Today's students may have found a cause equal to Vietnam War Protests; Lets hope so!

SassyIrishLass, post: 19312781
Presented by the same loons who gave us that daffy Women's March....LOL

Good job. Hate the victims of your assault weapon cult that is more important to you than deaths of other parents kids in school.

The AW Cult is firmly entrenched in our society and government.

I think the Anti/NRA teens are the only way to reduce the size and power of that cult.

If the teens and college students and moviegoers grassroots organize they could get what needs to get done done.

There ain't enough kid and victim haters from the adult conservative side to sustain the usual right wing hate campaign against a social protest movement should it become powerful.

Fear it Cons. This is a threat to your complacency and outright condoning by excusing assault weapon violence against our youth.

Good Ring to it. The NRA Is a 'terrorist organization'

Hey Hey NRA how many kids did you kill today?

You retards don't even understand that there is no such thing as an "assault weapon"...

These kids don't stand a chance in hell against the new right and alt-right.
Presented by the same loons who gave us that daffy Women's March....LOL

People are pretty angry at the congress getting paid off by the NRA, why aren't you fighting that Sassy?
The local paper this morning listed every Maine Congress critter and all the candidates running for spots in 2018, reporting how much in contributions each had accepted from the NRA. Got statements about the welcomeness of such contributions from some of them, too.
This kind of reporting that just provides the facts so the voters can decide is good reporting.

Awesome ... we need to expose these people being paid off not only by the NRA, but paid off period to scratch the backs of them instead of the people.

Of coarse the morons voted down a transparency window into where their campaign money comes from..

Me thinks this is going to change..maybe by big protests..

I would march for that..

We already know that the Democrats are owned and financed by Mexico.
SassyIrishLass, post: 19312781
Presented by the same loons who gave us that daffy Women's March....LOL

Good job. Hate the victims of your assault weapon cult that is more important to you than deaths of other parents kids in school.

The AW Cult is firmly entrenched in our society and government.

I think the Anti/NRA teens are the only way to reduce the size and power of that cult.

If the teens and college students and moviegoers grassroots organize they could get what needs to get done done.

There ain't enough kid and victim haters from the adult conservative side to sustain the usual right wing hate campaign against a social protest movement should it become powerful.

Fear it Cons. This is a threat to your complacency and outright condoning by excusing assault weapon violence against our youth.

Good Ring to it. The NRA Is a 'terrorist organization'

Hey Hey NRA how many kids did you kill today?

You retards don't even understand that there is no such thing as an "assault weapon"...

These kids don't stand a chance in hell against the new right and alt-right.

You be amazed at how much they don't know.
The good citizen Gun owners use the NRA in the correct way, not in the wrong way.

Disagree. The NRA is not the only choice. Change it or leave it it if you are a legitimate hunter or sportsman and not driven to cult life obsessing over wesponur designed to mass kill humans in a short instance of time.

A Sportsman’s Viewpoint: We Need a Moderate Alternative to the NRA
Many hunters would support sensible reforms against large-magazine firearms but have no organization that speaks for them

By Andrew J. Rotherham @arotherhamDec. 19, 2012

It's time to wake up this argument against the NRA as well.
We need a moderate alternative to planned parenthood.
SassyIrishLass, post: 19312781
Presented by the same loons who gave us that daffy Women's March....LOL

Good job. Hate the victims of your assault weapon cult that is more important to you than deaths of other parents kids in school.

The AW Cult is firmly entrenched in our society and government.

I think the Anti/NRA teens are the only way to reduce the size and power of that cult.

If the teens and college students and moviegoers grassroots organize they could get what needs to get done done.

There ain't enough kid and victim haters from the adult conservative side to sustain the usual right wing hate campaign against a social protest movement should it become powerful.

Fear it Cons. This is a threat to your complacency and outright condoning by excusing assault weapon violence against our youth.

Good Ring to it. The NRA Is a 'terrorist organization'

Hey Hey NRA how many kids did you kill today?

You retards don't even understand that there is no such thing as an "assault weapon"...

These kids don't stand a chance in hell against the new right and alt-right.

You be amazed at how much they don't know.
I am a millennial myself.

I know better than most how truly stupid these kids actually are. Education most certainly isn't correlating into IQ.
Missouri_Mike, post: 19312920
Hey hey you stupid lib, not a one. Your liberal policies did.

The NRA does not directly pull triggers and kill kids just like LBJ did. But......,,

If the NRA were not there to promote this assault rifle cult society in order to promote and romanticize and sell the AR-15 etc in the first place, the absurd menace of millions of such lethal Idealized play things would not exist. If assault weapons were banned as dangerous useless tools outside of warfare and never idealized for civilian use as essential to freedom' liberty and or preservation of life itself, there would be no people killed by them. Because they would not exist.

The NRA has a pivotal role in the insane number of such deadly devices established that two generations have created.

This upcoming generation has every right to blame the mess we face today on the NRA.

It is correct to bkame the NRA for that.
Missouri_Mike, post: 19312920
Hey hey you stupid lib, not a one. Your liberal policies did.

The NRA does not directly pull triggers and kill kids just like LBJ did. But......,,

If the NRA were not there to promote this assault rifle cult society in order to promote and romanticize and sell the AR-15 etc in the first place, the absurd menace of millions of such lethal Idealized play things would not exist. If assault weapons were banned as dangerous useless tools outside of warfare and never idealized for civilian use as essential to freedom' liberty and or preservation of life itself, there would be no people killed by them. Because they would not exist.

The NRA has a pivotal role in the insane number of such deadly devices established that two generations have created.

This upcoming generation has every right to blame the mess we face today on the NRA.

It is correct to bkame the NRA for that.
They’re as responsible for this shooter as a free speech advocacy group is for a democrat yelling racist slurs out of a car window.
Missouri_Mike, post: 19312920
Hey hey you stupid lib, not a one. Your liberal policies did.

The NRA does not directly pull triggers and kill kids just like LBJ did. But......,,

If the NRA were not there to promote this assault rifle cult society in order to promote and romanticize and sell the AR-15 etc in the first place, the absurd menace of millions of such lethal Idealized play things would not exist. If assault weapons were banned as dangerous useless tools outside of warfare and never idealized for civilian use as essential to freedom' liberty and or preservation of life itself, there would be no people killed by them. Because they would not exist.

The NRA has a pivotal role in the insane number of such deadly devices established that two generations have created.

This upcoming generation has every right to blame the mess we face today on the NRA.

It is correct to bkame the NRA for that.

Okay, then it's Planned Parenthood that's responsible for women getting abortions. After all, if PP did not exist, many of those women wouldn't be able to afford an abortion. In fact if not for PP, those women might take more precautions to not get pregnant in the first place. Not only does PP make political contributions to many Democrat candidates, we also give them money in return to operate their business.

You act as if the NRA is running commercials to buy AR's. I've never seen one. The closest they come to advertising is trying to get members through gun magazines and gun shows. The NRA could care less if there are a million AR's in the country or none. That's not what their business depends upon.

If the NRA ceased to exist tomorrow, people will still be buying the weapons of their choice. What you puppets fail to realize is that the leftists dragged the NRA into this because they are afraid of what happens when commie opposition meets in one place. They get defeated that way. The goal here has nothing to do with children. Democrats could care less about children. It's about using them to try and destroy the NRA and convince fools like you they had something to do with this school shooting among others.
SassyIrishLass, post: 19312781
Presented by the same loons who gave us that daffy Women's March....LOL

Good job. Hate the victims of your assault weapon cult that is more important to you than deaths of other parents kids in school.

The AW Cult is firmly entrenched in our society and government.

I think the Anti/NRA teens are the only way to reduce the size and power of that cult.

If the teens and college students and moviegoers grassroots organize they could get what needs to get done done.

There ain't enough kid and victim haters from the adult conservative side to sustain the usual right wing hate campaign against a social protest movement should it become powerful.

Fear it Cons. This is a threat to your complacency and outright condoning by excusing assault weapon violence against our youth.

Good Ring to it. The NRA Is a 'terrorist organization'

Hey Hey NRA how many kids did you kill today?

You retards don't even understand that there is no such thing as an "assault weapon"...

These kids don't stand a chance in hell against the new right and alt-right.

You be amazed at how much they don't know.
I am a millennial myself.

I know better than most how truly stupid these kids actually are. Education most certainly isn't correlating into IQ.
I chalk it up for the most part to immaturity . That usually corrects itself.
OMG! 5% on gas and shit! I think if that was important to me I would just change banks,

Respectable businesses and organizations won't want their brands associated with the pro-assault-rifle-NRA as this student (not liberal) movement takes hold. The students must stay focused on the NRA and their paid-for politicians being the evil disgraceful stakeholdere in this issue. The NRA false denials and incoherent attacks must be held as proof of their evil and tragic intent to put assault rifle ownership as a play toy above the lives and safety and well being of every American child that must go to school as they begin to live their long and fruitful lives protected by the Constitution of the United States of America.
ptbw forever, post: 1935933
You retards don't even understand that there is no such thing as an "assault weapon".

What you wish to call your playtoys is of no consequence to this discussion. Your obsession with weapon naming suggest you are deeply fixated within the assault rifle cult.
Soggy in NOLA, post: 19359357
You be amazed at how much they don't know.

They know what really matters on a life or death issue. That is more than the assault weapon cult knows and that is on their side. It is the power of moral knowledge and action.

The moral high ground is eroding under the assault weapon industry and all its loyal hobbyists. Because it is just a hobby we are dealing with - nothing more. Getting an education cannot in moral terms be compared to a dangerous useless and needless hobby.

The students have found moral bedrock to stand on for their cause.

The NRA civilian assault weapon hobby lobby has no moral anchor to hold their ground.
Who is first national bank of Omaha anyway?

Not a small local bank apparently:?

"First National Bank of Omaha is Nebraska’s largest bank by deposits and a subsidiary of First National of Nebraska, the 14th-largest credit-card issuer in the U.S., according to the industry publication the Nilson Report. "
ThunderKiss1965, post: 19346868
If you mean give up my semi-automatic AR-15 that is functionally no different than a .223 semi-automatic hunting rifle no. I will not give it up because I believe in the Constitution and any laws passed that ignore it are unlawful.

I believe in the Constitution as well.

I also believe that belief bestows a certain obligation owed for the privilege of living in a free society and does not give me the right to violate the laws passed under our beautiful Constitution because I want to play with something that is unlawful to possess abdca danger to society.

Possessing a toy just isn't that important to get me to disrespect my country and all who live here.

I guess we differ about obeying the laws passed under the Constitution.

Your desire and inner need for possession of certain toys to play with would cause you to disrespect certain constitutionally passed laws,

Why do you draw the line where current law exists? Why don't you violate the law to possess and play with much more powerful killing toys? What restrains you?

You need to answer that question.

Why is your obsession limited by the government when you say it is you that gets to decide which laws and regulations are lawful?

It appears you have a deep hole in the rationalization you use to function in society.

You seem to have sympathy toward lawbreakers that believe they have the right to possess for their toybox whatever killing tool they are obsessed with.

You apparently see yourself above the law when it doesn't suit you. Perhaos it is only when the type and level of killing toys you want to play with are concerned.

Glad to have this out in the open.
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ThunderKiss1965, post: 19346868
If you mean give up my semi-automatic AR-15 that is functionally no different than a .223 semi-automatic hunting rifle no. I will not give it up because I believe in the Constitution and any laws passed that ignore it are unlawful.

I believe in the Constitution as well.

I also believe that belief bestows a certain obligation owed for the privilege of living in a free society and does not give me the right to violate the laws passed under our beautiful Constitution because I want to play with something that is unlawful to possess abdca danger to society.

Possessing a toy just isn't that important to get me to disrespect my country and all who live here.

I guess we differ about obeying the laws passed under the Constitution.

Your desire and inner need for possession of certain toys to play with would cause you to disrespect certain constitutionally passed laws,

Why do you draw the line where current law exists? Why don't you violate the law to possess and play with much more powerful killing toys? What restrains you?

You need to answer that question.

Why is your obsession limited by the government when you say it is you that gets to decide which laws and regulations are lawful?

It appears you have a deep hole in the rationalization you use to function in society.

You seem to have sympathy toward lawbreakers that believe they have the right to possess for their toybox whatever killing tool they are obsessed with.

You apparently see yourself above the law when it doesn't suit you. Perhaos it is only when the type and level of killing toys you want to play with are concerned.

Glad to have this out in the open.
My right to bear arms shall not be infringed period, end of story have a nice day.

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