Today Is the 3rd Anniversary of the Greatest Tweet in World History

Lol! You wasted that much time debating your own strawman!? Priceless... Dumber than a sack of hammers... This is why you mouth breathers will suffer another term under Trump. Failure to directly confront the issues.
"Snowflake"... Another Limbaugh coined moniker. Holy fuck you you mindless bastards are amusing....
Triggered hard.
Then I will simplify it for you: Did Donald Trump win the 2016 election because he colluded with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary, yes or no?


His people, however, definutely colluded.

And Trump at least knew about it later, and then lied about it.

I think the problem is you don't know what collusion means. Simply talking with people not from your country is not collusion. Collusion is like paying money to a company for dirt on your opponent, who got their sources of information from the Russian government. That's colluding.
I think the problem is you don't know what collusion means.

Multiple members of Trumps' team cooperated with the Russians for the purpose of winning the election.

Trump knew about it later, and instead of reporting it, as was legally required, he lied about it and covered it up.

And you say that's _not_ collusion.

Conclusion? You're just running interference for the crimes.
I think the problem is you don't know what collusion means.

Multiple members of Trumps' team cooperated with the Russians for the purpose of winning the election.

Trump knew about it later, and instead of reporting it, as was legally required, he lied about it and covered it up.

And you say that's _not_ collusion.

Conclusion? You're just running interference for the crimes.

Lol! You wasted that much time debating your own strawman!? Priceless... Dumber than a sack of hammers... This is why you mouth breathers will suffer another term under Trump. Failure to directly confront the issues.
"Snowflake"... Another Limbaugh coined moniker. Holy fuck you you mindless bastards are amusing....
Triggered hard.
You're on a roll! Wanna guess who came up with "triggered"? I love bots like you. Never stop posting.
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About this same time she told the press she never thinks of Trump because she’s already won.

Don Surber: Highlights of the News

None of us knew Hillary would be cheated out of the presidency by Comey, Russia, conspiracy theories, lies and fake news.

Lol, she was cheated. Tell that to Sanders.
You're on a roll! Wanna guess who came up with "triggered"? I love bots like you. Never stop posting.
Triggered again.

This is fun, using the cowardly tactics of the Trumptards. They have no response to it. If they admit it's cowardly, they admit to being cowards themselves.
Sorry your girl lost, but them's the breaks.

And yet she still owns you completely.

Why is that? Why can't you let it go? You won. Get over it and stop crying.

Do you see and Democrats whining about John McCain or Mitt Romney? Your behavior is not normal.

I'm calling BS on you. Nobody does cheating, conspiracy, lies, and fakery like Hillary Rodham Clinton.

And yet you can't point to any. 20 years of investigations, and zip.

Plainly, you're just lying out of butthurt.

No, you and the left whined about Bush for eight years though...

It is comical how they think. Everything bad that happened under DumBama was Bush's fault. Now that things are going great, it's because DumBama did it.
BUT THE POLLS!!!!!!!!!!!

The polls were perfect. Only the dumbest and most dishonest try to pretend otherwise. That would be you.

This has been explained to you before, little Stalinist. The polls were taken before Comey deliberately swung the elections to Trump. You know that, but you choose to lie about it. Such a good and obedient Stalinist apparatchik you are.

16 things Hillary Clinton blames for her election loss
Old list. I think we are up into the 30’s on things Hillary blames for her loss.
None of them her of course.
Just how many of these weepy CDS threads are we going to get? Doesn't the RepubliRussian talking point machine have anything better?

We get it. You're still all Hillary's bitches. No need to hammer on the point.

Yeah? Well at least one of "ours" didn't rent a house next door to Hillary to watch her every move. Tell us, how many years after the McCain defeat did you on the left post crap about Palin? Hell, your precious media even followed her children around prying into their lives as well.
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About this same time she told the press she never thinks of Trump because she’s already won.

Don Surber: Highlights of the News

None of us knew Hillary would be cheated out of the presidency by Comey, Russia, conspiracy theories, lies and fake news.

give it a rest. She lost because, as illustrated by this tweet, she was overconfident and thought she had it in the bag and therefore ignored the rust belt states.

It wasn't the Roooshins!, Comey or any other of the bullshit nonsense that her fans cling to in order to continue to deny that she simply lost.

She fucked up and lost and it was her own hubris that did her in. And THAT I find hilarious, as she's such an entitled bitch that it's obviously eating her ass alive.
Lol! It's sad enough that the Left can't Meme.

We debate instead.

Fascinating, how you're so proud of being unable to debate, and only being capable of posting dumb pictures.

Also fascinating, how you think your pictures are funny. You're like a 4-year-old telling toilet jokes. We understand the joke. We just don't see why any adult would think it's a knee-slapper. Conservatives can't do sarcasm. Sarcasm requires intelligence and an attachment to reality, and conservatives have neither, so they just come across as butthurt.

But its downright hilarious when you drooling retards try to adopt the rights phraseology, and schtick.

So what exactly did I trigger you with, snowflake.?

When you're in a constantly state of hysterical meltdown, as Trumptards are, you're going to get laughed at hard for being triggered snowflakes. If you want that to stop, don't act like triggered snowflakes. Or, alternately, find a SafeSpace somewhere where those awful liberals aren't allowed to bring reality in.

Now, how does your cult tell to respond to that? You better run along and find out. You wouldn't want to be the last cultist to repeat the latest talking points. You'd lose big cult brownie points. Alternately, you can just power-cry at me more. After all, that is the default response of Trumptards use when they have nothing else.

Say Mamooth, how come you project to much, family trait or something you've fine-tuned as you've undeveloped?

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