To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

The Establishment is trying to get everyone to be able to afford paying their own healthcare. So that if in case Obamacare is removed, that they will still have clientele that can afford to buy their expensive meds. Even though, that everyone else will want a raise because they do not want to make the same wage for someone that is flipping burgers..,Like school teachers and scientists that they makes around that amount. But basically, that the burger makers are going to be making the same amount but with healthcare. The Establishment is not giving out nothing for free.


That was basically my point to Moonbat. Giving these people 15 per hour devalues everyone else's dollar. All the way up the scales. It would cause a major problem in salaries in every business.
My first real job at a five and dime in 1970, I was paid less than minimum wage for being under 16. What if there was a less than minimum for teenagers like there was back then? Would that make you happy?
Around here, it isn't 16 year olds that get up at 4 a.m. and drive through every snow storm in order to open the store and serve grumpy and insane customers their breakfasts. If an employee is reliable and does what they're supposed to do, why shouldn't they make enough to pay their rent? If the minimum wage goes up, yes, it will cause some inflation. It will also put a lot more money in people's pockets, and they will spend it, which is good for the economy.
Isn't that the whole idea behind the proposed Tax Bill?
The extra it puts in their pocket is negated by the increased cost of goods. It's the very definition of the dog chasing it's tail. You even admitted such by mentioning the inflation.
You just failed to connect the dots.
If a person I see working greater than 30 hours a week, they are working for a living and not a high school kid. People working for a living deserve a living wage. Only in a society that does not value a work this could it be argued otherwise.
Then tell them to get a living wage job, not work fast food, unless they wish to work into upper management through hard work. Then they will have a living wage salary.
You seem to think that jobs paying a living wage are just laying there unfiltered. What if fast food is the only work opportunity?
Then they aren’t looking hard enough, or not willing to increase their skill set.
If a person I see working greater than 30 hours a week, they are working for a living and not a high school kid. People working for a living deserve a living wage. Only in a society that does not value a work this could it be argued otherwise.
Then tell them to get a living wage job, not work fast food, unless they wish to work into upper management through hard work. Then they will have a living wage salary.
You seem to think that jobs paying a living wage are just laying there unfiltered. What if fast food is the only work opportunity?
View attachment 164037

Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

Kids have been shut out of these jobs by illegal aliens.
Even the illegals know that agribusiness pays more..or construction...

Construction requires skills.

McDonalds and Taco Bell are staffed by 35 year old illegals, high school kids have no jobs.

It's the world the left created.
So now you"re blaming the left for McDonald's, will the persecution never stop?
If a person I see working greater than 30 hours a week, they are working for a living and not a high school kid. People working for a living deserve a living wage. Only in a society that does not value a work this could it be argued otherwise.
Then tell them to get a living wage job, not work fast food, unless they wish to work into upper management through hard work. Then they will have a living wage salary.
You seem to think that jobs paying a living wage are just laying there unfiltered. What if fast food is the only work opportunity?

I'v moved cross country several times for job opportunities.

You get what you deserve based on the effort you put into it
If a person I see working greater than 30 hours a week, they are working for a living and not a high school kid. People working for a living deserve a living wage. Only in a society that does not value a work this could it be argued otherwise.

They "deserve" a living wage because they're unskilled and doing work that was performed by high school kids? I can hear it now. "I have to support five people and I'm owed a living wage". How dreamy.
What is the alternative? More welfare benefits? Holding three minimum wage jobs and neglecting your family?

Where's that populism? Where's that value of a work ethic?
If a person I see working greater than 30 hours a week, they are working for a living and not a high school kid. People working for a living deserve a living wage. Only in a society that does not value a work this could it be argued otherwise.
Then tell them to get a living wage job, not work fast food, unless they wish to work into upper management through hard work. Then they will have a living wage salary.
You seem to think that jobs paying a living wage are just laying there unfiltered. What if fast food is the only work opportunity?

Wait....OK, let's but your liberalism into perspective. Jose is unskilled and fast food meets his full potential. Therefore it's his only work opportunity, and therefore Jose's employer must pay him a living wage. Living wage is free-flowing, based on how many people Jose is supporting, lifestyle and location.
If a person I see working greater than 30 hours a week, they are working for a living and not a high school kid. People working for a living deserve a living wage. Only in a society that does not value a work this could it be argued otherwise.

They "deserve" a living wage because they're unskilled and doing work that was performed by high school kids? I can hear it now. "I have to support five people and I'm owed a living wage". How dreamy.
What is the alternative? More welfare benefits? Holding three minimum wage jobs and neglecting your family?

Where's that populism? Where's that value of a work ethic?
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There is something wrong when a person is working 40 or more hours a week and is still eligible for heating fuel assistance and food stamps and Medicaid. Wages have not kept up with the cost of living and an adjustment is in order.

Grampa didn't answer my question about a "teenage" wage. Would he?
If a person I see working greater than 30 hours a week, they are working for a living and not a high school kid. People working for a living deserve a living wage. Only in a society that does not value a work this could it be argued otherwise.

They "deserve" a living wage because they're unskilled and doing work that was performed by high school kids? I can hear it now. "I have to support five people and I'm owed a living wage". How dreamy.
What is the alternative? More welfare benefits? Holding three minimum wage jobs and neglecting your family?

Where's that populism? Where's that value of a work ethic?
Where's your self determination?
Where's your drive to better yourself?
Where's your self respect?

If a person I see working greater than 30 hours a week, they are working for a living and not a high school kid. People working for a living deserve a living wage. Only in a society that does not value a work this could it be argued otherwise.
Then tell them to get a living wage job, not work fast food, unless they wish to work into upper management through hard work. Then they will have a living wage salary.
You seem to think that jobs paying a living wage are just laying there unfiltered. What if fast food is the only work opportunity?

I'v moved cross country several times for job opportunities.

You get what you deserve based on the effort you put into it
Are you going to buy my home so I could afford to move? Maybe I live in a town where the only buyers are folks with the means to buy because they have the very few jobs paying them enough. How do the poor, without the means to get to the end of the month suddenly pull up stakes, find new housing somewhere else, get their kids in school and find new work while the electric bill is overdue?

But we could encourage the owners of the means of production to take a bigger cut of the business income.
Liberal immigration policy has been a MAJOR contributor to spoiled entitled children with poor to no work ethic. In my day we worked fast food, washed dishes, bused tables, mowed lawns etc. You know, all those things "White Americans" aren't willing to do.

Immigrants have taken these jobs and assumed them as careers. Somehow that's supposed to be good for Americans? I challenge anyone to give a single reason why. As usual, liberal policy is a detriment and invites weakness and failure.
And here we have it. When something is beyond your level of understanding just scream "librul" and bring race into it.
View attachment 164037

Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.
Their business was intended for teenagers in the 1950s and 60s but fast food has become a major employer in this country. Keep giving them $7.50 and we taxpayers will provide the food stamps. McWendyKing`s laughs at us.
There is something wrong when a person is working 40 or more hours a week and is still eligible for heating fuel assistance and food stamps and Medicaid. Wages have not kept up with the cost of living and an adjustment is in order.

Grampa didn't answer my question about a "teenage" wage. Would he?
There is indeed something wrong and it's SELF INFLICTED.

Choices were made that led to that place in life and those choices weren't made by the employer.

Teenage wage? Lol, no
If a person I see working greater than 30 hours a week, they are working for a living and not a high school kid. People working for a living deserve a living wage. Only in a society that does not value a work this could it be argued otherwise.

They "deserve" a living wage because they're unskilled and doing work that was performed by high school kids? I can hear it now. "I have to support five people and I'm owed a living wage". How dreamy.
What is the alternative? More welfare benefits? Holding three minimum wage jobs and neglecting your family?

Where's that populism? Where's that value of a work ethic?
Where's your self determination?
Where's your drive to better yourself?
Where's your self respect?

What makes you think that those working hard in entry level jobs don't have those qualities?
If a person I see working greater than 30 hours a week, they are working for a living and not a high school kid. People working for a living deserve a living wage. Only in a society that does not value a work this could it be argued otherwise.
Then tell them to get a living wage job, not work fast food, unless they wish to work into upper management through hard work. Then they will have a living wage salary.
You seem to think that jobs paying a living wage are just laying there unfiltered. What if fast food is the only work opportunity?

I'v moved cross country several times for job opportunities.

You get what you deserve based on the effort you put into it
Are you going to buy my home so I could afford to move? Maybe I live in a town where the only buyers are folks with the means to buy because they have the very few jobs paying them enough. How do the poor, without the means to get to the end of the month suddenly pull up stakes, find new housing somewhere else, get their kids in school and find new work while the electric bill is overdue?

But we could encourage the owners of the means of production to take a bigger cut of the business income.
How do you own a home on minimum wage?

Fucking lies to fit a narrative. Go pedal that bullshit to some fool.
If a person I see working greater than 30 hours a week, they are working for a living and not a high school kid. People working for a living deserve a living wage. Only in a society that does not value a work this could it be argued otherwise.
Then tell them to get a living wage job, not work fast food, unless they wish to work into upper management through hard work. Then they will have a living wage salary.
You seem to think that jobs paying a living wage are just laying there unfiltered. What if fast food is the only work opportunity?

I'v moved cross country several times for job opportunities.

You get what you deserve based on the effort you put into it
Are you going to buy my home so I could afford to move? Maybe I live in a town where the only buyers are folks with the means to buy because they have the very few jobs paying them enough. How do the poor, without the means to get to the end of the month suddenly pull up stakes, find new housing somewhere else, get their kids in school and find new work while the electric bill is overdue?

But we could encourage the owners of the means of production to take a bigger cut of the business income.
How do you own a home on minimum wage?

Fucking lies to fit a narrative. Go pedal that bullshit to some fool.
Buy through USDA/FMHA..
If a person I see working greater than 30 hours a week, they are working for a living and not a high school kid. People working for a living deserve a living wage. Only in a society that does not value a work this could it be argued otherwise.

They "deserve" a living wage because they're unskilled and doing work that was performed by high school kids? I can hear it now. "I have to support five people and I'm owed a living wage". How dreamy.
What is the alternative? More welfare benefits? Holding three minimum wage jobs and neglecting your family?

Where's that populism? Where's that value of a work ethic?
Where's your self determination?
Where's your drive to better yourself?
Where's your self respect?

What makes you think that those working hard in entry level jobs don't have those qualities?
Because if they did they wouldn' be stuck on a minimum wage salary.

Your arguments are circular and unworthy of discussion.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Once again a Dem says people just can’t do it on their on, yet others do it daily. It takes work, period. These companies all have training programs that will teach them the skills they need to move up, if only they would apply themselves. Did anyone say it’d be easy? No, but anything worth doing is hard work. You have to want it to make it happen.
If a person I see working greater than 30 hours a week, they are working for a living and not a high school kid. People working for a living deserve a living wage. Only in a society that does not value a work this could it be argued otherwise.
Then tell them to get a living wage job, not work fast food, unless they wish to work into upper management through hard work. Then they will have a living wage salary.
You seem to think that jobs paying a living wage are just laying there unfiltered. What if fast food is the only work opportunity?

I'v moved cross country several times for job opportunities.

You get what you deserve based on the effort you put into it
Are you going to buy my home so I could afford to move? Maybe I live in a town where the only buyers are folks with the means to buy because they have the very few jobs paying them enough. How do the poor, without the means to get to the end of the month suddenly pull up stakes, find new housing somewhere else, get their kids in school and find new work while the electric bill is overdue?

But we could encourage the owners of the means of production to take a bigger cut of the business income.
In Finland, McDonald’s employees make $30/hour and they’re the happiest people in the world
There is something wrong when a person is working 40 or more hours a week and is still eligible for heating fuel assistance and food stamps and Medicaid. Wages have not kept up with the cost of living and an adjustment is in order.

Grampa didn't answer my question about a "teenage" wage. Would he?
There is indeed something wrong and it's SELF INFLICTED.

Choices were made that led to that place in life and those choices weren't made by the employer.

Teenage wage? Lol, no
I have never heard such a bucket of judgmental slop.
Very comfortable for you, looking down on people who serve your meals, cut your lawn, remove your trash, wash the floors in your office building. You'd be pretty damned unhappy if they weren't there and they don't deserve to be treated like slaves with wages that keep them stuck in poverty.
Choices, my ass!
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