Today's students may have found a cause equal to Vietnam War Protests; Lets hope so!

Its so fucking funny watching disingenuous political hacks blame the NRA. They dont give 2 shits about those kids. If they did, they wouldnt be enveloped in cliches, laziness and fallacies

Who's to blame then? Who's to blame for the Republicans in Congress who voted against a background check bill that had the support of 90% of the American people?

What background check bill was that?

Manchin/Toomey. Could you please learn something about the issue before you spout off about it?
Its so fucking funny watching disingenuous political hacks blame the NRA. They dont give 2 shits about those kids. If they did, they wouldnt be enveloped in cliches, laziness and fallacies

Who's to blame then? Who's to blame for the Republicans in Congress who voted against a background check bill that had the support of 90% of the American people?

What background check bill was that?

Manchin/Toomey. Could you please learn something about the issue before you spout off about it?

I remember. It was good times



ThunderKiss1965, post: 19345013
As I pointed out before the AR-15 has been banned in NY so either this guy was breaking the laws of the State or he's just some random dumbass making a politically motivated act at the worst of times.

Banned Since when. He said he owned it for 30'years.

Does this mean you would comply with an assault rifle ban?

That would be great. All the more reason to ban them like 67 percent of recently polled Americans want done.
Since 2013. There are already very heavy restriction on "assault" rifles and I don't own one. If you mean give up my semi-automatic AR-15 that is functionally no different than a .223 semi-automatic hunting rifle no. I will not give it up because I believe in the Constitution and any laws passed that ignore it are unlawful.

I stopped paying attention to polls when I learned that the pollsters oversample certain demographics depending on an agenda, case in point the 2016 election. Regardless that 67%, like yourself seems to know fuck all about firearms and can be ignored by those of us that do.
Presented by the same loons who gave us that daffy Women's March....LOL

People are pretty angry at the congress getting paid off by the NRA, why aren't you fighting that Sassy?
The local paper this morning listed every Maine Congress critter and all the candidates running for spots in 2018, reporting how much in contributions each had accepted from the NRA. Got statements about the welcomeness of such contributions from some of them, too.
This kind of reporting that just provides the facts so the voters can decide is good reporting.

Awesome ... we need to expose these people being paid off not only by the NRA, but paid off period to scratch the backs of them instead of the people.

Of coarse the morons voted down a transparency window into where their campaign money comes from..

Me thinks this is going to change..maybe by big protests..

I would march for that..


Go won't change a damn thing and you'll get sore feet

The 1960's/1970's vietnam marches sure did work.. The boys came home.

Marching for this will not work! Lets step aside form ideology for a second and think about what banning guns would mean in the real world! How many millions of guns are already distributed in the United States? The answer is millions apon millions. So make make them illegal and require all to turn them in. Law abiding citzens turn their guns in. Not all are law abiding citizens and will not turn them in. Now we have only law breakers with guns, so you have to now collect all the guns in America which has how many millions of square miles to hide thier guns in and how many millions of homes. What will be the cost of finding even lets say 10% of all those guns? So now we have spent fortunes finding less than 10% of all the guns and now only criminals have them! Does this seem like a good idea to you?
Its so fucking funny watching disingenuous political hacks blame the NRA. They dont give 2 shits about those kids. If they did, they wouldnt be enveloped in cliches, laziness and fallacies

Who's to blame then? Who's to blame for the Republicans in Congress who voted against a background check bill that had the support of 90% of the American people?

What background check bill was that?

Manchin/Toomey. Could you please learn something about the issue before you spout off about it?

Never heard of it, so I looked it up. Even Harry Weed voted against it along with three other Democrats.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19344112
I disagree again. Executions should be on pay-per-view or if attending live, an admission fee. All proceeds go to the victims family.

Instead of your distasteful blood and circuses, why not tax assault weapons owners and manufacturers each year to cover the costs of a the dead and injured that get caught in the line of rapid fire from these weapons.

After all, if those who feel the need to play with assault weapons didn't buy and own them then there would not be any involved in the mass slaughtering of kids in schools, Right?

But then you would have nothing to play with.

Have an annual tax on assault weapons simply because you own them? Yeah, that's a solution from commies and control freaks that think only they should run the country.

But if that's what you want, let's take that to the next level. Why not have an annual tax on swimming pools to cover the anguish of parents that lose children to drowning? Maybe an annual tax on your alcoholic beverages to help cover the losses by those who died in traffic accidents from a drunk driver? An opioid tax on drug manufacturers to cover the cost of addicts and the deaths their products cause.

After all, liberalism dictates that personal responsibility is a no-no in our society because it's always somebody else's fault.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19344112
I disagree again. Executions should be on pay-per-view or if attending live, an admission fee. All proceeds go to the victims family.

Instead of your distasteful blood and circuses, why not tax assault weapons owners and manufacturers each year to cover the costs of a the dead and injured that get caught in the line of rapid fire from these weapons.

After all, if those who feel the need to play with assault weapons didn't buy and own them then there would not be any involved in the mass slaughtering of kids in schools, Right?

But then you would have nothing to play with.

Have an annual tax on assault weapons simply because you own them? Yeah, that's a solution from commies and control freaks that think only they should run the country.

But if that's what you want, let's take that to the next level. Why not have an annual tax on swimming pools to cover the anguish of parents that lose children to drowning? Maybe an annual tax on your alcoholic beverages to help cover the losses by those who died in traffic accidents from a drunk driver? An opioid tax on drug manufacturers to cover the cost of addicts and the deaths their products cause.

After all, liberalism dictates that personal responsibility is a no-no in our society because it's always somebody else's fault.
.Don't give them ideas Ray. Crikey.

They are ignorant with there signs blaming everyone other then themselves. This has Nothing to do with the NRA and if those kids who go to school never warned anyone of the shooters threats. He was posting stuff on social media and no one said anything. They are ignorant with there thinking so let’s protest the fact that they and the FBI screwed up. My prayers go out to the families. I have 3 kids myself. I am also a retired police officer and my thought is hire more retired cops. They had one retired cop and Securitry Guards who had no guns. If they were armed the Asst Football coach and Securitry Guard would be alive.

I couldn't agree more.

They all forget that the gun is the TOOL. The person using it is the weapon.

Those kids should have pestered the hell out of school officials and their parents. If they had that asshole wouldn't have even gotten a gun into the school.

The FBI seriously dropped the ball and kids are dead because of one idiot who no one took seriously enough.

Oh and Huff Po?? Really?? That left wing rag isn't worth anyone's time.

I only read a couple of stories on the shooting, but did they determine how this guy got into the school in the first place? If the school knew this guy was out there, they should have taken precautions to make sure the doors were locked and nobody could get in.

Through a side stairwell door.

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Should have been secure points of entry at the school, but the citizens put their heads in the sand, and they didn't take the past school shootings seriously enough. I guess it was like well that happened over their in their state, and I sure feel for those poor people over there, but you know it won't happen here. Well uhh how about waking up America, because this stuff knows no boundaries. If not guns it will be something else to use, because evil will and has always found a way. We have to react in a practical and very precise way in order to protect our kids and the most vulnerable in society. Guns can, and do play a positive role in society, and if the right hands they are the most effective protector against an attack or the attackers.

I agree. People don’t want to point the finger of blame at themselves.

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A lot of the kids you are seeing at these protests have been coached on what to say by the left wingers. If you watch some of them screw up there speech because they forgot what to say. Democrats don’t like the statistics because they prove them wrong

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A lot of the kids you are seeing at these protests have been coached on what to say by the left wingers. If you watch some of them screw up there speech because they forgot what to say. Democrats don’t like the statistics because they prove them wrong

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Looks like you have been coached by the rightwing media to attack the victims
ThunderKiss1965, post: 19346868
Regardless that 67%, like yourself seems to know fuck all about firearms and can be ignored by those of us that do.

Go ahead - ignore the moral issue. The NRA and politicians they own have no chance against these students. There is no reason that everybody needs to know all you claim to know about guns. Your knowledge has become your hobby. These kids know first hand what these assault weapons do to flesh tissue and bones. They know that possession of an AR15 by civilians is a hobby. It is playing with a toy. Those gun owners who are destroying their war-toy weapons have heard a conscience

Don't expect you to find one / so we will have to wait until you are gone. It will be worth the wait if we start shaming the assault weapon cult right now.

LaPierre is speaking at CPAC. He is the most disgusting human being on earth right now.

Is he going to pay the costs to militarize school systems?

I hear the hopes of profiting on it.

I think the kids got them worried this time.
After all, liberalism dictates that personal responsibility is a no-no in our society because it's always somebody else's fault.

Stupid as ever Ray. I've never seen a swimming pool used to mass murder anyone. You need to get your head screwed on straight.
I've never seen a swimming pool used to mass murder anyone.

Captain Kirk aka William Shatner used it to get rid of a "wife" who was no longer cutting it...

at least one of his "wives" died in his pool.... but don't worry, he wasn't in any danger of prosecution in CA....
SassyIrishLass, post: 19312897
If anything leftism and this coddling kids with issues is to blame.

Are you suggesting that society beat and torment kids that have mental or behavioral 'issues'? What exactly do haters want to do.?
SassyIrishLass, post: 19312897
If anything leftism and this coddling kids with issues is to blame.

Are you suggesting that society beat and torment kids that have mental or behavioral 'issues'? What exactly do haters want to do.?

I'm suggesting treating them, stop coddling them. It''s not that hard to figure out...even for you if you'd get past your partisan BS
After all, liberalism dictates that personal responsibility is a no-no in our society because it's always somebody else's fault.

Stupid as ever Ray. I've never seen a swimming pool used to mass murder anyone. You need to get your head screwed on straight.

And 99% of guns are used for protection, self-defense, or sport. The liberal solution for mass shootings? Get rid of the 99%.
A lot of the kids you are seeing at these protests have been coached on what to say by the left wingers. If you watch some of them screw up there speech because they forgot what to say. Democrats don’t like the statistics because they prove them wrong

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Looks like you have been coached by the rightwing media to attack the victims

Nobody's attacking the victims; they're dead for fucks sake.
SassyIrishLass, post: 19312897
If anything leftism and this coddling kids with issues is to blame.

Are you suggesting that society beat and torment kids that have mental or behavioral 'issues'? What exactly do haters want to do.?

Did they say that? Not coddling does not equal beating and tormenting. When I was a kid, you screw up, I was punished, screw up badly, ass whooping. There was no "take these pills" or "it's OK, it isn't your fault crap.

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