To tout universal basic income, presidential candidate puts skin in the game

This is Venezuela on Capitalism and Independently Derived Income:

This is Venezuela under Socialism and Guaranteed Income:
Americans want their oil, otherwise we don't give two shits about them. Stop lying about socialism. It's when they want to nationalize their oil that we get bent out of shape.

Who is "we"? I certainly hope you're not attempting to lump ME into any group in common with the likes of you, and definitely not one for which you are purporting to speak.
Andrew Yang, an entrepreneur and presidential candidate, wants to give every American adult $1,000, every single month.

To test a universal basic income program, Yang is giving two families, one in Iowa and one in New Hampshire, $1,000 a month out of his own pocket, according to CBS News. Yang is running as a Democrat and both states are early primary contests for the 2020 presidential nomination.

Presidential candidate paying $1,000 universal basic income

Here he is with Joe Rogan recently.

This is the dumbest gimmick since Dukakis rode that tank.
So back on topic.
VAT raises about a fifth of total tax revenues both worldwide and among the members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).[1]:14 As of 2018, 166 of the 193 countries with full UN membership employ a VAT, including all OECD members except the United States,[1]:14which uses a sales tax system instead.
The idea is more Libertarian than socialist when you consider a flat tax or Value-added tax - Wikipedia

How is that on-topic? Could have sworn your topic was Mr. Yang's splendiferous experiment in handing out money, for which you still have not explained any practical applications.
Andrew Yang, an entrepreneur and presidential candidate, wants to give every American adult $1,000, every single month.

To test a universal basic income program, Yang is giving two families, one in Iowa and one in New Hampshire, $1,000 a month out of his own pocket, according to CBS News. Yang is running as a Democrat and both states are early primary contests for the 2020 presidential nomination.

Presidential candidate paying $1,000 universal basic income

Here he is with Joe Rogan recently.

If that happens, prepare for everything to cost more.
Andrew Yang, an entrepreneur and presidential candidate, wants to give every American adult $1,000, every single month.

To test a universal basic income program, Yang is giving two families, one in Iowa and one in New Hampshire, $1,000 a month out of his own pocket, according to CBS News. Yang is running as a Democrat and both states are early primary contests for the 2020 presidential nomination.

Presidential candidate paying $1,000 universal basic income

Here he is with Joe Rogan recently.

lol The polls show Yang has less than 1% support and now we know why.
Andrew Yang has proved he hasn't learned from history. That $1000 a month rings too familiar with George McGovern's initial plan to give every American a grand. "He has turned away from the widely ridiculed plan to pay a $1,000 cash benefit to every person in the nation." NY Times - Aug 30, 1972 (McGovern's Tax Plan)

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