Zone1 Too Bad That God Promised No More Great Floods

So what you're saying is that God doesn't care about religion since they are all essentially the same and equally valid. You should have met me when I was 13, I could have saved you years of study.
Only one religion makes the claim that it is a revealed religion; aka God seeking man. The rest are man seeking God. Much can be learned by men seeking God. So it doesn't surprise me that all major religions are more similar than dissimilar. I don't need to tear down the beliefs of others to build mine up. Why would I if I were secure in my beliefs? That's probably a question you should be asking yourself.
Sounds very logical and rational. I don't believe you ever said how you made the leap from a realistic perception of an incorporeal creator which is eternal and unchanging to Jesus and Christianity. Care to share?
Sure but why would that matter to you?
Only one religion makes the claim that it is a revealed religion;
Every religion makes claims, why believe one an not others?

aka God seeking man. The rest are man seeking God. Much can be learned by men seeking God. So it doesn't surprise me that all major religions are more similar than dissimilar. I don't need to tear down the beliefs of others to build mine up. Why would I if I were secure in my beliefs? That's probably a question you should be asking yourself.
I don't question the beliefs of others so much as I question their assumptions, their knowledge, and their facts. If I believed a lie, I'd want to know about it. Wouldn't you?
He speaks the truth. Neither People nor the god of this world have a say in prophecy being fulfilled.
only if people like you, desert xxxx - get away with their lunacy ...

you two best stick with the phony c-bible written by the crucifiers, they are your kind of people.

mythology as the guide does come to conclusions and whether good or bad whole species have become extinct, sad to say. humanity is no different except they do seem capable of ruining life for not just themselves but for all beings on planet earth as well.

the desert religions are an example of the dark side of mankind - that you are correct for what you believe is the truth.
You have to admit it's pretty ridiculous to make up your mind at 13 years old about the existence of God and not believe you had the argument of a 13 year old.
As you said, I was a prodigy, nevertheless my decision back then has stood the test of time and all the knowledge I've gained since has only served to demonstrate to me that I was correct all those years ago.
Every religion makes claims, why believe one an not others?

I don't question the beliefs of others so much as I question their assumptions, their knowledge, and their facts. If I believed a lie, I'd want to know about it. Wouldn't you?
Read The Bible in an attempt to prove it a lie like so many Atheists have and found out it is Truth.
Read The Bible in an attempt to prove it a lie like so many Atheists have and found out it is Truth.
I read the Bible and found it to be a window into the ancient world but ultimately a work of man. There is nothing in it that came to pass that was not known by the people who wrote it.
you two best stick with the phony c-bible written by the crucifiers, they are your kind of people.

mythology as the guide does come to conclusions and whether good or bad whole species have become extinct, sad to say. humanity is no different except they do seem capable of ruining life for not just themselves but for all beings on planet earth as well.

the desert religions are an example of the dark side of mankind - that you are correct for what you believe is the truth.
Extinction is coming soon. During the Tribulation the world is recovering from The Rapture of millions of true Christians.

Then the first seal is broken and AntiChrist comes to power, then the 2nd horseman and he is given a weapon to kill 1/4 of the World's Population.

Then later, from the remaining 3/4s of the population another 1/3 dies.
What is left is only about 40% of the population just between two of the curses.
Roughly 5 Billion People Die on Earth in 7 short years during The Tribulation.



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Every religion makes claims, why believe one an not others?
The question is not whether to believe, but whether to commit. Putting all issues of belief aside, why (precisely and specifically) did you choose not to make the commitment?
I read the Bible and found it to be a window into the ancient world but ultimately a work of man. There is nothing in it that came to pass that was not known by the people who wrote it.
Ahh, so you completely ignored prophecy especially all of the Old Testament Prophecies fulfilled by Jesus and the few prophecies left to come, probably went right over your head, especially, I doubt you understand Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy, nor understand The Book of Revelation.

It's not a book you can read casually. It's not a history book either.
Read The Bible in an attempt to prove it a lie like so many Atheists have and found out it is Truth.

tell all tree, where are the tablets etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments - found in all three desert documents ... don't lie now, just show what you use for your - phony - 10 commandments.
As you said, I was a prodigy, nevertheless my decision back then has stood the test of time and all the knowledge I've gained since has only served to demonstrate to me that I was correct all those years ago.
You still feel you were correct not to commit to a way of life of giving the Ten Commandments first place? To what did you award first place?
I read the Bible and found it to be a window into the ancient world but ultimately a work of man. There is nothing in it that came to pass that was not known by the people who wrote it.
They found reason to emphasize and pass on what they had learned, and how what they had learned applied to their own lives.
tell all tree, where are the tablets etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments - found in all three desert documents ... don't lie now, just show what you use for your - phony - 10 commandments.
They are in your heart. This is why you will have no excuse for your sins, and for your rebellion against God, and neither will you have an excuse for rejecting the gift of salvation.

If you are found unredeemable and unforgiven on the day of judgment you get cast away from God's kingdom and are turned over to the gods you served, Satan and his angels in Hell, who do not rule Hell but are imprisoned there. You will be eternally separated from God, and none in Heaven nor in the New Earth will remember your name, nor will they have any thought or memory of you. But you will remember every foolish thing you did, every sin, every wicked deed and every regret forever and ever, and when you cry out to God, He will not hear you.
Every religion makes claims, why believe one an not others?
How is that relevant to the point I was addressing? You were arguing that I was saying that God doesn't care about religion since they are all essentially the same and equally valid. Right?

My saying major religions are more similar than dissimilar doesn't mean that I believe that God doesn't care about religion are that they are equally valid. My saying major religions are more similar than dissimilar was a rebuttal to your argument that unless there is one religion that everyone follows there can be no God. That might be the dumbest argument ever. That's like saying that unless everyone loves the same way there can be no love. The reality is that major religions being more similar than dissimilar proves there is a God. Our perceptions and ways of worshiping God are slightly different but not diametrically opposite.

As to your question does God care about religion? I don't know. I think he cares more about people. God's power isn't put forth to create religion. God's power is put forth to achieve certain results, under certain conditions which effect certain changes in the lives of people.

As to your question are all religions equal? Who cares? What difference does that make. All I know is that not every religion makes the claim to be a revealed religion. So what do you think that means? If that is the measure of being equal,then no, not every religion is equal as only one claims to be God seeking man. But as far as I am concerned I don't believe it matters because logically God is the extant reality of everyone and everything everywhere at all times. No where in that belief does religion enter into the equation. I believe the spirit of God is in everyone. Even you. Which is probably why you recoil at the thought that you are just matter. I don't believe the spirit of God is only in the people of this or that religion. I believe the spirit of God is in everyone and that God is pruning everyone everywhere at all times.
I don't question the beliefs of others so much as I question their assumptions, their knowledge, and their facts. If I believed a lie, I'd want to know about it. Wouldn't you?
Of course you question their beliefs. It's disingenuous of you to say otherwise. You don't just question their beliefs, you show contempt for their beliefs. You ridicule their beliefs. You believe you are their intellectual superior.

If I believed a lie would I want to know about it? You are believing a lie and you don't want to know about it. That's why you reject every single argument for the existence of God. But to answer your question I am always seeking the truth because God is truth. Anyone who worships God worships God in spirit and truth. My relationship with the Trinity is predicated upon being objective. It is only when I am being objective that I tap into their power. So yeah, I want to know what the truth is at all times.

I couldn't care less what others believed. Their beliefs don't affect me at all. Regardless of what their beliefs are my belief is that the spirit of God is in everyone and that God is pruning everyone. In your case, you shouldn't care less what others believe too. It doesn't affect you at all. Regardless of what their beliefs are your belief is that the life of an individual and society in general does not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs and animal impulses. That love is just an electrochemical reaction in the brain. And when they die that's it. Fade to black.

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