Today Is the 3rd Anniversary of the Greatest Tweet in World History

Oh no. I live in Hawaii… Pretty nice neighborhood... Its no Zionsville or Carmel, but hey its Hawaii... I am from the westside... Graduated from AVON when it was corn and Bean fields and a RR yard... Good times in Indy though... You should try to get to a better neighborhood... mamooth if you ever make it to Hawaii let me know, I would love to make fun of you in person...

So you just hung out in the bad neighborhoods? Interesting. What were you buying/selling?

And I'm a southsider. The redneck part of town, the real Americans.

Sweetheart, you'd pee in your panties if you ever met a real redneck. :laughing0301:
Sweetheart, you'd pee in your panties if you ever met a real redneck. :laughing0301:

Check it out, we got us a gen-yoo-ine internet tough guy!

You make me all tingly with that tough guy act. Really you do. And I'm a dude. It's just that you're so very macho, I can't help it.
So you just hung out in the bad neighborhoods? Interesting. What were you buying/selling?

And I'm a southsider. The redneck part of town, the real Americans.

Knew folks all over the city at one time... Lived in Haughville for a short time and the buying/selling question was both... Life was good, back in the day... My condolences from being from the southside... I new a fellow that grew pot on Southport Road and we called it Wyandotte Pot... Back in the early 70's...
You brag about voting for the Pol Pot of American politicians?

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

Do tell. How is Clinton Pol Pot?

Oh, that's right. Your cult told you that, so you BELIEVED.

That is some fucked up shit right there.

It's a good thing your cult has these online SafeSpaces. None of you pajama bois would dare say such stupid things among normal people. You know you'd get laughed out of the room.
I have no fear of speaking my mind to anyone. I'd explain to you how Clinton is the worst human being to ever be in public office, but I know it would be wasted on you.

Wherever the Clintons are, corruption follows and people die.
BUT THE POLLS!!!!!!!!!!!

The polls were perfect. Only the dumbest and most dishonest try to pretend otherwise. That would be you.

This has been explained to you before, little Stalinist. The polls were taken before Comey deliberately swung the elections to Trump. You know that, but you choose to lie about it. Such a good and obedient Stalinist apparatchik you are.

Yep, Hillary by a landslide, no path to 270...

And liar, the fake polls meant to influence voters were fabricated before, after, and during Comey's exoneration of Stumbles McMyturn.

Poor Stalinists....
You brag about voting for the Pol Pot of American politicians?

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

Do tell. How is Clinton Pol Pot?

Oh, that's right. Your cult told you that, so you BELIEVED.

That is some fucked up shit right there.

It's a good thing your cult has these online SafeSpaces. None of you pajama bois would dare say such stupid things among normal people. You know you'd get laughed out of the room.

You know moron, that who Alensky routine of "Nuhn uhn, I am rubber you are glue" just isn't working for you. You might think you're clever, but you're alone in your assessment.

Go eat a baby, retard.
It's a good thing your cult has these online SafeSpaces. None of you pajama bois would dare say such stupid things among normal people. You know you'd get laughed out of the room
Funny how the left cant come up with their own terminology.

He think's he's Barack Obama and that he is a master of Alensky tricks. But he just comes off like a two year old..
No, we're superior because our candidate wasn't a human shitstain.

Wait a minute dumbfuck, you said you voted for Hillary Clinton. Keep your story straight.

English, do you speak it? Not well, it appears. But then, the Trump cult does attract those of low intelligence.

Trump attracts you? Is this a sexual thing? Do you identify as Melania? You know she speaks five languages, you can't even master one...
Just how many of these weepy CDS threads are we going to get? Doesn't the RepubliRussian talking point machine have anything better?

We get it. You're still all Hillary's bitches. No need to hammer on the point.
Lol! It's sad enough that the Left can't Meme. But its downright hilarious when you drooling retards try to adopt the Rights phraseology, and schtick. When you tried to adopt Limbaughs "rent free" canard; it was amusing. Now, seeing y'all fold your own rendition of "TDS" into your unimaginative sack of retorts, shows what we've known all along...
You Leftist bots are little more than NPCs, incapable of independent thought, or imaginative response. No wonder you sad little faggots can't win...
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Just how many of these weepy CDS threads are we going to get? Doesn't the RepubliRussian talking point machine have anything better?

We get it. You're still all Hillary's bitches. No need to hammer on the point.
Lol! It's sad enough that the Left can't Meme. But its downright hilarious when you drooling retards try to adopt the rights phraseology, and schtick. When you tried to adopt Limbaughs "rent free" canard; it was amusing. Now, seeing y'all fold your own rendition of "TDS" into your unimaginative sack of retorts, shows what we've known all along...
You Leftist bots are little more than NPCs, incapable of independent thought, or imaginative response. No wonder you sad little faggots can't win...

Your comment reminds me of when Bush won the election, and the left blamed it on AM radio. At the time, they concluded that what they needed was a leftist Rush Limbaugh to even the score. Rush responded to that.

"Folks, the Democrats can't have a leftist Rush Limbaugh because it's impossible. The reason is here, the left are the entertainment! We play what they say on the news shows, we play what they say at rallies and town halls, we read what they write for our entertainment. They simply can't do the same with Republicans."
Sweetheart, you'd pee in your panties if you ever met a real redneck. :laughing0301:

Check it out, we got us a gen-yoo-ine internet tough guy!

You make me all tingly with that tough guy act. Really you do. And I'm a dude. It's just that you're so very macho, I can't help it.

Well.......when your avatar is a picture of a kitty-cat, people can only make assumptions of your gender.
Lol! It's sad enough that the Left can't Meme.

We debate instead.

Fascinating, how you're so proud of being unable to debate, and only being capable of posting dumb pictures.

Also fascinating, how you think your pictures are funny. You're like a 4-year-old telling toilet jokes. We understand the joke. We just don't see why any adult would think it's a knee-slapper. Conservatives can't do sarcasm. Sarcasm requires intelligence and an attachment to reality, and conservatives have neither, so they just come across as butthurt.

But its downright hilarious when you drooling retards try to adopt the rights phraseology, and schtick.

So what exactly did I trigger you with, snowflake.?

When you're in a constantly state of hysterical meltdown, as Trumptards are, you're going to get laughed at hard for being triggered snowflakes. If you want that to stop, don't act like triggered snowflakes. Or, alternately, find a SafeSpace somewhere where those awful liberals aren't allowed to bring reality in.

Now, how does your cult tell to respond to that? You better run along and find out. You wouldn't want to be the last cultist to repeat the latest talking points. You'd lose big cult brownie points. Alternately, you can just power-cry at me more. After all, that is the default response of Trumptards use when they have nothing else.
Lol! It's sad enough that the Left can't Meme.

We debate instead.

Fascinating, how you're so proud of being unable to debate, and only being capable of posting dumb pictures.

Also fascinating, how you think your pictures are funny. You're like a 4-year-old telling toilet jokes. We understand the joke. We just don't see why any adult would think it's a knee-slapper. Conservatives can't do sarcasm. Sarcasm requires intelligence and an attachment to reality, and conservatives have neither, so they just come across as butthurt.

But its downright hilarious when you drooling retards try to adopt the rights phraseology, and schtick.

So what exactly did I trigger you with, snowflake.?

When you're in a constantly state of hysterical meltdown, as Trumptards are, you're going to get laughed at hard for being triggered snowflakes. If you want that to stop, don't act like triggered snowflakes. Or, alternately, find a SafeSpace somewhere where those awful liberals aren't allowed to bring reality in.

Now, how does your cult tell to respond to that? You better run along and find out. You wouldn't want to be the last cultist to repeat the latest talking points. You'd lose big cult brownie points.

Alternately, you can just power-cry at me more. After all, that is the default response of Trumptards use when they have nothing else.
Lol! You wasted that much time debating your own strawman!? Priceless... Dumber than a sack of hammers... This is why you mouth breathers will suffer another term under Trump. Failure to directly confront the issues.
"Snowflake"... Another Limbaugh coined moniker. Holy fuck you you mindless bastards are amusing....

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