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Today: the ugly face of partisianship, why we need 3rd and 4th major parties

Congressmen are supposed to work for us. Not just the people who voted them into office. ALL of us. The job of sitting down with representatives from the "other side of the aisle" and hammering out solutions to problems that face the American people, the voters, through COMPROMISE, give-and-take, is very difficult. It means not always getting what you want (or promised your constituents). But that is why they are paid six-figure salaries, give Cadillac health care plans, and pensions for life. To do the PEOPLES work.

But our country has devolved into this hyper-partisan tribal state of the never ending election cycle -- a two party tug-o-war over power and control. Compromise has become a bad word, a sin, sometimes seen as traitorous. Do what's right is now wrong and potentially harmful to your career.

They go to work each session and immediately start circling the wagons, strategizing and scheming on how to best prepare for the next election -- how to gain power and keep it. They prioritize their time around big donors and party meetings.

This is why we have Trump. Decades of party over country (both sides guilty) and the American people decided to burn it all down by sending a human Molotov cocktail to the oval office. An inept, corrupt, disturbingly unprepared man who would flood "the swamp" with sewage--Donald J.

Peter Strozk's big crime was texting a personal opinion he should have kept to himself. Notice, no one is calling him out on his opinions on Hillary or Bernie. Just Donny. -- The FBI's internal review flagged this, knew how it would look, and removed him from the Trump-Russia investigation EARLY ON... Also, there was nothing found in his investigative work product that showed any bias or lack of objectivity.

BUT NOT SO FAST... The Republicans know that the investigation of Trump could potentially split the party as Trump successfully co-opted their base to the point of blind and unquestioning loyalty. Meaning, if they are forced to through Donny under the bus because of overwhelming and compelling evidence of corruption, then they will be dead in the water for at least two cycles, maybe more.

They are desperately trying to muddy the waters and create an alternative story about the investigation so that when it comes time to vote on impeachment they have enough political cover to not lose their mainstream/moderate voters or independents.

They are like Johnny Cockeran giving closing arguments to the OJ Jury. Creating a the illusion of reasonable doubt by repeating "no collusion, bad agents, out to get Trump..." over and over. Never mind the damage they're doing to individual reputations and the DOJ as a whole. They are turning an entire generation of far-rights into Timothy McVeighs.

This entire despicable circus today was NOT about seeking a truth or meaningful, thoughtful oversight. (you know, their JOBS)

It's like the GOP has a giant retarded child who escaped his chains in the basement. Let's call him Mongo. Mongo got out and raped and murdered a few women, and now Mongo's parents the GOP, instead of letting the authorities arrest and detain Mongo so that he doesn't rape and murder more women, they are blaming the path of destruction and mayhem left by Mongo on the police and claiming that Mongo was only acting in self defense. They produce a Text message by one officer calling Mongo 'a dangerous retard that should be put in a hospital' as proof the police have been against Mongo from the start. Poor, poor Mongo.

We get the government we deserve. If we are tribal in our hearts and minds, then this manifests itself in what have today. A self-destructive society that let fear blind and lead us astray.

Fine, we'll agree to giving you ALL the same "rights" as a traditional couple gets, you agree to call it a "civil union".

No? That's what I thought. Dumb ass.
You don't remember? We tried that and the so-called religious right shot that down.
nope did not.
I completely agree, this 2 - party dictatorship has to end.
The reason it's the way it is, is because the GOP is 90% white and home to every White Nationalist group in America.
Democrats are everyone else.

When the GOP elderly and fat white population declines then both parties will need to build coalitions. As long as the GOP is totally racist and 90% white, we will have that problem.

A third party will weaken Democrats not Republicans. The white non racists already belong to the Democratic Party. The GOP is a monolith that will never change until some of those race baiters die off.
what is the majority make of the demolosers. got that stat? come on frank, post it up.
Our government has devolved into a circus, with many of our elected representatives become carnies spinning led weight loaded wheels of fortune. How have we allowed ourselves arrival at a day when all representatives of one party or the other unanimously side with their party with clinical ideological bias regardless of how obvious the malevolence sitting before them or ongoing in their districts? Pure madness is this lack of individuality of thinking or even basic human compassion or empathy.

The hearing held today on Capitol Hill are clearly demonstrative of how evil is able to exist among the ranks of otherwise good, morally upright men and women, how it is unleashed to roam free among our own backyards, and how we the people can daily stare it down yet see only what we consider normal, acceptable, without cause for alarm.

Regardless of obvious criminal wrongdoing; regardless of blatant treason and sedition; regardless of obvious ongoing irreparable harm to our great nation--these men and women who individually represent up to millions of us citizens--will sit in their comfortable chairs letting all of America burn down just for the reason of their party winning an argument which is shamefully half rhetorical intellectualizing and half barely restrained shredding of the Constitution and all our rights protected within.

If (as if not) our America was a sinking ship, she would be just below the waves and our Congress would bicker and stall, lie for smothering the truth, interrupt to redirect the testimony and swear to the people that while salt water has flooded up our noses, the ship of our country is afloat and sailing along at a good clip. All of this for party victory.
You don't remember? We tried that and the so-called religious right shot that down.

trumptards live in revisionist fantasia, forever rewriting history one talking point at a time.
rewriting history? who's tearing down statues? do you fks ever watch what you write? your hate is so powerful you don't know what you hate anymore. you hate history.
You don't remember? We tried that and the so-called religious right shot that down.

trumptards live in revisionist fantasia, forever rewriting history one talking point at a time.
rewriting history? who's tearing down statues? do you fks ever watch what you write? your hate is so powerful you don't know what you hate anymore. you hate history.

Statues were torn down by local governments enacting the will of the people they represent.

Parts of their city needed an enema. A small minority of white pride, alt-right angry boys failed to understand they are not a legally protected class, just malcontents filled with hate masking their own self-loathing.

That is how a republic works. That is how a democracy functions.
You don't remember? We tried that and the so-called religious right shot that down.

trumptards live in revisionist fantasia, forever rewriting history one talking point at a time.
rewriting history? who's tearing down statues? do you fks ever watch what you write? your hate is so powerful you don't know what you hate anymore. you hate history.

Statues were torn down by local governments enacting the will of the people they represent.

Parts of their city needed an enema. A small minority of white pride, alt-right angry boys failed to understand they are not a legally protected class, just malcontents filled with hate masking their own self-loathing.

That is how a republic works. That is how a democracy functions.
no they didn't. but why let facts stand in your way of misrepresenting what happened to statues. let me know which one was the local chair person.

You don't remember? We tried that and the so-called religious right shot that down.

trumptards live in revisionist fantasia, forever rewriting history one talking point at a time.
rewriting history? who's tearing down statues? do you fks ever watch what you write? your hate is so powerful you don't know what you hate anymore. you hate history.

Statues were torn down by local governments enacting the will of the people they represent.

Parts of their city needed an enema. A small minority of white pride, alt-right angry boys failed to understand they are not a legally protected class, just malcontents filled with hate masking their own self-loathing.

That is how a republic works. That is how a democracy functions.

You have it backward faggot. It was a minority of the populace that screamed loud enough to get their way. Much like yourself.
This country would be better off if both parties split into multiple factions and congressional rules were changed to not force Independents to take sides.

GOP splits into parties representing moderates and hard-line Conservatives.

Democrats split into Blue Dogs and Progressives.

Where does a pro-business conservative go who believe in a woman's right to choose within the first two trimesters?

Where does conservative Christian go who believes no American should be able to legally sell a gun to stranger without consequences?

Where does a conservative conservationist go?

Where does a liberal Catholic go?

Where does a Catholic go who's against abortion, the death penalty, and war, but for robust social programs for the pour and sick? (you know, like the actual Catholic church is)

We try to fit all kinds and varieties of beliefs into two boxes -- forcing people to choose sides... often against their own interests.
You don't remember? We tried that and the so-called religious right shot that down.

trumptards live in revisionist fantasia, forever rewriting history one talking point at a time.
rewriting history? who's tearing down statues? do you fks ever watch what you write? your hate is so powerful you don't know what you hate anymore. you hate history.

Statues were torn down by local governments enacting the will of the people they represent.

Parts of their city needed an enema. A small minority of white pride, alt-right angry boys failed to understand they are not a legally protected class, just malcontents filled with hate masking their own self-loathing.

That is how a republic works. That is how a democracy functions.
no they didn't. but why let facts stand in your way of misrepresenting what happened to statues. let me know which one was the local chair person.

statues -- that is plural right?

So they were all taken down by vandals without the knowledge of city counsels?

Your one off anecdotal example is a pathetic fail.

Thanks for playing.
You don't remember? We tried that and the so-called religious right shot that down.

trumptards live in revisionist fantasia, forever rewriting history one talking point at a time.
rewriting history? who's tearing down statues? do you fks ever watch what you write? your hate is so powerful you don't know what you hate anymore. you hate history.

Statues were torn down by local governments enacting the will of the people they represent.

Parts of their city needed an enema. A small minority of white pride, alt-right angry boys failed to understand they are not a legally protected class, just malcontents filled with hate masking their own self-loathing.

That is how a republic works. That is how a democracy functions.
no they didn't. but why let facts stand in your way of misrepresenting what happened to statues. let me know which one was the local chair person.

statues -- that is plural right?

So they were all taken down by vandals without the knowledge of city counsels?

Your one off anecdotal example is a pathetic fail.

Thanks for playing.

dudette, I'm not going to post them all. here's another one.

The two major parties have systematically suppressed third parties and Independents.

Read the senate and house rules...It's like they are against people electing reps that actually represent them and only them.

Senators and Congressmen often vote against the interests of those they represent in order to toe the party line.
The two major parties have systematically suppressed third parties and Independents.

Read the senate and house rules...It's like they are against people electing reps that actually represent them and only them.

Senators and Congressmen often vote against the interests of those they represent in order to toe the party line.
they give themselves pay raises. come on man, these punks are all punks. no matter the party. There are a few good ones, but very very few.
I completely agree, this 2 - party dictatorship has to end.
The reason it's the way it is, is because the GOP is 90% white and home to every White Nationalist group in America.
Democrats are everyone else.

When the GOP elderly and fat white population declines then both parties will need to build coalitions. As long as the GOP is totally racist and 90% white, we will have that problem.

A third party will weaken Democrats not Republicans. The white non racists already belong to the Democratic Party. The GOP is a monolith that will never change until some of those race baiters die off.

I always love bigots decrying bigotry with bigotry

Bigotry is:

Some Mexicans don't rape

A Mexican can't be a judge

Any Idea who ran on that?

Hint: It wasn't me.
I completely agree, this 2 - party dictatorship has to end.
The reason it's the way it is, is because the GOP is 90% white and home to every White Nationalist group in America.
Democrats are everyone else.

When the GOP elderly and fat white population declines then both parties will need to build coalitions. As long as the GOP is totally racist and 90% white, we will have that problem.

A third party will weaken Democrats not Republicans. The white non racists already belong to the Democratic Party. The GOP is a monolith that will never change until some of those race baiters die off.

I always love bigots decrying bigotry with bigotry

Bigotry is:

Some Mexicans don't rape

A Mexican can't be a judge

Any Idea who ran on that?

Hint: It wasn't me.

It wasn't Trump either. Those are fake news media lies.

Trump didn't say Mexicans are rapists, he said rapists come here from Mexico, liar.

And he didn't say a Mexican can't be a judge, he said a Mexican judge has an inherent conflict of interest ruling on an issue regarding Mexico.

The first statement is in fact completely true. There are rapists coming here from Mexico.

Obviously you agree that Trump had a valid view on the second one since you chose to lie about what he said instead of address what he said.

You're a liar parroting liars, that's all you just showed
The democrat Party > country needs to formally merge with CPUSA, Communist Party USA. There was a time when CPUSA would have their own presidential candidates but no more. They endorsed Obama and Hillary.

I completely agree, this 2 - party dictatorship has to end.
The reason it's the way it is, is because the GOP is 90% white and home to every White Nationalist group in America.
Democrats are everyone else.

When the GOP elderly and fat white population declines then both parties will need to build coalitions. As long as the GOP is totally racist and 90% white, we will have that problem.

A third party will weaken Democrats not Republicans. The white non racists already belong to the Democratic Party. The GOP is a monolith that will never change until some of those race baiters die off.

I always love bigots decrying bigotry with bigotry

Bigotry is:

Some Mexicans don't rape

A Mexican can't be a judge

Any Idea who ran on that?

Hint: It wasn't me.
Bigotry is claiming that only white people are racists.

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