Tokyo vs NYC

New York City area 302 square miles
Japan area 145,000 square miles
Japan yearly tourists - 30 million
NYC yearly tourists - 60 million

The OP is about Tokyo (a city) not the entire country of Japan.
...different culture...Japanese are known for cleanliness and discipline..didn't they have to deal with and have experience with SARS/etc? that was in Asia

Definitely some truth there. What is also interesting is that the homeless in LA and SFO have not come down with the virus. Could living on, and shitting in, the streets create an immunity? many people want to be around people like that?

apparently the people of California have no issue with the millions of homeless on their streets, they keep electing the same stupid democrats who created the mess.
New York City area 302 square miles
Japan area 145,000 square miles
Japan yearly tourists - 30 million
NYC yearly tourists - 60 million

The OP is about Tokyo (a city) not the entire country of Japan.
NYC is in my post-----you do not understand basic math????!!!!!!!??? point should be obvious =DENSITY !!!!!!!
New York City area 302 square miles
Japan area 145,000 square miles
Japan yearly tourists - 30 million
NYC yearly tourists - 60 million

The OP is about Tokyo (a city) not the entire country of Japan.
NYC is in my post-----you do not understand basic math????!!!!!!!??? point should be obvious =DENSITY !!!!!!!

You compared NYC to JAPAN, try doing it again and compare NYC to Tokyo. You will find that Tokyo is more dense. Much of Japan outside the cities is rural and not heavily populated compared to the city of Tokyo which is the most densely populated city in the world.

It might be helpful if you read a post before responding to it, I pointed out your logic error in my first reply. you have a hangover???
point 1. NYC is a lot SMALLER than Japan
point 2. are you blind? it says --RIGHT THERE--NYC has 30 MILLION MORE tourists per year!!! so, not only more people, but more chances of C19
DUH you have a hangover???
point 1. NYC is a lot SMALLER than Japan
point 2. are you blind? it says --RIGHT THERE--NYC has 30 MILLION MORE tourists per year!!! so, not only more people, but more chances of C19

gees dude, Japan is a COUNTRY, New York is a CITY. How are you not able to understand that?

If you want to compare Japan, compare it to the USA, not NYC.

Come on, you cannot be this dumb. you have a hangover???
point 1. NYC is a lot SMALLER than Japan
point 2. are you blind? it says --RIGHT THERE--NYC has 30 MILLION MORE tourists per year!!! so, not only more people, but more chances of C19

gees dude, Japan is a COUNTRY, New York is a CITY. How are you not able to understand that?

If you want to compare Japan, compare it to the USA, not NYC.

Come on, you cannot be this dumb.
you are a genius
....if you weren't an idiot, you would FIGURE out, that NYC has more tourists per year than Tokyo!!!!!! millions more
jesus christ--I had to do the math/deductions FOR YOU!!!!!????!!!!
you don't even know what density means you have a hangover???
point 1. NYC is a lot SMALLER than Japan
point 2. are you blind? it says --RIGHT THERE--NYC has 30 MILLION MORE tourists per year!!! so, not only more people, but more chances of C19

gees dude, Japan is a COUNTRY, New York is a CITY. How are you not able to understand that?

If you want to compare Japan, compare it to the USA, not NYC.

Come on, you cannot be this dumb.
there ---NYC has MILLIONS more tourists per year than TOKYO you have a hangover???
point 1. NYC is a lot SMALLER than Japan
point 2. are you blind? it says --RIGHT THERE--NYC has 30 MILLION MORE tourists per year!!! so, not only more people, but more chances of C19

gees dude, Japan is a COUNTRY, New York is a CITY. How are you not able to understand that?

If you want to compare Japan, compare it to the USA, not NYC.

Come on, you cannot be this dumb.
allow me to put it another way:
.....if NYC has 60 million per year and Japan has 30 million---and Tokyo is in Japan, that ,means Tokyo has millions less per year
you just made an ass out of yourself you have a hangover???
point 1. NYC is a lot SMALLER than Japan
point 2. are you blind? it says --RIGHT THERE--NYC has 30 MILLION MORE tourists per year!!! so, not only more people, but more chances of C19

gees dude, Japan is a COUNTRY, New York is a CITY. How are you not able to understand that?

If you want to compare Japan, compare it to the USA, not NYC.

Come on, you cannot be this dumb.
NYC gets about FOUR TIMES the tourists as Tokyo

This is an Asian bug and Asians are less likely to get it......aka ......when I was stationed in Japan a long time ago......we went to a lot of ports of call.......after every port visit you would get the CRUD as we called it........sick for a few days because they have bugs we aren't used time you go their NO CRUD.

they didn't do a purge on nursing homes.
New York City area 302 square miles
Japan area 145,000 square miles
Japan yearly tourists - 30 million
NYC yearly tourists - 60 million

The OP is about Tokyo (a city) not the entire country of Japan.
NYC is in my post-----you do not understand basic math????!!!!!!!??? point should be obvious =DENSITY !!!!!!!

You compared NYC to JAPAN, try doing it again and compare NYC to Tokyo. You will find that Tokyo is more dense. Much of Japan outside the cities is rural and not heavily populated compared to the city of Tokyo which is the most densely populated city in the world.

It might be helpful if you read a post before responding to it, I pointed out your logic error in my first reply.
AND it says here NYC is more dense--much more: we have Tokyo MILLIONS less tourists/etc and better health/discipline and less obesity = less deaths
..with MILLIONS more tourists, the NYC restaurants/stores/etc are much more dense you have a hangover???
point 1. NYC is a lot SMALLER than Japan
point 2. are you blind? it says --RIGHT THERE--NYC has 30 MILLION MORE tourists per year!!! so, not only more people, but more chances of C19

gees dude, Japan is a COUNTRY, New York is a CITY. How are you not able to understand that?

If you want to compare Japan, compare it to the USA, not NYC.

Come on, you cannot be this dumb.
NYC gets about FOUR TIMES the tourists as Tokyo

so what? Are you saying the Chinese targeted NYC? New Jersey was also a hot spot, but not many tourists. How do you explain that? you have a hangover???
point 1. NYC is a lot SMALLER than Japan
point 2. are you blind? it says --RIGHT THERE--NYC has 30 MILLION MORE tourists per year!!! so, not only more people, but more chances of C19

gees dude, Japan is a COUNTRY, New York is a CITY. How are you not able to understand that?

If you want to compare Japan, compare it to the USA, not NYC.

Come on, you cannot be this dumb.
allow me to put it another way:
.....if NYC has 60 million per year and Japan has 30 million---and Tokyo is in Japan, that ,means Tokyo has millions less per year
you just made an ass out of yourself

in your first attempt to post on this you compared the country of Japan with the city of New York, you have yet to grasp the error in that. This is not about tourism, its about the number of covid cases in each city. and yes, NYC has more tourism than Tokyo. so lets compare Philly to Tokyo. Philly had a large number of cases compared to Tokyo, how do you explain that?
NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?

You can't realistically compare the two populations for a multitude of reasons.

what are those reasons? both are big cities, both are crowded, both were exposed to the Chinese virus. One had disasterous results the other did not. Can't wait to hear your reasons why that happened.

I'm obviously speculating, since I have not seen any conclusively study of comparison, but the Japanese are a homogeneous and very disciplined society. They have better health out comes in general due to healthier lifestyles overall. They take better care of their elderly. They have much lower crime rates and one of the highest living standards in the world.

Compare that to New York City, which is a melting pot of the entire planet. They have a massively diverse population with different cultures and social norms. New Yorkers make poor lifestyle choices: they don't eat right, they don't take care of themselves, have higher rates of crime. There are parts of NYC that look like a war zone in the Middle East.

To try and compare New York to Tokyo is simply apples and oranges. Also take into consideration that a lot of influenza type pandemics have hit Asia far more often than other parts of the world which is why you see so many people in Asian countries wearing face masks even when there isn't a pandemic spreading. Those societies are more prepared for this kind of thing, whereas NYC was set up for the brink of disaster.
One other point: the mean average IQ for people in Tokyo is about ten points higher than people in New York City. Maybe 15. If Tokyo is that shining city on the hill, then NYC is its sewage treatment plant downstream.
NYC has has 11,000 covid deaths. Tokyo, the worlds largest and most dense city has has 93. NYC is locked down. Tokyo was never locked down. Both have had the virus for the same amount of time. Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's?

Could it be that the Chinese targeted NYC?

You can't realistically compare the two populations for a multitude of reasons.

what are those reasons? both are big cities, both are crowded, both were exposed to the Chinese virus. One had disasterous results the other did not. Can't wait to hear your reasons why that happened.

I'm obviously speculating, since I have not seen any conclusively study of comparison, but the Japanese are a homogeneous and very disciplined society. They have better health out comes in general due to healthier lifestyles overall. They take better care of their elderly. They have much lower crime rates and one of the highest living standards in the world.

Compare that to New York City, which is a melting pot of the entire planet. They have a massively diverse population with different cultures and social norms. New Yorkers make poor lifestyle choices: they don't eat right, they don't take care of themselves, have higher rates of crime. There are parts of NYC that look like a war zone in the Middle East.

To try and compare New York to Tokyo is simply apples and oranges. Also take into consideration that a lot of influenza type pandemics have hit Asia far more often than other parts of the world which is why you see so many people in Asian countries wearing face masks even when there isn't a pandemic spreading. Those societies are more prepared for this kind of thing, whereas NYC was set up for the brink of disaster.
One other point: the mean average IQ for people in Tokyo is about ten points higher than people in New York City. Maybe 15. If Tokyo is that shining city on the hill, then NYC is its sewage treatment plant downstream.

sad but true you have a hangover???
point 1. NYC is a lot SMALLER than Japan
point 2. are you blind? it says --RIGHT THERE--NYC has 30 MILLION MORE tourists per year!!! so, not only more people, but more chances of C19

gees dude, Japan is a COUNTRY, New York is a CITY. How are you not able to understand that?

If you want to compare Japan, compare it to the USA, not NYC.

Come on, you cannot be this dumb.
allow me to put it another way:
.....if NYC has 60 million per year and Japan has 30 million---and Tokyo is in Japan, that ,means Tokyo has millions less per year
you just made an ass out of yourself

in your first attempt to post on this you compared the country of Japan with the city of New York, you have yet to grasp the error in that. This is not about tourism, its about the number of covid cases in each city. and yes, NYC has more tourism than Tokyo. so lets compare Philly to Tokyo. Philly had a large number of cases compared to Tokyo, how do you explain that?
....stop double talking shit like the MSM...NYC has MANY more people --much DENSER
..I just proved it and now you are trying to double talk babble
PLUS the obesity rates
it's very CLEAR--denser plus higher obesity/poor health

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