Toddlers killed more Americans in 2015 than terrorists did

Libs love to own the vocabulary so they can set the narrative. The right needs to do it more. Abortion should be called forceps violence by baby killers.
And buckets killed more kids than guns.
Your turn.

Fires, running in front of cars, drowning, bicycle accidents, all cause more deaths than firearms.

but guns are scarier.
If only abortions involved shooting the born infant, the left would be seeing things different.
The left wants to protect the born infant from guns and lack of social support.
I see. So snipping the spinal cord or vacuuming the brain of infants is acceptable, guns are not.
Got it.
Brought to you by our First Amendment:

Maryland man killed after argument while picking watermelons, police say

Maryland man killed after argument while picking watermelons, police say

One of those watermelon arguments.
Watermelon arguments don't kill people. People kill people.
I'd kill someone over a ripe watermelon. Have you tasted one of those things?
I probably would have by now if someone would start vetting them God dammit!!!
And buckets killed more kids than guns.
Your turn.

Fires, running in front of cars, drowning, bicycle accidents, all cause more deaths than firearms.

but guns are scarier.
If only abortions involved shooting the born infant, the left would be seeing things different.
The left wants to protect the born infant from guns and lack of social support.
And lack of social support. So the left believe divorce is only acceptable in cases of abuse.
Got it.
And buckets killed more kids than guns.
Your turn.

Fires, running in front of cars, drowning, bicycle accidents, all cause more deaths than firearms.

but guns are scarier.
If only abortions involved shooting the born infant, the left would be seeing things different.
The left wants to protect the born infant from guns and lack of social support.
I see. So snipping the spinal cord or vacuuming the brain of infants is acceptable, guns are not.
Got it.
Its against the law to do that to infants. Your understanding is as usual childlike in its idiocy. The left wants the infant to be safe and have social support. The right wants bullets piercing their bodies and no food.
The vast majority of firearms accidents and misuse incidents are preventable with some requirement for testing and training for all firearms purchasers.

Actually some training and competence testing should be required for all firearms owners in all parts of the U.S. where testing is required to operate a motor vehicle on the public thoroughfare. Because under existing circumstances anyone who has never been convicted of a crime or been diagnosed as insane can purchase guns whether or not they know anything about proper use and handling of these deadly weapons.

I am strongly pro-gun. But very few Americans live in the "wide open spaces" anymore. Today, most of us live in places where the bullet from a discharged firearm is sure to hit someone or cause some damage without understanding and exercising the proper precautions. So it's a simple matter of common sense that anyone who owns guns must fully understand the associated responsibilities and should demonstrate basic competence in their handling and use.
Brought to you by our First Amendment:

Maryland man killed after argument while picking watermelons, police say

Maryland man killed after argument while picking watermelons, police say

One of those watermelon arguments.
Watermelon arguments don't kill people. People kill people.
I'd kill someone over a ripe watermelon. Have you tasted one of those things?
I probably would have by now if someone would start vetting them God dammit!!!
Betsy Akbar!! Betsy Akbar!!!
And buckets killed more kids than guns.
Your turn.

Fires, running in front of cars, drowning, bicycle accidents, all cause more deaths than firearms.

but guns are scarier.
If only abortions involved shooting the born infant, the left would be seeing things different.
The left wants to protect the born infant from guns and lack of social support.
I see. So snipping the spinal cord or vacuuming the brain of infants is acceptable, guns are not.
Got it.
Its against the law to do that to infants. Your understanding is as usual childlike in its idiocy. The left wants the infant to be safe and have social support. The right wants bullets piercing their bodies and no food.
It's against the law to abort a baby being born? Is that murder or something?
I only support bullets piercing babies and no food if mom doesn't want the kid.
You know. Like abortionists justify killing a 9 month fetus.
Because we have accidents with toddlers, we should welcome the intentional acts of terrorists.

Toddlers Kill! Euthanise them quickly!!!

I bet toddlers killed more people than global warming too, but you guys sure have your panties in a knot over climate change, now don't you, lololol.

All you lefties have to do is change the law, quit whining and try it. Why not? We tried to over turn Obamacare, why don't all you lefties get YOUR people in congress to try and pass some gun law that outlaws them, or maybe the ammunition? Go ahead, you have the moral authority, don't you-) If you don't, you are a bunch of phonies. Whine, wet the bed, blame us, then you won't even try, just cry, and cry-) Would you like one of us to write a petition for you to circulate so you could get EVERY ONE of your reps and Senators to support it and you?

Come on there lefties, put up, or SHUT UP-)
I believe this is the lead-in to a progressive plan to place the children of welfare recipients, Jews and Christians in schools that are advertised as "Gun Free Zones". The objective is to reduce the population of the planet by about 7/8, leaving limp wristed, soft fisted progressive faggots to control the world.

It's obviously the wet dream of lunatics. Limp wristed, soft fisted progressive faggots don't survive the night when the kind of coup they want takes place.
I believe this is the lead-in to a progressive plan to place the children of welfare recipients, Jews and Christians in schools that are advertised as "Gun Free Zones". The objective is to reduce the population of the planet by about 7/8, leaving limp wristed, soft fisted progressive faggots to control the world.

It's obviously the wet dream of lunatics. Limp wristed, soft fisted progressive faggots don't survive the night when the kind of coup they want takes place.

Do you think that RIGHTWINGER, or any of the other bedwetters in this thread, have a sign in front of their home that says.............."Beware, gun free house, enter at your own risk!" LOLOLOLOLOL.

The left is really pathetic. Once you actually take the PC out of their talking points, it is like going to a comedy show-)

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