Tony Bobulinski Presser. Devastating to the Biden campaign.

This thread should be moved out of politics. No facts. All speculation and unsubstantiated claims.
Your desperation is showing.
Show the facts then Mr. Nostra. Bet you can't.
Desperation on the op's part is undeniable.
That is fact. Produce or STFU.
I posted the video.

You can't do anything but troll.
Don't squirm, now. You posted an unsubstantiated video, correct? Can I be any clearer than that?
You need to show verified/verifiable facts to your OP and all else you purport as something you call factual.
So simple, but it evades you big time. As soon as something of the sort materializes I have to say it's bull.
Always demanding shit,...........same as the first 3 years of Trump .........and ended in BS..

Impeachment........the only one with real evidence for BIDEN.
Trump was impeached but some GOPPERS crawled under their rocks when it came their turn to remove him from office. The voters are gonna slay the crook right out of office and some of his cohorts as well. Those of us who know better have had to wait since then and it will be exactly worth the wait, time-wise.
This thread should be moved out of politics. No facts. All speculation and unsubstantiated claims.
Your desperation is showing.
Show the facts then Mr. Nostra. Bet you can't.
Desperation on the op's part is undeniable.
That is fact. Produce or STFU.
I posted the video.

You can't do anything but troll.
Don't squirm, now. You posted an unsubstantiated video, correct? Can I be any clearer than that?
You need to show verified/verifiable facts to your OP and all else you purport as something you call factual.
So simple, but it evades you big time. As soon as something of the sort materializes I have to say it's bull.
Always demanding shit,...........same as the first 3 years of Trump .........and ended in BS..

Impeachment........the only one with real evidence for BIDEN.
Trump was impeached but some GOPPERS crawled under their rocks when it came their turn to remove him from office. The voters are gonna slay the crook right out of office and some of his cohorts as well. Those of us who know better have had to wait since then and it will be exactly worth the wait, time-wise.
I wonder why he is bent? Broke? Scam artist? Deal went bad? Never really happened? Was this a business deal that others in this world do and do often as private citizens? Shell company? Many questions need to be answered.
He explained in detail why he came forward.

Your delusions about why are not remotely close.

Perhaps you should listen to what the decorated Veteran has to say.

Then you can wait for your handlers to send you what to say about it.
Since he has decided to participate in Trump's attempted October surprise he's scum of the earth.
Problem is, he's telling the Truth and Exposing Scum like you for the Satanic liars you are.
Since everything so far has been baseless allegations, shady characters and disinformation there can be nothing taken on face value when it comes to Trump's obsession with Hunter Biden. Until they come up with something they are willing to take to a court of law and swear under oath that it's real then it's a bunch of bullshit. They've allegedly been sitting on this stuff for months waiting for now to dump it with no time to independently verify anything. That alone is suspicious as hell.

Hey Nitwit, the guy said he's testifying before the Senate tomorrow. That would be under oath, Damn you Dims are Dim. :D
People say a lot of things. Since it's up to the republican chairman of the committee to take issue with any perjury he's pretty safe lying his ass off. By the time we find out what he is getting paid the election will be over.
Notice all that defend this crap are some of the dumbest on this board. It stinks to high heaven around here, but OH Man, We Got HIM NOW!
Biden’s first words will be:

Chickity Chinese the Chinese Chicken
I wonder why he is bent? Broke? Scam artist? Deal went bad? Never really happened? Was this a business deal that others in this world do and do often as private citizens? Shell company? Many questions need to be answered.
He explained in detail why he came forward.

Your delusions about why are not remotely close.

Perhaps you should listen to what the decorated Veteran has to say.

Then you can wait for your handlers to send you what to say about it.
Since he has decided to participate in Trump's attempted October surprise he's scum of the earth.
Problem is, he's telling the Truth and Exposing Scum like you for the Satanic liars you are.
Since everything so far has been baseless allegations, shady characters and disinformation there can be nothing taken on face value when it comes to Trump's obsession with Hunter Biden. Until they come up with something they are willing to take to a court of law and swear under oath that it's real then it's a bunch of bullshit. They've allegedly been sitting on this stuff for months waiting for now to dump it with no time to independently verify anything. That alone is suspicious as hell.

Hey Nitwit, the guy said he's testifying before the Senate tomorrow. That would be under oath, Damn you Dims are Dim. :D
People say a lot of things. Since it's up to the republican chairman of the committee to take issue with any perjury he's pretty safe lying his ass off. By the time we find out what he is getting paid the election will be over.
Notice all that defend this crap are some of the dumbest on this board. It stinks to high heaven around here, but OH Man, We Got HIM NOW!
Biden’s first words will be:

Chickity Chinese the Chinese Chicken
I think you posted in the wrong thread Mr. Troll.
What time does this guy spill the beans on Quid Pro Joe in front of the Senate?
Slam Dunk. This isn't some lying piece of fake whistle blower shit afraid to show his cowardly commie cock sucking face.

This dude has dates, times, documents, emails, texts, phones, agreements, and a paper trail.
We know Biden won't touch this with a ten foot pole. It's over for him if he does.
So it's up to the government approved media to report this story or we must do an end run around
the progressive new embargo.
This was BEFORE the Biden's desperate lies and BS during the debate just looked even worse after this.

AFTER the DOJ, DNI, DHS, Treasury Department, State Department, and FBI all have officially declared the laptop and e-mails are NOT part of any disinformation campaign, Joe's pathetic declaration he believes it's all part of a Russian Disinformation campaign fell flat...and he looked like an old, desperate man.

Funny...CNN, ABC, and others refused to cover the biggest political corruption scandal since it was laid bare that Obama illegally colluded with the Russians to perpetrate a failed coup attempt....and let me guess - anyone who attempts to share / pass the presser along on Facebook and Twitter will be Censored, their accounts closed...?!

And the republicans cry wolf again . Remember when Hillary was gonna get locked up? So far just republicans getting locked up. Only the dumbest believe this garbage.
And the republicans cry wolf again . Remember when Hillary was gonna get locked up? So far just republicans getting locked up. Only the dumbest believe this garbage.
This isn't about Hitlery, Stupid.

This guy was on the inside when the Biden Crime Family was getting rich from the Chinese. He has the documents.

Quid Pro Joe is a proven crook.
I wonder why he is bent? Broke? Scam artist? Deal went bad? Never really happened? Was this a business deal that others in this world do and do often as private citizens? Shell company? Many questions need to be answered.

Lord, and you lapped up EVERY anonymous source's accusation against Rump. Pathetic
Here is text of his claims. He will be under oath tomorrow in front of the Senate.

This gentleman will testify if asked. It's refreshing to NOT have an "anonymous" source.
How is biden going to get on the debate stage after that?

Bobulinski just dropped a nuke on his head!
nobody cares about GOP phony scandals anymore period not a single one has ever gone anywhere in the real world period change the channel. You are a swamp enabler...

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