Today's Headline: Tax Reform 'Armageddon'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
ARMAGEDDON: Major Companies Announce Hiring, Bonuses, Raises, and Charitable Donations Thanks to Tax Reform

"Nancy Pelosi is running out of hysterical pejoratives to hurl at the now-passed GOP tax reform bill, which will cut taxes for 80 percent of Americans. She's already called it "armageddon," and the "end of the world," adding "Frankenstein" to the list just today. Oh, and poor little "Tiny Tim!" These are patent absurdities. The bill is a mostly-good mixed bag that will make US companies more competitive and allow the overwhelming majority of taxpayers to keep more of the money they earn. But the unglued demagoguery -- including the nutty shouting that tax reform will kill thousands of people -- is already being contradicted by reality. Despite attestations from a large majority of manufacturing CEO's that they'll expand their businesses as a result of tax reform, liberals confidently predicted that the legislation would do nothing to help workers or raise wages."

So what does Armageddon look like to a Liberal? Success without THEM, handing out government freebies. It looks a little like THIS:

- Comcast says it's giving $1k bonuses to more than 100k employees

- Boeing announces $300M employee-related and charitable investment

- Third Bancorp announces plan "to raise its minimum hourly wage for all employees to $15, and distribute a one-time bonus of $1,000 for more than 13,500 employees" following passage of tax bill

- AT&T is giving $1,000 bonuses to 200,000 employees after tax bill

- Wells Fargo hikes its hourly pay rate to $15 & will aim for $400M in philanthropic donations next year

The Evolution Of Democratic Fear-Mongering And Lies Regarding the Tax Reform Law:

Evolution of the tax bill meltdown:

1. "If this passes, you're going to die."
2. "Ok, you won't die but the billionaires are gonna take all your money."
3. "Fine, they're giving you bonuses, but it's only for PR."

— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton)
December 21, 2017

Bwuhahahaha! :lmao:

ARMAGEDDON: Major Companies Announce Hiring, Bonuses, Raises, and Charitable Donations Thanks to Tax Reform
Watching Chuck and Nancy lamenting over the prosperity Americans will be enjoying in the new year is a great Christmas gift.

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