Today's misinformation from the media: Senate GOP blocks IVF bill, but Democrats control the Senate!


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
It would have taken 60 votes to pass, but the Democrats weren't even all on board as the vote was 48-47. So how is that the Senate GOP blocking the bill? It is not. Just today's example of how the Democrats and their media lie to you. It's imperative you think for yourself and not accept anything at face value from ANY "news" outlet.

How can you put the blame on Republicans, when Democrats weren't 100% behind it?
This is how Democrats and their Media lie and manipulate. They know they are losing the narrative on "Reproductive Rights" (LOL) so they have to make up bullshit like this. And of course, over-emotional non-thinking Americans just lap it up.

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