Zone1 Too Bad That God Promised No More Great Floods

Then you are one who restricts oneself to physical evidence. That is the boundary you accept, and there is no need to go beyond. You choose to be a settler rather than an explorer or a pioneer. Okay, just wondering.
In that way I'm like science, physical evidence is key, faith is a distraction.
I think the stories that Jesus fulfilled the Jewish prophesies were theology, not history. There is plenty of evidence to support that view.
There is more evidence that Jesus existed, than there is evidence that Caesar or Homer existed.

Yet we recognized Caesar and Homer as real people and attribute the acts they did to them as a factual account.

Jesus came to do what He was born to do and is coming again. Many witnesses saw Him and wrote of Him and the Prophets wrote of His coming and The Desciples wrote of His arrival.

These are Eye Witness accounts by The Disciples, and also Tacitus and Josephus both have accounts of Jesus.

No one would die for a lie like The Disciples and Early Christians did and Christians still do to this day, being beheaded, imprisoned, beaten and murdered for their faith in Islamic Nations and elsewhere in The World. Christianity is the most persecuted faith in The World. Who would want to be a Christian, knowing that?

The early Christians suffered terribly, and like Christians today in some regions had to worship in secret.

Who would allow themselves to be crucified upside down, drawn and quartered, sawn asunder, stoned to death, torn apart by lions, tigers and bears in a colliseum, burnt at the stake to provide ligthing for evening colliseum games, or to light the palace grounds at Caesar's Palace?

They did so refusing to renounce their Faith in Jesus even at the threat of death and torture.

People faced with Death and torture who are promoting lies, CONFESS TO THEIR LIES, not go to their DEATHS REFUSING TO RENOUNCE JESUS CHRIST.

People will Die for The Truth and for Someone They Love. If you do not believe Jesus, believe those who loved Him knew Him, saw His Life, His Death, His Resurrection, and against all opposition and persecutuon refused to deny this Truth that Jesus was The Promised Messiah, who first came in the form of Messiah Son of Joseph, the suffering savior and who is coming again as Messiah Son of David, the conquoring savior.
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That is like asking which came firs the chicken or the egg. Man has always had morals, just not the same morals. Morality, like everything else, evolves. My morals are not exactly those of my parents or my kids.
Cellular life came first, and the egg is one of the largest cells. The egg came first. If man always had morals, then morals came first, with the follow-up question being, From where did morals come?
People are wonderous explorers. We look for God, we find God. We look for UFO, we find UFOs.
It makes sense, in order to identified that which is not yet identified, we have to go exploring. Same with God. We are told, "Seek and you will find." Some seek, some find. Explorers.

Both are explorations some opt out of, and usually it has more to do with "not worth the effort/bother" than it has to do with belief or lack of belief. "Too lazy to bother" isn't something anyone is all that willing to say out loud, whether it comes to a great exploration or whether it comes to joining an exercise program. "I am too busy" or "I don't believe in it" just sounds better. Especially to oneself.
In that way I'm like science, physical evidence is key, faith is a distraction.
Sure, as long as one wishes to settle in the physical realm. Anything outside that realm might well distract and have one wondering if the grass is indeed greener on the other side of what one has chosen to focus on.
There is more evidence that Jesus existed, than there is evidence that Caesar or Homer existed.
I'm not sure I agree but I have no doubt that Jesus existed and was crucified.

Many witnesses saw Him and wrote of Him and the Prophets wrote of His coming and The Desciples wrote of His arrival.
None of the Prophets expected their messiah to be hung on a tree. They expected he'd be recognized as a great spiritual leader of the Jews or military leader that would bring freedom to the Jews.

These are Eye Witness accounts by The Disciples, and also Tacitus and Josephus both have accounts of Jesus.
I don't believe either Tacitus and Josephus both had any direct knowledge of Jesusl

No one would die for a lie like The Disciples and Early Christians did and Christians still do to this day, being beheaded, imprisoned, beaten and murdered for their faith in Islamic Nations and elsewhere in The World.
By that measure the Kamikaze pilots proved the Emporer was divine.

They did so refusing to renounce their Faith in Jesus even at the threat of death and torture.

People faced with Death and torture who are promoting lies, CONFESS TO THEIR LIES, not go to their DEATHS REFUSING TO RENOUNCE JESUS CHRIST.
Some chose to die but some chose to live.
Sure, as long as one wishes to settle in the physical realm. Anything outside that realm might well distract and have one wondering if the grass is indeed greener on the other side of what one has chosen to focus on.
You obviously can believe in things you cannot see. I can't.
Cellular life came first, and the egg is one of the largest cells. The egg came first. If man always had morals, then morals came first, with the follow-up question being, From where did morals come?
That first cellular life had a simple morality, survive and reproduce. It evolved and so did it's morality, ending in us and our morality.
I said "Every religion makes claims, why believe one an not others?" It is relevant since, as I recall, you stated only one religion makes the claim to be a revealed religion and I don't see that claim as any different from the claims of other religions.
But you took a rebuttal to your ridiculous argument that "God does not exist because all religions don't teach the same thing" and tried to turn it into something else.

The claim that only one religion claims to be God seeking man (i.e. a revealed religion) was intended to address your claim that I must believe all religions are equal. With regard to revealed religion all religions are not equal as only one makes that claim despite your unsupported and incorrect belief that all religions claim to be God seeking man. As for teaching values, virtues and civility all religions are pretty much equal because all religions teach civility, virtue and values. Do they teach it exactly the same way? Probably not but different teachers can teach the same subjects differently and still be valid ways of teaching a subject. It's not like they teach diametrically opposite virtues, values and civility.
It makes sense, in order to identified that which is not yet identified, we have to go exploring. Same with God. We are told, "Seek and you will find." Some seek, some find. Explorers.

Both are explorations some opt out of, and usually it has more to do with "not worth the effort/bother" than it has to do with belief or lack of belief. "Too lazy to bother" isn't something anyone is all that willing to say out loud, whether it comes to a great exploration or whether it comes to joining an exercise program. "I am too busy" or "I don't believe in it" just sounds better. Especially to oneself.
The path I chose to explore was nature and, not surprisingly, it led me to the natural world, not the supernatural one.
Most Christians believe that scripture is the revealed word of God. Most Muslims believe the Koran is the revealed word of God. Are they both right, both wrong, or only one is right?
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all based on God revealing himself to man. Those three religions are all based on the same revelation. Christianity takes it one step further as Christians believe God chose to be born into this world to suffer death and defeat death to reconcile justice with mercy.

Your preoccupation with disproving God because all religions don't believe the same thing is dumb. Try looking for God outside of religion. Then the religions will make more sense.
You obviously can believe in things you cannot see. I can't.
Do we believe in what we experience? Do we choose to experience that which is new, different, or stretches us beyond the familiar and what is comfortable.
The claim that only one religion claims to be God seeking man (i.e. a revealed religion) was intended to address your claim that I must believe all religions are equal. With regard to revealed religion all religions are not equal as only one makes that claim despite your unsupported and incorrect belief that all religions claim to be God seeking man.
God sent a messenger to Mohammed with his message. God sent an angel to Joseph Smith with his message. Are those not 'revealed' religions?

As for teaching values, virtues and civility all religions are pretty much equal because all religions teach civility, virtue and values. Do they teach it exactly the same way? Probably not but different teachers can teach the same subjects differently and still be valid ways of teaching a subject. It's not like they teach diametrically opposite virtues, values and civility.
It is hardly surprising that all men are similar so they create similar moral religions but each has a different view of the one God.
That first cellular life had a simple morality, survive and reproduce. It evolved and so did it's morality, ending in us and our morality.
The question becomes, Do some have morals beyond what is necessary? What purpose is served by having unnecessary morals? Sometimes it appears that those with fewer or weaker morals are determined to bring down the higher morals of others.
I don't 'recoil', I accept the reality that we are just matter. It doesn't change my life except I have no expectation of immortality. I doubt I'd be a better or a worse person no matter what I believed.
Of course you do. That's why you can't let go of your belief that you are more than the sum of your parts. You recoil that atheism proceeds on the basis that the needs of individuals and society in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs and primitive instincts. I can only assume that you are so unhappy with your life that you want everyone else to be as miserable as you. Which is why you continue to argue about something you don't believe exists. Atheists who accept that they are just matter and love is nothing more than an elctro-chemical response don't waste their time arguing about things they don't believe in. I know. I have three sisters who are atheists and they have no desire to discuss the existence of God because they are at peace with their choice. You aren't.
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I've never tried to prove or disprove God or anything supernatural. You want to believe in God or ghosts or aliens, go for it. However, when you cite erroneous information, historical, scientific, etc., I'll feel free to offer my views on the subject. You're welcome ignore me, and I suspect some already do.
All you want to discuss is religion. You shouldn't care about religion at all. But instead you make ignorant theological arguments that serve absolutely no purpose at all.
Proof of my opinion? Not one of us has that.

Does Christianity teach that the only way to the Father is through Jesus? Is that true? Seems unfair to the millions born and raised in non-Christian countries who never learn about Jesus.
No, you actually said you have evidence that proves God doesn't exist.

Why do you care what Christianity teaches? You don't believe any of it. Which is why your arguments and theology are so screwed up.

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