Today's students may have found a cause equal to Vietnam War Protests; Lets hope so!

Ray From Cleveland, post: 19344278
Yeah, well their parents must all be liberal because that's the agenda these kids are promoting.

Oh now it's a liberal agenda to not want to be mass slaughtered by an assault rifle.

One student protest leader joined the Army 3 months ago. I hope he is a liberal. But his agenda is a moral agenda which you find yourself on the wrong side.

Oh that's right you don't have kids, so you wilk never understand.

Do you believe 67 percent of Americans support liberal agendas. If you do you might as well go crawl in a hole and cry. Sixty seven percent of Americans just polled support an assault rifle ban.

You can trash the victims all you want. But you are starting several laps behind with four flat tires and no spares, against those kids.

Lots of luck with your cult.
Problem is not one single one of them understand what an so called “assault weapon” even is… Because there is no such thing.
AR15s are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less. Lol
ThunderKiss1965, post: 19341901
military Assault Style weapons
Maybe if you could speak in factual terms about firearms some people other than the ignorant would pay attention to what you have to say

Is this guy ignorant? I understand exactly what he says. He has made an excellent moral choice. No Hangups on what you asswipes prefer to call your toys.

Florida shooting: Man with Second Amendment tattoo destroys his AR-15 rifle in online video - 'It's a gun like this that takes away lives'
'I can’t live knowing that my gun’s out there and it can one day possibly commit a horrific act like the other day in Florida'
A Second Amendment supporter has posted a video in which he destroys his AR-15 rifle in response to the Florida school shooting.

Scott Pappalardo said he said he could not live with the idea the child of its next owner might get hold of it and use it to hurt others.

So in a five-minute clip posted to Facebook he used a circular saw to slice the weapon into pieces.

Man destroys his AR-15 rifle in viral video after Florida shooting
As I pointed out before the AR-15 has been banned in NY so either this guy was breaking the laws of the State or he's just some random dumbass making a politically motivated act at the worst of times.
Oh now it's a liberal agenda to not want to be mass slaughtered by an assault rifle.

No, it's a liberal agenda to try to disarm the American public using a tragedy as an excuse.

Oh that's right you don't have kids, so you wilk never understand.

You don't need kids to understand.

Do you believe 67 percent of Americans support liberal agendas. If you do you might as well go crawl in a hole and cry. Sixty seven percent of Americans just polled support an assault rifle ban.

Good, then when they get leadership of Congress, the Senate and White House, let them try. Americans will do what they did when DumBama gave us Commie Care.

I guess what you're saying is that 67% of Americans are ignorant to the fact that WE DID have an assault weapons ban. It didn't do any good, that's why we let it expire after ten years.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19344278
Yeah, well their parents must all be liberal because that's the agenda these kids are promoting.

Oh now it's a liberal agenda to not want to be mass slaughtered by an assault rifle.

One student protest leader joined the Army 3 months ago. I hope he is a liberal. But his agenda is a moral agenda which you find yourself on the wrong side.

Oh that's right you don't have kids, so you wilk never understand.

Do you believe 67 percent of Americans support liberal agendas. If you do you might as well go crawl in a hole and cry. Sixty seven percent of Americans just polled support an assault rifle ban.

You can trash the victims all you want. But you are starting several laps behind with four flat tires and no spares, against those kids.

Lots of luck with your cult.
Joining the Army means an oath to support and defend the Constitution. The 2nd Amendment is still part of the Constitution. By the way the last cosmetics ban did fuck all to prevent any murders, Now you can be happy giving up your rights but I will not give up mine. I'll keep my weapons because any law that threatens to take them away is unconstitutional and therefore unlawful.
Gun aren't the issue, in my eyes .
How about the Failed American School system .

Teachers have no control of all these bastard kids .
Parents have no ideal what to do with their bastard kids .

And the bastard kids have no compassion for each other ..

So keep killing each other, you bastard kids .

O-ya . and don't want to forget about the fake news who blames the shooter for everything ...
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.

Lock up dangerously crazy people, and don't have kids out of wed lock.

Your schools will get a lot safer.
Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.
Why is it only "indoctrination" if it's the opposition? The NRA's pretty damned good at "indoctrination," too. These kids got shot at. They have a right to demand some action, whatever it may be. There are a lot of ideas. Both sides should be listening to each other and trying to make their ideas work so there isn't a next time.
These kids have barely lived life, they, and their emotions are easy to manipulate.

The only indoctrinating I see going on is that of the left, feeding these kids false information about the NRA and a false narrative about guns.

Ideas that are based on lies and misinformation are worthless. Empty. These kids aren't getting both sides of the story, nor are they being shown the truth through unbiased eyes.

Don't you think an idea would hold more merit if it were based off complete and truthful information?

Or would you rather continue lying to them and manipulating their grief and suffering to advance a political agenda?
Last edited:
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19344112
I disagree again. Executions should be on pay-per-view or if attending live, an admission fee. All proceeds go to the victims family.

Instead of your distasteful blood and circuses, why not tax assault weapons owners and manufacturers each year to cover the costs of a the dead and injured that get caught in the line of rapid fire from these weapons.

After all, if those who feel the need to play with assault weapons didn't buy and own them then there would not be any involved in the mass slaughtering of kids in schools, Right?

But then you would have nothing to play with.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19344112
I disagree again. Executions should be on pay-per-view or if attending live, an admission fee. All proceeds go to the victims family.

Instead of your distasteful blood and circuses, why not tax assault weapons owners and manufacturers each year to cover the costs of a the dead and injured that get caught in the line of rapid fire from these weapons.

After all, if those who feel the need to play with assault weapons didn't buy and own them then there would not be any involved in the mass slaughtering of kids in schools, Right?

But then you would have nothing to play with.
And punish the law abiding citizens instead of the criminals? Typical of spineless, appeasing shit bag like yourself. How about we just execute all violent criminals on the spot? Since most violent crimes or done by repeat offenders.
BTW... no such as an so called “assault weapon”. Shit for brains
AR15s are just sporting rifles, nothing more nothing less...
TemplarKormac, post: 19345231
These kids have barely lived life, they, and their emotions are easy to manipulate

You should think of that the next time you are playing with your assault rifle toy. Is this 'fun' necessary?

I guess if your answer becomes no, you might become a grownup,

The kids are wiser with higher morals than you. No doubt about it,

Your fake reality projection as to who the liars are is finished thanks to these kids. It won't work.

The NRA does not exist to promote truth. It exist to sell guns and more guns. Including assault weapon toys that have no truthful reason to be sold to civilians except to make a profit.

If you think the idea that a high school student has the right to live through getting an education, is based on a lie, then it shows exactly how steeped in fake reality you have fallen,
If you think the idea that a high school student has the right to live through getting an education is based on a lie then it shows exactly how steeped in fake reality you have fallen,
It's not an education if you're only getting one side of the story.
TemplarKormac, post: 19345298
It's not an education if you're only getting one side of the story.

Your complaint is with the NRA then. Perhaps you should be complaining to them that their propaganda is not working so well today,

Reality struggles at times to take hold however it somehow always manages to rise above the false ones. That is what's happening and you will have a difficult time adjusting.
Victim haters are popping up all over:

Joe Hunt Deer, post: 19345211
Gun aren't the issue, in my eyes .
How about the Failed American School system .

Teachers have no control of all these bastard kids .
Parents have no ideal what to do with their bastard kids .

And the bastard kids have no compassion for each other ..

So keep killing each other, you bastard kids .

O-ya . and don't want to forget about the fake news who blames the shooter for everything ...

This one perhaps hunts deer with an AR-15. So scared of them.
Your complaint is with the NRA then. Perhaps you should be complaining to them that their propaganda is not working so well today,
Uh... okay.

They aren't even a top 10 lobbying outfit (or top anything) and you're convinced they have this supernatural ability to brainwash people.

No, they don't sell guns, and no, they don't give mentally ill mass murderers marching orders.

I'm strongly considering following in my dad's footsteps and joining the NRA, if not only to tick people like you off

That or I'd just rather know proper gun safety and proficiency.

What do you think the NRA does exactly?
ThunderKiss1965, post: 19345013
As I pointed out before the AR-15 has been banned in NY so either this guy was breaking the laws of the State or he's just some random dumbass making a politically motivated act at the worst of times.

Banned Since when. He said he owned it for 30'years.

Does this mean you would comply with an assault rifle ban?

That would be great. All the more reason to ban them like 67 percent of recently polled Americans want done.
hey aren't even a top 10 lobbying outfit (or top anything) and you're convinced they have this supernatural ability to brainwash people.

It's not the propagsnder it's the shallow minds of so many prooagsndees that are available.

Not a good argument. The NRA is the top gun lobby organization. That's how you know they are calling primary source of pro-assault weapons as toys propaganda.

Do you really need assault rifles to play with?
The kids aren't getting played. They are products of their parents....generally two hard working parents barely scraping by. Perhaps they didn't like being shot at. If they want to voice their opinion it should not bother anyone....not one iota.

Yeah, well their parents must all be liberal because that's the agenda these kids are promoting.

If a maniac was shooting a gun at people in pubic, a conservative would shield a child. A Democrat would hide behind him and even hold him up for a better shot.

I'm so sick of the Democrats using children and minorities to promote their political agenda. Democrats don't care about kids, that's why they support killing so many of them before they are born.

The illegals......what about the children?
The welfare people......what about the children?
Tobacco sales.......what about the children?
Free college.......what about the children?

It's pathetic already. What gutless wonders to keep hiding behind and using children for personal gain.
guess a white trash republican didn't read about the heroes that emerged from that horror kids that gave their lives to save others? guess they must have been republicans??
Victim haters are popping up all over:

Joe Hunt Deer, post: 19345211
Gun aren't the issue, in my eyes .
How about the Failed American School system .

Teachers have no control of all these bastard kids .
Parents have no ideal what to do with their bastard kids .

And the bastard kids have no compassion for each other ..

So keep killing each other, you bastard kids .

O-ya . and don't want to forget about the fake news who blames the shooter for everything ...

This one perhaps hunts deer with an AR-15. So scared of them.

Your as dum as the kids today .
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?
so getting rid of our rights is as important as leftists cowards not supporting their country in a war that leftist leaders got us involved in.

the left has no bottom
Victim haters are popping up all over:

Joe Hunt Deer, post: 19345211
Gun aren't the issue, in my eyes .
How about the Failed American School system .

Teachers have no control of all these bastard kids .
Parents have no ideal what to do with their bastard kids .

And the bastard kids have no compassion for each other ..

So keep killing each other, you bastard kids .

O-ya . and don't want to forget about the fake news who blames the shooter for everything ...

This one perhaps hunts deer with an AR-15. So scared of them.

Which one of these dum kids are your .

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