To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Here painters make 30 to 45 per hour. Plumbers 55 at a minimum....decent wages.

I don't know where you live, but I'd hate to live there. Your cost of living must be through the roof. What does a big-mac combo cost there, around $20.00????
McDonalds doesn't count as a real job
My nephew started at McDonalds to work his way through College. He stayed on after he graduated and became a manager and worked there for 15 years. He now is a Trader Joes manager due to his McDonalds employment experience. He now earns $125,000 per year with the best benefit package I've ever seen.
You know you can't prove a single one of those lies
Don't need a link for the obvious like this question...What makes you believe America is wealthy when it is holding a 20 trillion dollar debt? where are you going to get money if there are no wealthy businesses?
You just posted two blatant lies....prove either one of them

You are publically being called a LIAR ......why don't you prove me wrong?
Concession noted
Only losers eat that slop and no our cost of living isn't bad at all. I'd hate to where you do sounds like lazy people.
Blocked by Republicans

The taxpayer has had to step in and provide subsidies for food, housing and healthcare

But the sacred corporations get to keep their $7.25 wage scale

The only reason taxpayers "had to" is because of Democrat politicians--not minimum wage jobs.
They had to because we are the wealthiest nation in the world and want to take care of those who need help
While our employers reap the profits

Yeah? Well the wealthiest nation in the world is now 20 trillion in debt--much of that because of our social programs.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh

No...not our social programs
What led to our love affair with debt was supply side economics

Really? Well if you'd like, I'll show you the pie of our budget, and then you show me what part of that pie had to do with anything supply side. Deal?

Start with the "revenue" portion
Question for liberals. Obviously you're asking for higher wages for low-skilled labor because of the cost of goods, rent, etc.

When you invent stupid shit to throw money at (i.e., entitlements, entertaining various languages and gender types, open borders, etc. etc. etc.), how do you figure that impacts the cost of living? If your answer is up, then it's time to do a real gut check and ask if you're advocating for your downfall.

You are blaming the leftist. Then they should deserve the credits why the economy is booming, unemployment is so low stocks are up etc etc etc.
Fair enough?

How can you credit the left for that? They lost leadership of Congress over six years ago, they lost leadership of the Senate two years ago. They lost the White House nearly a year ago.

Yes we lost Congress, Senate and WH. All leading this country. No question there.

But you blame everything to the left in making this country great. The leftist are awesome. That’s a fact.

You have these corrupted GOP lapdogs politicians then you have this lousy POTUS undisciplined, unethical, abusive, groper, racist, arrogant, moron and a supporter of a child predator. That’s a fact.
People who eat McDonalds should pay higher health insurance premiums. They are a menace to the system.
View attachment 164037

Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

Cool message and all...but funny how they couldn't dare use a model with blonde hair and blue eyes in their ad campaign.
You wouldn't dare want to depict a true all American...NOPE, not in AMERICA.
So only blue eyed blondes are American?
Here painters make 30 to 45 per hour. Plumbers 55 at a minimum....decent wages
Actually a plumber can earn up to $75 per hour double that on the weekends.

When I first became a landlord, I hired a plumber and he charged me 100 dollars an hour. That's the last time that plumber was ever here. In fact ten years later I was looking through the yellow pages, and his company was no longer in business.
Nonsense. At Hamburger University, McDonald’s trains you in the art of the Burger so you can work there for life!
I would if I could. What an easy fucking job. Massively ungratifying however.
There’s nothing unsatisfying about making a flawless, juicy, monster of a burger.


Look at that. Pay whoever made that $100 an hour
Makes my arteries harden just looking at it...
Question for liberals. Obviously you're asking for higher wages for low-skilled labor because of the cost of goods, rent, etc.

When you invent stupid shit to throw money at (i.e., entitlements, entertaining various languages and gender types, open borders, etc. etc. etc.), how do you figure that impacts the cost of living? If your answer is up, then it's time to do a real gut check and ask if you're advocating for your downfall.

You are blaming the leftist. Then they should deserve the credits why the economy is booming, unemployment is so low stocks are up etc etc etc.
Fair enough?

How can you credit the left for that? They lost leadership of Congress over six years ago, they lost leadership of the Senate two years ago. They lost the White House nearly a year ago.

Yes we lost Congress, Senate and WH. All leading this country. No question there.

But you blame everything to the left in making this country great. The leftist are awesome. That’s a fact.

You have these corrupted GOP lapdogs politicians then you have this lousy POTUS undisciplined, unethical, abusive, groper, racist, arrogant, moron and a supporter of a child predator. That’s a fact.

When did I credit the left for making this country great? Without liberals, this would be a much better country.
A good plumber makes a minimum of 75 dollars per hour. Nothing wrong with that. Its the free market at work
The only reason taxpayers "had to" is because of Democrat politicians--not minimum wage jobs.
They had to because we are the wealthiest nation in the world and want to take care of those who need help
While our employers reap the profits

Yeah? Well the wealthiest nation in the world is now 20 trillion in debt--much of that because of our social programs.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh

No...not our social programs
What led to our love affair with debt was supply side economics

Really? Well if you'd like, I'll show you the pie of our budget, and then you show me what part of that pie had to do with anything supply side. Deal?

Start with the "revenue" portion

What would that have to do with supply side? Supply side worked well BTW. Reagan got us out of a hell of a jam using it.
A good plumber makes a minimum of 75 dollars per hour. Nothing wrong with that. Its the free market at work

I never said there was anything wrong with that. What I said is that plumber will never get any of my business. I can find plumbers to do the same work for a lot cheaper. If he can get 75 bucks an hour from some sucker, God love him.
I know a painter who makes 60 bucks per hour because he is good. Charges lucrative folk more.
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