To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Multi billion dollar corporations in danger if their lowest paid workers get their first raise in ten years

Thank God they have Republicans looking out for them
Okay, here's the thing.

Besides the immorality of a big rich corporation building it's business model on exploiting the labor of children.

The fact is, those jobs that you were supposed to get when you "Grew Up" are going away. Factory jobs are overseas or replaced by Automation. Office jobs, largely replaced by automation.

Also, the other lie is that it would cause an increase in the cost of fast food.

Raising fast-food hourly wages to $15 would raise prices by 4%, study finds

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1.54 million people working in food preparation and serving related occupations make at or below the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. Raising their hourly wages to $15 -- a 107% increase -- would cause prices to rise an estimated 4.3%. That means your $3.99 Big Mac would wind up costing $4.16, and an average fast-food meal costing $7.00 would go up in price to $7.31.

Conservatives keep repeating the mantra......You don't have to stay in a minimum wage job, find something better

Eventually, most minimum wage workers do find something better. But that does not excuse exploiting them while they work for you or exploiting the next person you get to fill the job

You wanna play around with words that's fine, but at least be honest:

Employees are letting companies "exploit" them, it's just that simple. Don't want to be "exploited" for less than your labor is worth? Find a job that pays what you think you're worth.

Low skilled workers don't have a choice of whether to be exploited or not
Most will eventually find a higher paying job

Look at a 17 year old worker. He will work for minimum wages while he goes to college to qualify for one of those better paying jobs. Because minimum wage employment pays so poorly, that young worker will be forced to take out loans to pay for that dream of an education
When he graduates, instead of looking to buy a home or getting married, he will be saddled with education debt that those minimum wage jobs used to pay for

These folks are low skilled and they are only worth X because that's what the job pays - if you're looking across the entire city for a "low skill" job and they all pay min wage - then you're only worth that min wage because there's a bunch of low skill workers; their labor isn't worth much.

On the flip side, if you're in Alaska NO ONE pays min wage because we don't have enough peeps to do the work we need done. We have too many open jobs, which means our labor is worth more money.

Supply and demand.

These folks might have to move to a location that /needs/ workers, rather than complaining about low pay when there are a lot of workers. It's still a personal choice, they choose to stay near family/friends whatever, and as a consequence are stuck with their labor being worth low pay. Hell my cousin just did this; he'd come up here to work in construction because it paid way better.

Supply and Demand ? So when the CEO makes $10 million , it’s because no one would do the job for $2 million ?

So minimum wage should be increased to help cover the inflated costs of liberal colleges?

Ever hear of a school loan?

Well, true, are you claiming that "conservative" colleges are reasonably priced? Sorry, man those Prager U brainwashing videos don't done be an education, Cleetus.

Sorry, kids shouldn't have to put themselves into a lifetime of debt to achieve the minimum education our society has decided they need to enter the work force.

Why shouldn't they?

If you want a new car, you may be putting yourself in debt for the next five years.
If you want a new home, you may be putting yourself in debt for the next 30 years.
If you open up your own business, you may be putting yourself in debt the next ten years.

Things you really want (or really believe will help you) in life often put us into debt.
Lets look at it realistically

A $15 minimum wage will make up for the ten years since minimum wage was last raised and the next ten years until they are raised again

It would also eliminate a lot of jobs either by a reduction in workforce or replacing workers with automation.

What you fail to understand is that when you get a wage increase, it costs your employer more than the cash alone. Insurances go up, their matching contributions to your SS and Medicare contributions go up, it costs them more money for when you're getting paid while not working like vacations and holidays.

You can't sit back and say a dollar an hour raise for an employee will only cost the employer only 40 bucks. It costs much more than that.
Winner, winner ..Chicken Dinner
We always hear that when minimum wage is discussed

Yet, the market always adjusts
Our market hasn't had to adjust for a wage increase in ten years

And those are the key words: hasn't had to.
Blocked by Republicans

The taxpayer has had to step in and provide subsidies for food, housing and healthcare

But the sacred corporations get to keep their $7.25 wage scale
Winner, winner ..Chicken Dinner
We always hear that when minimum wage is discussed

Yet, the market always adjusts
Our market hasn't had to adjust for a wage increase in ten years

Strange how that coincides with the term in office of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and his slowest recovery in history. Utterly dismal!
Lets look at it realistically

A $15 minimum wage will make up for the ten years since minimum wage was last raised and the next ten years until they are raised again

It would also eliminate a lot of jobs either by a reduction in workforce or replacing workers with automation.

What you fail to understand is that when you get a wage increase, it costs your employer more than the cash alone. Insurances go up, their matching contributions to your SS and Medicare contributions go up, it costs them more money for when you're getting paid while not working like vacations and holidays.

You can't sit back and say a dollar an hour raise for an employee will only cost the employer only 40 bucks. It costs much more than that.
Winner, winner ..Chicken Dinner
We always hear that when minimum wage is discussed

Yet, the market always adjusts
Our market hasn't had to adjust for a wage increase in ten years

And those are the key words: hasn't had to.
Blocked by Republicans

The taxpayer has had to step in and provide subsidies for food, housing and healthcare

But the sacred corporations get to keep their $7.25 wage scale

The only reason taxpayers "had to" is because of Democrat politicians--not minimum wage jobs.
Conservatives keep repeating the mantra......You don't have to stay in a minimum wage job, find something better

Eventually, most minimum wage workers do find something better. But that does not excuse exploiting them while they work for you or exploiting the next person you get to fill the job

You wanna play around with words that's fine, but at least be honest:

Employees are letting companies "exploit" them, it's just that simple. Don't want to be "exploited" for less than your labor is worth? Find a job that pays what you think you're worth.

Low skilled workers don't have a choice of whether to be exploited or not
Most will eventually find a higher paying job

Look at a 17 year old worker. He will work for minimum wages while he goes to college to qualify for one of those better paying jobs. Because minimum wage employment pays so poorly, that young worker will be forced to take out loans to pay for that dream of an education
When he graduates, instead of looking to buy a home or getting married, he will be saddled with education debt that those minimum wage jobs used to pay for

These folks are low skilled and they are only worth X because that's what the job pays - if you're looking across the entire city for a "low skill" job and they all pay min wage - then you're only worth that min wage because there's a bunch of low skill workers; their labor isn't worth much.

On the flip side, if you're in Alaska NO ONE pays min wage because we don't have enough peeps to do the work we need done. We have too many open jobs, which means our labor is worth more money.

Supply and demand.

These folks might have to move to a location that /needs/ workers, rather than complaining about low pay when there are a lot of workers. It's still a personal choice, they choose to stay near family/friends whatever, and as a consequence are stuck with their labor being worth low pay. Hell my cousin just did this; he'd come up here to work in construction because it paid way better.

Supply and Demand ? So when the CEO makes $10 million , it’s because no one would do the job for $2 million ?


Lol! Yeah sure . These ceos and board members are all part of the same scam . They give each other sweetheart deals because it’s other people’s money .

Seriously, what does a ceo do to deserve such a high pay that someone else couldn’t replicate?
Wages are purely related to more more less employers expect little if any productivity. Econ 101
Winner, winner ..Chicken Dinner
We always hear that when minimum wage is discussed

Yet, the market always adjusts
Our market hasn't had to adjust for a wage increase in ten years

Strange how that coincides with the term in office of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and his slowest recovery in history. Utterly dismal!
The Great Obama tried throughout his presidency to raise the minimum wage.....Republicans blocked it
He did raise rates Government Contractors had to pay to $10.50......Crooked Donnie repealed it
It all goes back to the conflict between worker and employer. The two are at odds. The way it was designed.
Okay, let me ask: if they are satisfied with their wage, then what's the drive to do better in life?
Okay, against my better judgement, I'm gonna jump in and toss this out there.

Yours is a perfectly valid and reasonable question. The fact remains, however, that in a capitalist system there are going to be people who have a natural, innate, organic capacity to create wealth far more effectively than others. This may include natural skill sets, it may include natural intelligence, it may include ambition or genetics or upbringing or drive or passion. Whatever.

So, that leads us to ask, is it smart to allow the division between those with that capacity and those without it to increase? Personally, I've thought long and hard about this, and I don't think it is. Two reasons: First, an advanced civilization has to make a choice: They can (1) allow the spoils of capitalism to remain largely with those with the capacity to drive the dynamics of capitalism, or (2) they can decide that those without that capacity deserve better than to wallow in a deeper and deeper social hole.

And one more thing, human nature. At some point, those at the bottom will have had enough, deservedly or not. Since one of our many societal weaknesses is that we tend to knee-jerk too far when we try to deal with a problem, is it also smart to risk what would happen when these people have had it?

Personally, bottom line, I think it's smarter overall to keep divisions at a reasonable level.

What we're doing now seems to be working okay. But like I said, the problem isn't minimum wage, the problem is discouraging people from doing better. Raise that wage and you give them more discouragement.
Wages are purely related to more more less employers expect little if any productivity. Econ 101
Bull Shit

We have among the most productive workers in the world....yet their wages have remained stagnant for 40 years while corporate profits have gone through the roof
Blocked by Republicans

The taxpayer has had to step in and provide subsidies for food, housing and healthcare

But the sacred corporations get to keep their $7.25 wage scale

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama has nearly doubled those on unnecessary subsidies when he shoved through the failed Stimulus Plan. In that plan was the provision that cities and states accepting money from the Stimulus Plan could no longer require those on welfare to work. That was a major success when the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 was passed by Newt Gingrich in 1996 and signed by President Clinton.
Lets look at it realistically

A $15 minimum wage will make up for the ten years since minimum wage was last raised and the next ten years until they are raised again

It would also eliminate a lot of jobs either by a reduction in workforce or replacing workers with automation.

What you fail to understand is that when you get a wage increase, it costs your employer more than the cash alone. Insurances go up, their matching contributions to your SS and Medicare contributions go up, it costs them more money for when you're getting paid while not working like vacations and holidays.

You can't sit back and say a dollar an hour raise for an employee will only cost the employer only 40 bucks. It costs much more than that.
Winner, winner ..Chicken Dinner
We always hear that when minimum wage is discussed

Yet, the market always adjusts
Our market hasn't had to adjust for a wage increase in ten years

And those are the key words: hasn't had to.
Blocked by Republicans

The taxpayer has had to step in and provide subsidies for food, housing and healthcare

But the sacred corporations get to keep their $7.25 wage scale

The only reason taxpayers "had to" is because of Democrat politicians--not minimum wage jobs.
They had to because we are the wealthiest nation in the world and want to take care of those who need help
While our employers reap the profits
Blocked by Republicans

The taxpayer has had to step in and provide subsidies for food, housing and healthcare

But the sacred corporations get to keep their $7.25 wage scale

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama has nearly doubled those on unnecessary subsidies when he shoved through the failed Stimulus Plan. In that plan was the provision that cities and states accepting money from the Stimulus Plan could no longer require those on welfare to work. That was a major success when the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 was passed by Newt Gingrich in 1996 and signed by President Clinton.
The Great Obama stopped a Depression with his stimulus plan
Not a single Republican voted for it
Welfare receipients were not required to work because 800,000 people a month were losing their jobs.......are you really that stupid?
Besides the fact that less than 3% of our workforce makes minimum wage, of that 3% very few fall into the category of survival. Kids, seniors looking to kill time, and stay at home moms when kids are in school take those jobs for extra money.

Then why are you guys all going nuts about it if so few people are affected?

Of course, it's not just the people making minimum, it's the people making a nickel or a dollar more than minimum who are struggling.

Like I said earlier, it's the domino effect depending on how much more you raise it.

Take Rightwinger for instance. He said we should make minimum 15 dollars an hour. Do you think I'm going to drive a truck for a little more than that? I'm going to want more money.....lots more money.

If I don't get it, I'll quit and take one of those minimum wage jobs. It would be worth the cut in pay to rid myself of the responsibilities and risks I do have with my job. After all, driving is one of the top ten deadliest jobs in the United States; more deadly than being a police officer or fireman. If I get into a serious accident, I could end up spending the next ten years or so of my life in prison for involuntary manslaughter.

Who needs it? I'll go sweep floors at Walmart and not have to worry about piloting a 75,000 lbs vehicle in snowstorms anymore.
The Great Obama stopped a Depression with his stimulus plan
Not a single Republican voted for it
Welfare receipients were not required to work because 800,000 people a month were losing their jobs.......are you really that stupid?
The Obama stimulus sent us into a 8 year recession never rising above 2% growth. You can't rewrite the history we all lived through.
They had to because we are the wealthiest nation in the world and want to take care of those who need help
While our employers reap the profits
You and your precious government can't help anyone without wealthy businesses paying taxes and providing tax paying jobs....
And what makes you think America with a debt. total of 20 trillion dollars is wealthy?
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