Todays Anti-Gun Rallies.Any Mention Of Fast&Furious,Chicago,Illegal Guns&Open Borders?

and where were these mass gatherings,,like today during the Obama years when we had all of those school shootings?

There's a mass gathering every week to mourn dozens shot dead in Chicago and Baltimore, oh wait Dem's never talk about that? :eusa_think: LOL I read a news article recently where some liberal was having a meltdown because we keep bringing up Chicago and they don't want to discuss it.
and does anyone expect every 18 year old baby to be racing to the polls on a school day or night(aka,november mid-terms},,,,especially when the weather will suck?

18 year old kids have better things to do, like grow up. They need a few years living in the real world so they can learn everything their liberal halfwit teachers told them was a lie.
I know 18 year olds who are carrying weapons,standing a post, defending our Republic.

Who are HEAVILY SUPERVISED by older higher ranking enlisted men and officers.
I wonder how Yosemite Sam feels about this issue
This march is just the latest iteration of occupy Wall Street and we all know how effective that was
where were all these kids when that young girl got shot by an illegal alien in San Fran?

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