Tom Coburn of Oaklahoma Flips Off Suicidal Veterans

Wastebook 2014 What Washington doesn t want you to read. - Press Releases - Tom Coburn M.D. United States Senator from Oklahoma

Coburn has been a champion of reduced Gov't spending. He produces the wastebook every year on wasteful spending.

He will not go with the whim of these bills unless it is justified. He has wanted cuts in spending for quite some time to lower the he is simply trying to stop spending that he sees paid for in another way.

By no means is this throwing the vets under the bus.

Wave The Flag and Tell The Lie.

Coburn fucked over the Vets your cheer him on....
Please the other ways he fucked over the Vets.........I'm a Vet as well. He stated that the problem is mismanagement, not creating more legislation. Prove him wrong.

Our gov't throws money at stuff all the time and it doesn't always fix the problem. How will this money fix the overall problem? Most of the time, they throw money at programs without considering what will work the best.

I have no problem with tax payers dollars going to vets for their service, but I want to know that it's the right move and not just slinging money at everything. Everything adds the debt.

Novel idea...............include cuts from the wastebook to pay for it.
When a liberal tries to stick up for a veteran. I have to ask, what else was in the bill , to make him vote against it? What liberal program or research was put in with it?

I am a Liberal and I am Veteran and you prefer to stick up for a man who decided to fuck over Veterans. What does that say about you.

You and your ConJob Buddies are more than willing to send Men and Women off to fight in your fucking wars and when they come home in need of medical care you fuck them gladly fuck them over.
The bill he voted against was a duplicate bill, there is already one funding it. He just wanted to make sure the money would be spent correctly and where the cut in the budget would come from, but liberals will spin anything. Like I said when a liberal defends a soldier something is wrong.
When a liberal tries to stick up for a veteran. I have to ask, what else was in the bill , to make him vote against it? What liberal program or research was put in with it?

I am a Liberal and I am Veteran and you prefer to stick up for a man who decided to fuck over Veterans. What does that say about you.

You and your ConJob Buddies are more than willing to send Men and Women off to fight in your fucking wars and when they come home in need of medical care you fuck them gladly fuck them over.

How did he fuck over the Veterans?
He was against a duplicate of an existing service that has been funded and he doesn't think that the existing service is solving the problem and wants a program that would work.
How is that fucking them over?
You're such a fucking douchebag. Using wounded vets as your stupid partisan joke tagine.

For them, its not a joke.

Its dead damn serious.

Too bad the right doesn't feel that way.
When a liberal tries to stick up for a veteran. I have to ask, what else was in the bill , to make him vote against it? What liberal program or research was put in with it?

If a lib claims he voted against a hospital because it was "too nice," that means it's a gold plated white elephant that probably cost 4 times what a comparable private hospital would cost.
2014 s Final Act Of Republican Obstruction And How The D.C. Press Again Looked Away Blog Media Matters for America.

In a final gesture of total contempt to the Men and Women he voted to send off to war, RePug Tom Coburn blocked a bill that had passed by unanimus vote in the Republican Controlled House of Representatives.

The bill would have funded a program for Suicidal Vets. Mr. Coburn basically told them to Die and Die quickly....yep a RePug Death Panel in action.

The War Hawk Coburn also blocked funding of a New Veteran's Hospital in Oaklahoma because it "Was Too Nice".

Coburn had no problem supporting the Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Coburn had no problem voting for the spending of those wars that resulted in National Deficit that went into the Trillions of Dollars.

Yet, Coburn does not give two shits about the Men and Women who fought those wars. Fuck'em and let die.

A perfect example of RePug Health Care (or the lack thereof) in action.

So why should we have a duplicate bill on top of the one that is being funded and not get one that would actually solve the problem?
He is a Doctor and I have not heard of any doctor that wants patients to die.

I guess our resident dimwits don't understand that left wing blogs actually link to legitimate sources, unlike right wing blogs.

Senator s Hold Threatens Clay Hunt Veteran Suicide Legislation

The Clay Hunt Act would speed up access to mental health care to veterans, including reservists, boost VA efforts to hire more psychiatrists, and review all current VA mental health programs for effectiveness.

Hunt was a Marine who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He came home wounded and was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. He became active in helping other veterans, including as a member of Team Rubicon, a non-profit group organization that puts skilled veterans together with first responders to aid in national or international catastrophes and emergencies.

Hunt was 28 when he committed suicide in March of 2011.

Since then he has been a symbol of veteran suicide, which VA officials say occurs an average of 22 times per day. The Clay Hunt Act has been supported by Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, The American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Military Officers Association of America, among other groups.

In an online statement, IAVA quotes Richard Selke, Hunt's stepfather, in calling on Coburn to lift his hold on the bill.

"[Clay's mother] Susan and I are conservative Republicans from the state of Texas," Selke said. "I appreciate your vigilance over our budget. The bill we are talking about is projected to cost about $22 million dollars. That's a lot of money to me. It's a lot of money to you. But in the context of the value of a human life, it is insignificant."
2014 s Final Act Of Republican Obstruction And How The D.C. Press Again Looked Away Blog Media Matters for America.

In a final gesture of total contempt to the Men and Women he voted to send off to war, RePug Tom Coburn blocked a bill that had passed by unanimus vote in the Republican Controlled House of Representatives.

The bill would have funded a program for Suicidal Vets. Mr. Coburn basically told them to Die and Die quickly....yep a RePug Death Panel in action.

The War Hawk Coburn also blocked funding of a New Veteran's Hospital in Oaklahoma because it "Was Too Nice".

Coburn had no problem supporting the Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Coburn had no problem voting for the spending of those wars that resulted in National Deficit that went into the Trillions of Dollars.

Yet, Coburn does not give two shits about the Men and Women who fought those wars. Fuck'em and let die.

A perfect example of RePug Health Care (or the lack thereof) in action.

So why should we have a duplicate bill on top of the one that is being funded and not get one that would actually solve the problem?
He is a Doctor and I have not heard of any doctor that wants patients to die.

It's not a duplicate bill. It's badly needed additional funding.
2014 s Final Act Of Republican Obstruction And How The D.C. Press Again Looked Away Blog Media Matters for America.

In a final gesture of total contempt to the Men and Women he voted to send off to war, RePug Tom Coburn blocked a bill that had passed by unanimus vote in the Republican Controlled House of Representatives.

The bill would have funded a program for Suicidal Vets. Mr. Coburn basically told them to Die and Die quickly....yep a RePug Death Panel in action.

The War Hawk Coburn also blocked funding of a New Veteran's Hospital in Oaklahoma because it "Was Too Nice".

Coburn had no problem supporting the Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Coburn had no problem voting for the spending of those wars that resulted in National Deficit that went into the Trillions of Dollars.

Yet, Coburn does not give two shits about the Men and Women who fought those wars. Fuck'em and let die.

A perfect example of RePug Health Care (or the lack thereof) in action.

So why should we have a duplicate bill on top of the one that is being funded and not get one that would actually solve the problem?
He is a Doctor and I have not heard of any doctor that wants patients to die.

It's not a duplicate bill. It's badly needed additional funding.

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK). Claiming it duplicates already existing services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs, that the bill "throws money and it doesn't solve the real problem," and its costs aren't offset by cuts elsewhere in the budget,
They need to get a bill that actually works not just additional bills that only adds more money.
We need to get costs under control with efficient bills that works, not add more to the debt.
When a liberal tries to stick up for a veteran. I have to ask, what else was in the bill , to make him vote against it? What liberal program or research was put in with it?

Why don't you get off your fat ass and research it then?
When a liberal tries to stick up for a veteran. I have to ask, what else was in the bill , to make him vote against it? What liberal program or research was put in with it?

Why don't you get off your fat ass and research it then?|/home/LegislativeData.php|


Helps pay off student loans for psychiatrists rather than the money going to the vets.
They make good money and they can pay off their own debts.
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2014 s Final Act Of Republican Obstruction And How The D.C. Press Again Looked Away Blog Media Matters for America.

In a final gesture of total contempt to the Men and Women he voted to send off to war, RePug Tom Coburn blocked a bill that had passed by unanimus vote in the Republican Controlled House of Representatives.

The bill would have funded a program for Suicidal Vets. Mr. Coburn basically told them to Die and Die quickly....yep a RePug Death Panel in action.

The War Hawk Coburn also blocked funding of a New Veteran's Hospital in Oaklahoma because it "Was Too Nice".

Coburn had no problem supporting the Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Coburn had no problem voting for the spending of those wars that resulted in National Deficit that went into the Trillions of Dollars.

Yet, Coburn does not give two shits about the Men and Women who fought those wars. Fuck'em and let die.

A perfect example of RePug Health Care (or the lack thereof) in action.

So why should we have a duplicate bill on top of the one that is being funded and not get one that would actually solve the problem?
He is a Doctor and I have not heard of any doctor that wants patients to die.

It's not a duplicate bill. It's badly needed additional funding.

And not only is it needed, but in the larger picture, it's peanuts. It's $22 million over five years. Less than even a thousandth of the total budget, for a critical problem that needs work now.
2014 s Final Act Of Republican Obstruction And How The D.C. Press Again Looked Away Blog Media Matters for America.

In a final gesture of total contempt to the Men and Women he voted to send off to war, RePug Tom Coburn blocked a bill that had passed by unanimus vote in the Republican Controlled House of Representatives.

The bill would have funded a program for Suicidal Vets. Mr. Coburn basically told them to Die and Die quickly....yep a RePug Death Panel in action.

The War Hawk Coburn also blocked funding of a New Veteran's Hospital in Oaklahoma because it "Was Too Nice".

Coburn had no problem supporting the Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Coburn had no problem voting for the spending of those wars that resulted in National Deficit that went into the Trillions of Dollars.

Yet, Coburn does not give two shits about the Men and Women who fought those wars. Fuck'em and let die.

A perfect example of RePug Health Care (or the lack thereof) in action.

So why should we have a duplicate bill on top of the one that is being funded and not get one that would actually solve the problem?
He is a Doctor and I have not heard of any doctor that wants patients to die.

It's not a duplicate bill. It's badly needed additional funding.

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK). Claiming it duplicates already existing services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs, that the bill "throws money and it doesn't solve the real problem," and its costs aren't offset by cuts elsewhere in the budget,
They need to get a bill that actually works not just additional bills that only adds more money.
We need to get costs under control with efficient bills that works, not add more to the debt.

Here's where I'm convinced Coburn doesn't give a shit about veterans.

 Other components of the bill that are not offset:
o Extends the VA eligibility for veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. This
extension will cost $6 million over five years. He's against veterans who fought a war receiving care from here on out.
o Requires an annual third-party evaluation of VA’s mental health and suicide
prevention programs. This evaluation will cost $5 million over five years. After years of screaming for accountabililty, now he says he doesn't want it.
o Requires VA to establish a website with all of VA’s mental health resources. Cost
is $1 million over five years. A great idea for veterans looking for help, possible preventing suicides.
o Allow VA to exchange suicide prevention training and best practices with nonprofits.
Cost is $1 million over five years. See above.

More on Coburn's record opposing the VA:

Let's look at Tom Coburn's record. Last February, Coburn blocked a proposal to add $ 21 billion to the VA - even though the VA is overwhelmed with eligible veterans and notoriously underfunded. (Some VA facilities must use compters from the 1990's)
IN addition, Tom Coburn blocked the following measures to help veterans:
HR 446, The Wounded veteran job security Act
HR 1168, the Veteran's Retraining Act
HR 1171, the Homeless Veteran's Reintegration Reauthorizaton
HR 1293, the Disabled Veterans Home Improvement Act,
SB 3457,. the Veterans' Job Corps Act
Hr 1803. the Veterans' Business Center Act,
HR 2352, the Job Creation through Entrepreneurship Act
Coburn refuses to adjust VA benefits due to inflation. He wants to shut down Medicaid and SNAP, which many veteran families depend upon for survival.
Dr. Coburn s Statement on Protecting Veterans and Taxpayers - Right Now - Tom Coburn M.D. United States Senator from Oklahoma

“Congress should hold VA bureaucrats accountable for their failing programs and substandard medical care instead of passing legislation that will do little to solve the tragic challenge of veteran suicides.” said Senator Coburn. “Our military heroes deserve more than false promises. It is dishonest for Congress to pretend that passing yet another bill will finally solve the challenges plaguing the VA.”
“The VA has proven that questions need to be asked before it is entrusted with the lives of veterans or the money of taxpayers. The only way Congress can help the VA solve this problem is through rigorous oversight, to ensure the promises we’ve already made are being carried out. New programs and new funding is not the answer, but give false hope to those already suffering.”
More than 1,000 veterans have died a result of poor medical care and waiting lines at the VA, found Friendly Fire: Death, Delay, and Dismay at the VA, a report on mismanagement at the VA released by Dr. Coburn earlier this year. Among its findings, the report exposed the failure of the VA in addressing the mental health needs of our servicemen and women. The VA failed to meet its 14-day goal in 34 percent of new mental health appointments in the areas of psychiatry, psychology, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse in 2013.
“This is a serious issue and needs a serious response. Only in Washington would someone think the answer is to give more money and responsibility to an agency that has made headlines all year for providing substandard care, long delays for veterans to see a health care provider, and mismanagement,” said Coburn. “Instead of pretending this bill will somehow fix the problem—which the President just signed a $10 billion bill in August to address—is typical Washington.”
As a physician, Dr. Coburn believes veterans should have access to the best medical are and any doctor they choose, not locked inside this broken system that clearly does not have the necessary mix of providers needed to care for vets in a timely manner. The legislation he introduced with Senators McCain and Burr, the Veteran’s Choice Act, was the basis for giving veterans more choice and accessibility to medical providers and non-VA hospitals in veteran’s hometowns.
“How many bills need to be passed before Congress realizes the VA is unaccountable and takes real actions to ensure the fulfillment of the promises made to our veterans?”

I want good quality health care for our veterans. Not another bill that wastes money and the VA needs to actually be fixed that makes it much more efficient and is held accountable for the deaths of our veterans.
Taxpayers should not have to pay Psychiatrists student loans off.
2014 s Final Act Of Republican Obstruction And How The D.C. Press Again Looked Away Blog Media Matters for America.

In a final gesture of total contempt to the Men and Women he voted to send off to war, RePug Tom Coburn blocked a bill that had passed by unanimus vote in the Republican Controlled House of Representatives.

The bill would have funded a program for Suicidal Vets. Mr. Coburn basically told them to Die and Die quickly....yep a RePug Death Panel in action.

The War Hawk Coburn also blocked funding of a New Veteran's Hospital in Oaklahoma because it "Was Too Nice".

Coburn had no problem supporting the Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Coburn had no problem voting for the spending of those wars that resulted in National Deficit that went into the Trillions of Dollars.

Yet, Coburn does not give two shits about the Men and Women who fought those wars. Fuck'em and let die.

A perfect example of RePug Health Care (or the lack thereof) in action.

So why should we have a duplicate bill on top of the one that is being funded and not get one that would actually solve the problem?
He is a Doctor and I have not heard of any doctor that wants patients to die.

It's not a duplicate bill. It's badly needed additional funding.

And not only is it needed, but in the larger picture, it's peanuts. It's $22 million over five years. Less than even a thousandth of the total budget, for a critical problem that needs work now.

Yes, and that is the problem each every one keeps adding the peanuts, till it adds up to billions and then trillions.
I would not have had a problem with it so much if something else had been cut to pay for it.
2014 s Final Act Of Republican Obstruction And How The D.C. Press Again Looked Away Blog Media Matters for America.

In a final gesture of total contempt to the Men and Women he voted to send off to war, RePug Tom Coburn blocked a bill that had passed by unanimus vote in the Republican Controlled House of Representatives.

The bill would have funded a program for Suicidal Vets. Mr. Coburn basically told them to Die and Die quickly....yep a RePug Death Panel in action.

The War Hawk Coburn also blocked funding of a New Veteran's Hospital in Oaklahoma because it "Was Too Nice".

Coburn had no problem supporting the Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Coburn had no problem voting for the spending of those wars that resulted in National Deficit that went into the Trillions of Dollars.

Yet, Coburn does not give two shits about the Men and Women who fought those wars. Fuck'em and let die.

A perfect example of RePug Health Care (or the lack thereof) in action.

So why should we have a duplicate bill on top of the one that is being funded and not get one that would actually solve the problem?
He is a Doctor and I have not heard of any doctor that wants patients to die.

It's not a duplicate bill. It's badly needed additional funding.

And not only is it needed, but in the larger picture, it's peanuts. It's $22 million over five years. Less than even a thousandth of the total budget, for a critical problem that needs work now.

Yes, and that is the problem each every one keeps adding the peanuts, till it adds up to billions and then trillions.
I would not have had a problem with it so much if something else had been cut to pay for it.

Defense budget?

Oil subsidies?




Tax breaks for corporations?
Dr. Coburn s Statement on Protecting Veterans and Taxpayers - Right Now - Tom Coburn M.D. United States Senator from Oklahoma

“Congress should hold VA bureaucrats accountable for their failing programs and substandard medical care instead of passing legislation that will do little to solve the tragic challenge of veteran suicides.” said Senator Coburn. “Our military heroes deserve more than false promises. It is dishonest for Congress to pretend that passing yet another bill will finally solve the challenges plaguing the VA.”
“The VA has proven that questions need to be asked before it is entrusted with the lives of veterans or the money of taxpayers. The only way Congress can help the VA solve this problem is through rigorous oversight, to ensure the promises we’ve already made are being carried out. New programs and new funding is not the answer, but give false hope to those already suffering.”
More than 1,000 veterans have died a result of poor medical care and waiting lines at the VA, found Friendly Fire: Death, Delay, and Dismay at the VA, a report on mismanagement at the VA released by Dr. Coburn earlier this year. Among its findings, the report exposed the failure of the VA in addressing the mental health needs of our servicemen and women. The VA failed to meet its 14-day goal in 34 percent of new mental health appointments in the areas of psychiatry, psychology, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse in 2013.
“This is a serious issue and needs a serious response. Only in Washington would someone think the answer is to give more money and responsibility to an agency that has made headlines all year for providing substandard care, long delays for veterans to see a health care provider, and mismanagement,” said Coburn. “Instead of pretending this bill will somehow fix the problem—which the President just signed a $10 billion bill in August to address—is typical Washington.”
As a physician, Dr. Coburn believes veterans should have access to the best medical are and any doctor they choose, not locked inside this broken system that clearly does not have the necessary mix of providers needed to care for vets in a timely manner. The legislation he introduced with Senators McCain and Burr, the Veteran’s Choice Act, was the basis for giving veterans more choice and accessibility to medical providers and non-VA hospitals in veteran’s hometowns.
“How many bills need to be passed before Congress realizes the VA is unaccountable and takes real actions to ensure the fulfillment of the promises made to our veterans?”

I want good quality health care for our veterans. Not another bill that wastes money and the VA needs to actually be fixed that makes it much more efficient and is held accountable for the deaths of our veterans.
Taxpayers should not have to pay Psychiatrists student loans off.

So why does he want the VA privatized? And yes, given the dearth of medical professionals out there, helping the poor who could never otherwise afford a medical career is a great idea.
Dr. Coburn s Statement on Protecting Veterans and Taxpayers - Right Now - Tom Coburn M.D. United States Senator from Oklahoma

“Congress should hold VA bureaucrats accountable for their failing programs and substandard medical care instead of passing legislation that will do little to solve the tragic challenge of veteran suicides.” said Senator Coburn. “Our military heroes deserve more than false promises. It is dishonest for Congress to pretend that passing yet another bill will finally solve the challenges plaguing the VA.”
“The VA has proven that questions need to be asked before it is entrusted with the lives of veterans or the money of taxpayers. The only way Congress can help the VA solve this problem is through rigorous oversight, to ensure the promises we’ve already made are being carried out. New programs and new funding is not the answer, but give false hope to those already suffering.”
More than 1,000 veterans have died a result of poor medical care and waiting lines at the VA, found Friendly Fire: Death, Delay, and Dismay at the VA, a report on mismanagement at the VA released by Dr. Coburn earlier this year. Among its findings, the report exposed the failure of the VA in addressing the mental health needs of our servicemen and women. The VA failed to meet its 14-day goal in 34 percent of new mental health appointments in the areas of psychiatry, psychology, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse in 2013.
“This is a serious issue and needs a serious response. Only in Washington would someone think the answer is to give more money and responsibility to an agency that has made headlines all year for providing substandard care, long delays for veterans to see a health care provider, and mismanagement,” said Coburn. “Instead of pretending this bill will somehow fix the problem—which the President just signed a $10 billion bill in August to address—is typical Washington.”
As a physician, Dr. Coburn believes veterans should have access to the best medical are and any doctor they choose, not locked inside this broken system that clearly does not have the necessary mix of providers needed to care for vets in a timely manner. The legislation he introduced with Senators McCain and Burr, the Veteran’s Choice Act, was the basis for giving veterans more choice and accessibility to medical providers and non-VA hospitals in veteran’s hometowns.
“How many bills need to be passed before Congress realizes the VA is unaccountable and takes real actions to ensure the fulfillment of the promises made to our veterans?”

I want good quality health care for our veterans. Not another bill that wastes money and the VA needs to actually be fixed that makes it much more efficient and is held accountable for the deaths of our veterans.
Taxpayers should not have to pay Psychiatrists student loans off.

So why does he want the VA privatized? And yes, given the dearth of medical professionals out there, helping the poor who could never otherwise afford a medical career is a great idea.

Choice is not privatizing and Psychiatrists make good money they can pay their own student loan off.
I agree that helping the poor to get good medial careers is great but that was not even the issue.
Dr. Coburn s Statement on Protecting Veterans and Taxpayers - Right Now - Tom Coburn M.D. United States Senator from Oklahoma

“Congress should hold VA bureaucrats accountable for their failing programs and substandard medical care instead of passing legislation that will do little to solve the tragic challenge of veteran suicides.” said Senator Coburn. “Our military heroes deserve more than false promises. It is dishonest for Congress to pretend that passing yet another bill will finally solve the challenges plaguing the VA.”
“The VA has proven that questions need to be asked before it is entrusted with the lives of veterans or the money of taxpayers. The only way Congress can help the VA solve this problem is through rigorous oversight, to ensure the promises we’ve already made are being carried out. New programs and new funding is not the answer, but give false hope to those already suffering.”
More than 1,000 veterans have died a result of poor medical care and waiting lines at the VA, found Friendly Fire: Death, Delay, and Dismay at the VA, a report on mismanagement at the VA released by Dr. Coburn earlier this year. Among its findings, the report exposed the failure of the VA in addressing the mental health needs of our servicemen and women. The VA failed to meet its 14-day goal in 34 percent of new mental health appointments in the areas of psychiatry, psychology, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse in 2013.
“This is a serious issue and needs a serious response. Only in Washington would someone think the answer is to give more money and responsibility to an agency that has made headlines all year for providing substandard care, long delays for veterans to see a health care provider, and mismanagement,” said Coburn. “Instead of pretending this bill will somehow fix the problem—which the President just signed a $10 billion bill in August to address—is typical Washington.”
As a physician, Dr. Coburn believes veterans should have access to the best medical are and any doctor they choose, not locked inside this broken system that clearly does not have the necessary mix of providers needed to care for vets in a timely manner. The legislation he introduced with Senators McCain and Burr, the Veteran’s Choice Act, was the basis for giving veterans more choice and accessibility to medical providers and non-VA hospitals in veteran’s hometowns.
“How many bills need to be passed before Congress realizes the VA is unaccountable and takes real actions to ensure the fulfillment of the promises made to our veterans?”

I want good quality health care for our veterans. Not another bill that wastes money and the VA needs to actually be fixed that makes it much more efficient and is held accountable for the deaths of our veterans.
Taxpayers should not have to pay Psychiatrists student loans off.

So why does he want the VA privatized? And yes, given the dearth of medical professionals out there, helping the poor who could never otherwise afford a medical career is a great idea.

Choice is not privatizing and Psychiatrists make good money they can pay their own student loan off.
I agree that helping the poor to get good medial careers is great but that was not even the issue.

It's a major factor. Additionally, the VA pays it's doctors less. By offering to pay for some of their schooling in exchange for a contract with them, it's a win-win.
Dr. Coburn s Statement on Protecting Veterans and Taxpayers - Right Now - Tom Coburn M.D. United States Senator from Oklahoma

“Congress should hold VA bureaucrats accountable for their failing programs and substandard medical care instead of passing legislation that will do little to solve the tragic challenge of veteran suicides.” said Senator Coburn. “Our military heroes deserve more than false promises. It is dishonest for Congress to pretend that passing yet another bill will finally solve the challenges plaguing the VA.”
“The VA has proven that questions need to be asked before it is entrusted with the lives of veterans or the money of taxpayers. The only way Congress can help the VA solve this problem is through rigorous oversight, to ensure the promises we’ve already made are being carried out. New programs and new funding is not the answer, but give false hope to those already suffering.”
More than 1,000 veterans have died a result of poor medical care and waiting lines at the VA, found Friendly Fire: Death, Delay, and Dismay at the VA, a report on mismanagement at the VA released by Dr. Coburn earlier this year. Among its findings, the report exposed the failure of the VA in addressing the mental health needs of our servicemen and women. The VA failed to meet its 14-day goal in 34 percent of new mental health appointments in the areas of psychiatry, psychology, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse in 2013.
“This is a serious issue and needs a serious response. Only in Washington would someone think the answer is to give more money and responsibility to an agency that has made headlines all year for providing substandard care, long delays for veterans to see a health care provider, and mismanagement,” said Coburn. “Instead of pretending this bill will somehow fix the problem—which the President just signed a $10 billion bill in August to address—is typical Washington.”
As a physician, Dr. Coburn believes veterans should have access to the best medical are and any doctor they choose, not locked inside this broken system that clearly does not have the necessary mix of providers needed to care for vets in a timely manner. The legislation he introduced with Senators McCain and Burr, the Veteran’s Choice Act, was the basis for giving veterans more choice and accessibility to medical providers and non-VA hospitals in veteran’s hometowns.
“How many bills need to be passed before Congress realizes the VA is unaccountable and takes real actions to ensure the fulfillment of the promises made to our veterans?”

I want good quality health care for our veterans. Not another bill that wastes money and the VA needs to actually be fixed that makes it much more efficient and is held accountable for the deaths of our veterans.
Taxpayers should not have to pay Psychiatrists student loans off.

So why does he want the VA privatized? And yes, given the dearth of medical professionals out there, helping the poor who could never otherwise afford a medical career is a great idea.

Choice is not privatizing and Psychiatrists make good money they can pay their own student loan off.
I agree that helping the poor to get good medial careers is great but that was not even the issue.

It's a major factor. Additionally, the VA pays it's doctors less. By offering to pay for some of their schooling in exchange for a contract with them, it's a win-win.

As long as it's offset by something else I would not have a problem with it but it wasn't.

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