Todays observation: Christian Canabalism


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
Christians are the most devisive group in all of history. They couldn't get along with the Jews (Inquisition), they couldn't get along with the Muslims (Crusades), and they can't get along with one another. If there were only christians left in the world they would turn on one another in seconds. Protestants VS Catholics, Christians VS Mormons, and everyone against the Jehova's witnesses.

It seems Christians have alot of issues with other christians such as...
People have problems with the Catholics because of the Pope.
People have problems with the Angelicans because of homosexual acceptance.
Baptists have problems because they feel strongly in full submersion baptisms.
Jehova witnesses worship the father and not the son and this causes problems for some.
Greek Orthodox believe others worship Idols.
Some have problems with the teaching of Evangelical prosperity teaching.
Full Gospel, Pentacostal, Apostolates believe strongly in the gifts of the spirit. Others don't.
Methodists and Lutherns are viewed as "Catholic lite".
Born Agains are divided over the pretribulation rapture.
Most christians have all sorts of problems with Joseph Smith and the Mormons.

You would think that believing in Jesus would be good enough but it isn't. They even argue over what bible is being used, King James Vs. something else. Then you get the Christian Wacko's such as the Fundamentalists who will let their children die rather than take them to a doctor for simple cures, the ones that kill abortion doctors, and now apparently the nut job in Oslo.

To those will will say these are minor differences, or we are all Gods children, or all you need to do is accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. I ask this which denomination should I join and why not one of the others? The fact that you have an answer to that question proves that feeding frenzy is not far behind.
Don't forget they ushered in the end of civilization (brought to you by the heathen Greeks) and drove us right into the Middle Ages!

Don't forget they ushered in the end of civilization (brought to you by the heathen Greeks) and drove us right into the Middle Ages!


This has more to do with them canabalizing each other, Like politicians do during the primaries. They drag up every evil thing each side has ever done and then when it is over they expect you to join one side or the other.
Christians are the most devisive group in all of history. They couldn't get along with the Jews (Inquisition), they couldn't get along with the Muslims (Crusades), and they can't get along with one another. If there were only christians left in the world they would turn on one another in seconds. Protestants VS Catholics, Christians VS Mormons, and everyone against the Jehova's witnesses.

It seems Christians have alot of issues with other christians such as...
People have problems with the Catholics because of the Pope.
People have problems with the Angelicans because of homosexual acceptance.
Baptists have problems because they feel strongly in full submersion baptisms.
Jehova witnesses worship the father and not the son and this causes problems for some.
Greek Orthodox believe others worship Idols.
Some have problems with the teaching of Evangelical prosperity teaching.
Full Gospel, Pentacostal, Apostolates believe strongly in the gifts of the spirit. Others don't.
Methodists and Lutherns are viewed as "Catholic lite".
Born Agains are divided over the pretribulation rapture.
Most christians have all sorts of problems with Joseph Smith and the Mormons.

You would think that believing in Jesus would be good enough but it isn't. They even argue over what bible is being used, King James Vs. something else. Then you get the Christian Wacko's such as the Fundamentalists who will let their children die rather than take them to a doctor for simple cures, the ones that kill abortion doctors, and now apparently the nut job in Oslo.

To those will will say these are minor differences, or we are all Gods children, or all you need to do is accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. I ask this which denomination should I join and why not one of the others? The fact that you have an answer to that question proves that feeding frenzy is not far behind.

You have a few things wrong in your statement, but i do kind of understand where you're coming from. There are many Christian "Wacko's" just as there are many Muslim Wacko's, or any other religious Wacko's. The problem is, that you and many others seem to want to put us all into the same catagory.

I am a Christian, but i don't belong to any one Christian denomination. I don't call myself a Protestant, Methodist, or whatever (we did belong to the Nazarene Church at one time). But i also have problems with all the different "beliefs", and many of the different denominational "laws" of their church's are all man made laws - not something that God told us should be a law. Like years ago, Nazarene's were not allowed to go to movies or to dances, or play cards. None of these things were something that God forbid us to do! And now years later it's ok for them to do these things...God never changes, so if these were things we really shouldn't be doing, why could they all of a sudden make it ok to do?
Catholics have their "idol" statues all over (Saints) and they pray to the saints for intercession....God said make no idol images, and we're to pray to only HIM through his Son Jesus Christ. JW don't celebrate ANY holidays (which is not a huge thing), but they also won't get blood transfusions if needed to save a life because they believe taking in blood is a sin. These are just 2 examples, but i believe both Catholics and JW are both cults, not Christian at all. This is only MY opinion tho.

I have a few friends that will get together and we'll have our own bible study (God said where 2 or more gather in his name, he will also be there) don't need a church building to praise God, you don't need to have a Pastor or Pope to praise God, in fact if they took ALL the Bibles away from us, we could still praise God! :)
They lost me with, "Drink, this is my blood".

The blood is life as stated in the bible,that is also what science finds as well.

Jesus's blood means he sacrificed that life for us all. The ones that appreciate it celebrate that sacrifice.
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Reading the OP reminds me of why I left Christianity.

It is such a convoluted mess.

Finding and embracing Islam was a breath of fresh air. :cool:

Yeah cuz all muslims love each other, just look at Iraq, all those groups within that country have loved each other for decades.

Everything the OP said about divisive christians, you can say the same for muslims.
They lost me with, "Drink, this is my blood".

The blood is life as stated in the bible,that is also what science finds as well.

Jesus's blood means he sacrificed that life for us all. The ones that appreciate it celebrate that sacrifice.

I think this is part of why i don't understand Jehovas Witness when they say taking blood in any way is a sin...this is why they won't accept blood transfusions. My ex-daughter in law is (sorta) a practicing JW (off and on)...and i told her before if she ever denied a transfusion for one of my grandkids that would save their life, she'd have a HUGE problem!
They lost me with, "Drink, this is my blood".

The blood is life as stated in the bible,that is also what science finds as well.

Jesus's blood means he sacrificed that life for us all. The ones that appreciate it celebrate that sacrifice.

I think this is part of why i don't understand Jehovas Witness when they say taking blood in any way is a sin...this is why they won't accept blood transfusions. My ex-daughter in law is (sorta) a practicing JW (off and on)...and i told her before if she ever denied a transfusion for one of my grandkids that would save their life, she'd have a HUGE problem!

Yeah that'd be nothing short of the worst kind of child abuse, good for you :).
They lost me with, "Drink, this is my blood".

The blood is life as stated in the bible,that is also what science finds as well.

Jesus's blood means he sacrificed that life for us all. The ones that appreciate it celebrate that sacrifice.

I think this is part of why i don't understand Jehovas Witness when they say taking blood in any way is a sin...this is why they won't accept blood transfusions. My ex-daughter in law is (sorta) a practicing JW (off and on)...and i told her before if she ever denied a transfusion for one of my grandkids that would save their life, she'd have a HUGE problem!

Well i am no JW.
Jesus wasn't promoting cannabalism when he said, "this is my body and blood, do this in memory of me."
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If I am going to attend church, I much prefer Our Lady of the Cadillac!

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