
The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
For all the talk about a close election, it aint gonna happen. We are looking at a landslide ala 1980. Romney has all the advantages here. Obama is sucking wind. While the polls look close I suspect a lot of people who say they support Obama do so because they dont want t be perceived as racist.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Mitt Romney attracting 47% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.

Romney has a 20-point advantage among white voters. Obama is supported by 91% of black voters and 57% of other minority voters.

In his weekly newspaper column, Scott Rasmussen concludes that for Obama to win, “he will need to improve his own job approval rating between now and Election Day. For that to happen, perceptions of the economy will have to reverse their current downward trend.”
With the economy headed towards another recession that wont happen.

For those who doubt it, polls for Walker's recount showed a dead heat right up until actual results, when he won big.
For all the talk about a close election, it aint gonna happen. We are looking at a landslide ala 1980. Romney has all the advantages here. Obama is sucking wind. While the polls look close I suspect a lot of people who say they support Obama do so because they dont want t be perceived as racist.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Mitt Romney attracting 47% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.

Romney has a 20-point advantage among white voters. Obama is supported by 91% of black voters and 57% of other minority voters.

In his weekly newspaper column, Scott Rasmussen concludes that for Obama to win, “he will need to improve his own job approval rating between now and Election Day. For that to happen, perceptions of the economy will have to reverse their current downward trend.”
With the economy headed towards another recession that wont happen.

For those who doubt it, polls for Walker's recount showed a dead heat right up until actual results, when he won big.

Care to wager sig lines since you're not in doubt?

If Governor Romney wins, I change my sig line to "All hail President Romney, your President, my President, our President" and leave it there until 12/31/13.

If President Obama wins, you change your sig line to "All hail President Obama, your President, my President, our President" and leave it there only until 1/1/13

Font size =3, blue font face in bold. Arial font.

You really ARE as confident as you just stated you are, aren't you?
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For all the talk about a close election, it aint gonna happen. We are looking at a landslide ala 1980. Romney has all the advantages here. Obama is sucking wind. While the polls look close I suspect a lot of people who say they support Obama do so because they dont want t be perceived as racist.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Mitt Romney attracting 47% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.

Romney has a 20-point advantage among white voters. Obama is supported by 91% of black voters and 57% of other minority voters.

In his weekly newspaper column, Scott Rasmussen concludes that for Obama to win, “he will need to improve his own job approval rating between now and Election Day. For that to happen, perceptions of the economy will have to reverse their current downward trend.”
With the economy headed towards another recession that wont happen.

For those who doubt it, polls for Walker's recount showed a dead heat right up until actual results, when he won big.

Care to wager sig lines since you're not in doubt?

If Governor Romney wins, I change my sig line to "All hail President Romney, your President, my President, our President" and leave it there until 12/31/13.

If President Obama wins, you change your sig line to "All hail President Obama, your President, my President, our President" and leave it there only until 1/1/13

Font size =3, blue font face in bold. Arial font.

You really ARE as confident as you just stated you are, aren't you?

Well? Do we have a deal?

I to think Romney will win big.

I can't for the life of me see how anyone with at least one working brain cell can think Barry has done a good job as POTUS.

He got voted in because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps. The pendulum swung big for the Dems in 2008. I think its gonna swing the other way come Nov.

Its gonna be all about the economy and people will be voting with their pocketbooks.

Barry had his shot and his policies ain't worked worth shit. Time for someone else to try and straighten out the mess.
I to think Romney will win big.

I can't for the life of me see how anyone with at least one working brain cell can think Barry has done a good job as POTUS.

He got voted in because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps. The pendulum swung big for the Dems in 2008. I think its gonna swing the other way come Nov.

Its gonna be all about the economy and people will be voting with their pocketbooks.

Barry had his shot and his policies ain't worked worth shit. Time for someone else to try and straighten out the mess.

I will offer you the same wager I offered Rabbi if you like.

Polling shows Obama ahead in 10 of the 12 "swing" states with 3 months to go. If the economy is going to be the key; the polling wouldn't be showing it. If Governor Romney represented a clear distinctive difference, the polling would be showing that.

What appears to be happening is that voters are trusting the President and willing to give him a 2nd term.
I to think Romney will win big.

I can't for the life of me see how anyone with at least one working brain cell can think Barry has done a good job as POTUS.

He got voted in because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps. The pendulum swung big for the Dems in 2008. I think its gonna swing the other way come Nov.

Its gonna be all about the economy and people will be voting with their pocketbooks.

Barry had his shot and his policies ain't worked worth shit. Time for someone else to try and straighten out the mess.

Generic Congressional Ballot is the key indicator. Democrats were up by 12% in 2008.

Today, the Republican lead - just like they lead prior to the historic shellacking they gave the democrats in '10.
I don't pay attention to polls.

Too many variables.

I prefer to wait for Nov.
For all the talk about a close election, it aint gonna happen. We are looking at a landslide ala 1980. Romney has all the advantages here. Obama is sucking wind. While the polls look close I suspect a lot of people who say they support Obama do so because they dont want t be perceived as racist.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Mitt Romney attracting 47% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.

Romney has a 20-point advantage among white voters. Obama is supported by 91% of black voters and 57% of other minority voters.

In his weekly newspaper column, Scott Rasmussen concludes that for Obama to win, “he will need to improve his own job approval rating between now and Election Day. For that to happen, perceptions of the economy will have to reverse their current downward trend.”
With the economy headed towards another recession that wont happen.

For those who doubt it, polls for Walker's recount showed a dead heat right up until actual results, when he won big.

It is looking bad for Papa Obama
Considering that

Papa Obama has significantly outspent Romney
Romney endured a long grueling primary

All this and the best Papa Obama can do is pull even

All the left can do at this point is go negative
and try to suppress Romney support

Which is what you see them doing
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For all the talk about a close election, it aint gonna happen. We are looking at a landslide ala 1980. Romney has all the advantages here. Obama is sucking wind. While the polls look close I suspect a lot of people who say they support Obama do so because they dont want t be perceived as racist.

Guy, 1980 isn't even a good comparison.

The only thing the two elections had in common were a bad economy. Carter was brought down by a lot more factors than that.

1) Massive dissension in his own party, leading to a primary challenge by Ted Kennedy. Obama enjoys solid support from his base.

2) A Third Party challenge from John Anderson on his left. To my surprise, we didn't get a third party this year.

3) Carter's impotence in dealing with Iran and the Soviets. People voted for Reagan just as much because of their concerns on foreign affairs as economic ones, maybe a bit more so.

4) Massive inflation and high interest rates and a depressed stock market. Unlike Obama, Carter's economic woes went far beyond unemployment.

But here's the real problem. Mitt Romney is no Ronald Reagan. He doesn't have the likability or the Charisma or the cahonas. Reagan naturally related to people, Romney acts like a weird robot from the Planet Kolob.
I to think Romney will win big.

I can't for the life of me see how anyone with at least one working brain cell can think Barry has done a good job as POTUS.

He got voted in because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps. The pendulum swung big for the Dems in 2008. I think its gonna swing the other way come Nov.

Its gonna be all about the economy and people will be voting with their pocketbooks.

Barry had his shot and his policies ain't worked worth shit. Time for someone else to try and straighten out the mess.

Ask the folks who lost their jobs at AmPad and GS Steel how Romney "Straightened out the mess".
The problem for the right.

Romney hasn't articulated how things would be any different under him.
I think it is the other way around.

You get a lot of pollster calling your cell phone? Obama has the young vote.. Who mostly have cell phones.
I think it is the other way around.

You get a lot of pollster calling your cell phone? Obama has the young vote.. Who mostly have cell phones.

That might be a good point.

Polls that showed Dewey beating Truman were basically based on phone polls, and missed a lot of poor people who couldn't afford a phone but still voted democratic.
For all the talk about a close election, it aint gonna happen. We are looking at a landslide ala 1980. Romney has all the advantages here. Obama is sucking wind. While the polls look close I suspect a lot of people who say they support Obama do so because they dont want t be perceived as racist.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Mitt Romney attracting 47% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.

Romney has a 20-point advantage among white voters. Obama is supported by 91% of black voters and 57% of other minority voters.

In his weekly newspaper column, Scott Rasmussen concludes that for Obama to win, “he will need to improve his own job approval rating between now and Election Day. For that to happen, perceptions of the economy will have to reverse their current downward trend.”
With the economy headed towards another recession that wont happen.

For those who doubt it, polls for Walker's recount showed a dead heat right up until actual results, when he won big.

Whoever wins will be the next president. Anyone who thinks it will make much of a difference either way, has not been paying attention.
The problem for the right.

Romney hasn't articulated how things would be any different under him.

At this point
Anything But Obama

will work

Really? What's Mitt's plan for putting people back to work? That's where Obama is most vulnerable, but Romney hasn't told us what his plan is. Given a blank, America will go with the devil they know.

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