Today...Smashing The Lie That JFK Was or Would Be a Conservative Today

You morons think this sounds like the modern far right republican party? The party of fucking Trump? LMFAO!

You're a child and would kick JFK ideology out in a heartbeat..


I've actually done some volunteer work for a few Kennedy family members. They still keep the torch lit

they expect you or your poor relations to find their way back home
People get into trouble using the terms liberal and conservative.

These words change meanings over time.

Going back and reclassifying the POTI (plural of PUTUS) I would label them as follows based on a modern construal:

Trump -- a RINO so far -- talks like a liberal but walks like a conservative -- more tax cuts for the rich -- Trumpcare is No-care -- etc.

Obama -- ACA makes him clearly liberal.

Dubya -- record breaking tax cuts for the rich in the process of which he skyrocketed the deficit -- so he was a chameleon -- hard to label such an inept POTUS as anything but inept.

Clinton -- was anti gun -- originally "liberal" meant pro-gun.

GHW -- raised taxes on the working poor and middle class so this qualifies as "conservative"

Reagan -- due to his legacy of destroying the middle class you can only call this tax cuts for the rich / but he was also a communist in terms of being anti gun while a governor in California -- google "mulford act".

Carter -- very liberal in terms of raising taxes on the rich which his Alt Min Tax which has been the most successful tax on the rich in history (this is why Trump wants to get rid of it).

Ford -- hard to say -- also inept -- pardoned Nixon without a trial -- backed out of commitments to South Viet Nam such that it ceased to exist afterwards.

Nixon -- hard to say -- he employed "price controls" which is not conservative but other than Watergate he is not known for much except negotiating the US out of Viet Nam.

LBJ -- very liberal and tried to help black's a lot too

JFK -- somewhat liberal because he talked like a liberal but with conservative traits too like cutting taxes

Ike -- very conservative -- did not do much just a caretaker as are most conservatives. Ike is the earliest POTUS that I can remember, but I can't remember much other than his parade in NYC.

Truman -- hard to say either way.

FDR -- very liberal including helping the elderly with OASDI and the unemployed with a New Deal

Hoover -- very conservative including ignoring the poor and unemployed completely.

My history is hazy before Hoover. I remember GHW being compared to Hoover so that's the only reason I went back that far in history.
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Trump will betray you, you silly old misanthropes

Should have stood with liberalism as it was under assault from the left and the right
very liberal ideological view back then sounds identical to very liberal ideological view of today

The HELL it does. Henry David Thoreau and the JFK era Liberals had an innate DISTRUST of concentrated power. Would propose social welfare programs because THAT KIND OF POWER isn't abusive or dangerous. But having your progressives and leftists SUPPORT AND COVER UP abuses of Domestic surveillance or Asset Forfeiture or Crony Capitalism would SHOCK any TRUE liberal that fears excessive govt power and loss of Freedom and Liberty..

Hell dude -- the left hasn't even USED the words Freedom and Liberty SINCE JFK. Have they? :haha:
Conflating things will not make your bullshit any palatable or true.

"Tonight we salute George Meany as a symbol of that struggle [applause] and as a reminder that the fight to eliminate poverty and human exploitation is a fight that goes on in our own day" - JFK

And how ARE the labor votes going these days for leftist/progressives? I think Trump raided your kitty a LOT with some simple common sense support for "labor and jobs"... JFK UNDERSTOOD labor and jobs. and at that time, Unions were an institution.. The Unions then refused to change their archaic idea of what "a job" IS in the 21st Century. So now they are irrelevant. I'm a Libertarian. A TRUE FUCKING Liberal. Can out-liberal you on MANY issues. But I think Unions would be a neat thing to have if they cared about individuals and CAREERS and not just a 19th Century view of Capitalism..
The leftist/progressives?

I believe they lost out to the liberals in the Democratic primaries
So this is your plan to smoke crack and talk shit you know nothing about?

. good plan
I believe we must allow President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK), to speak for himself:

people say, "Why doesn't the Government mind its own business?" What is the Government's business, is the question.

This bill serves the public interest. It involves the Government because it involves the public welfare. The Constitution of the United States did not make the President or the Congress powerless. It gave them definite responsibilities to advance the general welfare--and that is what we're attempting to do.

And then I read that this bill will sap the individual self-reliance of Americans. I can't imagine anything worse, or anything better, to sap someone's self-reliance, than to be sick, alone, broke--or to have saved for a lifetime and put it out in a week, two weeks, a month, two months.

This argument that the Government should stay out, that it saps our pioneer stock--I used to hear that argument when we were talking about raising the minimum wage to a dollar and a quarter. I remember one day being asked to step out into the hall, and up the corridor came four distinguished-looking men, with straw hats on and canes. They told me that they had just flown in from a State in their private plane, and they wanted me to know that if we passed a bill providing for time and a half for service station attendants, who were then working about 55 to 60 hours of straight time, it would sap their self-reliance.

John F. Kennedy
202 - Address at a New York Rally in Support of the President's Program of Medical Care for the Aged.
May 20, 1962

John F. Kennedy: Address at a New York Rally in Support of the President's Program of Medical Care for the Aged.

Today...Smashing The Lie That JFK Was or Would Be a Conservative Today

I recall that statement and agree. I worked on the Fla Turnpike and the shift was 12 hours long at the truck stop. Paid ok but the hours would get to you.
People get into trouble using the terms liberal and conservative.

These words change meanings over time.

Going back and reclassifying the POTI (plural of PUTUS) I would label them as follows based on a modern construal:

Trump -- a RINO so far -- talks like a liberal but walks like a conservative -- more tax cuts for the rich -- Trumpcare is No-care -- etc.

Obama -- ACA makes him clearly liberal.

Dubya -- record breaking tax cuts for the rich in the process of which he skyrocketed the deficit -- so he was a chameleon -- hard to label such an inept POTUS as anything but inept.

Clinton -- was anti gun -- originally "liberal" meant pro-gun.

GHW -- raised taxes on the working poor and middle class so this qualifies as "conservative"

Reagan -- due to his legacy of destroying the middle class you can only call this tax cuts for the rich / but he was also a communist in terms of being anti gun while a governor in California -- google "mulford act".

Carter -- very liberal in terms of raising taxes on the rich which his Alt Min Tax which has been the most successful tax on the rich in history (this is why Trump wants to get rid of it).

Ford -- hard to say.

Nixon -- hard to say -- he employed "price controls" which is not conservative but other than Watergate he is not known for much except negotiating the US out of Viet Nam.

LBJ -- very liberal and tried to help black's a lot too

JFK -- somewhat liberal but with conservative traits too like cutting taxes

Ike -- very conservative -- did not do much just a caretaker as are most conservatives.

Truman -- hard to say either way.

FDR -- very liberal including helping the elderly with OASDI and the unemployed with a New Deal

Hoover -- very conservative including ignoring the poor and unemployed completely.

My history is hazy before Hoover. I remember GHW being compared to Hoover so that's the only reason I went back that far in history.
Cutting taxes is NOT a conservative thing. Sorry. Facts are facts.

Conservative traits? :rofl: exactly what I have been saying. JFK was a liberal with some conservative views on some issues. Most true liberals would differ and then work out a compromise.

some people are delusional and of course how partisans use labels and meanings change, but ideological views do not. JFK held some seriously liberal views.
You morons think this sounds like the modern far right republican party? The party of fucking Trump? LMFAO!

You're a child and would kick JFK ideology out in a heartbeat..


I've actually done some volunteer work for a few Kennedy family members. They still keep the torch lit

they expect you or your poor relations to find their way back home

Yes we know you were a towel boi for Ted Kennedy, someone the conservative JFK hated...
People get into trouble using the terms liberal and conservative.

These words change meanings over time.

Going back and reclassifying the POTI (plural of PUTUS) I would label them as follows based on a modern construal:

Trump -- a RINO so far -- talks like a liberal but walks like a conservative -- more tax cuts for the rich -- Trumpcare is No-care -- etc.

Obama -- ACA makes him clearly liberal.

Dubya -- record breaking tax cuts for the rich in the process of which he skyrocketed the deficit -- so he was a chameleon -- hard to label such an inept POTUS as anything but inept.

Clinton -- was anti gun -- originally "liberal" meant pro-gun.

GHW -- raised taxes on the working poor and middle class so this qualifies as "conservative"

Reagan -- due to his legacy of destroying the middle class you can only call this tax cuts for the rich / but he was also a communist in terms of being anti gun while a governor in California -- google "mulford act".

Carter -- very liberal in terms of raising taxes on the rich which his Alt Min Tax which has been the most successful tax on the rich in history (this is why Trump wants to get rid of it).

Ford -- hard to say.

Nixon -- hard to say -- he employed "price controls" which is not conservative but other than Watergate he is not known for much except negotiating the US out of Viet Nam.

LBJ -- very liberal and tried to help black's a lot too

JFK -- somewhat liberal but with conservative traits too like cutting taxes

Ike -- very conservative -- did not do much just a caretaker as are most conservatives.

Truman -- hard to say either way.

FDR -- very liberal including helping the elderly with OASDI and the unemployed with a New Deal

Hoover -- very conservative including ignoring the poor and unemployed completely.

My history is hazy before Hoover. I remember GHW being compared to Hoover so that's the only reason I went back that far in history.
Cutting taxes is NOT a conservative thing. Sorry. Facts are facts.

Conservative traits? :rofl: exactly what I have been saying. JFK was a liberal with some conservative views on some issues. Most true liberals would differ and then work out a compromise.

some people are delusional and of course how partisans use labels and meanings change, but ideological views do not. JFK held some seriously liberal views. now you're admitting JFK was a conservative..


People get into trouble using the terms liberal and conservative.

These words change meanings over time.

Going back and reclassifying the POTI (plural of PUTUS) I would label them as follows based on a modern construal:

Trump -- a RINO so far -- talks like a liberal but walks like a conservative -- more tax cuts for the rich -- Trumpcare is No-care -- etc.

Obama -- ACA makes him clearly liberal.

Dubya -- record breaking tax cuts for the rich in the process of which he skyrocketed the deficit -- so he was a chameleon -- hard to label such an inept POTUS as anything but inept.

Clinton -- was anti gun -- originally "liberal" meant pro-gun.

GHW -- raised taxes on the working poor and middle class so this qualifies as "conservative"

Reagan -- due to his legacy of destroying the middle class you can only call this tax cuts for the rich / but he was also a communist in terms of being anti gun while a governor in California -- google "mulford act".

Carter -- very liberal in terms of raising taxes on the rich which his Alt Min Tax which has been the most successful tax on the rich in history (this is why Trump wants to get rid of it).

Ford -- hard to say -- also inept -- pardoned Nixon without a trial -- backed out of commitments to South Viet Nam such that it ceased to exist afterwards.

Nixon -- hard to say -- he employed "price controls" which is not conservative but other than Watergate he is not known for much except negotiating the US out of Viet Nam.

LBJ -- very liberal and tried to help black's a lot too

JFK -- somewhat liberal because he talked like a liberal but with conservative traits too like cutting taxes

Ike -- very conservative -- did not do much just a caretaker as are most conservatives. Ike is the earliest POTUS that I can remember, but I can't remember much other than his parade in NYC.

Truman -- hard to say either way.

FDR -- very liberal including helping the elderly with OASDI and the unemployed with a New Deal

Hoover -- very conservative including ignoring the poor and unemployed completely.

My history is hazy before Hoover. I remember GHW being compared to Hoover so that's the only reason I went back that far in history.
By the way your list is all over the place. No standard or consistency on how or what you are rating them on. It' all scattershot
The Bushs, the Clintons, the Kennedys all followed in an American tradition of political family dynasties

get over it. Every state has had political dynasties that The People voted for over and over again

There ya go. Now you're with the program. BOTH of the brand name parties are ONLY about winning and perpetuating dynasties now. Not principles. NOBODY votes for principles. They only vote for "winners". And all that "winning" is destroying Liberalism and Conservatism. It's now a statist stand-off. Not an OUNCE of difference on foreign policy or deficit spending. OR a kind word about Freedom and Liberty and Civil Liberties.

You leftists LOVE big government surveillance programs now. You LOVE making "property" a criminal in asset forfeiture. You just HATE to lose. BERNIE (bless his pink heart) HAS principles. And your party cheated him every step of the way to keep the "dynasty" going. You LOVE dynasty politics.. That's why we're discussing JFK isn't it?
People get into trouble using the terms liberal and conservative.

These words change meanings over time.

Going back and reclassifying the POTI (plural of PUTUS) I would label them as follows based on a modern construal:

Trump -- a RINO so far -- talks like a liberal but walks like a conservative -- more tax cuts for the rich -- Trumpcare is No-care -- etc.

Obama -- ACA makes him clearly liberal.

Dubya -- record breaking tax cuts for the rich in the process of which he skyrocketed the deficit -- so he was a chameleon -- hard to label such an inept POTUS as anything but inept.

Clinton -- was anti gun -- originally "liberal" meant pro-gun.

GHW -- raised taxes on the working poor and middle class so this qualifies as "conservative"

Reagan -- due to his legacy of destroying the middle class you can only call this tax cuts for the rich / but he was also a communist in terms of being anti gun while a governor in California -- google "mulford act".

Carter -- very liberal in terms of raising taxes on the rich which his Alt Min Tax which has been the most successful tax on the rich in history (this is why Trump wants to get rid of it).

Ford -- hard to say.

Nixon -- hard to say -- he employed "price controls" which is not conservative but other than Watergate he is not known for much except negotiating the US out of Viet Nam.

LBJ -- very liberal and tried to help black's a lot too

JFK -- somewhat liberal but with conservative traits too like cutting taxes

Ike -- very conservative -- did not do much just a caretaker as are most conservatives.

Truman -- hard to say either way.

FDR -- very liberal including helping the elderly with OASDI and the unemployed with a New Deal

Hoover -- very conservative including ignoring the poor and unemployed completely.

My history is hazy before Hoover. I remember GHW being compared to Hoover so that's the only reason I went back that far in history.
Cutting taxes is NOT a conservative thing. Sorry. Facts are facts.

Conservative traits? :rofl: exactly what I have been saying. JFK was a liberal with some conservative views on some issues. Most true liberals would differ and then work out a compromise.

some people are delusional and of course how partisans use labels and meanings change, but ideological views do not. JFK held some seriously liberal views. now you're admitting JFK was a conservative..


Okay Troll boy
People get into trouble using the terms liberal and conservative.

These words change meanings over time.

Going back and reclassifying the POTI (plural of PUTUS) I would label them as follows based on a modern construal:

Trump -- a RINO so far -- talks like a liberal but walks like a conservative -- more tax cuts for the rich -- Trumpcare is No-care -- etc.

Obama -- ACA makes him clearly liberal.

Dubya -- record breaking tax cuts for the rich in the process of which he skyrocketed the deficit -- so he was a chameleon -- hard to label such an inept POTUS as anything but inept.

Clinton -- was anti gun -- originally "liberal" meant pro-gun.

GHW -- raised taxes on the working poor and middle class so this qualifies as "conservative"

Reagan -- due to his legacy of destroying the middle class you can only call this tax cuts for the rich / but he was also a communist in terms of being anti gun while a governor in California -- google "mulford act".

Carter -- very liberal in terms of raising taxes on the rich which his Alt Min Tax which has been the most successful tax on the rich in history (this is why Trump wants to get rid of it).

Ford -- hard to say.

Nixon -- hard to say -- he employed "price controls" which is not conservative but other than Watergate he is not known for much except negotiating the US out of Viet Nam.

LBJ -- very liberal and tried to help black's a lot too

JFK -- somewhat liberal but with conservative traits too like cutting taxes

Ike -- very conservative -- did not do much just a caretaker as are most conservatives.

Truman -- hard to say either way.

FDR -- very liberal including helping the elderly with OASDI and the unemployed with a New Deal

Hoover -- very conservative including ignoring the poor and unemployed completely.

My history is hazy before Hoover. I remember GHW being compared to Hoover so that's the only reason I went back that far in history.
Cutting taxes is NOT a conservative thing. Sorry. Facts are facts.

Conservative traits? :rofl: exactly what I have been saying. JFK was a liberal with some conservative views on some issues. Most true liberals would differ and then work out a compromise.

some people are delusional and of course how partisans use labels and meanings change, but ideological views do not. JFK held some seriously liberal views. now you're admitting JFK was a conservative..


Okay Troll boy

Says the stupid fuck who thinks JFK would be a liberal today..

The Bushs, the Clintons, the Kennedys all followed in an American tradition of political family dynasties

get over it. Every state has had political dynasties that The People voted for over and over again

There ya go. Now you're with the program. BOTH of the brand name parties are ONLY about winning and perpetuating dynasties now. Not principles. NOBODY votes for principles. They only vote for "winners". And all that "winning" is destroying Liberalism and Conservatism. It's now a statist stand-off. Not an OUNCE of difference on foreign policy or deficit spending. OR a kind word about Freedom and Liberty and Civil Liberties.

You leftists LOVE big government surveillance programs now. You LOVE making "property" a criminal in asset forfeiture. You just HATE to lose. BERNIE (bless his pink heart) HAS principles. And your party cheated him every step of the way to keep the "dynasty" going. You LOVE dynasty politics.. That's why we're discussing JFK isn't it?
There you go again with the leftists bullshit

Sorry, but I guess you've never figured out why you aren't taken seriously

The statist bs too? People are influenced by $$$ and the noise machines. They are stupid. You seem to be appealing to a time in American politics when few people had the vote. Even then principle was talked about more than it was adhered to

"There is something to be said for a nation run by elites" -- do you fear agreeing with that statement?

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