Tomorrow feb 12 is birthday of our most famous white supremacist

Not the Great Emancipator: 10 Racist Quotes Abraham Lincoln Said About Black People - Page 3 of 5 - Atlanta Black Star

Lincoln was, indeed, a white supremacist. In his 1858 debate with Sen. Steven Douglas, Lincoln maintained, “And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

All real history books carry that quote but history TEXTBOOKS used in schools never do.
and yet we don't have a month to show him off in? Why not? Why is it that only a reward for the black men?
Start one if you want.
I don't need one. Why does anyone need one?
Then it does not meaning anything to you. So why bother?
It doesn't, I was asking why there wasn't one since there is one for black history. I don't get the black history month concept except to again separate the races. I find it harder to imagine that if the intentions of the political left was to take race out of society, why intentionally use race bait programs like black history month, Martin Luther king day, and on and on. And there very many.

Seems the Black Caucus wishes to keep the black folks segregated. That's on them. Intentional is inexcusable.
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All real history books carry that quote but history TEXTBOOKS used in schools never do.
and yet we don't have a month to show him off in? Why not? Why is it that only a reward for the black men?
Start one if you want.
I don't need one. Why does anyone need one?
Then it does not meaning anything to you. So why bother?
It doesn't, I was asking why there wasn't one since there is one for black history. I don't get the black history month concept except to again separate the races.
Ah, so you get it want to argue. Go ahead: to someone who believes you have a valid argument.
FUCK Lincoln
two words? You're improving :thup:

As to Lincoln he wanted to keep the Union together at any costs & the johnny rebs pushed it.

The South really screwed themselves in their attempt to create a Slave Nation

If they had allowed events to play themselves out, they might have kept slavery another 20 years and would have received some compensation for freed slaves. Instead, it was over in 4 years and they got nothing
FUCK Lincoln
two words? You're improving :thup:

As to Lincoln he wanted to keep the Union together at any costs & the johnny rebs pushed it.

The South really screwed themselves in their attempt to create a Slave Nation

If they had allowed events to play themselves out, they might have kept slavery another 20 years and would have received some compensation for freed slaves. Instead, it was over in 4 years and they got nothing

Longer, perhaps. Lincoln expressed support for an amendment that would have extended slavery in perpetuity.
Which part of the 'slavery' issue do you feel is not being represented in the 'libtard agit-prop texts'- also know as history books?

The pre-industrial slavery that was more familial and less inhumane is left out. For example, why was General Grant accompanied by his two slave servants through the Civil War? Obviously he thought the slavery they were destroying in the South was not the kind of slavery he practiced.

The full concept of what slavery was not only in the US but outside of it also, from the Mamelukes to the breeding farms and the Arab and Jewish middle men.

The role of slavery in industrial development as well as the economic impact of slavery tot he host nation.

You can argue all day that slavery is evil, and I think it was, but the economic stagnation of the South it brought was not only bad, but fatal in the Civil War.

'more familial and less inhumane? I am not sure that there is a need to explain why some American slavery was less cruel than others- I don't see a need to the rationalization that many historical revisionists like to make that slavery just wasn't that bad- it was all 'bad'- slaves could be with a good master one day- and then sold to a raping/beating master the next.

Slavery- at least in context of high school- is taught as part of the history of the United States- starting with the colonization of what would become the United States to the modern era- 400 years of history in two semesters. There isn't time to cover slavery outside the United States- nor time to go into go into any great detail regarding the 'full concept of slavery'- there isn't really enough time to cover the actual history of slavery in the United States.

The economic impact of slavery in the United States is covered- at least in the text books I have seen. Should there be a better job of showing that slavery was not just practiced in the Confederate slave states- but also in States that did not rebel? Sure.

While I have no particular concerns about Grant, I can only find records that he ever owned one slave- which he freed. I can't find any record that he had two slave servants during the Civil War- but perhaps you are talking about the slaves owned by his wife on their plantation?
Irony coming from a present day lefty

Liberals founded this great nation
On the backs of slaves.
Look, slavery exists today and it's run by sharpton and jackson.

i'm so glad I grew up and live in places where people aren't white trash like you
you hate facts I know. You live in an egg shell. That's on you. The issue will never be resolved with PC politics. and that is the lefty libturd way. And why slavery and race baiting is flourishing today. Thanks to the libturds.
So tell us about how you believe ideology has made you a slave?
It hasnt because I do not subscribe to ideologies as a replacement for critical thinking.

The poster claimed that African Americans are slaves now- do you believe that all African Americans are slaves because they subscribe to ideologies as a replacement for criticial thinking?
why are they african americans? I still don't get that, weren't they born in the US? you're confused.

You see what I mean by segregating? hmmmm you all are very slow learners. And what's even funnier is you still don't get it.
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Not the Great Emancipator: 10 Racist Quotes Abraham Lincoln Said About Black People - Page 3 of 5 - Atlanta Black Star

Lincoln was, indeed, a white supremacist. In his 1858 debate with Sen. Steven Douglas, Lincoln maintained, “And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

All real history books carry that quote but history TEXTBOOKS used in schools never do.
and yet we don't have a month to show him off in? Why not? Why is it that only a reward for the black men?

We dont' even have a day for him anymore.

Now they lump all the presidents in one
Not the Great Emancipator: 10 Racist Quotes Abraham Lincoln Said About Black People - Page 3 of 5 - Atlanta Black Star

Lincoln was, indeed, a white supremacist. In his 1858 debate with Sen. Steven Douglas, Lincoln maintained, “And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

All real history books carry that quote but history TEXTBOOKS used in schools never do.

Based on the achievements of whites and blacks in Lincoln's time, Lincoln was absolutely and totally justified to say what he said.

Come to think of it, what Lincoln said then still valid today, only more so.
'more familial and less inhumane? I am not sure that there is a need to explain why some American slavery was less cruel than others- I don't see a need to the rationalization that many historical revisionists like to make that slavery just wasn't that bad- it was all 'bad'- slaves could be with a good master one day- and then sold to a raping/beating master the next.

But that was after slavery had become industrialized in the South. Prior to the mass trade of slaves in the South and other American nations, slaves were more comparable to a different sort of family servant. So a slave could own property,accumulate funds to buy his freedom, etc, and they had rights as well. What happened in the South was that slavery shifted into a race based institution that reduced slaves to a subhuman role because they themselves were regarded as subhuman. While there was still some nonblack slaves, they were treated as more than property, from what I remember. For example wile a black slave owner might have his slaves beaten for minor offenses or might even just kill one in some states, this could not be done to a white slave without big social impact and perhaps even arrest and a trial.

This adoption of racial justification for slavery and the dehumanization of blacks in the minds of most whites was mostly unheard of in what I have read prior to 1800 and was rare until around 1820. This evolution of primitive slavery to a more humane slavery then to a dehumanized industrial scale slavery is never discussed and I think it is worth discussing if one wants an accurate concept of what occurred.

Slavery- at least in context of high school- is taught as part of the history of the United States- starting with the colonization of what would become the United States to the modern era- 400 years of history in two semesters. There isn't time to cover slavery outside the United States- nor time to go into go into any great detail regarding the 'full concept of slavery'- there isn't really enough time to cover the actual history of slavery in the United States.

Sure there is enough time. It just has to be a higher priority, but the real problem is that it takes focus off those mean ole Souther slave beaters, doesnt it?

The economic impact of slavery in the United States is covered- at least in the text books I have seen. Should there be a better job of showing that slavery was not just practiced in the Confederate slave states- but also in States that did not rebel? Sure.

Well, then lets do it! :D

While I have no particular concerns about Grant, I can only find records that he ever owned one slave- which he freed. I can't find any record that he had two slave servants during the Civil War- but perhaps you are talking about the slaves owned by his wife on their plantation?

Slaves owned by his wife are also owned by him as community property. Grant had use of them when his wife Julia visited. While it is known she had at least "Black Julia" with her, she likely had more. Her first visit caused something of a scandal but there is no record of her having stopped bringing them until they were finally sold, whenever that actually was.

Ulysses S. Grant States that the Grants Consider the Institution of Slavery Unjustifiable, In a Letter to a Young Boy
Not the Great Emancipator: 10 Racist Quotes Abraham Lincoln Said About Black People - Page 3 of 5 - Atlanta Black Star

Lincoln was, indeed, a white supremacist. In his 1858 debate with Sen. Steven Douglas, Lincoln maintained, “And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

All real history books carry that quote but history TEXTBOOKS used in schools never do.
and yet we don't have a month to show him off in? Why not? Why is it that only a reward for the black men?

We dont' even have a day for him anymore.

Now they lump all the presidents in one

The fact that there is a day on the calendar dedicated and named after Martin Luther King Jr. reflects today's mindset: Screw all those white assholes. Glorify one hit wonder minorities.
Based on the achievements of whites and blacks in Lincoln's time, Lincoln was absolutely and totally justified to say what he said.

Come to think of it, what Lincoln said then still valid today, only more so.

Oh, come on. There are a great many successful and accomplished black people in the USA today.

You are letting the sensationalism of the media color your impression of blacks, much like their coverage of events where the Confederate Battle Flag is sensationalized and has brought the flag under disrepute.

For each skin head that waves a CBF, there are a dozen Sons of Confederate Veteran ceremonies that solemnly use the flag to simply honor the South and the sacrifice made by her war dead.

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