To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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The Great Obama stopped a Depression with his stimulus plan
Not a single Republican voted for it
Welfare receipients were not required to work because 800,000 people a month were losing their jobs.......are you really that stupid?
The Obama stimulus sent us into a 8 year recession never rising above 2% growth. You can't rewrite the history we all lived through.


You know you can't prove a single one of those lies
It would also eliminate a lot of jobs either by a reduction in workforce or replacing workers with automation.

What you fail to understand is that when you get a wage increase, it costs your employer more than the cash alone. Insurances go up, their matching contributions to your SS and Medicare contributions go up, it costs them more money for when you're getting paid while not working like vacations and holidays.

You can't sit back and say a dollar an hour raise for an employee will only cost the employer only 40 bucks. It costs much more than that.
Winner, winner ..Chicken Dinner
We always hear that when minimum wage is discussed

Yet, the market always adjusts
Our market hasn't had to adjust for a wage increase in ten years

And those are the key words: hasn't had to.
Blocked by Republicans

The taxpayer has had to step in and provide subsidies for food, housing and healthcare

But the sacred corporations get to keep their $7.25 wage scale

The only reason taxpayers "had to" is because of Democrat politicians--not minimum wage jobs.
They had to because we are the wealthiest nation in the world and want to take care of those who need help
While our employers reap the profits

Yeah? Well the wealthiest nation in the world is now 20 trillion in debt--much of that because of our social programs.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh
They had to because we are the wealthiest nation in the world and want to take care of those who need help
While our employers reap the profits
You and your precious government can't help anyone without wealthy businesses paying taxes and providing tax paying jobs....
Business make a profit off of every one of those workers
You know you can't prove a single one of those lies
Don't need a link for the obvious like this question...What makes you believe America is wealthy when it is holding a 20 trillion dollar debt? where are you going to get money if there are no wealthy businesses?
You know you can't prove a single one of those lies
Don't need a link for the obvious like this question...What makes you believe America is wealthy when it is holding a 20 trillion dollar debt? where are you going to get money if there are no wealthy businesses?
You just posted two blatant lies....prove either one of them

You are publically being called a LIAR ......why don't you prove me wrong?
Real world. You can bust your ass, and they will still abuse you, lie to you, and otherwise take advantage of you, no matter how hard you work. Fuck, if you work hard, you're more likely to be seen as a threat than an advantage.

You must be one sorry employee.

I've now worked over sixty years. Never once did I think anyone abused me or took advantage of me. Perhaps that's because I always delivered more than was demanded or expected. Maybe that's why I was always in demand and made such good money?
You just posted two blatant lies....prove either one of them

You are publically being called a LIAR ......why don't you prove me wrong?
You can call me a liar all you want it doesn't make it true. Are you denying we have a 20 trillion dollar debt?
You wanna play around with words that's fine, but at least be honest:

Employees are letting companies "exploit" them, it's just that simple. Don't want to be "exploited" for less than your labor is worth? Find a job that pays what you think you're worth.

Low skilled workers don't have a choice of whether to be exploited or not
Most will eventually find a higher paying job

Look at a 17 year old worker. He will work for minimum wages while he goes to college to qualify for one of those better paying jobs. Because minimum wage employment pays so poorly, that young worker will be forced to take out loans to pay for that dream of an education
When he graduates, instead of looking to buy a home or getting married, he will be saddled with education debt that those minimum wage jobs used to pay for

These folks are low skilled and they are only worth X because that's what the job pays - if you're looking across the entire city for a "low skill" job and they all pay min wage - then you're only worth that min wage because there's a bunch of low skill workers; their labor isn't worth much.

On the flip side, if you're in Alaska NO ONE pays min wage because we don't have enough peeps to do the work we need done. We have too many open jobs, which means our labor is worth more money.

Supply and demand.

These folks might have to move to a location that /needs/ workers, rather than complaining about low pay when there are a lot of workers. It's still a personal choice, they choose to stay near family/friends whatever, and as a consequence are stuck with their labor being worth low pay. Hell my cousin just did this; he'd come up here to work in construction because it paid way better.

Supply and Demand ? So when the CEO makes $10 million , it’s because no one would do the job for $2 million ?


Lol! Yeah sure . These ceos and board members are all part of the same scam . They give each other sweetheart deals because it’s other people’s money .

Seriously, what does a ceo do to deserve such a high pay that someone else couldn’t replicate?

What does an actor, athlete, musician do that can't be replicated?

Companies pay the least they can for employees be they the toilet scrubbers or CEO's. You watch way too many movies. People (stockholders) don't invest hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars with a company who hires flunkies to run their business. It's a sure recipe for failure.

Let's say you and I both own widget factories. We both want to see more sales. So you find a CEO with a great success history, but he wants 10 million to work for you. Now if you hire him, there is a good chance that 10 mill will turn to 20 mill in new sales. Is he worth the money?

But let's say you don't think like that; anybody can do his job, so you hire a CEO for about one million a year. In the meantime, I find out about your rejection and I hire that CEO for 10 million a year, and then we take away your business and you have to close down.
Winner, winner ..Chicken Dinner
We always hear that when minimum wage is discussed

Yet, the market always adjusts
Our market hasn't had to adjust for a wage increase in ten years

And those are the key words: hasn't had to.
Blocked by Republicans

The taxpayer has had to step in and provide subsidies for food, housing and healthcare

But the sacred corporations get to keep their $7.25 wage scale

The only reason taxpayers "had to" is because of Democrat politicians--not minimum wage jobs.
They had to because we are the wealthiest nation in the world and want to take care of those who need help
While our employers reap the profits

Yeah? Well the wealthiest nation in the world is now 20 trillion in debt--much of that because of our social programs.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh

No...not our social programs
What led to our love affair with debt was supply side economics
And those are the key words: hasn't had to.
Blocked by Republicans

The taxpayer has had to step in and provide subsidies for food, housing and healthcare

But the sacred corporations get to keep their $7.25 wage scale

The only reason taxpayers "had to" is because of Democrat politicians--not minimum wage jobs.
They had to because we are the wealthiest nation in the world and want to take care of those who need help
While our employers reap the profits

Yeah? Well the wealthiest nation in the world is now 20 trillion in debt--much of that because of our social programs.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh

No...not our social programs
What led to our love affair with debt was supply side economics

Really? Well if you'd like, I'll show you the pie of our budget, and then you show me what part of that pie had to do with anything supply side. Deal?
No...not our social programs
What led to our love affair with debt was supply side economics
Who has warped your brain dude? You are lacking very important knowledge so much so that your arguments are comical like arguing with a child....
They had to because we are the wealthiest nation in the world and want to take care of those who need help
While our employers reap the profits
You and your precious government can't help anyone without wealthy businesses paying taxes and providing tax paying jobs....
Business make a profit off of every one of those workers

And your idea is that they should take a loss with each of those workers instead?
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I guess Rightwinger must have googled and found out how wrong he is...
Any and I mean any young person with an ounce of sense would never work for minimum wage. Those jobs set kids up for failure. Big time. But there are lots of low IQ kids to do a good job for scum places like that.

Welcome to McDonalds! beep beep dot dot...
Certain tasks are just not as valuable to society as others. Plumbers make more per hour than painters for example.
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