Today Is the 3rd Anniversary of the Greatest Tweet in World History

Which Clinton never sad. Stop proving my points.

How is one an asset to somebody or some country unless they are working with them? What do you think she meant? Her comment didn't even make sense. An asset just how, by running for the nomination? You're a mind reader. Tell us what she meant by that.

Once you pull the "SNOPES IS A LEFTIST CONSPIRACY!" thing, everyone laughs and walks away.

Just admit you were duped. It's not your fault. Yet. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You're letting them fool you twice.

How was I duped when I posted a video of her husband saying exactly what I said? You were duped with that phoney baloney Snopes nonsense.
If it helps Trump get elected, it is a Russian asset. Only on your propaganda machine and other stupid pundits does it mean they know about it. As always we spend all our time educating you on what reality is, super dope.

Well then all the Democrat contenders are Russian assets. That makes sense. :1041:
Which Clinton never sad. Stop proving my points.

How is one an asset to somebody or some country unless they are working with them? What do you think she meant? Her comment didn't even make sense. An asset just how, by running for the nomination? You're a mind reader. Tell us what she meant by that.

Once you pull the "SNOPES IS A LEFTIST CONSPIRACY!" thing, everyone laughs and walks away.

Just admit you were duped. It's not your fault. Yet. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You're letting them fool you twice.

How was I duped when I posted a video of her husband saying exactly what I said? You were duped with that phoney baloney Snopes nonsense.
Whose husband where was this? I smell more garbage coming LOL

I smell somebody who doesn't have the intelligence to read all the posts before asking stupid questions.
That was easy.

It sure was, because I even used a lefty source to substantiate my point.

More lies. ho-hum. This grows boring.

Lies, huh? You mean you are stupid enough to believe that people paid them 400 to 500K to listen to them speak? If that's so, why is it few went to see Hillary speak for free when she was running for president? If that's so, why all of a sudden can't they get that kind of money for speaking after she lost? What happened to that world speaking tour of theirs?

And you despised her for that, right up until you were told to flipflop. Republicans despise every Democratic veteran, along with every veteran Trump tells them to hate.

Show me any post of mine where I ever said I despised her you liar.

After you apologize for Trump's and your slurs against John McCain and every other veteran Trump doesn't like, I'll stop telling you "STFU, hypocrite." Are you ready to apologize? If not for yourself, then at least apologize on behalf of Trump. That is, unless you adore and support his veteran slurs.

I don't have to apologize for myself or Trump. I stated repeatedly Trump went too far when he said that about McCain. Even so, he never said anything about any of our veterans being in bed with the Ruskies.

She didn't that. You're lying again. Words mean things. She said she was a Russian asset. And she's absolutely correct. The Russians consider her to be an asset, and support her campaign.

They do? :link:

And you lied again. I detect a pattern here.

Hillary Clinton 'Communes' with the Spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt
It is true that Bill Clinton said that his wife “communed” with the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt; Clinton was referring to actual therapeutic sessions, not an attempt to conjure up ghosts.

So, we've established that you lie about everything, and that you tongue-bathe liars with gusto. I've achieved my goals for this conversation. If you're just going to continue to confirm my points, I see little point in continuing it.

Oh, so you went to that all leftist trusting Snopes, and relied on a guy WHO WAS PAID BY HILLARY to backpedal that statement? Here, try her husband instead. Pay attention to the end when he said Hillary called Bill and told her that Eleanor talked to her and told her to say that.

“[Eleanor Roosevelt] usually responds by telling me to buck up, or at least to grow skin as thick as a rhinoceros.” Hillary Clinton

She also claimed to talk to Gandhi. was actually demons.


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