They are being exploited to the degree that the taxpayer has to come in and subsidize substandard wages

That's not the fault of the employer, that's the fault of Democrat politicians. Employers don't hand out welfare--government hands out welfare.
You and I pay low wage workers because employers won't

Rather see the employer pay reasonable wages than the taxpayer

Which means we should have strict limits on social programs. They should only be given to those who have absolutely no way of supporting themselves. Currently, our government rewards people who don't try, so they stay on the programs as long as possible.

The reason people don't try to better themselves is because of these programs. The solution? Get rid of the programs and let people figure out how to make ends meet themselves.
We do have strict limits on social programs

Wealthy truck drivers do not qualify
Nobody is being exploited. It's not like government comes along and tells you what job you must work at. The choice is purely yours.

If you buy a used car for your son, and you paid 12K for it even though you think it's only worth 10, were you exploited? You decided to buy that car and decided to pay that price. You had many other options, but you chose that car.
They are being exploited to the degree that the taxpayer has to come in and subsidize substandard wages

That's not the fault of the employer, that's the fault of Democrat politicians. Employers don't hand out welfare--government hands out welfare.
You and I pay low wage workers because employers won't

Rather see the employer pay reasonable wages than the taxpayer

Which means we should have strict limits on social programs. They should only be given to those who have absolutely no way of supporting themselves. Currently, our government rewards people who don't try, so they stay on the programs as long as possible.

The reason people don't try to better themselves is because of these programs. The solution? Get rid of the programs and let people figure out how to make ends meet themselves.
We do have strict limits on social programs

Wealthy truck drivers do not qualify
Gold in the grill really gives it away..
They are being exploited to the degree that the taxpayer has to come in and subsidize substandard wages

That's not the fault of the employer, that's the fault of Democrat politicians. Employers don't hand out welfare--government hands out welfare.
You and I pay low wage workers because employers won't

Rather see the employer pay reasonable wages than the taxpayer

Which means we should have strict limits on social programs. They should only be given to those who have absolutely no way of supporting themselves. Currently, our government rewards people who don't try, so they stay on the programs as long as possible.

The reason people don't try to better themselves is because of these programs. The solution? Get rid of the programs and let people figure out how to make ends meet themselves.
We do have strict limits on social programs

Wealthy truck drivers do not qualify
Gold in the grill really gives it away..
in south chicago, white guys can buy chicks for 9.00 hr
That's not the fault of the employer, that's the fault of Democrat politicians. Employers don't hand out welfare--government hands out welfare.
You and I pay low wage workers because employers won't

Rather see the employer pay reasonable wages than the taxpayer

Which means we should have strict limits on social programs. They should only be given to those who have absolutely no way of supporting themselves. Currently, our government rewards people who don't try, so they stay on the programs as long as possible.

The reason people don't try to better themselves is because of these programs. The solution? Get rid of the programs and let people figure out how to make ends meet themselves.
We do have strict limits on social programs

Wealthy truck drivers do not qualify
Gold in the grill really gives it away..
in south chicago, white guys can buy chicks for 9.00 hr
Make mine a triple...
Nobody is being exploited. It's not like government comes along and tells you what job you must work at. The choice is purely yours.

If you buy a used car for your son, and you paid 12K for it even though you think it's only worth 10, were you exploited? You decided to buy that car and decided to pay that price. You had many other options, but you chose that car.
They are being exploited to the degree that the taxpayer has to come in and subsidize substandard wages

That's not the fault of the employer, that's the fault of Democrat politicians. Employers don't hand out welfare--government hands out welfare.
You and I pay low wage workers because employers won't

Rather see the employer pay reasonable wages than the taxpayer

Which means we should have strict limits on social programs. They should only be given to those who have absolutely no way of supporting themselves. Currently, our government rewards people who don't try, so they stay on the programs as long as possible.

The reason people don't try to better themselves is because of these programs. The solution? Get rid of the programs and let people figure out how to make ends meet themselves.
We do have strict limits on social programs

Wealthy truck drivers do not qualify
Find a nice girl who is willing to be a friend, who does.
They are being exploited to the degree that the taxpayer has to come in and subsidize substandard wages

That's not the fault of the employer, that's the fault of Democrat politicians. Employers don't hand out welfare--government hands out welfare.
You and I pay low wage workers because employers won't

Rather see the employer pay reasonable wages than the taxpayer

Which means we should have strict limits on social programs. They should only be given to those who have absolutely no way of supporting themselves. Currently, our government rewards people who don't try, so they stay on the programs as long as possible.

The reason people don't try to better themselves is because of these programs. The solution? Get rid of the programs and let people figure out how to make ends meet themselves.
We do have strict limits on social programs

Wealthy truck drivers do not qualify
Find a nice girl who is willing to be a friend, who does.
Who does social programs?
You and I pay low wage workers because employers won't

Rather see the employer pay reasonable wages than the taxpayer

Which means we should have strict limits on social programs. They should only be given to those who have absolutely no way of supporting themselves. Currently, our government rewards people who don't try, so they stay on the programs as long as possible.

The reason people don't try to better themselves is because of these programs. The solution? Get rid of the programs and let people figure out how to make ends meet themselves.
We do have strict limits on social programs

Wealthy truck drivers do not qualify
Gold in the grill really gives it away..
in south chicago, white guys can buy chicks for 9.00 hr
Make mine a triple...
well for 12.00hr, you can buy a chick with three breasts
Which means we should have strict limits on social programs. They should only be given to those who have absolutely no way of supporting themselves. Currently, our government rewards people who don't try, so they stay on the programs as long as possible.

The reason people don't try to better themselves is because of these programs. The solution? Get rid of the programs and let people figure out how to make ends meet themselves.
We do have strict limits on social programs

Wealthy truck drivers do not qualify
Gold in the grill really gives it away..
in south chicago, white guys can buy chicks for 9.00 hr
Make mine a triple...
well for 12.00hr, you can buy a chick with three breasts
I've only got two hands, well, and a mouth....Maybe it will be okay.. But I need a job at McDonald's first to get some dough...
We do have strict limits on social programs

Wealthy truck drivers do not qualify
Gold in the grill really gives it away..
in south chicago, white guys can buy chicks for 9.00 hr
Make mine a triple...
well for 12.00hr, you can buy a chick with three breasts
I've only got two hands, well, and a mouth....Maybe it will be okay.. But I need a job at McDonald's first to get some dough...
i cant see anyone paying an employee 15.00hr that cannot enounce anything,,,can u imagine going to a McDonalds in a very poor area, and when u get approached, the kid says,,so like youze wedy to oda? yall no wad youze want? dis dat burger? we like hab some speechals today wit dat big M.F. Whoppa meal.
Gold in the grill really gives it away..
in south chicago, white guys can buy chicks for 9.00 hr
Make mine a triple...
well for 12.00hr, you can buy a chick with three breasts
I've only got two hands, well, and a mouth....Maybe it will be okay.. But I need a job at McDonald's first to get some dough...
i cant see anyone paying an employee 15.00hr that cannot enounce anything,,,can u imagine going to a McDonalds in a very poor area, and when u get approached, the kid says,,so like youze wedy to oda? yall no wad youze want? dis dat burger? we like hab some speechals today wit dat big M.F. Whoppa meal.
The real measure of the incompetence is when you ask for a special order and they ask you what is a special order...
That's not the fault of the employer, that's the fault of Democrat politicians. Employers don't hand out welfare--government hands out welfare.
You and I pay low wage workers because employers won't

Rather see the employer pay reasonable wages than the taxpayer

Which means we should have strict limits on social programs. They should only be given to those who have absolutely no way of supporting themselves. Currently, our government rewards people who don't try, so they stay on the programs as long as possible.

The reason people don't try to better themselves is because of these programs. The solution? Get rid of the programs and let people figure out how to make ends meet themselves.
We do have strict limits on social programs

Wealthy truck drivers do not qualify
Find a nice girl who is willing to be a friend, who does.
Who does social programs?
Depende on the circumstances.
You and I pay low wage workers because employers won't

Rather see the employer pay reasonable wages than the taxpayer

Which means we should have strict limits on social programs. They should only be given to those who have absolutely no way of supporting themselves. Currently, our government rewards people who don't try, so they stay on the programs as long as possible.

The reason people don't try to better themselves is because of these programs. The solution? Get rid of the programs and let people figure out how to make ends meet themselves.
We do have strict limits on social programs

Wealthy truck drivers do not qualify
Find a nice girl who is willing to be a friend, who does.
Who does social programs?
Depende on the circumstances.
For truck drivers?
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