Toddlers killed more Americans in 2015 than terrorists did

Their spec ops will blow you to smithereens!


So you're against our Second Amendment.

What part of a well regulated militia requires toddlers to have weapons?

No one is requiring them to do anything, but the OP blames these deaths on the Second Amendment, so I assume he must be against it.
The OP clearly stated this was the fault of radical children.

So you're against our Second Amendment.

What part of a well regulated militia requires toddlers to have weapons?

No one is requiring them to do anything, but the OP blames these deaths on the Second Amendment, so I assume he must be against it.
The OP clearly stated this was the fault of radical children.

Yes, but he also said "Brought to you by our second amendment".

So you're against our Second Amendment.

What part of a well regulated militia requires toddlers to have weapons?

No one is requiring them to do anything, but the OP blames these deaths on the Second Amendment, so I assume he must be against it.
The OP clearly stated this was the fault of radical children.

Yes, but he also said "Brought to you by our second amendment".

Yeah...he should have said "brought to you by the current interpretation of the 2nd Amendment bought and paid for by the NRA"

So you're against our Second Amendment.

What part of a well regulated militia requires toddlers to have weapons?

No one is requiring them to do anything, but the OP blames these deaths on the Second Amendment, so I assume he must be against it.
The OP clearly stated this was the fault of radical children.

Yes, but he also said "Brought to you by our second amendment".
The weapons were indeed provided to the children by the second amendment indirectly.
The only way to stop a toddler with a gun is a 'good guy' with a gun! Somewhere some gun nut is trying to divine an answer that will assure us thazt more guns prevents gun violence.

How many more times must we hear their ham handed specious logic and accept it as truth?

The gun nut logic dictates that more guns makes us safe. With 300,000,000 guns on our streets and a population of 350,000,000 shouldn't we be the safest natio9n on the planet? Anyone feel safer with all those fingers on all those triggers?
The last GOP debate, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, should be edited, and every time they say the word "terrorist" it should be replaced with the word "toddler".

LOL! Now that would be funny!

So you're against our Second Amendment.

What part of a well regulated militia requires toddlers to have weapons?

No one is requiring them to do anything, but the OP blames these deaths on the Second Amendment, so I assume he must be against it.
The OP clearly stated this was the fault of radical children.

Yes, but he also said "Brought to you by our second amendment".

Yeah...he should have said "brought to you by the current interpretation of the 2nd Amendment bought and paid for by the NRA"

Don't like the way it's written, rewrite it.

The Right to Keep and Bear arms was given to the People, not the militia
You know...there IS a way to cut these tragedies down and nobody's "Constitutional Right" to keep and bear arms would be infringed were they required...

The high-tech guns that know who is firing them -

And you wouldn't even have to be a member of a well regulated militia either...
Lots can go wrong with unmodified simple guns, no way would I trust sensitive electronic gear to do the job of self protection. Also many or most of the shootings have been by legal owners.

Abortions kill millions but libs are more worried about your guns. Go figure.

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