Today Is the 3rd Anniversary of the Greatest Tweet in World History

give it a rest. She lost because, as illustrated by this tweet, she was overconfident and thought she had it in the bag

Actually it's probably because she was in the bag half the time. When she came here, she took a break which was supposed to last about ten minutes. She didn't come back on stage until an hour later. She couldn't even stay sober enough to attend a 911 ceremony. They had to throw her in the van like the baggage handlers at the airport throw suitcases.

She went on stage and insulted at least half of the country with her deplorable remark, but it's Comey's fault she lost, not hers.
give it a rest. She lost because, as illustrated by this tweet, she was overconfident and thought she had it in the bag

Actually it's probably because she was in the bag half the time. When she came here, she took a break which was supposed to last about ten minutes. She didn't come back on stage until an hour later. She couldn't even stay sober enough to attend a 911 ceremony. They had to throw her in the van like the baggage handlers at the airport throw suitcases.

She went on stage and insulted at least half of the country with her deplorable remark, but it's Comey's fault she lost, not hers.

I know. She and her fans blame everyone but her. It's hilarious. The fucking Flat Earthers have nothing on these myopic fools.

And, IMO, she thinks way more than half the country are 'deplorables'.

We are the masses of the great unwashed, and that includes the majority of her supporters who I think she views as nothing more than useful idiots in her quest for power.
Please.......she got a child rapist off the hook and laughed about it years later.

Have you no shame at all concerning the lies you tell?

Rhetorical question. You clearly don't. Trump cultists have been trained to be sociopaths, and sociopaths don't feel shame.

Amazing how we on USMB are so blessed with all you arm chair psychologists we have with us. So blessed indeed.

The Story Behind A Campaign Line: Did Clinton Laugh At A Rape Victim?

Hillary Clinton, in an interview, described how she had her client take a polygraph test. She laughed that he actually passed it, meaning she knew damn well he was guilty.
give it a rest. She lost because, as illustrated by this tweet, she was overconfident and thought she had it in the bag

Actually it's probably because she was in the bag half the time. When she came here, she took a break which was supposed to last about ten minutes. She didn't come back on stage until an hour later. She couldn't even stay sober enough to attend a 911 ceremony. They had to throw her in the van like the baggage handlers at the airport throw suitcases.

She went on stage and insulted at least half of the country with her deplorable remark, but it's Comey's fault she lost, not hers.

I know. She and her fans blame everyone but her. It's hilarious. The fucking Flat Earthers have nothing on these myopic fools.

And, IMO, she thinks way more than half the country are 'deplorables'.

We are the masses of the great unwashed, and that includes the majority of her supporters who I think she views as nothing more than useful idiots in her quest for power.

The people who support and supported her believe every lying thing that comes out of that camp. They still believe she was shot at getting off a plane. They believe that when she got tossed in that van, she had pneumonia, and was magically cured in an hours time by rushing her to her daughters apartment for some coffee instead of a hospital. Then, with this infectious condition, managed to go outside and hug a bunch of kids, none of whom ever got sick.

Some still stand behind this woman in spite of her criticizing Gabbard, a woman who wore the US military uniform, and prepared to fight for her country, by calling her a Russian asset. Could you imagine what would be said for decades to come if Melania stated she has conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt in the White House, and then decided she was going to run for President????
Hillary Clinton, in an interview, described how she had her client take a polygraph test. She laughed that he actually passed it, meaning she knew damn well he was guilty.

"He passed", she says, and adds with a chuckle, it "forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs":"

Again, you're totally shameless with the lying. She's laughing about the ridiculousness of polygraphs being taken seriously.

The lesson here? All Trump cultists lie, shamelessly, all the time. Based on their history, anything that any Trump cultist says should initially be assumed to be a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise.

Now, why do they lie? That's a more complicated topic.
The people who support and supported her believe every lying thing that comes out of that camp. They still believe she was shot at getting off a plane. They believe that when she got tossed in that van, she had pneumonia, and was magically cured in an hours time by rushing her to her daughters apartment for some coffee instead of a hospital. Then, with this infectious condition, managed to go outside and hug a bunch of kids, none of whom ever got sick

If our goal was to confirm the vicious, delusional and dishonest nature of Trump cultists, you've succeeded. Was that your goal?

Some still stand behind this woman in spite of her criticizing Gabbard,

And proven right about it. Which is why you're triggered. You're enraged because Clinton torpedoed Tulsi's third party spoiler plans. That will mean much less pay for Tulsi in her FOX News gig.

Could you imagine what would be said for decades to come if Melania stated she has conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt in the White House, and then decided she was going to run for President????

Then she'd be about 0.001% as dishonest as Donald Trump,.

You can't suck the ass of the greatest liar in human history, and then complain about lying. I mean, you can, as you're doing it, but it's made you look like the ultimate asslicking hypocrite toadie.
give it a rest. She lost because, as illustrated by this tweet, she was overconfident and thought she had it in the bag

Actually it's probably because she was in the bag half the time. When she came here, she took a break which was supposed to last about ten minutes. She didn't come back on stage until an hour later. She couldn't even stay sober enough to attend a 911 ceremony. They had to throw her in the van like the baggage handlers at the airport throw suitcases.

She went on stage and insulted at least half of the country with her deplorable remark, but it's Comey's fault she lost, not hers.

I know. She and her fans blame everyone but her. It's hilarious. The fucking Flat Earthers have nothing on these myopic fools.

And, IMO, she thinks way more than half the country are 'deplorables'.

We are the masses of the great unwashed, and that includes the majority of her supporters who I think she views as nothing more than useful idiots in her quest for power.

Could you imagine what would be said for decades to come if Melania stated she has conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt in the White House, and then decided she was going to run for President????

Maybe I should invite Hillary over for our Halloween party and she can channel some spirits.

If our goal was to confirm the vicious, delusional and dishonest nature of Trump cultists, you've succeeded. Was that your goal?

Is your goal to toss out generalities and hope people will believe them? Name one thing I stated that was incorrect.

And proven right about it. Which is why you're triggered. You're enraged because Clinton torpedoed Tulsi's third party spoiler plans. That will mean much less pay for Tulsi in her FOX News gig.

Ahhh, I see. So besides a psychologist, you're also a mind reader. You knew what Tulsi was up to all along......didn't cha? Such an amazing little feline.

What I found offensive by her remark is while Bill and Hillary were taking bribes in the event she became President, Tulsi was serving her country, something neither of them did.

I understand your'e a leftist, as such, have little if any standards, but when a woman like that attacks a US veteran, and immediately associates her with Russia of all things, I think that should be offensive to anybody. If she simply accused Tulsi of running for a third party, criticized her positions, her conduct at the debates, that's one thing. but not say a US veteran is working on behalf of an enemy of the US.

Then she'd be about 0.001% as dishonest as Donald Trump,.

You can't suck the ass of the greatest liar in human history, and then complain about lying. I mean, you can, as you're doing it, but it's made you look like the ultimate asslicking hypocrite toadie.

I didn't say that to prove she was a liar, I made the statement to prove she was absolutely nuts. She (and Bill) both stated she has discussions with ghosts. Don't you find that a little creepy, yet alone odd? Even if she was lying, it would be crazy to believe her story could elevate her in any political way.
Here is what she intended to tweet

hillary happy birthday.png
Sweetheart, you'd pee in your panties if you ever met a real redneck. :laughing0301:

Check it out, we got us a gen-yoo-ine internet tough guy!

You make me all tingly with that tough guy act. Really you do. And I'm a dude. It's just that you're so very macho, I can't help it.

Well.......when your avatar is a picture of a kitty-cat, people can only make assumptions of your gender.

I had to look it up, but a "mamooth" is defined as thus:

Male of the species with excessive back hair, also prone to mating with female having same condition.
Also see Nyomn.
David Owen

by Simon Huyton September 05, 2003

Urban Dictionary: Mamooth

It's hard to discern some people's gender on here, when all you have is a username to go by.
Name one thing I stated that was incorrect.

The whole thing was entirely fictionoal. And you lied about Clinton laughing about getting a rapist off.

That was easy.

Ahhh, I see. So besides a psychologist, you're also a mind reader. You knew what Tulsi was up to all along......didn't cha? Such an amazing little feline.

I understand. Being a conservative, you're surprised when anyone around you isn't a retard. You need to keep better company.

What I found offensive by her remark is while Bill and Hillary were taking bribes in the event she became President,

More lies. ho-hum. This grows boring.

Tulsi was serving her country, something neither of them did.

And you despised her for that, right up until you were told to flipflop. Republicans despise every Democratic veteran, along with every veteran Trump tells them to hate.

I understand your'e a leftist, as such, have little if any standards, but when a woman like that attacks a US veteran,

After you apologize for Trump's and your slurs against John McCain and every other veteran Trump doesn't like, I'll stop telling you "STFU, hypocrite." Are you ready to apologize? If not for yourself, then at least apologize on behalf of Trump. That is, unless you adore and support his veteran slurs.

and immediately associates her with Russia of all things, I think that should be offensive to anybody. If she simply accused Tulsi of running for a third party, criticized her positions, her conduct at the debates, that's one thing. but not say a US veteran is working on behalf of an enemy of the US.

She didn't that. You're lying again. Words mean things. She said she was a Russian asset. And she's absolutely correct. The Russians consider her to be an asset, and support her campaign.

I didn't say that to prove she was a liar, I made the statement to prove she was absolutely nuts.

And you lied again. I detect a pattern here.

Hillary Clinton 'Communes' with the Spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt
It is true that Bill Clinton said that his wife “communed” with the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt; Clinton was referring to actual therapeutic sessions, not an attempt to conjure up ghosts.

So, we've established that you lie about everything, and that you tongue-bathe liars with gusto. I've achieved my goals for this conversation. If you're just going to continue to confirm my points, I see little point in continuing it.
That was easy.

It sure was, because I even used a lefty source to substantiate my point.

More lies. ho-hum. This grows boring.

Lies, huh? You mean you are stupid enough to believe that people paid them 400 to 500K to listen to them speak? If that's so, why is it few went to see Hillary speak for free when she was running for president? If that's so, why all of a sudden can't they get that kind of money for speaking after she lost? What happened to that world speaking tour of theirs?

And you despised her for that, right up until you were told to flipflop. Republicans despise every Democratic veteran, along with every veteran Trump tells them to hate.

Show me any post of mine where I ever said I despised her you liar.

After you apologize for Trump's and your slurs against John McCain and every other veteran Trump doesn't like, I'll stop telling you "STFU, hypocrite." Are you ready to apologize? If not for yourself, then at least apologize on behalf of Trump. That is, unless you adore and support his veteran slurs.

I don't have to apologize for myself or Trump. I stated repeatedly Trump went too far when he said that about McCain. Even so, he never said anything about any of our veterans being in bed with the Ruskies.

She didn't that. You're lying again. Words mean things. She said she was a Russian asset. And she's absolutely correct. The Russians consider her to be an asset, and support her campaign.

They do? :link:

And you lied again. I detect a pattern here.

Hillary Clinton 'Communes' with the Spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt
It is true that Bill Clinton said that his wife “communed” with the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt; Clinton was referring to actual therapeutic sessions, not an attempt to conjure up ghosts.

So, we've established that you lie about everything, and that you tongue-bathe liars with gusto. I've achieved my goals for this conversation. If you're just going to continue to confirm my points, I see little point in continuing it.

Oh, so you went to that all leftist trusting Snopes, and relied on a guy WHO WAS PAID BY HILLARY to backpedal that statement? Here, try her husband instead. Pay attention to the end when he said Hillary called Bill and told her that Eleanor talked to her and told her to say that.

I don't have to apologize for myself or Trump. I stated repeatedly Trump went too far when he said that about McCain. Even so, he never said anything about any of our veterans being in bed with the Ruskies.

Which Clinton never sad. Stop proving my points.

Oh, so you went to that all leftist trusting Snopes,

Once you pull the "SNOPES IS A LEFTIST CONSPIRACY!" thing, everyone laughs and walks away.

Just admit you were duped. It's not your fault. Yet. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You're letting them fool you twice.
Which Clinton never sad. Stop proving my points.

How is one an asset to somebody or some country unless they are working with them? What do you think she meant? Her comment didn't even make sense. An asset just how, by running for the nomination? You're a mind reader. Tell us what she meant by that.

Once you pull the "SNOPES IS A LEFTIST CONSPIRACY!" thing, everyone laughs and walks away.

Just admit you were duped. It's not your fault. Yet. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You're letting them fool you twice.

How was I duped when I posted a video of her husband saying exactly what I said? You were duped with that phoney baloney Snopes nonsense.
She is just an awful awful awful human being.

How come she was never vilified for personally attacking all the women that Bill molested?

Because Dems are hypocritical soulless ghouls.
Because it is mainly garbage GOP lies and hyperbole as always... When she gets near a courtroom tell us, conspiracy Nut Job. I suppose you think she should be happy about it. plus that's mainly a put-up job by the Republicans anyway. Paying women to get huffy, nowhere near a courtroom either. What garbage.
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Which Clinton never sad. Stop proving my points.

How is one an asset to somebody or some country unless they are working with them? What do you think she meant? Her comment didn't even make sense. An asset just how, by running for the nomination? You're a mind reader. Tell us what she meant by that.

Once you pull the "SNOPES IS A LEFTIST CONSPIRACY!" thing, everyone laughs and walks away.

Just admit you were duped. It's not your fault. Yet. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You're letting them fool you twice.

How was I duped when I posted a video of her husband saying exactly what I said? You were duped with that phoney baloney Snopes nonsense.
it was not a public bathroom, it was in the little girl's house total b*******. Jesus Christ we're basically talking about schools. Where there have been no problems anywhere in public bathrooms which is what we're arguing about, brainwashed functional moron.
Which Clinton never sad. Stop proving my points.

How is one an asset to somebody or some country unless they are working with them? What do you think she meant? Her comment didn't even make sense. An asset just how, by running for the nomination? You're a mind reader. Tell us what she meant by that.

Once you pull the "SNOPES IS A LEFTIST CONSPIRACY!" thing, everyone laughs and walks away.

Just admit you were duped. It's not your fault. Yet. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You're letting them fool you twice.

How was I duped when I posted a video of her husband saying exactly what I said? You were duped with that phoney baloney Snopes nonsense.
Whose husband where was this? I smell more garbage coming LOL
Which Clinton never sad. Stop proving my points.

How is one an asset to somebody or some country unless they are working with them? What do you think she meant? Her comment didn't even make sense. An asset just how, by running for the nomination? You're a mind reader. Tell us what she meant by that.

Once you pull the "SNOPES IS A LEFTIST CONSPIRACY!" thing, everyone laughs and walks away.

Just admit you were duped. It's not your fault. Yet. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You're letting them fool you twice.

How was I duped when I posted a video of her husband saying exactly what I said? You were duped with that phoney baloney Snopes nonsense.
If it helps Trump get elected, it is a Russian asset. Only on your propaganda machine and other stupid pundits does it mean they know about it. As always we spend all our time educating you on what reality is, super dope.
Which Clinton never sad. Stop proving my points.

How is one an asset to somebody or some country unless they are working with them? What do you think she meant? Her comment didn't even make sense. An asset just how, by running for the nomination? You're a mind reader. Tell us what she meant by that.

Once you pull the "SNOPES IS A LEFTIST CONSPIRACY!" thing, everyone laughs and walks away.

Just admit you were duped. It's not your fault. Yet. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You're letting them fool you twice.

How was I duped when I posted a video of her husband saying exactly what I said? You were duped with that phoney baloney Snopes nonsense.
If it helps Trump get elected, it is a Russian asset. Only on your propaganda machine and other stupid pundits does it mean they know about it. As always we spend all our time educating you on what reality is, super dope.
Oops, dupe.

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