To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Multi billion dollar corporations in danger if their lowest paid workers get their first raise in ten years

Thank God they have Republicans looking out for them

How curious!

I never expected anyone to be "looking out for me". I learned early that if I wanted something, I needed to work to earn it.

Many of the "cool" kids in school wore Gant shirts. I wore shirts from Woolworth or wherever. I told my folks I wanted a Gant shirt. Dad said fine, get a job and you can buy one. A friend of mine had a newspaper route and he helped me get a route delivering the Miami News in the afternoon. A few weeks later I was able to buy my very own Gant shirt. I was so proud of that shirt. That's personal responsibility.
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Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

The Establishment is trying to get everyone to be able to afford paying their own healthcare. So that if in case Obamacare is removed, that they will still have clientele that can afford to buy their expensive meds. Even though, that everyone else will want a raise because they do not want to make the same wage for someone that is flipping burgers..,Like school teachers and scientists that they makes around that amount. But basically, that the burger makers are going to be making the same amount but with healthcare. The Establishment is not giving out nothing for free.


That was basically my point to Moonbat. Giving these people 15 per hour devalues everyone else's dollar. All the way up the scales. It would cause a major problem in salaries in every business.
Major problems indeed
Walton’s might have to pay a living wage so tax payers can stop footing the bill. :2up:
Lions tigers and bears, oh my!
Question for liberals. Obviously you're asking for higher wages for low-skilled labor because of the cost of goods, rent, etc.

When you invent stupid shit to throw money at (i.e., entitlements, entertaining various languages and gender types, open borders, etc. etc. etc.), how do you figure that impacts the cost of living? If your answer is up, then it's time to do a real gut check and ask if you're advocating for your downfall.

You are blaming the leftist. Then they should deserve the credits why the economy is booming, unemployment is so low stocks are up etc etc etc.
Fair enough?

How can you credit the left for that? They lost leadership of Congress over six years ago, they lost leadership of the Senate two years ago. They lost the White House nearly a year ago.

Yes we lost Congress, Senate and WH. All leading this country. No question there.

But you blame everything to the left in making this country great. The leftist are awesome. That’s a fact.

You have these corrupted GOP lapdogs politicians then you have this lousy POTUS undisciplined, unethical, abusive, groper, racist, arrogant, moron and a supporter of a child predator. That’s a fact.

When did I credit the left for making this country great? Without liberals, this would be a much better country.

But dude you are blaming everything to the left. So they own the success you are seeing now.
This country is/was great till this dodo president came along.
They had to because we are the wealthiest nation in the world and want to take care of those who need help
While our employers reap the profits

Yeah? Well the wealthiest nation in the world is now 20 trillion in debt--much of that because of our social programs.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh

No...not our social programs
What led to our love affair with debt was supply side economics

Really? Well if you'd like, I'll show you the pie of our budget, and then you show me what part of that pie had to do with anything supply side. Deal?

Start with the "revenue" portion

What would that have to do with supply side? Supply side worked well BTW. Reagan got us out of a hell of a jam using it.

You mean tripling the debt?
Bull Shit

We have among the most productive workers in the world....yet their wages have remained stagnant for 40 years while corporate profits have gone through the roof

Their production hasn't increased, their production through the use of tools and machines has increased production.
Question for liberals. Obviously you're asking for higher wages for low-skilled labor because of the cost of goods, rent, etc.

When you invent stupid shit to throw money at (i.e., entitlements, entertaining various languages and gender types, open borders, etc. etc. etc.), how do you figure that impacts the cost of living? If your answer is up, then it's time to do a real gut check and ask if you're advocating for your downfall.

You are blaming the leftist. Then they should deserve the credits why the economy is booming, unemployment is so low stocks are up etc etc etc.
Fair enough?

How can you credit the left for that? They lost leadership of Congress over six years ago, they lost leadership of the Senate two years ago. They lost the White House nearly a year ago.

Yes we lost Congress, Senate and WH. All leading this country. No question there.

But you blame everything to the left in making this country great. The leftist are awesome. That’s a fact.

You have these corrupted GOP lapdogs politicians then you have this lousy POTUS undisciplined, unethical, abusive, groper, racist, arrogant, moron and a supporter of a child predator. That’s a fact.

When did I credit the left for making this country great? Without liberals, this would be a much better country.

But dude you are blaming everything to the left. So they own the success you are seeing now.
This country is/was great till this dodo president came along.

No, this country did and always will have it's problems. I'll give anybody credit for success provided evidence is available. For instance, I gave Bill Clinton credit for lowering the capital gains taxes. It encouraged investments which helped lead to a great economy.
Here painters make 30 to 45 per hour. Plumbers 55 at a minimum....decent wages
Actually a plumber can earn up to $75 per hour double that on the weekends.

When I first became a landlord, I hired a plumber and he charged me 100 dollars an hour. That's the last time that plumber was ever here. In fact ten years later I was looking through the yellow pages, and his company was no longer in business.

This is funny.
You hired a plumber that charged you $100. Why in the world you will pay $100 to begin with? Why didn’t you research for lower cost to start with before paying $100?
Fast forward —————- you are telling us you did a lousy job.
A good plumber makes a minimum of 75 dollars per hour. Nothing wrong with that. Its the free market at work

I never said there was anything wrong with that. What I said is that plumber will never get any of my business. I can find plumbers to do the same work for a lot cheaper. If he can get 75 bucks an hour from some sucker, God love him.

I’m sure those illegals are cheaper than $50/hour.
Yeah? Well the wealthiest nation in the world is now 20 trillion in debt--much of that because of our social programs.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh

No...not our social programs
What led to our love affair with debt was supply side economics

Really? Well if you'd like, I'll show you the pie of our budget, and then you show me what part of that pie had to do with anything supply side. Deal?

Start with the "revenue" portion

What would that have to do with supply side? Supply side worked well BTW. Reagan got us out of a hell of a jam using it.

You mean tripling the debt?

Reagan tax cuts and revenue.jpg
If a kid is working full time for a measely wage Luke 20 bucks an hour how do you expect them to live on their own?
Measly? One could live on that by themselves easily.
And when I was younger, young adults also used to share apartments so they could actually save some extra money.
They had to because we are the wealthiest nation in the world and want to take care of those who need help
While our employers reap the profits

Yeah? Well the wealthiest nation in the world is now 20 trillion in debt--much of that because of our social programs.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh

No...not our social programs
What led to our love affair with debt was supply side economics

Really? Well if you'd like, I'll show you the pie of our budget, and then you show me what part of that pie had to do with anything supply side. Deal?

Start with the "revenue" portion

What would that have to do with supply side? Supply side worked well BTW. Reagan got us out of a hell of a jam using it.
What jam was that?

Spend and finance merely increases the debt.
Here painters make 30 to 45 per hour. Plumbers 55 at a minimum....decent wages
Actually a plumber can earn up to $75 per hour double that on the weekends.

When I first became a landlord, I hired a plumber and he charged me 100 dollars an hour. That's the last time that plumber was ever here. In fact ten years later I was looking through the yellow pages, and his company was no longer in business.

This is funny.
You hired a plumber that charged you $100. Why in the world you will pay $100 to begin with? Why didn’t you research for lower cost to start with before paying $100?
Fast forward —————- you are telling us you did a lousy job.

It's called learning experiences. I only assumed he would charge me a reasonable rate. Now I know better. Now I do get estimates and a list of parts being used. I learned that people are still out there to screw you.

For instance a washing machine started to act up for one of my tenants. I knew it was the kill switch. I called a guy who gave me an over the phone estimate of $180.00. I told him to go pound a salt bag.

So I went to YouTube with the make and model number, watched a video of a guy replacing the kill switch, and I began to do it myself. When I got the switch out and went to the parts store, I was expecting the part to cost around sixty or seventy bucks given the repairman's estimate. The switch cost me $14.00.

This joker was going to come out, work for an hour on my washing machine, and charge me over $160.00 for labor. But like I said, I learned from experience.
A good plumber makes a minimum of 75 dollars per hour. Nothing wrong with that. Its the free market at work

I never said there was anything wrong with that. What I said is that plumber will never get any of my business. I can find plumbers to do the same work for a lot cheaper. If he can get 75 bucks an hour from some sucker, God love him.

I’m sure those illegals are cheaper than $50/hour.

Nope, true blue Americans will give you a fair price. When somebody does good work for me at a reasonable price, I make sure he is in my business card drawer. When I need somebody to do work for me, my business card drawer is the first place I look.
Multi billion dollar corporations in danger if their lowest paid workers get their first raise in ten years

Thank God they have Republicans looking out for them

How curious!

I never expected anyone to be "looking out for me". I learned early that if I wanted something, I needed to work to earn it.

Many of the "cool" kids in school wore Gant shirts. I wore shirts from Woolworth or wherever. I told my folks I wanted a Gant shirt. Dad said fine, get a job and you can buy one. A friend of mine had a newspaper route and he helped me get a route delivering the Miami News in the afternoon. A few weeks later I was able to buy my very own Gant shirt. I was so proud of that shirt. That's personal responsibility.

Exactly. One time when I was a kid, I asked my bricklayer father for five bucks. He asked "what makes you think I have five dollars to give to you?" I replied "Because you have a job and work!" He said "Well if that's the way I got my five dollars, that's the way you're going to get yours. Get in the van!"

I labored for my father since before I was a teen. He payed me one dollar an hour. The money wasn't great, but the life's training was invaluable. It set the correct path for the rest of my life.
And that is what makes America great!
A good plumber makes a minimum of 75 dollars per hour. Nothing wrong with that. Its the free market at work

I never said there was anything wrong with that. What I said is that plumber will never get any of my business. I can find plumbers to do the same work for a lot cheaper. If he can get 75 bucks an hour from some sucker, God love him.
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