To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Are you proud of the fact that the poor in the United States are worse off than in every other modernization country?
any other modern country where are they get Healthcare cheap education education in college and training, very cheap daycare and paid parental leave

Our so-called poor live better than some working people. What other country would you rather be poor in if not the United States?
Any other modern country where they get Healthcare cheap education college and training, very cheap daycare and paid parental leave and a living wage etc etc. And no I'm not leaving my country and anyway you can't unless you're a millionaire or a doctor...

So if they get all that, how do they still have poor people?

They take such good care of people you have to be a millionaire or doctor to move there? Doesn't sound like they are taking care of anybody to me.
They don't have poor people according to our criteria... They don't want people from out of the EU or their country, especially backward Americans.
Are you proud of the fact that the poor in the United States are worse off than in every other modernization country?
any other modern country where are they get Healthcare cheap education education in college and training, very cheap daycare and paid parental leave

Our so-called poor live better than some working people. What other country would you rather be poor in if not the United States?
Any other modern country where they get Healthcare cheap education college and training, very cheap daycare and paid parental leave and a living wage etc etc. And no I'm not leaving my country and anyway you can't unless you're a millionaire or a doctor...

So if they get all that, how do they still have poor people?

They take such good care of people you have to be a millionaire or doctor to move there? Doesn't sound like they are taking care of anybody to me.
They don't have poor people according to our criteria... They don't want people from out of the EU or their country, especially backward Americans.

Is that why they are taking in all those refugees? In France, police are afraid to go to Muslim areas.

They don't have poor people? According to statistics, our poor live in larger homes with more amenities than working Europeans.
Are you proud of the fact that the poor in the United States are worse off than in every other modernization country?
any other modern country where are they get Healthcare cheap education education in college and training, very cheap daycare and paid parental leave

Our so-called poor live better than some working people. What other country would you rather be poor in if not the United States?
Any other modern country where they get Healthcare cheap education college and training, very cheap daycare and paid parental leave and a living wage etc etc. And no I'm not leaving my country and anyway you can't unless you're a millionaire or a doctor...

So if they get all that, how do they still have poor people?

They take such good care of people you have to be a millionaire or doctor to move there? Doesn't sound like they are taking care of anybody to me.
They don't have poor people according to our criteria... They don't want people from out of the EU or their country, especially backward Americans.

Is that why they are taking in all those refugees? In France, police are afraid to go to Muslim areas.

They don't have poor people? According to statistics, our poor live in larger homes with more amenities than working Europeans.
They are afraid only on the GOP propaganda machine. It's hard to stop refugees without a Atlantic Ocean. But they have plenty of immigrants leftover from Algeria and all the other French colonies that they are prone to take. Refugees are not the problem. They are just happy to be out of Syria or Somalia or Mali.
Are you proud of the fact that the poor in the United States are worse off than in every other modernization country?
any other modern country where are they get Healthcare cheap education education in college and training, very cheap daycare and paid parental leave

Our so-called poor live better than some working people. What other country would you rather be poor in if not the United States?
Any other modern country where they get Healthcare cheap education college and training, very cheap daycare and paid parental leave and a living wage etc etc. And no I'm not leaving my country and anyway you can't unless you're a millionaire or a doctor...

So if they get all that, how do they still have poor people?

They take such good care of people you have to be a millionaire or doctor to move there? Doesn't sound like they are taking care of anybody to me.
They don't have poor people according to our criteria... They don't want people from out of the EU or their country, especially backward Americans.

Is that why they are taking in all those refugees? In France, police are afraid to go to Muslim areas.

They don't have poor people? According to statistics, our poor live in larger homes with more amenities than working Europeans.
They have American jokes like polish jokes where everything bigger is always better... No that is total b******* but they have smaller Better Built Homes.
any other modern country where are they get Healthcare cheap education education in college and training, very cheap daycare and paid parental leave

Our so-called poor live better than some working people. What other country would you rather be poor in if not the United States?
Any other modern country where they get Healthcare cheap education college and training, very cheap daycare and paid parental leave and a living wage etc etc. And no I'm not leaving my country and anyway you can't unless you're a millionaire or a doctor...

So if they get all that, how do they still have poor people?

They take such good care of people you have to be a millionaire or doctor to move there? Doesn't sound like they are taking care of anybody to me.
They don't have poor people according to our criteria... They don't want people from out of the EU or their country, especially backward Americans.

Is that why they are taking in all those refugees? In France, police are afraid to go to Muslim areas.

They don't have poor people? According to statistics, our poor live in larger homes with more amenities than working Europeans.
They have American jokes like polish jokes where everything bigger is always better... No that is total b******* but they have smaller Better Built Homes.

Of course, that must be it. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
View attachment 164037

Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

It never ceases to amaze me that businesses have successfully managed to absorb increases in the cost of raw materials, rent/property purchases, utilities, supplies, furniture, fixtures and equipment, transportation, taxes, and health insurance, as well as increase executive wages by close to 300% in the past 30 years, but they can’t afford an increase in front line worker pay.

And they’ve absorbed all of these other increases while making the largest profits in corporate history. But still nothing for the front line workers who actual earn the money for those corporations.
Any other modern country where they get Healthcare cheap education college and training, very cheap daycare and paid parental leave and a living wage etc etc. And no I'm not leaving my country and anyway you can't unless you're a millionaire or a doctor...

So if they get all that, how do they still have poor people?

They take such good care of people you have to be a millionaire or doctor to move there? Doesn't sound like they are taking care of anybody to me.
They don't have poor people according to our criteria... They don't want people from out of the EU or their country, especially backward Americans.

Is that why they are taking in all those refugees? In France, police are afraid to go to Muslim areas.

They don't have poor people? According to statistics, our poor live in larger homes with more amenities than working Europeans.
They have American jokes like polish jokes where everything bigger is always better... No that is total b******* but they have smaller Better Built Homes.

Of course, that must be it. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Any other modern country where they get Healthcare cheap education college and training, very cheap daycare and paid parental leave and a living wage etc etc. And no I'm not leaving my country and anyway you can't unless you're a millionaire or a doctor...

So if they get all that, how do they still have poor people?

They take such good care of people you have to be a millionaire or doctor to move there? Doesn't sound like they are taking care of anybody to me.
They don't have poor people according to our criteria... They don't want people from out of the EU or their country, especially backward Americans.

Is that why they are taking in all those refugees? In France, police are afraid to go to Muslim areas.

They don't have poor people? According to statistics, our poor live in larger homes with more amenities than working Europeans.
They have American jokes like polish jokes where everything bigger is always better... No that is total b******* but they have smaller Better Built Homes.

Of course, that must be it. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
No I would say that is it all their stuff including their houses are built better in the houses appliances Etc we have a lot of Walmart stuff. Usually their houses are hundreds of years old. France had 40 million people in 1800 and in 1940. Figure it out.
View attachment 164037

Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

It never ceases to amaze me that businesses have successfully managed to absorb increases in the cost of raw materials, rent/property purchases, utilities, supplies, furniture, fixtures and equipment, transportation, taxes, and health insurance, as well as increase executive wages by close to 300% in the past 30 years, but they can’t afford an increase in front line worker pay.

And they’ve absorbed all of these other increases while making the largest profits in corporate history. But still nothing for the front line workers who actual earn the money for those corporations.

Well, if you don't pay your executive those wages, your competitor will. You can find a floor sweeper or shelf stocker anywhere.
Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

Okay, here's the thing.

Besides the immorality of a big rich corporation building it's business model on exploiting the labor of children.

The fact is, those jobs that you were supposed to get when you "Grew Up" are going away. Factory jobs are overseas or replaced by Automation. Office jobs, largely replaced by automation.

Also, the other lie is that it would cause an increase in the cost of fast food.

Raising fast-food hourly wages to $15 would raise prices by 4%, study finds

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1.54 million people working in food preparation and serving related occupations make at or below the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. Raising their hourly wages to $15 -- a 107% increase -- would cause prices to rise an estimated 4.3%. That means your $3.99 Big Mac would wind up costing $4.16, and an average fast-food meal costing $7.00 would go up in price to $7.31.
Well, if you don't pay your executive those wages, your competitor will. You can find a floor sweeper or shelf stocker anywhere.

Actually, given that these executives get t heir 8 figure salaries, even if the company is going under, that doesn't impress me.

So let's look at the Fox watching the McDonald's Henhouse.

McDonald's CEO gets 368% pay raise

The fast food chain’s chief executive, Steve Easterbrook, brought home a whopping $7.91 million last year — a 368% raise over his 2014 salary of $1.69 million —while low-wage McDonald’s workers are striking around the country for a livable income.

Wow? Really? so McDonald's must be doing pretty awesome if that's the case.

Errr... No.

The Continuing Decline of McDonald’s : The Corbett Report

Long-time Corbett Reporteers might recall my 2015 video, “Celebrate! McDonald’s is Dying!” where I detailed the many, many woes the fast “food” giant was dealing with at the time, including:

Since then, McCancer’s has been undergoing a sweeping “restructuring” that has seen many layers of lipstick slapped on their factory-farmed pig. This restructuring includes not only cosmetic changes (“All-day breakfasts and new value menus for everyone!”) but behind-the-scenes efforts to trim $500 million from the company’s operating expenses, including buyouts and layoffs at company headquarters and the re-franchising of 4,000 corporate “restaurants.”

Not to worry, though. Those McDonald's employees can always collect government benefits that Ray(cist) from Cleveland will whine about them getting.
Lets look at it realistically

A $15 minimum wage will make up for the ten years since minimum wage was last raised and the next ten years until they are raised again
Then you move on. There are jerks in this world. If you don’ like working for them, find another job. But there are also those that value their employees. I ran into a couple in my long life. Both times I moved on. The worst was working for the govt, one of my first jobs. That is what is great about the US. You have choices. You make your own way, rather than someone forcing you into theirs, if you don’t like it.
A person that is not smart enough to research going rates and able to negotiate for themselves, deserve what they get. No one is forced to work for a particular company. You are advocating for big brother aka socialism.
My opinion is that we should have a bottom that is a minimum start pay for skills and/or for unskilled labor. This way a company will know that it can't make millions upon millions without paying at the least by ones skill set (a minimum wage) for that skilled labor, and/or a (flat minimum wage) for unskilled labor. This is reasoned out because of companies attempting to work skilled or unskilled labor below a wage that is neither moral and/or ethical. Example : A burger flipper should not be forced to work below a wage level that is deemed immoral and unethical against what should be an American standard set by each state that is then set for the unskilled as a start wage in the state.

Skilled labor should be set by the skill in which varies across the board. Example : A company working a truck driver should not be found attempting to pay the skilled driver less than say $18.00 dollars an hour minimum considering the requirements (government regulations) it takes to become a truck driver today. A welder the same or a skilled trained beginner utility lineman the same or a skilled plumber the same, a mechanic the same etc.. All areas where people have got to be trained prior to stepping on the employers job site should have a minimum standard wage set by either the federal government or a states set minimum standard for skilled labor in which respects the employees efforts to be trained and certified before being hired. We should have a standard in which protects the unskilled laborer from being exploited. The idea that a company can play games with people's pay in ways that add to a companies bottom line based on GREED, instead of allowing profit sharing and minimum standards to apply should be unexceptable to anyone in this country.
. Y'all talk about this perfect world senario where the rich guy is always the good guy, and the poor people are just a bunch of leeches trying to kill off their host, but in many many cases it has not been the case.

You can run your mouth about socialism when it isn't that at all, but you want to use the word because it has become the devil himself, and it is supposed to cast instant fear in the readers if it is used. You are no different than the liberal media in which you might accuse here of other bullcrap, but here you are attempting to use the same tactics.

Nothing wrong with having a minimum base pay for skilled labor, and a flat rate state by state base pay for unskilled labor. Not socialism, because we are only talking about a base pay or minimum pay set by skill levels. If unskilled it should be that a state base labor pay for unskilled labor should be at least an amount that is ethical and moral in regards with working a human being and not an animal. If someone goes to a career school, gets certified and trained by the state or school attended, then a base pay above that of unskilled labor should be set in respect for that education in which immediately helps the company employing that person, and instantly adds value to that company.

Beyond the base pay, it should be up to the company to promote, give raises, and reward good employees with a proper wage latter system that profits the employee and the company worked for through the incentives built into that wage latter system. Yes, we as taxpaying citizens should demand that our tax revenue collected by government, and that is used for educational purposes, doesn't get a huge slap in the face by companies who would disrespect an employee that was ready to hit the ground running for a company all due the training and education received.

Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

Okay, here's the thing.

Besides the immorality of a big rich corporation building it's business model on exploiting the labor of children.

The fact is, those jobs that you were supposed to get when you "Grew Up" are going away. Factory jobs are overseas or replaced by Automation. Office jobs, largely replaced by automation.

Also, the other lie is that it would cause an increase in the cost of fast food.

Raising fast-food hourly wages to $15 would raise prices by 4%, study finds

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1.54 million people working in food preparation and serving related occupations make at or below the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. Raising their hourly wages to $15 -- a 107% increase -- would cause prices to rise an estimated 4.3%. That means your $3.99 Big Mac would wind up costing $4.16, and an average fast-food meal costing $7.00 would go up in price to $7.31.

Conservatives keep repeating the mantra......You don't have to stay in a minimum wage job, find something better

Eventually, most minimum wage workers do find something better. But that does not excuse exploiting them while they work for you or exploiting the next person you get to fill the job
People are acting like $15/hour is a lot of money. It's not.

If $15 threatens you, maybe you should examine the choices you've made in your own life.
And if minimum wage jobs are just for kids, who do you propose work those jobs between the hours of 8 and 4 when kids are at school?

Conservatives - the party of people where thinking things through is a negative quality.
And if minimum wage jobs are just for kids, who do you propose work those jobs between the hours of 8 and 4 when kids are at school?

Conservatives - the party of people where thinking things through is a negative quality.

Kids have expenses too

Saving for college, buying their first car, entertainment

Todays minimum wage does not buy what it used to. Young workers are forced to substitute debt for a wage that used to buy those things
Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

Okay, here's the thing.

Besides the immorality of a big rich corporation building it's business model on exploiting the labor of children.

The fact is, those jobs that you were supposed to get when you "Grew Up" are going away. Factory jobs are overseas or replaced by Automation. Office jobs, largely replaced by automation.

Also, the other lie is that it would cause an increase in the cost of fast food.

Raising fast-food hourly wages to $15 would raise prices by 4%, study finds

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1.54 million people working in food preparation and serving related occupations make at or below the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. Raising their hourly wages to $15 -- a 107% increase -- would cause prices to rise an estimated 4.3%. That means your $3.99 Big Mac would wind up costing $4.16, and an average fast-food meal costing $7.00 would go up in price to $7.31.

Conservatives keep repeating the mantra......You don't have to stay in a minimum wage job, find something better

Eventually, most minimum wage workers do find something better. But that does not excuse exploiting them while they work for you or exploiting the next person you get to fill the job

You wanna play around with words that's fine, but at least be honest:

Employees are letting companies "exploit" them, it's just that simple. Don't want to be "exploited" for less than your labor is worth? Find a job that pays what you think you're worth.
Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

Okay, here's the thing.

Besides the immorality of a big rich corporation building it's business model on exploiting the labor of children.

The fact is, those jobs that you were supposed to get when you "Grew Up" are going away. Factory jobs are overseas or replaced by Automation. Office jobs, largely replaced by automation.

Also, the other lie is that it would cause an increase in the cost of fast food.

Raising fast-food hourly wages to $15 would raise prices by 4%, study finds

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1.54 million people working in food preparation and serving related occupations make at or below the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. Raising their hourly wages to $15 -- a 107% increase -- would cause prices to rise an estimated 4.3%. That means your $3.99 Big Mac would wind up costing $4.16, and an average fast-food meal costing $7.00 would go up in price to $7.31.

Conservatives keep repeating the mantra......You don't have to stay in a minimum wage job, find something better

Eventually, most minimum wage workers do find something better. But that does not excuse exploiting them while they work for you or exploiting the next person you get to fill the job

You wanna play around with words that's fine, but at least be honest:

Employees are letting companies "exploit" them, it's just that simple. Don't want to be "exploited" for less than your labor is worth? Find a job that pays what you think you're worth.

Low skilled workers don't have a choice of whether to be exploited or not
Most will eventually find a higher paying job

Look at a 17 year old worker. He will work for minimum wages while he goes to college to qualify for one of those better paying jobs. Because minimum wage employment pays so poorly, that young worker will be forced to take out loans to pay for that dream of an education
When he graduates, instead of looking to buy a home or getting married, he will be saddled with education debt that those minimum wage jobs used to pay for
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