Today's Heartburn picture for Republicans.

He's been on vacation for a few weeks right?
Is that when this poll was conducted,
And Libs always run to their little keyboard to post whenever Obama goes up a point.
And finally 48% approval means 52% don't like the guy.

But if you guys are happy your leader is hated by half the country have at it.
I would downplay it a bit though.

Of course we are happy with that. Many of those that disapprove are just teabaggers who will disapprove no matter what happens, so they don't really count. As a matter of fact, they don't count in a lot of other ways too.
He's been on vacation for a few weeks right?
Is that when this poll was conducted,
And Libs always run to their little keyboard to post whenever Obama goes up a point.
And finally 48% approval means 52% don't like the guy.

But if you guys are happy your leader is hated by half the country have at it.
I would downplay it a bit though.

You said: And finally 48% approval means 52% don't like the guy.

Come on. You know better. Usually a third don't have any opinion at all. Don't just flat out lie.
Then again, what else do you have? Nevermind. As you were.
Any picture with Obama in it gives me heartburn and I'm not even a Republican.

Sure you are a republican. Lots of you are too embarrassed to admit it, so you call yourselves independents, or conservatives, or what ever dumb name you can come up with to distance yourself from what you really are, but you are republican. When was the last time you supported anything but republican obstruction? See? I told you so.
It's this kind of stuff that makes Republicans hate Obama:

The jealousy is simply more than they can handle. Not only has he been stellar at cleaning up GOP mess, debacle and disaster, but he's also talented.
Any picture with Obama in it gives me heartburn and I'm not even a Republican.

Sure you are a republican. Lots of you are too embarrassed to admit it, so you call yourselves independents, or conservatives, or what ever dumb name you can come up with to distance yourself from what you really are, but you are republican. When was the last time you supported anything but republican obstruction? See? I told you so.

You said: Lots of you are too embarrassed to admit it, so you call yourselves independents, or conservatives

I would have thought being a conservative would be more embarrassing then being a Republican. The GOP actually has a fine history when they were filled with liberals. They built the inter state highway system, started NASA and other pretty incredible things. But since they've been taken over by Conservatives, they have been a disaster to Red States, they gave us Iraq, the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts, and disaster after fiasco.
View attachment 35455

Now, fair and full disclosure. Those who know me know that I have harshly criticized Gallup for it's shitty methodology and terrible numbers in both 2010 and 2012. This number if probably also off. Obama is likely over the 50 mark, but some quacks at Gallup will do anything they can to keep him under 50. I'm cool with that. Obama is far above Bush's end numbers in 2008.

Gallup's polling was so atrocious in 2010 and 2012 (I made a thread about this in the elections section) that I will not be averaging in their results in my polling aggregates for 2016.

Still, this screenshot is fun to watch. And I thought our Republican friends might enjoy a little heartburn before the New Year. Yer welcome, Righties!!


Then why did he get his ass kicked in such a convincing manner last November?

This only proves what Mitt Romney said about the 47%. You can't change their minds with words. They have to feel it in their pocket-books. There will always be just less than half of America walking around with their heads up their asses only concerned with what happens around them. Every time Obama fucks up he loses support from 10% but gets part of it back as long as he isn't in the news doing his usual series of highly questionable if not dangerous screw ups. He's on vacation ... and this is the best he's going to poll. One fuck up and he's right back flirting with 40% again.

6 Charts That Show How Quickly Stories Fade From the Media
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Now, fair and full disclosure. Those who know me know that I have harshly criticized Gallup for it's shitty methodology and terrible numbers in both 2010 and 2012. This number if probably also off. Obama is likely over the 50 mark, but some quacks at Gallup will do anything they can to keep him under 50. I'm cool with that. Obama is far above Bush's end numbers in 2008.

Gallup's polling was so atrocious in 2010 and 2012 (I made a thread about this in the elections section) that I will not be averaging in their results in my polling aggregates for 2016.

Still, this screenshot is fun to watch. And I thought our Republican friends might enjoy a little heartburn before the New Year. Yer welcome, Righties!!


Then why did he get his ass kicked in such a convincing manner last November?

This only proves what Mitt Romney said about the 47%. You can't change their minds with words. They have to feel it in their pocket-books. There will always be just less than half of America walking around with their heads up their asses only concerned with what happens around them. Every time Obama fucks up he loses support from 10% but gets part of it back as long as he isn't in the news doing his usual series of highly questionable if not dangerous screw ups. He's on vacation ... and this is the best he's going to poll. One fuck up and he's right back flirting with 40% again.

Where was Obama on the ballot in November?

435 House races, 36 Senate races and a slew of state races were on the ballot, but I saw his name nowhere on any ballot at all.
Any picture with Obama in it gives me heartburn and I'm not even a Republican.

Sure you are a republican. Lots of you are too embarrassed to admit it, so you call yourselves independents, or conservatives, or what ever dumb name you can come up with to distance yourself from what you really are, but you are republican. When was the last time you supported anything but republican obstruction? See? I told you so.

You said: Lots of you are too embarrassed to admit it, so you call yourselves independents, or conservatives

I would have thought being a conservative would be more embarrassing then being a Republican. The GOP actually has a fine history when they were filled with liberals. They built the inter state highway system, started NASA and other pretty incredible things. But since they've been taken over by Conservatives, they have been a disaster to Red States, they gave us Iraq, the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts, and disaster after fiasco.

The GOP as it once was when they were still honorable doesn't exist any more. The present batch doesn't see the things you listed as worthwhile, and don't want to be associated with any of that.

Hasn't done too much harm since he left for Hawaii...perhaps if he stayed his rating could go up to 70%!!!!
View attachment 35455

Now, fair and full disclosure. Those who know me know that I have harshly criticized Gallup for it's shitty methodology and terrible numbers in both 2010 and 2012. This number if probably also off. Obama is likely over the 50 mark, but some quacks at Gallup will do anything they can to keep him under 50. I'm cool with that. Obama is far above Bush's end numbers in 2008.

Gallup's polling was so atrocious in 2010 and 2012 (I made a thread about this in the elections section) that I will not be averaging in their results in my polling aggregates for 2016.

Still, this screenshot is fun to watch. And I thought our Republican friends might enjoy a little heartburn before the New Year. Yer welcome, Righties!!


Then why did he get his ass kicked in such a convincing manner last November?

This only proves what Mitt Romney said about the 47%. You can't change their minds with words. They have to feel it in their pocket-books. There will always be just less than half of America walking around with their heads up their asses only concerned with what happens around them. Every time Obama fucks up he loses support from 10% but gets part of it back as long as he isn't in the news doing his usual series of highly questionable if not dangerous screw ups. He's on vacation ... and this is the best he's going to poll. One fuck up and he's right back flirting with 40% again.

Sixth year elections are bad for the party of the President. Reagan got his ass kicked in 1986 with a much higher job approval....
Any picture with Obama in it gives me heartburn and I'm not even a Republican.

Sure you are a republican. Lots of you are too embarrassed to admit it, so you call yourselves independents, or conservatives, or what ever dumb name you can come up with to distance yourself from what you really are, but you are republican. When was the last time you supported anything but republican obstruction? See? I told you so.

You said: Lots of you are too embarrassed to admit it, so you call yourselves independents, or conservatives

I would have thought being a conservative would be more embarrassing then being a Republican. The GOP actually has a fine history when they were filled with liberals. They built the inter state highway system, started NASA and other pretty incredible things. But since they've been taken over by Conservatives, they have been a disaster to Red States, they gave us Iraq, the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts, and disaster after fiasco.

The GOP as it once was when they were still honorable doesn't exist any more. The present batch doesn't see the things you listed as worthwhile, and don't want to be associated with any of that.

I used to think that GOP legislators were the embarrassment of their constituents... This board has changed my view. I think the GOP legislators are far more embarrassed by the people who vote for them than the other way around.
Don't low information lefties understand that Barry Hussein's approval rating rises when he becomes powerless? Republicans are set to control 2/3 of the federal government in a couple of weeks and Hussein will become a petulant whiny obstructionist focused only on regaining some sort of legacy.

Hasn't done too much harm since he left for Hawaii...perhaps if he stayed his rating could go up to 70%!!!!

Funny picture. How do you like mine?
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I'm HONORED to know that I REALLY PISS YOU SCUMBAGS OFF...Just another badge of HONOR I can point to when challenged by the subversives, and say we on the right only curse and disparage them....SO EASY, it's like falling off a log with these idiots?
Don't low information lefties understand that Barry Hussein's approval rating rises when he becomes powerless? Republicans are set to control 2/3 of the federal government in a couple of weeks and Hussein will become a petulant whiny obstructionist focused only on regaining some sort of legacy.

That makes zero sense.

Hasn't done too much harm since he left for Hawaii...perhaps if he stayed his rating could go up to 70%!!!!

Funny picture. How do you like mine?
View attachment 35459

I'm HONORED to know that I REALLY PISS YOU SCUMBAGS OFF...Just another badge of HONOR I can point to when challenged by the subversives, and say we on the right only curse and disparage them....SO EASY, it's like falling off a log with these idiots?

Isn't that cute. You think ridicule is the same as being pissed off.
You will not find a thread from me on polls. Polls are almost useless on a national level.
The total number of people polled is 4500, taken over a three day period.
Pools are also incredibly fickle. I guarantee you if gas was not sitting below $2 - this poll would be different. As if a President had anything to do with it.
At any time people think 4500 can mathematically represent over 300,000,000 people...c'mon.
It makes good time I assure you it could go either way, he might get 51% or he might get 45%...anyone's guess
Have you ever taken a course in Stastitics? Yes, if the poll is done properly, 4500 people can represent 300,000,000 to within two standard deviations.

Sorry, not anymore. Polls are taken by calling random people at home - almost always land line.
Land line...think about that. Who still has land lines? Does the average American still have land lines? What about the type of people who actually answer these polls? The type of person who is willing to answer questions from a stranger - AND who still has a land line. How average is that?
I read somewhere once that said, on verage, a pollster will call 6 people to get one person willing to give an answer without hanging up.
The problem with polling, especially political, is there are soooo many variables to skew a result. In almost any reasonable poll, they don't just poll once you know. They take several polls, and then average out those polls - all in an attempt to correct the inaccuracies. Because doing just one poll gives wildly different results. So the poll is actually an average of bad results.
View attachment 35455

Now, fair and full disclosure. Those who know me know that I have harshly criticized Gallup for it's shitty methodology and terrible numbers in both 2010 and 2012. This number if probably also off. Obama is likely over the 50 mark, but some quacks at Gallup will do anything they can to keep him under 50. I'm cool with that. Obama is far above Bush's end numbers in 2008.

Gallup's polling was so atrocious in 2010 and 2012 (I made a thread about this in the elections section) that I will not be averaging in their results in my polling aggregates for 2016.

Still, this screenshot is fun to watch. And I thought our Republican friends might enjoy a little heartburn before the New Year. Yer welcome, Righties!!


Then why did he get his ass kicked in such a convincing manner last November?

This only proves what Mitt Romney said about the 47%. You can't change their minds with words. They have to feel it in their pocket-books. There will always be just less than half of America walking around with their heads up their asses only concerned with what happens around them. Every time Obama fucks up he loses support from 10% but gets part of it back as long as he isn't in the news doing his usual series of highly questionable if not dangerous screw ups. He's on vacation ... and this is the best he's going to poll. One fuck up and he's right back flirting with 40% again.

Where was Obama on the ballot in November?

435 House races, 36 Senate races and a slew of state races were on the ballot, but I saw his name nowhere on any ballot at all.

Obama himself said his policies were on the ballot ... so spare me.

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