Today's students may have found a cause equal to Vietnam War Protests; Lets hope so!

Rustic, post: 19336546
It will fade, as all of these do

This one's different. Your hate and lack of morality has finally evoked anger from the students that cannot be poilitucally hated and dismissed by the assault weapon cult.

You want to play with your assault weapons so badly you can't see it.

Damage to the gun cult is happening now. Fade or no fade.

They are ignorant with there signs blaming everyone other then themselves. This has Nothing to do with the NRA and if those kids who go to school never warned anyone of the shooters threats. He was posting stuff on social media and no one said anything. They are ignorant with there thinking so let’s protest the fact that they and the FBI screwed up. My prayers go out to the families. I have 3 kids myself. I am also a retired police officer and my thought is hire more retired cops. They had one retired cop and Securitry Guards who had no guns. If they were armed the Asst Football coach and Securitry Guard would be alive.

I couldn't agree more.

They all forget that the gun is the TOOL. The person using it is the weapon.

Those kids should have pestered the hell out of school officials and their parents. If they had that asshole wouldn't have even gotten a gun into the school.

The FBI seriously dropped the ball and kids are dead because of one idiot who no one took seriously enough.

Oh and Huff Po?? Really?? That left wing rag isn't worth anyone's time.
Its so fucking funny watching disingenuous political hacks blame the NRA. They dont give 2 shits about those kids. If they did, they wouldnt be enveloped in cliches, laziness and fallacies

They are ignorant with there signs blaming everyone other then themselves. This has Nothing to do with the NRA and if those kids who go to school never warned anyone of the shooters threats. He was posting stuff on social media and no one said anything. They are ignorant with there thinking so let’s protest the fact that they and the FBI screwed up. My prayers go out to the families. I have 3 kids myself. I am also a retired police officer and my thought is hire more retired cops. They had one retired cop and Securitry Guards who had no guns. If they were armed the Asst Football coach and Securitry Guard would be alive.

I couldn't agree more.

They all forget that the gun is the TOOL. The person using it is the weapon.

Those kids should have pestered the hell out of school officials and their parents. If they had that asshole wouldn't have even gotten a gun into the school.

The FBI seriously dropped the ball and kids are dead because of one idiot who no one took seriously enough.

Oh and Huff Po?? Really?? That left wing rag isn't worth anyone's time.

I only read a couple of stories on the shooting, but did they determine how this guy got into the school in the first place? If the school knew this guy was out there, they should have taken precautions to make sure the doors were locked and nobody could get in.
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

These kids see what the moral and intelligence level is if those that they find themselves morally forced to protest.

Look at you.

Outside NRA headquarters, hundreds gather in vigil and protest
By Clarence Williams

February 17, 2018 at 12:29 AM

At a gathering outside the National Rifle Association’s headquarters in Fairfax, Va., Gillian Beard cries as she is held by speaker Peter Reed, whose daughter was killed during the 2007 Virginia Tech shootings. (Clarence Williams/Washington, D.C.)
Gillian Beard shivered and cried outside the National Rifle Association headquarters Friday night, as she stood among strangers and mourned the killing of her best friend, one of the 17 victims gunned down last week at a high school in Parkland, Fla.

The Coral Gables resident had long planned this trip to the Washington area to celebrate her 19th birthday with family on Friday. Instead, she joined about 300 people who gathered outside the NRA building in Fairfax to pay homage to the victims and to demand a change in the influence they said the gun lobby has on Congress and state legislators to prevent passage of gun-control measures.

These kids are bringing it. Trump can't trash them. He has not yet. Your Trump is being careful. But he is a Republican.

Please continue to bring Republicans, Trump and the NRA down by your example.

Names to watch:

Sofie Whitney and Sarah Chadwick.

I'm proud of these young Americans.
It will fade, as all of these do.

Absolutely. Unfortunately we will have more problems and other issues to deal with that make us forget quickly down the road.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19321717
I understand how liberals hate facts and statistics, but they are what they are

I understand why you won't accept the obvious facts and the more than obvious morality on this issue. But these 17 year olds, starting out in life, understand. By expressing your hate against these fresh, young and very articulate and angry protestors, by calling them L-I-B-E-R-A-L-S is a very ignorant counter offensive.

Have you seen any of these student leaders on TY yet.

One young man enlisted in the Army three months ago.

You will shit on him so you can 'play army' with an AR-15.

These kids are doing this country proud.

These kids are ignorant of politics and don't realize they are getting played by the Democrats. Hopefully when they get older and realized how they were getting used, they will come to despise the Democrat party like the rest of us who know how they use every group of people to promote their political agenda.
The kids aren't getting played. They are products of their parents....generally two hard working parents barely scraping by. Perhaps they didn't like being shot at. If they want to voice their opinion it should not bother anyone....not one iota.
Its so fucking funny watching disingenuous political hacks blame the NRA. They dont give 2 shits about those kids. If they did, they wouldnt be enveloped in cliches, laziness and fallacies

Who's to blame then? Who's to blame for the Republicans in Congress who voted against a background check bill that had the support of 90% of the American people?
Rustic, post: 19336546
It will fade, as all of these do

This one's different. Your hate and lack of morality has finally evoked anger from the students that cannot be poilitucally hated and dismissed by the assault weapon cult.

You want to play with your assault weapons so badly you can't see it.

Damage to the gun cult is happening now. Fade or no fade.
Wonder how Trump will treat those students at the meeting It's probably eating his insides up knowing he can't bash them for asking how much the NRA gives him or what is he doing to try and prevent more like what happened in Fl. They are smart kids and won't take his BS Funny though he didn't meet them in Fl A real pussy
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19321717
I understand how liberals hate facts and statistics, but they are what they are

I understand why you won't accept the obvious facts and the more than obvious morality on this issue. But these 17 year olds, starting out in life, understand. By expressing your hate against these fresh, young and very articulate and angry protestors, by calling them L-I-B-E-R-A-L-S is a very ignorant counter offensive.

Have you seen any of these student leaders on TY yet.

One young man enlisted in the Army three months ago.

You will shit on him so you can 'play army' with an AR-15.

These kids are doing this country proud.

These kids are ignorant of politics and don't realize they are getting played by the Democrats. Hopefully when they get older and realized how they were getting used, they will come to despise the Democrat party like the rest of us who know how they use every group of people to promote their political agenda.
Getting played?? BS these kids from affluent families are smart ,real smart and they will cause ,I hope ,the death of the republican party Guess you weren't listening
Rustic, post: 19336546
It will fade, as all of these do

This one's different. Your hate and lack of morality has finally evoked anger from the students that cannot be poilitucally hated and dismissed by the assault weapon cult.

You want to play with your assault weapons so badly you can't see it.

Damage to the gun cult is happening now. Fade or no fade.

They are ignorant with there signs blaming everyone other then themselves. This has Nothing to do with the NRA and if those kids who go to school never warned anyone of the shooters threats. He was posting stuff on social media and no one said anything. They are ignorant with there thinking so let’s protest the fact that they and the FBI screwed up. My prayers go out to the families. I have 3 kids myself. I am also a retired police officer and my thought is hire more retired cops. They had one retired cop and Securitry Guards who had no guns. If they were armed the Asst Football coach and Securitry Guard would be alive.

I couldn't agree more.

They all forget that the gun is the TOOL. The person using it is the weapon.

Those kids should have pestered the hell out of school officials and their parents. If they had that asshole wouldn't have even gotten a gun into the school.

The FBI seriously dropped the ball and kids are dead because of one idiot who no one took seriously enough.

Oh and Huff Po?? Really?? That left wing rag isn't worth anyone's time.

I only read a couple of stories on the shooting, but did they determine how this guy got into the school in the first place? If the school knew this guy was out there, they should have taken precautions to make sure the doors were locked and nobody could get in.

Through a side stairwell door.

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The NRA had nothing to do with the shooting you hysterical moon bat. If anything leftism and this coddling kids with issues is to blame.

Get off your soap box, you look ridiculous

I'm a pretty good judge of what needed and needs protests in this country. Vietnam, Iraq and military Assault Style weapons attacks on our school kids and anywhere crowds gather for a good time.

You supported invading Iraq. Can't get much dumber than that. Even Trumpo knows Bush lied his way into that quagmire and disaster still going on 15 years later.
military Assault Style weapons
Maybe if you could speak in factual terms about firearms some people other than the ignorant would pay attention to what you have to say
Rustic, post: 19336546
It will fade, as all of these do

This one's different. Your hate and lack of morality has finally evoked anger from the students that cannot be poilitucally hated and dismissed by the assault weapon cult.

You want to play with your assault weapons so badly you can't see it.

Damage to the gun cult is happening now. Fade or no fade.

Good start:

Florida shooting: Man with Second Amendment tattoo destroys his AR-15 rifle in online video - 'It's a gun like this that takes away lives'
'I can’t live knowing that my gun’s out there and it can one day possibly commit a horrific act like the other day in Florida'

Man destroys his AR-15 rifle in viral video after Florida shooting
Rustic, post: 19336546
It will fade, as all of these do

This one's different. Your hate and lack of morality has finally evoked anger from the students that cannot be poilitucally hated and dismissed by the assault weapon cult.

You want to play with your assault weapons so badly you can't see it.

Damage to the gun cult is happening now. Fade or no fade.

Good start:

Florida shooting: Man with Second Amendment tattoo destroys his AR-15 rifle in online video - 'It's a gun like this that takes away lives'
'I can’t live knowing that my gun’s out there and it can one day possibly commit a horrific act like the other day in Florida'

Man destroys his AR-15 rifle in viral video after Florida shooting

I saw this, I laughed my ass would have been hilarious if would have accidentally shot himself while doing this.
ThunderKiss1965, post: 19341901
military Assault Style weapons
Maybe if you could speak in factual terms about firearms some people other than the ignorant would pay attention to what you have to say

Is this guy ignorant? I understand exactly what he says. He has made an excellent moral choice. No Hangups on what you asswipes prefer to call your toys.

Florida shooting: Man with Second Amendment tattoo destroys his AR-15 rifle in online video - 'It's a gun like this that takes away lives'
'I can’t live knowing that my gun’s out there and it can one day possibly commit a horrific act like the other day in Florida'
A Second Amendment supporter has posted a video in which he destroys his AR-15 rifle in response to the Florida school shooting.

Scott Pappalardo said he said he could not live with the idea the child of its next owner might get hold of it and use it to hurt others.

So in a five-minute clip posted to Facebook he used a circular saw to slice the weapon into pieces.

Man destroys his AR-15 rifle in viral video after Florida shooting
Rustic, post: 19336546
It will fade, as all of these do

This one's different. Your hate and lack of morality has finally evoked anger from the students that cannot be poilitucally hated and dismissed by the assault weapon cult.

You want to play with your assault weapons so badly you can't see it.

Damage to the gun cult is happening now. Fade or no fade.

Good start:

Florida shooting: Man with Second Amendment tattoo destroys his AR-15 rifle in online video - 'It's a gun like this that takes away lives'
'I can’t live knowing that my gun’s out there and it can one day possibly commit a horrific act like the other day in Florida'

Man destroys his AR-15 rifle in viral video after Florida shooting

Only a few more MILLION to
Rustic, post: 19336546
It will fade, as all of these do

This one's different. Your hate and lack of morality has finally evoked anger from the students that cannot be poilitucally hated and dismissed by the assault weapon cult.

You want to play with your assault weapons so badly you can't see it.

Damage to the gun cult is happening now. Fade or no fade.

Good start:

Florida shooting: Man with Second Amendment tattoo destroys his AR-15 rifle in online video - 'It's a gun like this that takes away lives'
'I can’t live knowing that my gun’s out there and it can one day possibly commit a horrific act like the other day in Florida'

Man destroys his AR-15 rifle in viral video after Florida shooting
one nitwit republican politician auctioned an ar15 the other day From Md I think
SassyIrishLass, post: 19342028
Only a few more MILLION to

Are you trashing Scott Papalardo who cut his AR-15 in half? If he can make a proper moral choice and strongly support the 2nd Amendment, why can't the rest of you.

Perhaps future generations will see what a stupid idea it is to want to play with AR-15s so much.

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