Zone1 Too Bad That God Promised No More Great Floods


Do you believe that it was Jewish embellishment? That distinction is also important, you know. If you don't you're saying the genocide was ordered by the God you believe in. If you do believe that it was Jewish embellishment and the genocide was not God's desire, you're saying the Bible is not the work of God and is not to be trusted and your house of cards for God collapses.
Definitely Jewish embellishment and no, that doesn't mean what you think it means. I'd be glad to have THAT discussion once we finish discussing YOUR ridiculous argument against God.

So which one was it? God ordering it or Jewish embellishment?
I love you too. Blind faith and all.
He's right though. I can't think of a more depressing belief than believing that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. Which is the logical conclusion of atheism. Most people intuitively know - even if they cannot articulate it into words - that they are more than just matter and were made for more than the consumption of goods.
I'm not sure that even a massive flood still could wash away all of the evil present today. The world has really turned grim, the joy of positive emotions, truth and kindness really seem to be absent. Maybe it's just my life but even when life was good people still seemed to be unpleasant and plastic. There is little joy in that.
Definitely Jewish embellishment and no, that doesn't mean what you think it means. I'd be glad to have THAT discussion once we finish discussing YOUR ridiculous argument against God.

So which one was it? God ordering it or Jewish embellishment?
I did but I'll try again. Neither really. In the Bronze Age world of the Middle East, it was perfectly acceptable to use terror in your wars of conquest. Alexander the Great did it, Genghis Khan did it, routine stuff. If a city you besiege doesn't submit you kill all the residents when you take the city. The next city will be more inclined to submit. Since the Jews were victorious they naturally gave credit to their god and used him as justification for their conquest. If God objected it didn't make it into the text.
He's right though. I can't think of a more depressing belief than believing that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. Which is the logical conclusion of atheism. Most people intuitively know - even if they cannot articulate it into words - that they are more than just matter and were made for more than the consumption of goods.
The only thing I can think of that is more depressing is to spend your whole life wishing for something that will never be.
I'm not sure that even a massive flood still could wash away all of the evil present today. The world has really turned grim, the joy of positive emotions, truth and kindness really seem to be absent. Maybe it's just my life but even when life was good people still seemed to be unpleasant and plastic. There is little joy in that.
I think it's always been messy. It's an artifact of free will and the knowledge of good and evil. But yes, I think some times can worse than others. And that usually ends up in societies or people making turns. It's entirely logical. When man becomes proud he becomes satisfied which leads to complacency. The complacency leads to a down turn until he wakes the fuck up and returns to the successful behaviors of virtue at which time things improve and the process starts all over again. And I'm not talking about material success but personal/societal success and harmony. So buck up. Because I have faith in God that good comes from bad.
The only thing I can think of that is more depressing is to spend your whole life wishing for something that will never be.
Well if you are correct, you will never actually find that out. But that isn't the point of it at all. The point is about the journey and how to be.
I think it's always been messy. It's an artifact of free will and the knowledge of good and evil. But yes, I think some times can worse than others. And that usually ends up in societies or people making turns. It's entirely logical. When man becomes proud he becomes satisfied which leads to complacency. The complacency leads to a down turn until he wakes the fuck up and returns to the successful behaviors of virtue at which time things improve and the process starts all over again. And I'm not talking about material success but personal/societal success and harmony. So buck up. Because I have faith in God that good comes from bad.
I like your optimism. We need the art to lead the way IMO. We lack the spirit of generations past
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I did but I'll try again. Neither really. In the Bronze Age world of the Middle East, it was perfectly acceptable to use terror in your wars of conquest. Alexander the Great did it, Genghis Khan did it, routine stuff. If a city you besiege doesn't submit you kill all the residents when you take the city. The next city will be more inclined to submit. Since the Jews were victorious they naturally gave credit to their god and used him as justification for their conquest. If God objected it didn't make it into the text.
It's a simple question that requires a simple answer. Do you believe that God gave the command to kill every man, woman and child? Yes or no?
Unlike your optimism. We need the art to lead the way IMO. We lack the spirit of generations past
Tragedy and suffering will take care of that for us. My optimism isn't that we won't suffer a major societal upheaval. My optimism is that we will suffer a major societal upheaval and from that suffering we will return to successful behaviors because that's the only way to end the suffering.
Well if you are correct, you will never actually find that out. But that isn't the point of it at all. The point is about the journey and how to be.
I agree but I don't see a whole lot of difference between my Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, and atheist friends. Except the atheists are usually available to play pickleball on Sunday mornings (and most other times).
The only thing I can think of that is more depressing is to spend your whole life wishing for something that will never be.
That's not as depressing as lacking Faith in that which is greater than us. A desire to understand the essence of our soul, that intangible as feel but can't even accurately describe with words.
Whatever you think you mean by “love”, I want no part of it.
You don't have to be a Christian to love your fellow man do you?

No, but given what you likely mean by the word, one probably needs to be a faggot to “love your fellow man” the way that you surely mean.

You do not know shit about my faith, nor about any basis thereof.
You're right, I don't. Do you?

Whether I do or not is my business. I do not need some ignorant, Godless piece of shit such as yourself to tell me anything about my faith.

You'd do much better to get yourself right with God, than to worry about my status therewith.
That's not as depressing as lacking Faith in that which is greater than us. A desire to understand the essence of our soul, that intangible as feel but can't even accurately describe with words.
I desire to understand the essence of my soul, but my desire didn't lead to a belief in the supernatural. That doesn't mean I don't think we are more than the sum of our parts.
I agree but I don't see a whole lot of difference between my Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, and atheist friends. Except the atheists are usually available to play pickleball on Sunday mornings (and most other times).
Other than having peace through the storm, objectivity and happiness I don't see much difference between me and my three sisters who are atheists. They are great human beings.
I desire to understand the essence of my soul, but my desire didn't lead to a belief in the supernatural. That doesn't mean I don't think we are more than the sum of our parts.
I see. What worldview provides you at least some semblance of curiosity then? We can't see a soul, or understand how a small seed in a fallopian tube becomes a full grown human with billions of cells and perfect harmonious organs and body parts.

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