Told Ya'll Christie KNEW!

To quote Hillary, "what difference at this point does it make?" I've learned from Obama that all of these scandals are phony and caused by people who don't like the color of your skin. What do people have against pastey white guys like Christie?

Take your Obama analogies and put them up your @ss. This thread is NOT about the POTUS. It is about a man who would be POTUS. Got it?

I have an even better idea. Fuck you hypocrite.....and wash the sand out of your mangina Nancy.

BaHahahahaaaa.....If you can't handle the topic, and you can't, then find yourself an Obama thread here. There's plenty of them.
Waiting for a press conference, which you can be sure will occur after 6pm. :popcorn:

You mean Christie? Tonight? I doubt it. He's behind closed doors with his lawyers plotting the end of David Wildstein, which will be most likely at the bottom of the Hudson "....sleepin' wid da' fishes".
Waiting for a press conference, which you can be sure will occur after 6pm. :popcorn:

You mean Christie? Tonight? I doubt it. He's behind closed doors with his lawyers plotting the end of David Wildstein, which will be most likely at the bottom of the Hudson "....sleepin' wid da' fishes".

Christie probably isn't sleeping all that well himself these days. This story has grown legs and now it spreading all over the state.

Pure speculation on my part but I wonder if his decision to shut down the tunnel project was another abuse of power?
Waiting for a press conference, which you can be sure will occur after 6pm. :popcorn:

And by Monday the worst of the fallout will have long blown over, but we can be sure Dems will continue to persecute him while surprisingly Reps will continue to defend him. It makes little sense since he is a liberal more closely associated with liberal Dem policies than Rep, but then it seems that only the initial after a politician's name matter these days.

I said it from the very beginning, that this thing was about a LOT MORE THAN A TRAFFIC JAM ON THE BRIDGE.

Christie Knew About Lane Closings, Ex-Port Authority Official Says

The former Port Authority official who personally oversaw the lane closings on the George Washington Bridge in the scandal now swirling around Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said on Friday that the governor knew about the lane closings when they were happening, and that he had the evidence to prove it.

In a letter released by his lawyer, the official, David Wildstein, a high school friend of Mr. Christie’s who was appointed with the governor’s blessing at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which controls the bridge, described the order to close the lanes as “the Christie administration’s order” and said “evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference” three weeks ago.

“Mr. Wildstein contests the accuracy of various statements that the governor made about him and he can prove the inaccuracy of some,” the letter added.

The letter marked the first signal that Mr. Christie may have been aware of the closings, something he repeatedly denied during thenews conference.

In early January, documents revealed that a deputy chief of staff to Mr. Christie, Bridget Anne Kelly, had sent an email to Mr. Wildstein saying, “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” the town at the New Jersey end of the bridge, where Mr. Christie’s aides had pursued but failed to receive an endorsement from the mayor.

Mr. Christie has steadfastly denied that he knew before this month that anyone in his administration was responsible for the lane closings, and his administration has tried to portray it as the actions of a rogue staff member.

The governor fired Ms. Kelly. Mr. Wildstein, the director of interstate capital projects at the Port Authority, resigned.""""

To quote Hillary, "what difference at this point does it make?" I've learned from Obama that all of these scandals are phony and caused by people who don't like the color of your skin. What do people have against pastey white guys like Christie?

Take your Obama analogies and put them up your @ss. This thread is NOT about the POTUS. It is about a man who would be POTUS. Got it?

IOW, pleez knows O is guilty as hell, a liar, incompetent but he just can't bring himself to acknowledge it. Yes, we got it.
Waiting for a press conference, which you can be sure will occur after 6pm. :popcorn:

You mean Christie? Tonight? I doubt it. He's behind closed doors with his lawyers plotting the end of David Wildstein, which will be most likely at the bottom of the Hudson "....sleepin' wid da' fishes".

Christie probably isn't sleeping all that well himself these days. This story has grown legs and now it spreading all over the state.

Pure speculation on my part but I wonder if his decision to shut down the tunnel project was another abuse of power?

Are you talking about the new tunnel that was supposed to go into Manhattan?

Report Disputes Christie’s Basis for Halting Tunnel
Published: April 10, 2012 411 Comments

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey exaggerated when he declared that unforeseen costs to the state were forcing him to cancel the new train tunnel planned to relieve congested routes across the Hudson River, according to a long-awaited report by independent Congressional investigators.

The report by the Government Accountability Office, to be released this week, found that while Mr. Christie said that state transportation officials had revised cost estimates for the tunnel to at least $11 billion and potentially more than $14 billion, the range of estimates had in fact remained unchanged in the two years before he announced in 2010 that he was shutting down the project. And state transportation officials, the report says, had said the cost would be no more than $10 billion. """""
To quote Hillary, "what difference at this point does it make?" I've learned from Obama that all of these scandals are phony and caused by people who don't like the color of your skin. What do people have against pastey white guys like Christie?

Take your Obama analogies and put them up your @ss. This thread is NOT about the POTUS. It is about a man who would be POTUS. Got it?

IOW, pleez knows O is guilty as hell, a liar, incompetent but he just can't bring himself to acknowledge it. Yes, we got it.

So you can't stick to the topic either? Can't defend your GOP Go-To Guy for 2016? So let's talk about Obama..... Loser.
Katie Couric saved America from Sarah Palin and Steve Kornacki saved America from Chris Christie. Too bad you fucking righties don't have someone who could have saved us from Bush and Cheney.
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Baloney. Pure baloney.

The question is not whether he knew about the closings, but whether he either ordered them or was aware that they had been ordered by someone on his staff as a vindictive measure against the mayor of that town.

So what if he knew about the lane closings? Means absolutely nothing.

More Democrat attempts to kill his '16 candidacy.

Pretty lame.

The left has latched onto the first thing that even resembles a scandal and they won't let go. Meanwhile, Obama's numerous scandals still get ignored and they accept that he knows nothing about what goes on in his administration.

Is there anyone who didn't know about the lane closings? I know when lanes are closed around here because it's on the news. Gee, maybe Christie found out about it on the news, just like Obama finds out about way more serious stuff on the news.

How about some consistency, liberals? If Christie is guilty, I'll be the first to insist that he resigns and faces charges. If evidence surfaces that indicates he is behind the closings for nefarious purposes, I will agree that we need to get to the bottom of this and kick people's asses over this. By the way, I have the same exact expectations for all of the Obama scandals. How about you liberals, do you feel the same about any dishonesty and corruption no matter who it involves?
Take your Obama analogies and put them up your @ss. This thread is NOT about the POTUS. It is about a man who would be POTUS. Got it?

IOW, pleez knows O is guilty as hell, a liar, incompetent but he just can't bring himself to acknowledge it. Yes, we got it.

So you can't stick to the topic either? Can't defend your GOP Go-To Guy for 2016? So let's talk about Obama? Loser.

No, not at all. I'm quite glad to see this.....especially if he's guilty. Christie represented none of my views.
Take your Obama analogies and put them up your @ss. This thread is NOT about the POTUS. It is about a man who would be POTUS. Got it?

IOW, pleez knows O is guilty as hell, a liar, incompetent but he just can't bring himself to acknowledge it. Yes, we got it.

So you can't stick to the topic either? Can't defend your GOP Go-To Guy for 2016? So let's talk about Obama..... Loser.
Katie Couric saved America from Sarah Palin and Steve Kornacki saved America from Chris Christie. Too bad you fucking righties don't have someone who could have saved us from Bush and Cheney.

But they disappeared and failed to save us from O.
Waiting for a press conference, which you can be sure will occur after 6pm. :popcorn:

And by Monday the worst of the fallout will have long blown over, but we can be sure Dems will continue to persecute him while surprisingly Reps will continue to defend him. It makes little sense since he is a liberal more closely associated with liberal Dem policies than Rep, but then it seems that only the initial after a politician's name matter these days.

My oh my.....It's no mistake that this broke on a Friday afternoon before the Super Bowl.
The prosecutor Reid Schar gave Christie that much. Time to get his shit together over a weekend when stupid Americans are going to be distracted by a football game.
IOW, pleez knows O is guilty as hell, a liar, incompetent but he just can't bring himself to acknowledge it. Yes, we got it.

So you can't stick to the topic either? Can't defend your GOP Go-To Guy for 2016? So let's talk about Obama..... Loser.
Katie Couric saved America from Sarah Palin and Steve Kornacki saved America from Chris Christie. Too bad you fucking righties don't have someone who could have saved us from Bush and Cheney.

But they disappeared and failed to save us from O.

Just shows you what a miserable failure Fox News and the right wing media is, doesn't it?
Let it be a lesson to republican politicians. Christie is hardly a "Tea Party" republican. As a matter of fact you couldn't tell his social policies from the democrat platform and he posed in front of the cameras loving it up with Barry Hussein and the lady mayor of Hoboken but they all turned on him simply because he has a "R" after his name.

I said it from the very beginning, that this thing was about a LOT MORE THAN A TRAFFIC JAM ON THE BRIDGE.

Christie Knew About Lane Closings, Ex-Port Authority Official Says

The former Port Authority official who personally oversaw the lane closings on the George Washington Bridge in the scandal now swirling around Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said on Friday that the governor knew about the lane closings when they were happening, and that he had the evidence to prove it.

In a letter released by his lawyer, the official, David Wildstein, a high school friend of Mr. Christie’s who was appointed with the governor’s blessing at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which controls the bridge, described the order to close the lanes as “the Christie administration’s order” and said “evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference” three weeks ago.

“Mr. Wildstein contests the accuracy of various statements that the governor made about him and he can prove the inaccuracy of some,” the letter added.

The letter marked the first signal that Mr. Christie may have been aware of the closings, something he repeatedly denied during thenews conference.

In early January, documents revealed that a deputy chief of staff to Mr. Christie, Bridget Anne Kelly, had sent an email to Mr. Wildstein saying, “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” the town at the New Jersey end of the bridge, where Mr. Christie’s aides had pursued but failed to receive an endorsement from the mayor.

Mr. Christie has steadfastly denied that he knew before this month that anyone in his administration was responsible for the lane closings, and his administration has tried to portray it as the actions of a rogue staff member.

The governor fired Ms. Kelly. Mr. Wildstein, the director of interstate capital projects at the Port Authority, resigned.""""

To quote Hillary, "what difference at this point does it make?" I've learned from Obama that all of these scandals are phony and caused by people who don't like the color of your skin. What do people have against pastey white guys like Christie?

Take your Obama analogies and put them up your @ss. This thread is NOT about the POTUS. It is about a man who would be POTUS. Got it?

Let it be a lesson to republican politicians. Christie is hardly a "Tea Party" republican. As a matter of fact you couldn't tell his social policies from the democrat platform and he posed in front of the cameras loving it up with Barry Hussein and the lady mayor of Hoboken but they all turned on him simply because he has a "R" after his name.

The Tea Party turned on Christie because he hugged Obama and they blamed him for costing Romney the election.

I said it from the very beginning, that this thing was about a LOT MORE THAN A TRAFFIC JAM ON THE BRIDGE.

Christie Knew About Lane Closings, Ex-Port Authority Official Says

The former Port Authority official who personally oversaw the lane closings on the George Washington Bridge in the scandal now swirling around Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said on Friday that the governor knew about the lane closings when they were happening, and that he had the evidence to prove it.

In a letter released by his lawyer, the official, David Wildstein, a high school friend of Mr. Christie’s who was appointed with the governor’s blessing at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which controls the bridge, described the order to close the lanes as “the Christie administration’s order” and said “evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference” three weeks ago.

“Mr. Wildstein contests the accuracy of various statements that the governor made about him and he can prove the inaccuracy of some,” the letter added.

The letter marked the first signal that Mr. Christie may have been aware of the closings, something he repeatedly denied during thenews conference.

In early January, documents revealed that a deputy chief of staff to Mr. Christie, Bridget Anne Kelly, had sent an email to Mr. Wildstein saying, “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” the town at the New Jersey end of the bridge, where Mr. Christie’s aides had pursued but failed to receive an endorsement from the mayor.

Mr. Christie has steadfastly denied that he knew before this month that anyone in his administration was responsible for the lane closings, and his administration has tried to portray it as the actions of a rogue staff member.

The governor fired Ms. Kelly. Mr. Wildstein, the director of interstate capital projects at the Port Authority, resigned.""""

Christie's done.

Stick a fork in him.
Let it be a lesson to republican politicians. Christie is hardly a "Tea Party" republican. As a matter of fact you couldn't tell his social policies from the democrat platform and he posed in front of the cameras loving it up with Barry Hussein and the lady mayor of Hoboken but they all turned on him simply because he has a "R" after his name.

He Vetoed gay marriage (later passed) and an increase in the minimum wage (later passed). He's anti-abortion, he's a HUGE corporatist, and he's in favor of tax breaks for the wealthy (Christie Revives Tax Cut That Would Give 40 Percent Of Its Benefit To The Top 1 Percent | ThinkProgress)

How the HELLLLLLL is he democrat at all??? He held hands with Obama during a photo OP and now he's suddenly Liberal-in-the-closet? You know that sounds nuts right?

I said it from the very beginning, that this thing was about a LOT MORE THAN A TRAFFIC JAM ON THE BRIDGE.

Christie Knew About Lane Closings, Ex-Port Authority Official Says

The former Port Authority official who personally oversaw the lane closings on the George Washington Bridge in the scandal now swirling around Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said on Friday that the governor knew about the lane closings when they were happening, and that he had the evidence to prove it.

In a letter released by his lawyer, the official, David Wildstein, a high school friend of Mr. Christie’s who was appointed with the governor’s blessing at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which controls the bridge, described the order to close the lanes as “the Christie administration’s order” and said “evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference” three weeks ago.

“Mr. Wildstein contests the accuracy of various statements that the governor made about him and he can prove the inaccuracy of some,” the letter added.

The letter marked the first signal that Mr. Christie may have been aware of the closings, something he repeatedly denied during thenews conference.

In early January, documents revealed that a deputy chief of staff to Mr. Christie, Bridget Anne Kelly, had sent an email to Mr. Wildstein saying, “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” the town at the New Jersey end of the bridge, where Mr. Christie’s aides had pursued but failed to receive an endorsement from the mayor.

Mr. Christie has steadfastly denied that he knew before this month that anyone in his administration was responsible for the lane closings, and his administration has tried to portray it as the actions of a rogue staff member.

The governor fired Ms. Kelly. Mr. Wildstein, the director of interstate capital projects at the Port Authority, resigned.""""

Christie's done.

Stick a fork in him.

Nah, he's a politician with power and he's not afraid to use it. He'll come out of this probably as a Dem and maybe even be nominated to run as Hillary's running mate.

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