Today forced vaccines – tomorrow organ harvesting?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Too sad, but already inoculated gullible YES.morons will die within few years. The small amount of survivors will exist in terrible dystopian societies run by satanists and AI.
Not only organ harvesting, anything would be possible for sadistic satanists who call themselves presidents, cops or politicians.
No kidney, no job, no digital Covid passports,
Open your eyes, we're gonna to Hell now.

DR Torsten Trey, the founder and executive director of Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH), gave an interview recently about China’s use of prisoners of conscience to provide organs for transplants.
Dr Trey notes free voluntary consent is a foundation in Western medical systems and that the Chinese regime would like to tear that down in order to make forced ‘donations’ the international ‘common standard in transplant medicine’. The goal, as he puts it, would be to rubber stamp the use of political prisoners as ‘a life source, a living pool of organ donors’.
The implications of Dr Trey’s statements for the future of treatments in the West and even NHS policies when taken in the broader context of the last year and a half are horrifying. There is no longer any ‘free voluntary consent’ when it comes to the Covid vaccination programmes. We are no longer living under the auspices of a democratically elected Government acting in UK interests but instead a Chinese-inspired machine intent on domination over, not service to, the British people.
Since free and voluntary consent has gone out of the window with initiatives to coerce (and mandate in some sectors) vaccinations, on the grounds that we must all be jabbed to protect our fellow citizens, what is to stop the medical tyrants from ruling that if you have vital and healthy organs you must give them up for the common good as decreed by the state?
And what about nations such as Australia and America which are already building internment camps for returning travellers or for the unvaccinated? These sites will be set up with those unfortunates who have dared to travel abroad and for prisoners of conscience whom the government deems a ‘threat to public health’.
Will the non-compliant who are sent to quarantine camps or re-education centres be used as repositories for desperately needed organs under a triage system favouring patients with deep enough pockets to influence the decision-makers?
A sub-class raised for organ donation was the subject of Kazuo Ishiguro’s 2005 dystopian novel Never Let me Go. Ishiguro’s clones are created (possessing human emotions such as falling in love and experiencing pain) with the sole purpose of helping society’s chosen ones to live longer.
The parallel to Ishiguro’s scenario of medical tyranny may seem far-fetched as of yet. But we are living in an era so completely warped by Covid that there is no way to know for certain where it will all end.
Into every single facet of life the pandemic mental sickness has permeated. It’s an aberration that will not stop within a few years. As society’s essential fabric is pulled apart thread by thread, we are witnessing the unravelling of many constructs. Along with it the dismantling of medical ethics, including jettisoning free and voluntary consent for treatment such as a vaccine. Where will the line be drawn and will consent still be required in a couple of decades for one’s organs to be donated?
When I press the button on my talking Yoda doll and he says ‘Fear is the path to the dark side’, he confirms my haunting suspicion that the terror and strong-arm tactics inflicted on us over the last year and a half are only the beginning, and a force will drag us all to the dark side.

In an article for Unherd last year Mary Harrington discussed ‘the extent to which the pandemic is forcing Western nations to become more like China’. Let’s hope she is not correct in the assumption that, where China leads the West will follow.

This is already practiced by the communist Chinese in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Prefecture.

And it will be practicing everywhere in the former free world.
Otherwise your vaccine passport will be not prolonged.
Bandits-politicians together with 'cops' and presstitutes abolished already today all existing laws and constitutions and deal with our souls and bodies as they please.
Just imagine what happens tomorrow.
But it will be much worst, because all of the Corona gang are hidden satanists without any compassion to us.
Never heard about cannibalistic 'customs' of so-.called 'elite'?
About Adrenochrome for example?

Cannibal Corpse is a death metal band. One of their popular songs is called Inhumane Harvest. Here are the lyrics:

"Twisted criminal underground
Subjugation of the victim for complete control
Reaping vital body parts
Surgical precision taking all that will be sold
Sliced wide open, right down the chest
Removal of the organs
Cut the arteries and veins
Everything must go
Before the victim dies
Burn the body to dispose
Callous acts of the nefarious
Leaving no tracks, no evidence
They vanish never to be seen again
Banished from existence
Sliced wide open, right down the chest
Removal of the organs
Cut the arteries and veins
Everything must go
Before the victim dies
Burn the body to dispose
Callous acts of the nefarious
Leaving no tracks, no evidence
They vanish never to be seen again
Banished from existence
Inhumane harvest
Subjugation of the victims for complete control
Inhumane harvest
Surgical precision taking all that will be sold
Numbers of the missing rise
While their profit multiplies
So many lives erased
Covert genocide
Numbers of the missing rise
While their profit multiplies
So many lives erased
Covert genocide
Callous acts of the nefarious
Leaving no tracks, no evidence
They vanish never to be seen again
Banished from existence
Inhumane harvest
Subjugation of the victims for complete control
Inhumane harvest
Surgical precision taking all that will be sold."
The title of your OP is misleading, the organ harvesting is already happening TODAY.

Last week there was a knock at my door. My home care nurse answered and let them in. I was informed in no uncertain terms that they were not leaving with out a kidney AND a lung. When I informed them that I had already sold one of each organ the harvesters were not pleased. Instead, they took an eye, 6 units of blood and 2 units of bone marrow.

Maybe if you would opt to educate yourself and follow my #StayInformed thread, you would already know this, but you are the typical uninformed liberal Biden voter, so I am not surprised.

Something is not very clear, are these words in support of the bloody geeks or against them?

By the way, the vampire aesthetics of the subculture of Gothes is ready just from this opera. Old Gothic art itself, too.

They like death, as they are a death metal band. Their music, and often music of the genre, glorifies horrific and brutal death. It's all in jest of course, but they act as if they aren't phased by it.
They like death, as they are a death metal band. Their music, and often music of the genre, glorifies horrific and brutal death. It's all in jest of course, but they act as if they aren't phased by it.
I think it should be viewed as propaganda of extremism and imprisoned
Read over at GAB that a bill is in the works for all men to be castrated after age 50. Hows that going to go over? Not well, I believe. Stops overpopulation, ya know. But that is only in the USA. 3rd world countries that have starving babies with flies all over their is poor, has nothing to do but fuck. And have more kids. So that will be along shortly too....women having their uterus removed.

I think it should be viewed as propaganda of extremism and imprisoned

It isn't propaganda, it's an art form. You wanting to imprison these fellas for their "extremism" is tyrannical. The front man of the band is really an average guy, who likes to go clearance shopping at Target and buys Marvel Legos to build.
I think it should be viewed as propaganda of extremism and imprisoned

Do you f..... lefts know something else except imprisonment, tortures, murders, vaccinations, concentration camps etc?
You ( democrats, communists, national-socialists, progressives, satanists etc ) have already murdered more as 300m through 20th-21st centuries.
Now you want to kill us all, anything in the name of your perverse marxist utopia which nowhere worked.
You all, leftist f..... bastards shall go to Hell and be together with your gods like Marx, Lenin, Mao, Hitler and other insane Marxists.
Hopefully humanity will liberate themselves and thereafter clean the Earth completely up from leftism.

Go and worship your dirty 'god' Marx

It isn't propaganda, it's an art form. You wanting to imprison these fellas for their "extremism" is tyrannical. The front man of the band is really an average guy, who likes to go clearance shopping at Target and buys Marvel Legos to build.

Don't hear him, he is a left, he is our enemy who want to murder us by the 'vaccine'
It's a war, lefts want to annihilate humanity by the 'jab'
Do you f..... lefts know something else except imprisonment, tortures, murders, vaccinations, concentration camps etc?
The left is experiencing the regions of Prussia and the Baltics. Goths and androphages (cannibals) lived in about the same place. Cannibalism and vampirism in art are a leftist trends
Actually liberalism, assuming the fact that you can talk about any fucking shit is also a leftist idea.
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In old Europe, there were poganus, beggar farmers, who performed the filthy cults of bloody sacrifices. Cannibelism apparently arose from the fact that there was often hunger, and this was the way of the community's survival. It was a real left communist system, they lived in communal barracks without property and had homosexual intercourse. Everything left was already in the Neolithic.
The true right-wing idea does not allow the "freedom" to speak abomination and overstep morality

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