Zone1 Too Bad That God Promised No More Great Floods

No, it's not my only evidence. The only tangible evidence anyone has is what God created. God is transcendent. The only tangible evidence you will ever have until you die is indirect evidence. But my confirming evidence is intangible.

I'm surprised you didn't already work through this when you made mind up at the age of 11. :rolleyes:
It was age 13 but I did manage to discern the circular reasoning that you have to first accept the existence of God to see the evidence of God. Since every religion sees God/gods differently, I took that as the evidence I needed.
It was age 13 but I did manage to discern the circular reasoning that you have to first accept the existence of God to see the evidence of God. Since every religion sees God/gods differently, I took that as the evidence I needed.
You must have been an amazing prodigy at the age of 13. :rolleyes:

What you saw as a negative is really a positive. Diversity is quite natural, healthy and beneficial. Different people will have different perceptions of God. That doesn't mean God doesn't exist. It only means different people have different perceptions of God. But as near as I can tell.... from my 26 years of serious study of all the major religions and a few primal religions too - which I didn't begin until I was well into my adult years - I see more similarities between them than differences.

But who am I to argue with someone who was a prodigy by the age of 13, right? :rolleyes:
It was age 13 but I did manage to discern the circular reasoning that you have to first accept the existence of God to see the evidence of God. Since every religion sees God/gods differently, I took that as the evidence I needed.
The circular reasoning was all yours. I began my study by studying the only tangible evidence we have... the creation and evolution of space and time and a realistic perception of an incorporeal creator which is eternal and unchanging. You have done neither. Instead you created a circular argument and then called it a day. I spent the next 26 years testing and challenging my beliefs.
I go along with that and with the allegory ideas. But so many fundamentalists insist it was global. Just like they insist the planet is only 6,000 years old.
If it weren't global, why would you need to take 2 of every unclean animal and 7 pair of every clean animal? Why would Noah not just be told to MOVE? Why spend 120 years building and ark and spend that 120 years years preaching to the people to REPENT before worldwide destruction comes?

You either accept the "story" as a whole or reject it as a myth.

Some of you people haven't thought this through. Jesus told us it was an actual event

He spoke of the 3 Ages, or "world's.". The world before the Flood. 2. This current evil world. 3. The World to come, at His Return
There will be floods, especially in The End Times which we now stand at the edge of the cliff looking over the precipice.

There just will not be Global Floods.

At the end of the MIllenial Reign The Earth will be destroyed by fire and recreated like a Phoenix Garden of Eden rising from the ashes.
At the end of the MIllenial Reign The Earth will be destroyed by fire and recreated like a Phoenix Garden of Eden rising from the ashes.

only if people like you, desert xxxx - get away with their lunacy ...
Death Angel Yeah but how can unbelievers accept it as an actual event when they don't believe in Jesus?
Some would call it enlightened. I call it dying to self. Christ's crucifixion and resurrection was a living parable of it. The symmetry is freaking beautiful. Most people do it (dying to self) sometimes already so it shouldn't be too tough for you to recognize when you are able to do it full time (Peter was a living parable of most people).
Typo? Seems eerily similar to another consciousness: Krishna consciousness is a state of mind in which a person acts in perfect harmony with the Divine or with Krishna as the ultimate reality. To act with Krishna consciousness is to stop believing that you are an independent body. It is a way to feel the happiness that comes from being one's true, eternal self.
It doesn't matter what you believe if there is a God out there who has a plan for your future. It is clearly best to find out WHO this God is, and what He expects of you.
There are plenty of religions to choose from and all claim to know who God is. How can I tell which is real?
only if people like you, desert xxxx - get away with their lunacy ...
Says the God hater who could have been on the Ark if He had followed God and heeded the warnings given by His servants, but would rather pound on the sealed door far too late when the rains came and washed him away.
There are plenty of religions to choose from and all claim to know who God is. How can I tell which is real?
Choose the God who loved you so much He left all His Power and His throne, and came to Earth as a Man to live, toil, resist temptation, yet was still perfect, and came to make a sacrifice of Himself to satisfy His own Law knowing man could not redeem himself, and never once did He call upon His Army in Heaven to take Him off of The Cross, and Never Once did He turn away from The Humiliation, Scourging, Being Spat At, Beaten and Crucified to pay the Debt of The Law. He went willingly to The Cross knowing that He came into this world for specifically that purpose yet never turned away. There is only One God, and only One God who loves His Children.

The Wages of Sin are Death, but Belief in God The Son of God, Christ Jesus is Eternal Life.

He overcame Death and Hell making a way back to our home with The Father for all of us who would accept that gift and come to the realization that we cannot save our selves.

This is how I know Jesus is God in that He fulfilled all prophecy about His coming down to the very day from the decree to when He entered Jerusalem at the 69th week year of the 70 week years determined upon Israel as spoken of in The Book of Daniel.

Prophecy was paused upon His resurrection so 1 Week Year is left to begin and fulfill the 70th week year and at the end of the 70th week, the end of that last 7 years of prophecy called Jacob's Trouble in The Old Testament and The Tribulation in The New Testament He will return again, execute Judgment and cast Satan, The False Prophet, The AntiChrist and all their followers into Hell and begin His 1,0000 year reign. And then comes Eternity and a New Earth and New Heavens.
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You must have been an amazing prodigy at the age of 13. :rolleyes:
Thank you.

What you saw as a negative is really a positive. Diversity is quite natural, healthy and beneficial. Different people will have different perceptions of God. That doesn't mean God doesn't exist. It only means different people have different perceptions of God. But as near as I can tell.... from my 26 years of serious study of all the major religions and a few primal religions too - which I didn't begin until I was well into my adult years - I see more similarities between them than differences.
So what you're saying is that God doesn't care about religion since they are all essentially the same and equally valid. You should have met me when I was 13, I could have saved you years of study.
The circular reasoning was all yours. I began my study by studying the only tangible evidence we have... the creation and evolution of space and time and a realistic perception of an incorporeal creator which is eternal and unchanging. You have done neither. Instead you created a circular argument and then called it a day. I spent the next 26 years testing and challenging my beliefs.
Sounds very logical and rational. I don't believe you ever said how you made the leap from a realistic perception of an incorporeal creator which is eternal and unchanging to Jesus and Christianity. Care to share?
Choose the God who loved you so much He left all His Power and His throne, and came to Earth as a Man to live, toil, resist temptation, yet was still perfect, and came to make a sacrifice of Himself to satisfy His own Law knowing man could not redeem himself, and never once did He call upon His Army in Heaven to take Him off of The Cross, and Never Once did He turn away from The Humiliation, Scourging, Being Spat At, Beaten and Crucified to pay the Debt of The Law. He went willingly to The Cross knowing that He came into this world for specifically that purpose yet never turned away. There is only One God, and only One God who loves His Children.
A theology I never quite grasped. Jesus make a sacrifice of Himself to satisfy His own Law, not for Himself but for the rest of mankind. Seems like He could have written the law differently couldn't He?

The Wages of Sin are Death, but Belief in God The Son of God, Christ Jesus is Eternal Life.

He overcame Death and Hell making a way back to our home with The Father for all of us who would accept that gift and come to the realization that we cannot save our selves.
Yet plenty of people who lived before Jesus were favored by God. Seems to me Jesus came, not to save us but to condemn us for not believing in Him.

This is how I know Jesus is God in that He fulfilled all prophecy about His coming down to the very day from the decree to when He entered Jerusalem at the 69th week year of the 70 week years determined upon Israel as spoken of in The Book of Daniel.
The fulfilling of prophesy happened after Jesus died when the Gospels were written. Sorry. This explains why Jews, the people who actually knew the prophesies (as opposed to pagan converts) never converted in huge numbers.
A theology I never quite grasped. Jesus make a sacrifice of Himself to satisfy His own Law, not for Himself but for the rest of mankind. Seems like He could have written the law differently couldn't He?

Yet plenty of people who lived before Jesus were favored by God. Seems to me Jesus came, not to save us but to condemn us for not believing in Him.

The fulfilling of prophesy happened after Jesus died when the Gospels were written. Sorry. This explains why Jews, the people who actually knew the prophesies (as opposed to pagan converts) never converted in huge numbers.
The Jews will convert during the Tribulation. That is a 7 year period, Daniel's 70th week determined upon The Jews. The 69 week years were completed with The Entrance of Messiah upon the foal of a donkey into Jerusalem and with His crucixion, death and resurrection and then the 70th week was placed on pause for The Church Age and Time of The Gentiles. The time of The Gentiles is at an END. The Church Age is coming to a fast END.

Jesus is the promised Messiah but Israel will not recognize Him until they are persecuted by AntiChrist and are in the midst of Jacob's Trouble. Just when they are about to be exterminated they cry out to Jesus Christ. And then He will appear during Armageddon with His Holy Armies to destroy AntiChrist Armies and Rescue Israel at the end of the 70th week concluding Daniel's prophecy.

So goes the scriptures "They will look upon Him whom they pierced"

And when Messiah comes, they will ask: "Where did you get these wounds in thine hands?"

And He will answer: "They were given to me in the house of my friends!"

The Law was written in foreknowledge of God's own Crucifixion. He knew that to give man Free Will, that it would cost Him. It cannot be any plainer than that, and neither could it be plainer that we are in the age of scoffers and mockers of God.

Once God's storehouse is full, the door is sealed.

Once Noah's Ark was full, the door was shut and sealed by God Himself.

Once The Day of Salvation is done, there can be no repentance for The Day of The Lord will be at hand.
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This sinful world could use it.
Gods word promises Gods day is coming. These last days are nearing there end. Until then, Jesus sent his followers out by two( Luke 10), with the good news of Gods coming kingdom. Acts 20:20--The most important work ever, it saves lives of those who listen.
Typo? Seems eerily similar to another consciousness: Krishna consciousness is a state of mind in which a person acts in perfect harmony with the Divine or with Krishna as the ultimate reality. To act with Krishna consciousness is to stop believing that you are an independent body. It is a way to feel the happiness that comes from being one's true, eternal self.
I don't believe I made a typo. Dying to self is about seeing reality. God is the source of all reality and existence. Do I act in perfect harmony with God? Probably not. I'm no saint. But I'm honest about it when I don't.

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