Told Ya'll Christie KNEW!

So you can't stick to the topic either? Can't defend your GOP Go-To Guy for 2016? So let's talk about Obama..... Loser.
Katie Couric saved America from Sarah Palin and Steve Kornacki saved America from Chris Christie. Too bad you fucking righties don't have someone who could have saved us from Bush and Cheney.

But they disappeared and failed to save us from O.

Just shows you what a miserable failure Fox News and the right wing media is, doesn't it?

It just shows how far up O's ass msnbc, cnn, abc, cbs, nbc are.
Baloney. Pure baloney.

The question is not whether he knew about the closings, but whether he either ordered them or was aware that they had been ordered by someone on his staff as a vindictive measure against the mayor of that town.

So what if he knew about the lane closings? Means absolutely nothing.

More Democrat attempts to kill his '16 candidacy.

Pretty lame.

It already died.
Baloney. Pure baloney.

The question is not whether he knew about the closings, but whether he either ordered them or was aware that they had been ordered by someone on his staff as a vindictive measure against the mayor of that town.

So what if he knew about the lane closings? Means absolutely nothing.

More Democrat attempts to kill his '16 candidacy.

Pretty lame.

Christie had multiple Press Conferences where he told the American people that he had absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE of the bridge closings.

If this is true...he's TOAST!

Forget '16, he'll have to resign in disgrace NOW!!!

Toast I sed....TOAST!!!


As usual, we are on the same page MarcATL. Right down to the toast.

Just think. Rand Paul is dancing around in little circles in his office right now.

Jeb Bush is giggling and high-fiving.

Ted Cruz is hitting his knees and thanking Jesus.

Oh, I dunno. Maybe he gets on his knees for other things.

Like sweeping under the couch or something like that.
Yeah…who knows? Maybe next week we'll start looking into the IRS, Benghazi, the NSA and OBarrycare! Now that we've solved the Nancy Drew mystery of the "New Jersey Lane Closure Case"!!!

You liberals are worthless pieces of human excrement.

I said it from the very beginning, that this thing was about a LOT MORE THAN A TRAFFIC JAM ON THE BRIDGE.

Christie Knew About Lane Closings, Ex-Port Authority Official Says

The former Port Authority official who personally oversaw the lane closings on the George Washington Bridge in the scandal now swirling around Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said on Friday that the governor knew about the lane closings when they were happening, and that he had the evidence to prove it.

In a letter released by his lawyer, the official, David Wildstein, a high school friend of Mr. Christie’s who was appointed with the governor’s blessing at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which controls the bridge, described the order to close the lanes as “the Christie administration’s order” and said “evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference” three weeks ago.

“Mr. Wildstein contests the accuracy of various statements that the governor made about him and he can prove the inaccuracy of some,” the letter added.

The letter marked the first signal that Mr. Christie may have been aware of the closings, something he repeatedly denied during thenews conference.

In early January, documents revealed that a deputy chief of staff to Mr. Christie, Bridget Anne Kelly, had sent an email to Mr. Wildstein saying, “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” the town at the New Jersey end of the bridge, where Mr. Christie’s aides had pursued but failed to receive an endorsement from the mayor.

Mr. Christie has steadfastly denied that he knew before this month that anyone in his administration was responsible for the lane closings, and his administration has tried to portray it as the actions of a rogue staff member.

The governor fired Ms. Kelly. Mr. Wildstein, the director of interstate capital projects at the Port Authority, resigned.""""

Christie's done.

Stick a fork in him.

Nah, he's a politician with power and he's not afraid to use it. He'll come out of this probably as a Dem and maybe even be nominated to run as Hillary's running mate.

He's not going to survive as Governor.

However I am not discounting an "Act 2". He has got a lot of talent.
Why did the Whore of Hoboken lie under oath about having a Diary/Journal?

She either lied about Christie's and her conversation or she lied under in a Federal Deposition.... Which is a SLAM DUNK 18 months in Prison.

There just ain't no two ways about it.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

And why is this douchebag releasing documents to the press before giving them to Law Enforcement?

You people are too stupid to live.

Gee, the word "whore" coming from a repub.....again. Didn't you go to the training that gives you pointers on how not to insult women? Or were you sick that day? :razz:

[MENTION=6882]JimH52[/MENTION] - it's part of their sensitivity training for 2016. They want to set a record in the women's vote in 2016!!!
Yeah…who knows? Maybe next week we'll start looking into the IRS, Benghazi, the NSA and OBarrycare! Now that we've solved the Nancy Drew mystery of the "New Jersey Lane Closure Case"!!!

You liberals are worthless pieces of human excrement.

Yeah...cause those dead conspiracy theories aren't dead already....ooh yeah, they are actually dead already...for a couple of months now.

NSA might have a little firepower, but that's it.
Baloney. Pure baloney.

The question is not whether he knew about the closings, but whether he either ordered them or was aware that they had been ordered by someone on his staff as a vindictive measure against the mayor of that town.

So what if he knew about the lane closings? Means absolutely nothing.

More Democrat attempts to kill his '16 candidacy.

Pretty lame.

Nope. Go back and listen to Christie on video say from the very beginning that he didn't know about them. He lied on live television. It's the lie that will do him in. He's toast.

Lol, coming from someone who believes obama knows nothing about all of his scandals. You have no creditbility whats so ever. Now go wack off at your obama poster

Deceleration alert!!!


Christie's done.

Stick a fork in him.

Nah, he's a politician with power and he's not afraid to use it. He'll come out of this probably as a Dem and maybe even be nominated to run as Hillary's running mate.

He's not going to survive as Governor.

However I am not discounting an "Act 2". He has got a lot of talent.

Well, he shouldn't survive as Governor. That does not mean he won't.
I suspected that Wildstein had something because otherwise why would his lawyer to looking for amnesty? If he had nothing his lawyer would have angling for a plea bargain of some sort. Amnesty implied that he had something on Christie. Now we know that it gives lie to Christie's claim that he only found about it when the media released the emails. On top of that there is the photo of Christie together with Samson and Wildstein on 9/13/14 in spite of Christie claiming not to have seen Wildstein.

This has to be the theme tune for this debacle;

The Mike Curb Congregation-Burning BridgesKelly's Hros - YouTube

Wildstein has shit because if he had anything worth a damn, the prosecutor would be keeping it quiet and let Christie keep on digging his own grave.

The scumbag went public with it because the prosecution told him to go fuck his dead aunt.

His hope is that the dimocrap-scum LSM will make enough noise that the prosecution makes him a deal.

This ain't how a prosecution with a good witness acts. No way.

And any defense Attorney worth a shit will eat this guy alive. Going to the press first?

He's got shit.

tsk, tsk.... so angry. But I thought you don't want Christie to be nomination, so what's teh big diff with you.

You mad, bro?
Baloney. Pure baloney.

The question is not whether he knew about the closings, but whether he either ordered them or was aware that they had been ordered by someone on his staff as a vindictive measure against the mayor of that town.

So what if he knew about the lane closings? Means absolutely nothing.

More Democrat attempts to kill his '16 candidacy.

Pretty lame.

Christie had multiple Press Conferences where he told the American people that he had absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE of the bridge closings.

Now would be a good time for someone to post a link to any of those multiple press conferences where he said he had no knowledge of the bridge closing.

We can start with this:

[ame=]Chris Christie Press Conference - Embarrassed & Humiliated Denies Knowledge! - YouTube[/ame]

(right in the first couple of minutes, "I did not know this")
And Obama lied repeatedly about ObamaCare...
Where is the outrage from the left...
Didn't Obama's lie about ObamaCare have a bigger impact on this country...

Yeah already seen this claims he has evidence did not provide it so all I see here is a claim of something but no proof when I see something that directly connects Christie to this then I will declare him toast so far I have not.

There is a difference between what someone alleges and what their lawyer says. In this instance the lawyer has taken a look at the evidence and believes that it is good enough for his client to obtain immunity from prosecution.

Then there is the mounting pile of other evidence.

So you are left with Christie as the dumbest dupe to ever be the governor of NJ (and not even his worst critics accuse him of being stupid, far from it) as his only "explanation" as to why all of this rampant corruption was running wild under his nose and he knew nothing whatsoever about it.

That is becoming less credible by the day but run with it if you prefer. Either way his 2016 chances are history and his best hope now is 2020.
As usual, we are on the same page MarcATL. Right down to the toast.

Just think. Rand Paul is dancing around in little circles in his office right now.

Jeb Bush is giggling and high-fiving.

Ted Cruz is hitting his knees and thanking Jesus.

Look for a sale on popcorn cuz its gonna be another fun ride on the Clown Car.

But, Christie is basically an enormous ego with little short legs sticking out of one end. he won't resign. He will believe he can ride it out and it wouldn't surprise me if he can.

I'm remembering the Vitter/Coburn/Santorum money/sex scandal. Not one of them lost anything and Santorum actually ran for prez.

I expect that Rove is going nuts. If Christie is out of the 2016 race, then that opens the door for some of the far right loons. The Circus Begins!:clap2:

Michele Bachmann / Louis Gohmert 2016!!!
Baloney. Pure baloney.

The question is not whether he knew about the closings, but whether he either ordered them or was aware that they had been ordered by someone on his staff as a vindictive measure against the mayor of that town.

So what if he knew about the lane closings? Means absolutely nothing.

More Democrat attempts to kill his '16 candidacy.

Pretty lame.

We will have to see what the so-called evidence is. Selective timing...right before the Super Bowl. :eusa_whistle: I would think Dems would hate to see this come out as facts. I couldn't care less, from a political standpoint. If he is guilty he deserves to be down those 20 points he already is. If he isn't guilty, he will survive this. Whatever.

Here is the letter from the attorney for David Wildstein:

"Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey knew about the lane closings as they were happening, a letter released on Friday by the lawyer of David Wildstein said. JAN. 31, 2014"


The former
[Ex-] Port Authority official who personally oversaw the lane closings at the George Washington Bridge, central to the scandal now swirling around Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, said on Friday that “evidence exists” the governor knew about the lane closings when they were happening.
Accusations from Democrats against the Republican Governor with no papework to back them up, whooda thought?
Nah, he's a politician with power and he's not afraid to use it. He'll come out of this probably as a Dem and maybe even be nominated to run as Hillary's running mate.

He's not going to survive as Governor.

However I am not discounting an "Act 2". He has got a lot of talent.

Well, he shouldn't survive as Governor. That does not mean he won't.

This isn't the only thing coming at him.

He's got three scandals, that each alone, would doom most governors.

I don't see him surviving for more than a couple of months.
Baloney. Pure baloney.

The question is not whether he knew about the closings, but whether he either ordered them or was aware that they had been ordered by someone on his staff as a vindictive measure against the mayor of that town.

So what if he knew about the lane closings? Means absolutely nothing.

More Democrat attempts to kill his '16 candidacy.

Pretty lame.

We will have to see what the so-called evidence is. Selective timing...right before the Super Bowl. :eusa_whistle: I would think Dems would hate to see this come out as facts. I couldn't care less, from a political standpoint. If he is guilty he deserves to be down those 20 points he already is. If he isn't guilty, he will survive this. Whatever.

Here is the letter from the attorney for David Wildstein:

"Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey knew about the lane closings as they were happening, a letter released on Friday by the lawyer of David Wildstein said. JAN. 31, 2014"


The former
[Ex-] Port Authority official who personally oversaw the lane closings at the George Washington Bridge, central to the scandal now swirling around Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, said on Friday that “evidence exists” the governor knew about the lane closings when they were happening.

Knowing about the lane closings and ordering them for political retribution is entirely two different things. GEEEEZE Democrats grab at anything!!
what facts have you posted luddley?


you made the claim, back it up or be another jakestarkey

That's what I thought.

All the facts aren't in. I'll give you that. But, given the facts we have now, my bet is he knew and he ordered it.

And, I'll be that when it is proven that he did know and did order it, you and other brainless hacks like brown trout will still be trying to make it about Dems.

But hey, I understand you've got to go with what little you have.


you admit you're wrong and all the facts aren't in....and then you criticize me...

pound sand loser....i have yet to make a judgment on this case.

And the world is just waiting with baited breath to hear your judgement.

Quick, call the press: this is BIG.

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