Today...Smashing The Lie That JFK Was or Would Be a Conservative Today

The statist bs too? People are influenced by $$$ and the noise machines. They are stupid.

Matter of fact -- there it is right there. "They are stupid". NEED those winners. Those elites. Those Brand Names. The party loyalists. Not people who KNOW how things work, have PRINCIPLES and common sense.

Let me clue you in. JFK supported the ENTIRE Bill of Rights. Not just the parts that the ACLU chooses to like and defend. He WAS a liberal. The kind of Blue Dog liberal that Billy Jeff WhoreHopper was (or pretended to be in Ark). They are EXTINCT. and any LEFT in the Dem party have had to shed principles and remake themselves in a more leftist (quest for winning) image.
"There is something to be said for a nation run by elites" -- do you fear agreeing with that statement?

Yeah I do. Because the concept of WHO is elite is WARPED by politics. What makes Nancy Pelosi elite? Or Lindsey Graham? Elite is not "monied". Or "party loyal".. YOUR party of "elites" believes in SuperDelegates. Capes and all. Those life-long loyalists who took scars for the cause. Who now get a PRIMARY vote equivalent to 70,000 regular Joes. I fear that -- Yes I do...

Super Delegates are to serve a function. Hillary won without them. Each party is a legal entity that gets to set it's own rules. Don't blame them if people are so dumb they believe party primaries are akin to general elections

Ronald Reagan and President Ford in 1976 -- look it up -- both major parties have battles over rules ... inside/family battles. The public has NO say, because the national parties have their own rules

Hillary won without them.

She did?

What alternative universe would that be?
2,383 needed to win -- Hillary = 2,220 pledged

Bernie = 1,831 pledged

statistically, it was over... probabilities and reality
Wearing you out am I sock puppet?

Thought so,

You stink. Always have. And I have researched you. You have always stunk

How can you research me if your a new sock puppet?

What you don't think I don't know who's socks are these?

Obvious ..
Shh, the land of the banned awaits thee

spreading rumors and such is a violation''you have been warned

Exposed as a shill anyways. No one should care what they have to say

Time for a new sock "bear"
The statist bs too? People are influenced by $$$ and the noise machines. They are stupid.

Matter of fact -- there it is right there. "They are stupid". NEED those winners. Those elites. Those Brand Names. The party loyalists. Not people who KNOW how things work, have PRINCIPLES and common sense.

Let me clue you in. JFK supported the ENTIRE Bill of Rights. Not just the parts that the ACLU chooses to like and defend. He WAS a liberal. The kind of Blue Dog liberal that Billy Jeff WhoreHopper was (or pretended to be in Ark). They are EXTINCT. and any LEFT in the Dem party have had to shed principles and remake themselves in a more leftist (quest for winning) image.

The ACLU defended Rush Limbaugh

The left is personified by Bernie and Elizabeth. The Clintons and Obama represented the liberals. When Obama brought Rahm Emmanuel onboard the left went nuts, but Obama surrounded himself with Clinton/Kennedy style liberals more than with the leftists
"There is something to be said for a nation run by elites" -- do you fear agreeing with that statement?

Yeah I do. Because the concept of WHO is elite is WARPED by politics. What makes Nancy Pelosi elite? Or Lindsey Graham? Elite is not "monied". Or "party loyal".. YOUR party of "elites" believes in SuperDelegates. Capes and all. Those life-long loyalists who took scars for the cause. Who now get a PRIMARY vote equivalent to 70,000 regular Joes. I fear that -- Yes I do...

Super Delegates are to serve a function. Hillary won without them. Each party is a legal entity that gets to set it's own rules. Don't blame them if people are so dumb they believe party primaries are akin to general elections

Ronald Reagan and President Ford in 1976 -- look it up -- both major parties have battles over rules ... inside/family battles. The public has NO say, because the national parties have their own rules

Hillary won without them.

She did?

What alternative universe would that be?
2,383 needed to win -- Hillary = 2,220 pledged

Bernie = 1,831 pledged

statistically, it was over... probabilities and reality
So know sock puppet you want to go statics?

The DNC fucked berine and we all know it...but it's ok with you..
Because she still lost


"There is something to be said for a nation run by elites" -- do you fear agreeing with that statement?

Yeah I do. Because the concept of WHO is elite is WARPED by politics. What makes Nancy Pelosi elite? Or Lindsey Graham? Elite is not "monied". Or "party loyal".. YOUR party of "elites" believes in SuperDelegates. Capes and all. Those life-long loyalists who took scars for the cause. Who now get a PRIMARY vote equivalent to 70,000 regular Joes. I fear that -- Yes I do...

Super Delegates are to serve a function. Hillary won without them. Each party is a legal entity that gets to set it's own rules. Don't blame them if people are so dumb they believe party primaries are akin to general elections

Ronald Reagan and President Ford in 1976 -- look it up -- both major parties have battles over rules ... inside/family battles. The public has NO say, because the national parties have their own rules

Hillary won without them.

She did?

What alternative universe would that be?
2,383 needed to win -- Hillary = 2,220 pledged

Bernie = 1,831 pledged

statistically, it was over... probabilities and reality

Yup. Rigged by the elites. Nobody intending to WIN would have run against Hillary and the machine. This is exactly why I fear anybody's concept of elites. Only a person with PRINCIPLES would do it to create the FARCE of a contest.
People get into trouble using the terms liberal and conservative.

These words change meanings over time.

Going back and reclassifying the POTI (plural of PUTUS) I would label them as follows based on a modern construal:

Trump -- a RINO so far -- talks like a liberal but walks like a conservative -- more tax cuts for the rich -- Trumpcare is No-care -- etc.

Obama -- ACA makes him clearly liberal.

Dubya -- record breaking tax cuts for the rich in the process of which he skyrocketed the deficit -- so he was a chameleon -- hard to label such an inept POTUS as anything but inept.

Clinton -- was anti gun -- originally "liberal" meant pro-gun.

GHW -- raised taxes on the working poor and middle class so this qualifies as "conservative"

Reagan -- due to his legacy of destroying the middle class you can only call this tax cuts for the rich / but he was also a communist in terms of being anti gun while a governor in California -- google "mulford act".

Carter -- very liberal in terms of raising taxes on the rich which his Alt Min Tax which has been the most successful tax on the rich in history (this is why Trump wants to get rid of it).

Ford -- hard to say -- also inept -- pardoned Nixon without a trial -- backed out of commitments to South Viet Nam such that it ceased to exist afterwards.

Nixon -- hard to say -- he employed "price controls" which is not conservative but other than Watergate he is not known for much except negotiating the US out of Viet Nam.

LBJ -- very liberal and tried to help black's a lot too

JFK -- somewhat liberal because he talked like a liberal but with conservative traits too like cutting taxes

Ike -- very conservative -- did not do much just a caretaker as are most conservatives. Ike is the earliest POTUS that I can remember, but I can't remember much other than his parade in NYC.

Truman -- hard to say either way.

FDR -- very liberal including helping the elderly with OASDI and the unemployed with a New Deal

Hoover -- very conservative including ignoring the poor and unemployed completely.

My history is hazy before Hoover. I remember GHW being compared to Hoover so that's the only reason I went back that far in history.
By the way your list is all over the place. No standard or consistency on how or what you are rating them on. It' all scattershot
My sole criterion was by modern standards.
JFK may not be a conservative today; but he certainly was by today's standards back then. That is no myth.
Yup. Rigged by the elites. Nobody intending to WIN would have run against Hillary and the machine. This is exactly why I fear anybody's concept of elites. Only a person with PRINCIPLES would do it to create the FARCE of a contest.
And Obama did in 2008 and won'
People get into trouble using the terms liberal and conservative.

These words change meanings over time.

Going back and reclassifying the POTI (plural of PUTUS) I would label them as follows based on a modern construal:

Trump -- a RINO so far -- talks like a liberal but walks like a conservative -- more tax cuts for the rich -- Trumpcare is No-care -- etc.

Obama -- ACA makes him clearly liberal.

Dubya -- record breaking tax cuts for the rich in the process of which he skyrocketed the deficit -- so he was a chameleon -- hard to label such an inept POTUS as anything but inept.

Clinton -- was anti gun -- originally "liberal" meant pro-gun.

GHW -- raised taxes on the working poor and middle class so this qualifies as "conservative"

Reagan -- due to his legacy of destroying the middle class you can only call this tax cuts for the rich / but he was also a communist in terms of being anti gun while a governor in California -- google "mulford act".

Carter -- very liberal in terms of raising taxes on the rich which his Alt Min Tax which has been the most successful tax on the rich in history (this is why Trump wants to get rid of it).

Ford -- hard to say -- also inept -- pardoned Nixon without a trial -- backed out of commitments to South Viet Nam such that it ceased to exist afterwards.

Nixon -- hard to say -- he employed "price controls" which is not conservative but other than Watergate he is not known for much except negotiating the US out of Viet Nam.

LBJ -- very liberal and tried to help black's a lot too

JFK -- somewhat liberal because he talked like a liberal but with conservative traits too like cutting taxes

Ike -- very conservative -- did not do much just a caretaker as are most conservatives. Ike is the earliest POTUS that I can remember, but I can't remember much other than his parade in NYC.

Truman -- hard to say either way.

FDR -- very liberal including helping the elderly with OASDI and the unemployed with a New Deal

Hoover -- very conservative including ignoring the poor and unemployed completely.

My history is hazy before Hoover. I remember GHW being compared to Hoover so that's the only reason I went back that far in history.
By the way your list is all over the place. No standard or consistency on how or what you are rating them on. It' all scattershot
My sole criterion was by modern standards.
I meant you mentions guns here, healthcare there, whatever over there
Yup. Rigged by the elites. Nobody intending to WIN would have run against Hillary and the machine. This is exactly why I fear anybody's concept of elites. Only a person with PRINCIPLES would do it to create the FARCE of a contest.
And Obama did in 2008 and won'

Yeah of course. Because the elites wanted a WINNER. And because the race card was so valuable. Had more to do with the shift towards progressive and the precedent of breaking the color barrier for FUTURE "bragging rights"...

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