Toddlers killed more Americans in 2015 than terrorists did

Whats the point OP? Do you even know?
The point, which may be too subtle for some, is that we should get excited about unsecured guns before we get excited about terrorists. "What's wrong with smart guns?"

Someone breaks in and a phone call from a family member to the parent.....
Here's the code for the safe...I'm calling 911 now.....
And I hope the Internet is working so you can activate the smart gun feature.....

And I'm sorry we still have dial up for the Internet.....

Good luck to you...I love you.
I hope to see you alive when I get home.

Smart guns are too complicated for Republicans

They still haven't figured out their phones
Brought to you by our second amendment

TRUE: More Americans Killed by Toddlers than Terrorists


You must mean FOREIGN terrorists. Obviously the racist shooters in Charleston, and Minneapolis, as well as the guy doing Carly Fiorina's bidding in Colorado Springs were not included for some reason.
MSNBC did something on this last night....
I guess the memo went out to push this issue....

Lawrence O'Donnell went on about it a bit.

The left is freaked out because Americans are letting their feelings be known that they don't trust Obama's regime to protect them against Muslim attacks.

Muslims don't kill as many as you would think so stop your whining....
That's the message from the left.
Instead of pushing for better ways to stop Muslims from killing us the left pushes back with they haven't
killed all that many so why are you guys getting pissed at this...
Whats the point OP? Do you even know?
The point, which may be too subtle for some, is that we should get excited about unsecured guns before we get excited about terrorists. "What's wrong with smart guns?"

Someone breaks in and a phone call from a family member to the parent.....
Here's the code for the safe...I'm calling 911 now.....
And I hope the Internet is working so you can activate the smart gun feature.....

And I'm sorry we still have dial up for the Internet.....

Good luck to you...I love you.
I hope to see you alive when I get home.

Smart guns are too complicated for Republicans

They still haven't figured out their phones

I'm still having issues running Windows 8

MSNBC did something on this last night....
I guess the memo went out to push this issue....

Lawrence O'Donnell went on about it a bit.

The left is freaked out because Americans are letting their feelings be known that they don't trust Obama's regime to protect them against Muslim attacks.

Muslims don't kill as many as you would think so stop your whining....
That's the message from the left.
Instead of pushing for better ways to stop Muslims from killing us the left pushes back with they haven't
killed all that many so why are you guys getting pissed at this...

The message is that Republicans are blocking the real threat to the American people ...300 million guns
While they fear monger over a threat that is relatively benign
MSNBC did something on this last night....
I guess the memo went out to push this issue....

Lawrence O'Donnell went on about it a bit.

The left is freaked out because Americans are letting their feelings be known that they don't trust Obama's regime to protect them against Muslim attacks.

Muslims don't kill as many as you would think so stop your whining....
That's the message from the left.
Instead of pushing for better ways to stop Muslims from killing us the left pushes back with they haven't
killed all that many so why are you guys getting pissed at this...


submit or die
rightwinger Shut the fuck up you say you care about the kids but not a fucking peep when this shit

Almost 2,500 now killed by covert US drone strikes since Obama inauguration six years ago: The Bureau's report for January 2015 - The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

is happening under your fucking dear leader. Fuck you and the self righteous horse you rode in on

War sucks

A war that both parties have started with not just bombings but supporting dictators and with sanctions that kill innocent people and make them join groups like ISIL and Al Qaeda. But hey talk about getting rid of the 2nd amendment that at the end of the day will not save more kids lives. And have us the people depend on a government that is abusing and killing us on a daily basis great idea.
Cars killed more people than GUNS....think about banning cars, you fucking morons!
How long before Republicans ban toddlers from the country?

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