Tom Cruise giving back a Golden Globe doesn't cut it for diversity. He should go into retirement for five years, have minority actors in his roles


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is an opinion obviously, but that would be a real sign of sacrifice. Just saying "hey, take back my Golden Globe" doesn't mean much when he still makes millions a film while some poor actor has to struggle to get big A-List salaries as he does.

He should do the honourable thing and retire for five years and have others in his roles. The next Mission Impossible should not reinforce the white, patriarch which he is a part of. We need diversity in the role of Ethan Hunt and Tom Cruise will undoubtably step up and do what is right because this issue is important to him obviously.

Some might view his position as fake platitudes for PR. Giving up employment for five years and allowing others to step in for him would be legitimate sacrifice with little self benefit.
And Joe Biden should go ahead and step down from being president so that Comma-La Hairass, who is a minority, can be president.
All that I can say is that one person's trash is another person's treasure. Whatever has been handed over in my opinion should go to his former co-star, Bronson Pinchot. To me, no one underneath the Lord living or deceased can touch him, I love him SO much!!!

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. Risky Business is the film that they did together.
This is an opinion obviously, but that would be a real sign of sacrifice. Just saying "hey, take back my Golden Globe" doesn't mean much when he still makes millions a film while some poor actor has to struggle to get big A-List salaries as he does.

He should do the honourable thing and retire for five years and have others in his roles. The next Mission Impossible should not reinforce the white, patriarch which he is a part of. We need diversity in the role of Ethan Hunt and Tom Cruise will undoubtably step up and do what is right because this issue is important to him obviously.

Some might view his position as fake platitudes for PR. Giving up employment for five years and allowing others to step in for him would be legitimate sacrifice with little self benefit.

Right on, brother!

Apparently, Mr. C. feels he has to prove how woke he is.

He should definitely turn over his "Mission Impossible" franchise to certain folks and let them produce, write, and star in any future films of that series.

It will positively thrill the woke community, even though those new films will tank at the box office.
This is an opinion obviously, but that would be a real sign of sacrifice. Just saying "hey, take back my Golden Globe" doesn't mean much when he still makes millions a film while some poor actor has to struggle to get big A-List salaries as he does.

He should do the honourable thing and retire for five years and have others in his roles. The next Mission Impossible should not reinforce the white, patriarch which he is a part of. We need diversity in the role of Ethan Hunt and Tom Cruise will undoubtably step up and do what is right because this issue is important to him obviously.

Some might view his position as fake platitudes for PR. Giving up employment for five years and allowing others to step in for him would be legitimate sacrifice with little self benefit.
I think all of the white people should just move out of their homes and turn them over to black people too. That way they will show they're not racists.
The awards are meaningless now years after the fact. Cruise is just running trying to get out in front of the woke mob in this latest reenactment of the insanity of the French revolution so he won't be attacked.

Save your money. Stay out of the theaters. Starve the monster to death.
This is an opinion obviously, but that would be a real sign of sacrifice. Just saying "hey, take back my Golden Globe" doesn't mean much when he still makes millions a film while some poor actor has to struggle to get big A-List salaries as he does.

He should do the honourable thing and retire for five years and have others in his roles. The next Mission Impossible should not reinforce the white, patriarch which he is a part of. We need diversity in the role of Ethan Hunt and Tom Cruise will undoubtably step up and do what is right because this issue is important to him obviously.

Some might view his position as fake platitudes for PR. Giving up employment for five years and allowing others to step in for him would be legitimate sacrifice with little self benefit.
The virtue signaling continues.

I am glad people are laughing at this bullshit. It's a positive sign.
He does do much more of the physical things in movies though. In a blue collar world he may have been half decent in the military or as a cop or fireman.
He does do much more of the physical things in movies though. In a blue collar world he may have been half decent in the military or as a cop or fireman.

He has a thrill seeking personality that's for sure. I give him credit for some of his stunts, Jackie Chan used to do many of his also.

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